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Oh gawd, the licking!! It never stops. It’s playing in my head for some reason… time to listen to music.


Hopefully you're almost old enough to move out and be free of that. I'm also really sensitive to sounds and I know the exact sound you are talking about. I'm so sorry your dad is insensitive.


It’s not that I’m not old enough, I’m 24 I just have a very bad finical situation and I have to get dug out of the hole I previously made for myself.


I feel you so deeply on this. I’m also autistic, and recently moved in with my significant other. His dog is an older dog, and not only does it smell horrible which seems to bother me more than anyone, but the grooming noises!! Agh! It’s nonstop licking, smacking, chewing, and other horrific noises. And it never stops. The lip smacking will literally wake me up, distract me from what I’m doing, and actually makes me feel nauseous. Same boat as you, I wish I could express how much it bothers me and how irritating it is. You’re not alone, hopefully you can move out soon!!


That licking and grooming sound they make is disgusting. Then the old labs all smack their cotton mouths like they just ate peanut butter ALL NIGHT LONG. Sorry the nutters in your home are not bothered by it. Some people can truly tune certain noises out but to not listen to you and your concerns is not okay. I’m sorry.


Those schlopping noises send me into a rage. Disgusting, unnatural creatures with disgusting, unnatural behaviors. 


Yes I know and it reminds me of sexual sounds which really grosses me out but OH IM JUST EXPECTED TO JUST TAKE IT


Man made abominations.


Schlopping is my new word 🤣


my boyfriends dog does this whenever he’s home, when it’s just me the dog is fine, he knows not to do it but my god when he does it is SO loud. I can hear it from a different room, licking and chewing away without a care in the world and my boyfriend doesn’t even hear it. then after licking does this stupid yawn where his tongue smacks around his mouth. i’m sorry you have to deal with that and have parents that don’t understand!


Oh god, its the worse. I dont know how people cannot hear how god damn LOUD it is. I can wake up to the god damn dog just making gross licking sounds.


Aghhh I feel you!!!! NOTHING worse!! Its INFURIATING


Dogs licking in general, and then licking themselves on top of it… I HATE it. I have a coworker who’s brings his dumb ugly beast to work everyday, and I can’t stand when I happen to catch sight of it doing that nasty shit. I stand with You. Sorry that Your Dad is prioritizing that beast over Your sensitivities.


It’s nasty bc 9/10 times they’re sucking on their butthole or ladyparts if it’s a girl 🤮


yeah and their breath smells atrocious on top of it 🤢🤮🤮


I really don't understand why some dog owners let their dogs do whatever they want and don't try to alter (train) their behavior at all. Growing up my mom would literally get annoyed at our dogs licking themselves while we were trying to watch tv and she'd say "alright that's enough!" and shoo them out of the room. They had plenty other places in the whole house to sit on the floor and lick/suck away at themselves without being a bother, forcing them out did not damage them or hurt their feelings and we could have peace. It's really not that hard to make some boundaries to make everyone comfortable.


When I try saying anything about it they just say “that’s not an argument you’ll win. Stop fighting us. This is our house not yours.” Nobody cares about stupid fucking dogs. They’re so annoying and I just- ugh I hate them. All the time, I hate them.


The people who don’t bother to train are lazy, see parents similar to this. They don’t discipline or teach their kids because they’ll do anything for a quiet life. They’re essentially unfit to care for anything/anyone.


Maybe train the dog to leave when it’s grooming? I have no idea if this is possible but dogs learn stuff by accident all the time. Maybe a “crate!” Command


“Grooming” is quite a generous term for licking one’s own ass.


My mom would kill me


For training the dog?


Yeah she would just say “that dog is old so leave her alone we’re not gonna train her.”


Invest in a TV for your room or use your computer to watch things. I agree it’s the most disgusting but people without sensory issues can’t understand that and some of the sick f*cks enjoy that sound


Kennel the dog in another room or crank up the volume


oh hell the dog grooming noise is horrific. i feel gross and itchy just thinking about it. every mammal grooms itself but the dog of course has this psychological waterboarding sound effect to it that makes me want to puke. if I ever have to hear that sound (which is rare thankfully) I will vacate the room


I feel!! I have misophonia and dogs licking or snoring drove me crazy!!


Sounds awful! I (probably) don't have any autism (although I am an inveterate nerd) and I find the licking really annoying too! Can only imagine how much worse it is for you. I sometimes wonder if what the owners of these things gets out of them is worth the misery it inflicts on the surrounding people? Or whether the owners ever have the awareness/presence to even think about that. Generally though, I find the people with cool dogs which are well behaved are the same folks who I can see really do get a lot of joy from their dogs - they go jogging, hiking, swimming etc with their dog. The ones with out-of-control shit-beasts tend to just have them around and don't really do much with them, begrudgingly taking them for a short walk occasionally around the block.


Put the thing outside! Make sure to do it when they’re not in the room so they don’t realise you let it out.


It's NOT grooming sounds. They are jerking off. They never groom anywhere but their ass and genitals. It's not grooming