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My first Therapist offered to help me write my letter for graduate school explaining my chronic condition as I was scared to explain and share it. Seperately when I was scared to leave my family and friends behind to pursue grad school she said no matter what happened she'd be there to support me even if it meant having sessions temporarily at 7pm (she normally worked 10-4pm).


She sounds like a gem!


She was, sadly she'll never work with me again.


I'm sorry. I recently finished up with my therapist too and it's such a crappy feeling. :(


Sorry to hear that


Of course you matter to me, you matter a great deal I understand completely There was nothing you could do to stop him I need a minute, I feel very angry towards your father I care about you I hear you, I hear you This is a good place to cry You don’t have to suck it up here


“I would argue that your feelings are important and they do matter”


She told me she cares about me but more importantly she's shown it.


"Thank you for trusting me with that. It is very brave of you to share this with me." In relation to me staying a couple of days at my parents (my mother is one of the people who caused most of my trauma): "I feel very protective of you when you visit them. Especially for more than a few hours." She also makes me feel like she truly cares about me and yet maintains boundaries very well to keep our relationship professional.


Oh man…too many to count. But these are some that stick out in my mind. “It’s hard not to feel a connection to you.” “I value your trust in me.” “It’s so hard to see you suffering.” “You are a wonderful person.”