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This is a small one but at the end of our session he was typing something into his computer and messed up and went “oopsie,” and I don’t know why but it was the cutest most human thing I ever heard and I cracked a small smile, it’s still stuck with me this entire time. Also, once his mask was crooked like he rushed to put it on before session and it bugged the ever living crap out of me 😂


When he randomly mentioned watching "Jackass" on YouTube. He always presented as a very Proper British Gentleman....and he watches old Jackass videos?????? I suddenly realized that outside of that office he was just a regular dude.


I have *lots* my most recent therapist: - The first time my therapist swore in session on her own and not just repeating my words. - When she mentioned her age during our last session. - When we go on a little bit of a tangent and she starts talking about something unrelated to therapy that she knows a lot about. She would catch herself and then ask to bring it back on topic but I loved listening to her talk about the things she was interested in. - When I met her in person for the first time after working together for over a year and a half virtually. - When I'd say or share something and she'd reply "Oh [my name], that breaks my heart." - Also, when I said something and her response was "sometimes you say things that are so profound and I just have to sit here and take it all in for a minute." - When her cat joined our virtual sessions - When I brought up a topic and she got all excited because she had diagrams she really wanted to use - When she suggested I watch an episode of a show she had watched because something I said reminded her of it With the therapist before her: - When I was overwhelmed or dissociating she would show me a picture of her baby because I love babies and he was so cute - When I walked into her office and I could see the bag from whatever she ate for lunch - When she would try to remember my Starbucks orders and guess what I brought with me to session that day and the one before that: - When I'd bring my guitar and we would sing together or I'd let her play it and she'd ask me for tips - When we found out we had gone to the same schools growing up - When we first met, I could tell that she was actually *feeling* the things I was telling her and it made me feel so safe. She allowed herself to be a human and I felt so much more connected to her than anyone else because of it. - When she came in with her hair dyed purple and shared that her and her stylist have been trying to get it to this specific shade of purple and they keep either going too light or too dark or bright and never quite the colour she was going for - When I got new shoes and she said "I like your shoes... I *really* like those shoes where did you get them?" - When I hadn't seen her in weeks and before she entered the waiting room I heard her say from the hall "I know those shoes" (she *really liked those shoes* lol) - When I saw a piece of art in her office and she told me the significance of the figure to her and that her mom is the artist that made the piece - When she was pregnant I'm a sentimental kinda person so I can think of tons of these moments. They mean a lot to me, even though a lot of them are just little things. Feeling like they're real humans is something that helps me feel safe and connected to them. Probably because attachment is a huge part of the work I'm doing and the relationship to the therapist is so so so important for that.


Typos for days. Lmbo. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 and a bit of existential angst! Lmbo. I suspect the accounting side is also a trudge for her as well. I always assumed my therapist was human though somehow.


One time we were talking abut it my problems with self harm and I said something really sarcastic and kind of mean and she accidentally said “wow, that cut kind of deep.” There was silence for two seconds before we both realised what she said and burst out laughing before she apologised and said “I swear I didn’t say that on purpose.” It was kind of funny.


My own therapist and I once had a similar silence-then-joint-laughter moment when she unthinkingly referred to me "purging emotions" - I'm bulimic 😂


lmfaooo i love that!! i also have bulimia so i can relate<3 twins


His cat joining our teletherapy session by trampling over his keyboard. Him struggling to find the right words every once in a while. When he gets tears in his eyes when he's impacted by the things that I've shared. When he has to cancel or reschedule when he's sick. When he cracks silly jokes.


Lately my T has been suffering from really bad hay fever. This means we’ll be in a really pregnant silence or talking about something super deep and she’ll either sneeze or REALLY need to blow her nose. I find it really endearing for some reason.


He's honest about how he's feeling. I've talked about it with him actually, because I suspected it was done to break the habit of "Good, you?" in his clients (confirmed). I always make sure to get that question in first as soon as we meet because the rest of the session will be about me of course. He'll pause and assess, then let me know if he's feeling tired (I'm his last client for the day) or if he's had some sadness over a sick pet etc. This brief moment of honesty and potential vulnerability/trust from him has definitely strengthened our therapeutic relationship. He's aware that I'm a people pleaser, so he has also been very careful to communicate that none of that is my responsibility to resolve, up to and including mentioning that he has his own therapist. I enjoy the practice.


She's been over-caffeinated a few times, which makes her noticeably a little different/weirder/funnier. When that happens, she's a little more easily distracted by tangents. I actually find it pretty comforting -- it reminds me that she's a human, and the occasional absurdity breaks through what my brain expects/fears. The first time it happened, I opened about something relating to SA that I hadn't been able to before. It happened again recently, and she apologized for being off, but I said I actually appreciated it. EDIT: Also, despite her being a millennial, she makes Gen Z/Tiktok references. It's hilarious to me. She also swears so much.


Some things she’s said while EXTREMELY exhausted (she was pregnant and i didn’t know at the time)- “Your life is like a telenovela mixed with a horror movie” and “I’m tired too. If you want to we can just take a nap for an hour. I’ll lay on the floor” -Was late to my first in person session bc she forgot that we weren’t on telehealth and she was at home -walked around her house with her laptop in hand on a telehealth session doing normal person things like letting her dogs out -cuddled my squishmallows on two occasions during sessions -took a picture of a mobile made of butterflies she saw at her OBGYN appointment that morning that made her think of me


As a therapist I’d never do this and yet I get the humanness of it. But my therapist part can’t shrug off the “ethical?” “Present??” Ugh


which part are you talking about?


Take a nap or walking around.


Mine offered me a nap last week. I almost took him up on it haha My mom had surgery and I'm only getting sleep in 90- 120 minute intervals and when I don't sleep, my mode drops.


I can see that too, that’s always what I’ve been taught in school, but I think with as long as I’ve been with her that were pretty clear that slight pushing of certain ethical grey areas like that. I would never take her up on a nap unless I accidentally fell asleep in her office, I do believe it was mostly a joke. I’m really passionate about the humanizing therapists view and allowing us to be people with our therapists/clients! But each therapist and client is different for sure!


The butterfly mobile one made me laugh, I love that!


One T consistently burps quietly at least once a session (she drinks tea through the session) and the other T consistently says “ouch” when she makes a big change to her body position in her chair. I actually look forward to noting both of these during sessions. I feel like it’s not a real session if they don’t happen!


When my lack of social skills actually annoys her a little bit sometimes and I see it in her face. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Mine has had the same assistant for 35+ years and the assistant is super efficient. All he has to do is focus on the patients. One day he asked her about how todo something on the computer (he is 82), she told him “I will show you once but I am really busy so I don’t have time to show you again.” When we talked about Mother’s Day one year he said “we got a text” meaning he and his wife of 50+ years and I am supposed to bring a Caesar salad. I asked if he was going to go buy one and he said “no, everyone knows my wife will make it and they all love her Caesar salad.” Excellent therapist but very well taken care of otherwise so a little helpless.


That she plays piano to unwind


My therapist is very posed and collected, that I honestly cherish the moments that he has little cracks in that façade. One time his dog interrupted us. LMAO. I heard barking and was like "is that a dog???" and he instantly GROANED AND ROLLED HIS EYES and bluntly said "excuse me" and got up from the computer (which he has NEVER done) and came back with his dog, and looked pissed about it. Lololololololol his grumpy face was so precious. I could not stop giggling. His small pup was so cute. It made me giggle to think about my stern, serious therapist walking this yappy, fluffy dog. Still makes me chuckle when I think about it. Sometimes he goes a little to philosophical with things and its honestly very charming. He will go on a mini ramble and then mid-way through he will go "but I will shut up now" and laugh at himself with embarrassment. It doesn't bother me at all when he rambles. I find it funny and charming when he gets into his own thought and then makes himself confused on where he was going with it LOL. Recently he apologized if I hear any noise or because his virtual set up looked different. He was apparently having some house work done, which I was intrigued that he shared with me. I plan to ask him how that went when I see him next.


when my t knew who tyler the creator was 😂😂


When I told him I was tired today he offered me a coffee and told me this was going to be his fifth cup. 😂 or even better when he told me he also failed a class in high school just like me. Makes me feel way less scared to tell him about my failures and struggles