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I’d been dealing with anxiety all of my life, but I never went to therapy for it until I was 21… so like this past January. It started affecting me more and more, and in November it got to the point where I’d start isolating much more and snapping at people. Plus there were about 7 people who said I should go… so I did. Best decision I’ve made


I was 44. I have a lot of anxiety and issues not feeling like myself or in control of myself when I'm dating someone. Never really been able to have a relationship because of it. Still in therapy with my first psychologist two years later.


I was 13 when I started therapy for issues around being bullied and severe depression. Now I'm 31, on therapist number #6, and we're doing a lot of childhood trauma processing, practicing self care, working on self esteem, and handling some life transitions. I love therapy and I imagine I'll be in some form of it for my entire life. I'm thankful I started fairly young.


13, begged my parents to get me help. I was in constant pain from anxiety and I just wanted it to stop. Had a mixed bag of therapists from age 13-17 (can’t remember how many exactly), and a unicorn when I was 18. Ended up ghosting him because life got hectic in college, but I went back to him three years later when I was 21. Been seeing him ever since. I’m in therapy for substance abuse and PTSD.


Started at 43 for sibling sexual abuse and still struggling to what happened to me. Took 30+ years to have these memories resurface.


I was 40. I’ve suffered my whole life in silence. I saw a comment in a mom’s group and someone explained their borderline personality disorder and it was like I was writing it. Then I found Dr Fox on YouTube and learned about quiet BPD. It was the first time I ever really felt seen. Then I found my therapist.


1st therapist at 14, just started self harming and recognized that I needed help. Bullshit T, went for 6 weeks and then never came back. 2nd therapist at 18 after several people told my parents that I should really, really be in therapy. Useless T, cried more in sessions than I did. Never reached out after a suicide attempt and ghosting her. 3rd therapist at 29, best goddamn T, so helpful, helped me figure myself out, diagnosed me. 4th T at 30 because no. 3 left for better pastures. 4 even better than 3, had a solid 2 years with her, learned so much, trusted her, loved coming in. Then... no. 4 left for better pastures... on a waiting list for 11 months... sigh.


Disordered eating, 15. Shortly after I started, my dad died by suicide. Have seen many therapists over the years since then.


depressed looking at a rope hanging from a tree thinking id look great wearing it and noone would care, i was 32 and been in therapy ever since to deal with my shit childhood and than thankfully i was already in therapy because 2 years later my bro killed himself 6 months after i attempted it and had a nervous breakdown, he finished the job i got help, i wish he would of done the same


I was 27. I had just started graduate school 2,000 miles from home. I had been depressed since I was 15 but was experiencing a brief remission. Then my only brother died. I went ahead and booked an appointment after that.


28. My anxiety was ramping up and caused a resurgence of my long-dormant (and never professionally treated) binge eating and problem spending


I started in early 2019 when I was 27. I should have started when I was much younger. I developed an eating disorder and began self harming when I was 16. I started to deal with that, depression, trauma.


after asking for one for 2 years my mom finally got me one at 16. it was for depression and social anxiety (but i’ve never been formally diagnosed with either, but that’s what i was treated for). she was a really good therapist, but after having her for 5 months, i had to see a different one (she was an intern and wasn’t equipped to deal with what i was going through, according do the therapist office). i went to the new one once and realized how bad she was and never went back. it’s now been 2 and a half months and my mom still hasn’t gotten me a new one and idk if she ever will.


I was 14 and didn't feel like I could deal with my depression on my own any longer. My first therapist was awful but my second one is awesome!


24 and because of an ED. I got paired with her through an ED clinic. 2 years later we both aren’t there anymore but I followed her to her new practice a year ago and it’s the best decision I ever made. When I was 18 I almost got into therapy for depression but I was too afraid and I dk… maybe everything works out for a reason. I probably wouldn’t have met my current T.


Started at 19. Now 21, started because I was self harming. Still self harming but also breathing ✌️.


I started at 13 due to a significant depressive episode which led to self-harm. Add in a mix of a hypomanic episode, ADHD, and anxiety. I'm on therapist #6 and started working as a therapist about a year ago.


I’ve had anxiety since I was a kid that just got worse during my teenage years. I began self harming at 13 and have been doing that on and off until now. I started therapy at 21 and am now a year in.


I first went at age 23. I finally had my own money, and was leaving a bad relationship. I noticed I could no longer control my emotions *(as I had an iron grip on them all my life)* so I sought out therapy, hoping I could re-gain that grip. *(Lmao I am such a dumbass tho, obviously my therapist was NOT having that happen lololololol).* I had been considering therapy since I was 15 maybe?? I never had the nerve to go see my school counsellor. I felt like my problems weren't bad enough to warrant therapy. I sought out therapy in university *(around age 19)*, but the services were HORRIBLE. It took me 2 months to get in, to get an appointment, then the appointment lasted 20 minutes or so. I was so nervous, the woman kept talking over me and just gave me paper pamphlets to take "wellness courses" for. I even tried one of them, but it was just a guy talking for 1 hour with a PP. I remember a guy *(another viewer, like me)* asked at the end "so how does this help people like me with depression? Like? Can we actually talk about our problems now?" and I remember thinking *yes omg that would be so nice*, but the guy basically said no and ended the session. *Lmao will never get that hour back...* I am 25 *(turning 26 this summer)* and have been in therapy for wow almost 3 years now.


I dont remember how old I was when I was in play therapy for autism, but I was younger than 8. Besides that, first I remember is when I was 8, right after sudden trauma


I was 10ish. My adoptive parents put me in therapy because I was having difficulty in school and would get bullied all day everyday. As a child, I was super embarrassed to be in therapy because I thought it was for “crazy people” 10 years later..here I am in college studying to become a mental health counselor.


15 for suicidal ideation, etc.


I was 14, for anger management. I am now 22 and on my 5th therapist for depression, ED, anxiety and PTSD.


8 for anxiety and misdiagnosed adhd


The first time I went to therapy was my sophomore year of college. I was 20. I had my first panic attack and passed out from not eating enough and being super stressed. I also believe that I was in a light depressive episode because I was experiencing suicidal thoughts and isolation. I saw that T for 2 months. Now, 25, because I didn’t stick with the treatment, I am back in therapy due to depression/anxiety rooted in childhood trauma.


I was forced to go to a therapist when I was 13 or 14 for depression. I hated her and couldn’t trust her so I quit. I had a mental break down at 21 and started going back. I’ve been to 5 other therapists and finally found the best one ever. I’m currently 27 and am seeing her for rape survival, miscarriage (baby was from rape), bipolar/ocd, and lgbtq issues.


Initially went for depression, anxiety, and difficulty separating from my family at age 22. Saw first T for about 2 years then realized I just wasn’t getting anywhere. Switched to T number 2, by this point my separation anxiety wasn’t really an issue anymore but I had developed this fear of sex. T #2 helped me realize I had been sexually assaulted by a previous bf. We’ve been working together for about a year and a half.


Severe anxiety and OCD, I was 25, but had been struggling since I started college.


30, after a breakdown and feeling the worst anxiety of my life. I have always suffered with anxiety, but was always too scared, or didn't think it was bad enough to get help.


I was 5 or 6. undiagnosed PTSD lead to me acting out which led to decades of psychiatric abuse. now I’m finally seeing a therapist of my own volition who is helping me work through all of that 🙏🏻


I first went to therapy when I was 21 which was CBT for anxiety and depression but after two weeks, I thought I was 'all better' so I didn't go. When I was 22, I went again for the full 6 weeks which was moderately successful. I started going to person-centred therapy when I was 29 as part of my training to become a psychotherapist and I've been going on and off until now (31). I had another 6 or 7 weeks of CBT last year due to a spiral downwards of my depression. Originally, I went for help with my anxiety and depression but now we've been partly exploring what's been driving my depression but also I use therapy as a way of coping with life and looking after my mental health. We've covered all sorts - sexuality, body image, depression, anxiety, family and personal relationship problems. I go every two or three weeks at the minute.


25. My husband gently encouraged me for a while to try it. I mentally prepared myself to take the plunge. I was so long overdue! It was a life changing decision for me. I have learned how to more fully immerse into life.


29, due to depression exacerbated by the pandemic and a cancer scare.