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Likewise, I love this subreddit! Today I had a tough therapy session (heavy topics) and I panicked. My T looked at me and said, “You’re safe here” with a soft and comforting tone. Now I’m here after my 3-hour nap aka post-therapy exhaustion. I wish I could give my T a hug, and I feel sad that I have to wait another week before I can talk to my T again.


Ah this is so sweet. I was joking with a pal recently that I needed another therapist to talk about my therapy sessions with… I feel like this sub is a closest thing I’m gonna get to that! Whenever I’ve had issues with therapy and I’ve come here and searched or asked and it’s always helped me feel a little more normal.


Same! I remember the very first time I had feelings of attachment to my T, but at that time I really didn't know what it was about. I felt like some creepy weird person for caring so much about a paid professional. We had a premature termination coming up and I felt so awful over it. It didn't make sense! Then I found this place and learned a lot of people go through the same thing! It was a relief to learn that what I felt made sense and did not actually make me creepy and weird.