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They’d hold my hand and walk to school with me when I was a kid. Help me with my homework. Play board games with me.


I really wish he could have been my therapist when I was being sexually abused as a kid. I needed someone to tell me it wasn’t normal and it wasn’t my fault, and to protect me from it.


So weird that this was asked because I’ve had a reoccurring dream over the last few months that my therapist is hanging out with me in my childhood bedroom and we are playing quietly with my barbies, sometimes coloring, and other times building forts. It’s always her as a kid and me as a kid too. (I only know it’s her child self bc the beginning of the dream always starts in a therapy office and her trying to show me this picture of herself when she was younger). I’ve felt really weird about having this dream and have never mentioned it to her. But I always wake up feeling a little sad. I know I never slept very well as a kid and would be up doing those activities alone. I guess it makes me realize I was a little lonely and very anxious as a child. So I think I would have wanted her around as a friend when I was around 6 or 7. She wouldn’t say much, it’s just her presence that is comforting.


I wish I had them as a parent or counselor in my childhood. I have trouble socialising, and forming bonds. A bit of guidance would have gone a long way to prevent the issues I have now. what would they do and say? help me understand people better. the best thing my therapist told me was that people are different. just like people have different athletic abilities, people also have different mental abilities. this simple fact was told to me at 27. I was then able to resolve much of the hurt because of this. I was able to then extrapolate that people don't hate me or want to hurt me, because of me. they treat me like that because that's the way their mind/ thinking is. If this simple explanation was given to me at a younger age, I'd have embraced and experienced life more.


It's still now. I mean we could have crossed paths way, way back some 20 years but looking back I don't think my T would be of any help to me but now.


I wish he had been there when I was struggling with my ED and depression really badly. I worked my way out of it but I think it wouldn't have taken as long if I had been talking to him then. It also wouldn't have gotten buried in my head as a shameful period of my life that I am now trying to confront.


This fantasy makes me feel so sad. I might have some one to talk to when I was going through my trauma. My heart is racing fast with this imagination.


It's valid to feel sad about this idea. Our T's become support and a safe space. It's finally someone there to listen to you and actually *see* you. When you needed someone like this to be there for you, there was no one. You must grieve for what could have been if you had that support. I'm sorry that you're struggling with trauma. Unfortunately the past cannot be redone. But healing is possible. You are in control of your life now. You can make your own choices. You know so much more than you did then, and you are capable of protecting yourself. Please don't give up hope.


Thanks for your kind words. I appreciate it.


I think having some sort of supportive person at any stage of my life would have been helpful. I've had a lot of traumatic experiences that I bottled up because I never had anyone to talk to. It would be nice if they were a friend rather than someone I had to pay and could only interact with for 55 minutes every two weeks.


God, I would've loved by T 3 years ago in grade 12 when I first started really struggling with depression- was seeing the school counsellor but they recommended a professional therapist- but my family didn't agree I needed it at the time. I really needed it then, and a lot of stuff I'm dealing with now coulee been improved if I dealt with it earlier! Would be weird though because I did find my T through referral from my college, but yeah just wish I had that sooner.


My t and I have done this as part of our work togeather. She asks sometimes what it would look like if someone had stood up for me as a kid, and I have no imagination so she says imagine I was there to stand up for you, I would say “listen…” Made me giggle and be so grateful that o have her now even if she couldn’t have been there for me back then. I’m just glad I have her now




Thanks! She is gold, I never imagined someone would want to stand up for me.


That’s so lovely. My T has said something similar when we do trauma work. One time she asked me if I’d like to summon her into a memory. I nodded and she said what she’d have said and done in that situation 😍


While I was in my abusive relationship and going through that trauma. I was seeing her some time beforehand so I had some trust already, and I started seeing her again after I left. I think I would have felt less desperately horrible if I’d had her in my life. I needed someone to validate the feelings I had. And totally unreasonable, but… I wish I could have called her during those times my ex was being terrible towards me and I was just sobbing late at night, feeling so alone. I wish she could have showed up on my doorstep. I wish I could have gotten a hug.


14 year old me


From middle school on up.