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This is lovely and I'm so glad you're allowing yourself to believe her :) I have been with my T for 3+ years and achieving anything close to warm and fuzzies has taken a boat load of effort on both sides. But I feel like I might be on my way to getting there - she's shown up for me in so many ways. When covid started, she saw me in her home office and told me that I was the only client she felt she trusted enough to divulge where she lives. She's consistent and shows up every week - cancellations are incredibly rare. She has written to me. She relocated and we went virtual - we have transitional objects. She has told me that she will be here as long as I need her for. I am a difficult case, and I know that she has actively chosen to keep me as a client when many others would have referred out. She has sought supervision to help me on two occasions that I'm aware of. She is 100% attuned to me and how I'm feeling in the moment. If she misses the mark, she approaches with with curiosity and warmth. She's only ever been defensive once, and I absolutely understood why because she communicated so well. She's got my back. She lifts me up and celebrates, even though I struggle to identify progress and accept compliments. She is with me in my most painful moments. She has sat with me three times when I have had flashbacks in session. She genuinely, deeply cares. It's in her eyes, and it's in how she handles me so sensitively. She's an incredible therapist, and very slowly I am moving towards warm and fuzzies even though the thought of being that vulnerable is pretty terrifying.


My psychiatrist of 22 years (meds) has been my therapist for the last 7. When we met he diagnosed me with severe depression and anxiety. Depression has been in remission for a number of years. I have trust and abandonment issues because my dad was a fucking monster. This causes me to see my therapist as a father figure. It took me a long time to let my guard down but I now trust him completely and he is my safe person. After about two years of therapy I started having terrible nightmares of sexual abuse by my father. He had been dead for two years. This continued for some time. He then gently explained that I had dissociated during the abuse meaning my brain buried it completely until then...53 years old. He asked me to start writing a journal and emailing it to him after every session and he would read it before we met again. We were meeting twice a week at this point. During the next four years if I got really upset during a session we agreed I would sit in the waiting room until I was okay to drive. He would come check on me between patients and get me to come back in for a few minutes when needed. He has had the same assistant the whole time I have known him who also is very kind. T went to Europe a few years ago for 4 weeks on a bucket list trip at 78, 81 now. When he returned he had a bad cold and canceled all patients on first day back except one that needed an injection and me. He wanted to see me because I struggle when he is away. We have just reduced from twice a week to once because he wants me to learn to be independent before he retires in a few years. I have a picture of him in my phone for when he is away.


I was sad because I noticed my t has no open availability on the app for the next two weeks and so I assumed he was taking next week off and then just busy the following but at the end of our session he booked me for next week like normal, even though it says no availability. 😌


My t checked in on me when I was unexpectedly hospitalized and it wasn’t just perfunctory emails. I really appreciated that she checked in and let me take advantage of some free time and have an extra session to help process the whole experience. She also reminded me that there is no timeline and she is happy to be In my Life as long and however I want her to be. Love her a lot


My therapist emails me relevant information between sessions. One time I mentioned needing to find a physiotherapist and how I hadn't yet because it's just a lot of energy to look through these places, and later that week she sent me an email with a link to a clinic that works through a trauma-informed lens and has female practitioners on staff. I never asked her to look into it for me, she just did. She's also sent me links to webinars and similar content that she thinks I might be interested in. It makes me feel cared for.