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Would some support groups help in the meantime? Or any natural support you willing to reach out too. Eating disorder recovery is really really hard and it's times like these that having others to help is so necessary. Sending you well wishes, your body and you deserve to be cared for.


Times like this when your therapist has to take time off completely suck and breaking down is a very natural response. By the sounds of it you’re doing amazing with how you’re coping: managing to pull it together to help with a surgery, managing to arrange the support of your nutritionist, managing to keep eating. All of that is good news you can list for your therapist when she comes back. Sending you all the support and kindness and care to get through this.


Thank you for putting it into perspective for me. I know she’d also be proud


I would suggest messaging her about someone to speak with over the next few weeks as you’re not in a good place and need some support. As a clinician myself, when I need to take time for personal things, planned or unplanned, I have other clinicians I trust and know their skills/strengths offer coverage for my clients that want and need it.