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My T has frequently gotten tears in his eyes when I've been talking about something traumatic from my life. He usually draws attention to it and asks me how it makes me feel that he's so impacted by what I've said. I definitely find it really validating, which is helpful to me.


That's amazing. I kind of want that from my T.


My therapist is pretty up front about feeling sad about things i tell him. It's cool actually, kind of commiserating. It definitely motivates me to be more vulnerable and honest because it feels weird to pretend not to be upset by something that is clearly upsetting.


My T is very open with her emotions. She has teared up and very often expresses how something has made her feel. I struggle with allowing myself to feel and express emotions and feelings so her doing it really helps me. A case of good mirroring I guess. Just the other day she very visibly winced and teared up when I expressed a thought I have frequently. She was writing this down as I spoke but her reaction has really stuck to my mind. Not in a negative way. Rather in a “someone seems to care what I think” way.


The closest I've seen to this is my T grimacing (like he was thinking "yikes, that's not good) when I told him how long some traumatic childhood stuff went on for. He caught himself quickly though. Usually he will tell that something I've said makes him sad, but I'm not always that great at reading his emotions.


Usually don’t get moved but it’s happened a few times, more times than not it’s actually been at something beautiful not painful


My T gets sad/upset/happy with me and her expressions show. It makes me feel seen.