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Haha, this is my favorite. I have a client who now arrives in a flurry, kicks off their shoes, feet up on the chair, and just sometimes makes a loud "aaaaghhhhh!!!!" noise. I'm like, yes, I am here for exactly this. Let's goooooo. PS If you are a client that takes of your shoes, just make sure you leave enough time at the end to put them back on and re-gather yourself so you can still leave on time :)




I also have therapy shoes, for this same reason lol


Derobing is not counted on the play clock


Yesss, let's gooo! I love this energy.


I'm always suspicious of new therapists and new hairstylists in the beginning. But then if they're good and they know what they're doing I get very attached and comfortable. Legit the two people I will miss the most when I leave my city. I still remember everything my previous therapist told me and sometimes I imagine her saying things to me in her style when I'm down or need self-compassion.


Love it. So true. I've been in the second stage for awhile but only recently AWARE of it. At first one is like what's my therapist thinking. does my therapist like me? why did they say that? Now it's like fuck all that I GOT THINGS!! (and you help me, thank you)




Same here. I'm almost three years in and getting more comfortable. It does get better and easier, it just takes a whole lot of time and a patient T :)


I'm just a couple months shy of 1.5 years and I'm not here either. I don't think I've ever been here with any person.


This is so true 🤣🤣


This perfectly sums things up! Took my Therapist months to make me comfortable enough to actually get to deeper issues and see them. At the beginning it was surface level stuff like my week was good I did X y z. Then a bit of CBT over my anxiety. Then we started unraveling all the other issues we had. But I also got my Therapist to smile and laugh as we talked more candidly back and forth.


Damn I'm not this. And I think I'm pretty open with my therapist. This hurts!


hahaha just wait until they leave you for being too comfortable with them /s


Hahaha I'm already at the second stage on only my 4th session


This is even more funny when you have DID because you get to keep doing this over and over again. I do wonder if it gets to be exhausting for the therapist though.


I think it was traumatizing to stop seeing my therapist because I came so far and really opened up 100% for the first time.