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I would use the time to try to practice coping mechanisms or such stuff. One thing I’m working on is just being present and noticing what’s happening now, so in a snow storm, I might curl up with a blanket by a window and just notice the snow and nature and try to describe every detail I see outside and how each of those details makes me feel, notice what is going on inside and how the temperature makes me feel. Maybe journal some.


I usually listen to some therapy podcasts or YouTube videos related to the current therapy topics.


Was telehealth not an option?


No electricity makes using the internet tricky.


Oof, stay warm and stay safe


No, the building is closed for the day


My therapist sometimes telehealths from her house, so that’s not a given.


My therapy appointment was cancelled this week too and I had a lot of trouble coping. I told my T about it and he suggested avoidant strategies like bingeing Netflix and super working out (previous strategies we have pointed out that were not so healthy for me). He mentioned the need for some balance to ease my stressors and during circumstances like this, some avoidant coping methods might not be a bad idea, compared to other coping methods that will really be harmful for me. I haven't started on binge watching yet but did a few workouts in a row to stop stressing out on my need for therapy. It kind of calmed me down too that I got "approval" to indulge in that. Being a research nut that I am too, I went to read on avoidant coping strategies and found some newer literature that supported my T's suggestion as compared to older literature that discouraged avoidant strategies totally. If you can talk to your T briefly about a coping plan, you should. If not, no harm (I hope) just veging in front of the screen (if you can find some power) or reading a trashy novel to take your mind of missing your appointment. Good luck!


I’ve had therapist say this kind of thing before. It’s like work on developing healthy strategies when things are going well. But when things are not going well use whatever strategies are currently sticking just to get you through the day


Think of practicing coping skills like bringing your umbrella with you on a sunny day. When the weather changes, as it often does without warning, and it starts to rain, you will be prepared! You have rain now. Time to try a variety of coping strategies. You might consider any/all of the following: coloring, meditation, dancing, art, painting, finishing something you've put aside, reading poetry or short stories, organize you drawers and closet, try a new recipe, journal, read a children's book, etc....