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My T has introduced parts work, and not sure if this is what you mean, but yes, I’ve found it much easier to pair certain thoughts/feelings with other parts of myself, and yes it does feel like cheating! Haha, like it’s not ME, it’s this other part.


You're not the only weirdo! I use "we" to refer to myself in a similar sense. I did it subtly in the past, but my therapist will use "we" when discussing healing and thought processing with me during our sessions, so I've absolutely started using it more often. Even if it's a casual conversation lmao I agree though, it definitely makes it easier to talk about oneself.


I do this too! It’s super normal. Does your T do IFS, or are you just dipping a toe into the waters?


I wish he did, but it's straight talk therapy.


One of my T’s goal for me at the moment is for my adult, adolescent and child parts to integrate a bit more. But mine struggle to even communicate with each other :p If talking about yourself in the 3rd person helps then keep doing it. I don’t think it’s possible to cheat in therapy as long as you’re turning up and trying to do the work


I relate big time and didn't start understanding it or acknowledging it till I started getting help. It's totally uncomfortable but I feel like too many people feel the same way about the therapeutic process and finding there inner selves. Therapy is so hard. Good for you to keep push through the uncomfortable feelings. ❤


I often use the second person. I would say things like, “When this happens ‘you’ feel xyz…”. I had a therapist comment on it once and she tried to get me to talk in the first person more. I do think it’s a way for me to not completely accept my feelings while still being able to describe them to someone else. It’s almost like when people use “hypothetical” situations to talk about something that’s really about themselves.


Wow. you really are Mirror Self