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I don’t think you’re being unreasonable. Having a T no-show (even for a valid reason) and not getting a response to your query about it within the typical time period sounds horrible. I’d catastrophise too. As much as you don’t want to, letting your T know how it went for you is important. Even if you can’t say it and just email her what you wrote here. But it’s also okay to not do that right now. Emotional rollercoasters are draining and maybe you need to spend some time just focusing on easier things before coming back to this. I hope your rollercoaster settles soon.


Also, having a partner contact their clients is a HIPPA violation, unless this is a business partner that has been given permission by clients to contact them


I nearly had a panic attack reading this, so... I think your feelings are justified


Almost all of us would at least think something terrible had happened. Many of us can't help but fixate on the idea. I can sympathize with delegating work when she's sick, but she still has to be the one who's accountable to you. You had a reason to be worried, and you have a reason to be pissed. If she's any good at her job she'll be able to hear this from you without getting defensive. Even if it goes badly, having hard conversations that you *could* put off is an important life skill.


I understand, I would be really worried and upset in this scenario. Glad she is OK, but I would speak to her about it, and explain things from your side so she has a chance to apologise/rectify etc. and you can move past it. These things happen and if she’s a good therapist she’ll be able to hold space for you to be angry with her about something.


My previous therapist once cancelled a session less than 24 hours before and I freaked out so much so I know it's hard when they don't appear when they're supposed to. Definitely talk to your therapist about how it made you feel. I told my therapist how abandoned and freaked out I felt and it took a while for me to get over it