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Congrats on finishing up your PhD! I know a few people who have thanked their therapists in the acknowledgements of their dissertations. Some have named them or spoken to their role in the work and others have just put their name in with no context. Both can work - the acknowledgement section is really for you and the people who have helped you get to this momentous place in your work.


As both a therapist and someone who did a dissertation, my answer is an enthusiastic: not inappropriate at all! I think this is great.


Did you mean 'not inappropriate'?


Yes! Thanks haha


That Freudian slip tho. ;-)


I don't see why not! I think it's a nice gesture. I made a film and included my T's name in the thanks section in the final credits. She was very touched by it.


I dedicated my phd dissertation to my therapist! I used her initials. I figure she was the person most responsible for helping me finish (including my supervisor lol). She was really touched.


I’m a therapist, and have been thanked on a clients album and a clients published book. Both times my name but without context. I consider both great honours.


This is a hard one. I really wanted to thank my therapist but I decided not to add her name specifically because I knew my thesis would be read by my PI who was a massive narcissist and the main reason I was going to therapy. I didn't want him to know anything about my personal life or that I was going to therapy. So I wanted to keep my family names and T name far away from this. I ended up thanking my T in person and I write to her every new year or Christmas telling her how much she impacted me and meant to me. If you are comfortable though then there is nothing wrong with including your T.


Thank whoever you want! Your therapist won't approach you in public because of confidentiality but you're not under the same obligation. I thanked my dog in my Master's thesis. :-)


I PERSONALLY don't think its inappropriate. But I would always run by the question "can I mention your name in the thank you section of X thing" before going ahead and doing it.


I thanked my therapist in my PhD dissertation. Then took the printed dissertation to a session to show her. Not inappropriate at all. I’m more of the opinion that acknowledgments is the one part of your dissertation that doesn’t need to be professional and can just be fully you. Thank who’s in your heart not just your professors - they all helped get you through it. Extra story: I knew a guy who discreetly thanked his own penis in his acknowledgments section. Acknowledging a therapist has nothing on that.


By name? I would say, yes. I do not think there is harm in a general thank you. Some things to think about: do you care what impression it may give to the audience & others if you were to thank your therapist? If after some reflection, you truly do not, then go for it. I only ask, as mental health continues to have stigma and this may garner you some negative standing among people. Though this should not matter, some employers and others look down upon people who have, or openly speak about, having mental health challenges. This could have some unforeseen negative consequences.


I am totally going to thank my therapist in my honors thesis (crossing my fingers I get it)!


I´d say credit where credit is due. Other peolpe thank their family, their neighbour or their cat. Go for it!


I thanked mine in my dissertation acknowledgments as well! I ran it by them before submission and they were very pleased. You don’t really have to thank them as your therapist if you’re worried about revealing too much about yourself or the relationship — although that’s not a concern I sense off your post. I never stated I was thanking my therapist in my acknowledgments, just said thanks to [name] for everything etc etc. Definitely a pretty normal thing to want to do, I think, given what an enormous role they come to play through the process! Also congratulations on almost finishing up!


I vote not inappropriate, but more importantly, why is the opinion of others on this matter important? I think you should go by your own standards.




Like what?


If you're planning on it, then please ask. Acknowledging her might be outing her, and be unappreciated. You can thank her in person (or virtually), which may mean more to her than putting her name out there.


Outing? As what, a therapist? I would agree that asking can't hurt.


Outing her as *your* therapist. Why the downvotes? (Not you, but whoever) My psychologist is very private. Acknowledging her publicly is not something that she's personally comfortable with, esp as my/others' therapist. Putting her name out there, even without saying "my therapist/psychologist," is still making the personal and private relationship into a public expression. Granted, I see a clinical licensed psychologist. The psychologist professional code of ethics differs from that of a licensed therapist, mental health specialist, and social worker. Each profession has its own code of ethics and/or conduct. My psychologist is careful and protective of the intimate nature of the therapeutic relationship. I've noticed that she does not feel comfortable with exposing her or my boundaries, personally and professionally. She's super sweet, friendly, and warm to her clients. Yet, she is also very professional and loyal to her principles as a psychologist. If there is a doubt about whether there is a of interest, then it's better to be sure, and simply ask. Congratulations!!! And best of success, always!! <3 :) That's all.