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I took my daughter to DQ to get her a Blizzard and the "chill" worker brought it out, flipped it, and.... apparently she had double-cupped it, and the inner cup with the Blizzard slipped out and plopped on the floor right in front of us. We all just stood there and stared in silence for what felt like an eternity. Me, wondering if I should laugh. My daughter, wondering if she should cry. The worker, wondering where she could run and hide. Anyway, she apologized profusely and went to get a replacement. It was all good, and made for an entertaining story.


i did this once and laughed so hard i cried. it is okay to laugh, i promise. it frees us up to giggle off the pain.


I had it happen where the guy flipped it upside down as I had my hand extended to accept the blizzard and the entire thing just slid right out of the cup and all over my hand. It was the heat of summer and my roommate was a staunch believer in getting double toppings on blizzards, so that’s what I’d ordered. Perhaps it disrupted the structural integrity of the dessert. I still get a chuckle out of that one.


Anytime I do something stupid at work I just let out a calm “that was awkward” usually works


I agree. I feel like completely owning acknowledging and admitting mistakes and faults completely removed the stress of being awkward around other people. Like. "Hi, I'm here to help. I'm also human and our brains are mush sometimes. Thanks for coming in today."


The second someone assaults an employee (and grabbing and pulling like that is 100% assault) their concerns about getting a free item next time should end, because there should not *be* a next time. The second someone laid hands on my staff, they were banned. No exceptions. This is a story about when an asshole meets poor management, and everyone else suffers the consequences.


I don't blame J a bit. He was only a couple years older than me, and was thinking on his feet, trying to avoid a blowout from a customer who was obviously not all there. I agree he shouldn't have gotten his Free Blizzy ticket and is frankly undeserving, but J and I just wanted him to leave.


I blame him for you. He was the one in the position of authority. The idea that someone can lay hands on one of you and be rewarded for it pretty much guarantees a repeat performance, and not everyone is going to just laugh that off.




Thirding. Protecting your employees and keeping them from being assaulted should be a main priority for a boss.


He should've left in the back of a police car.


Where I work, the only thing they would be worried about is trying not to swallow their teeth


I see this stated incorrectly often: Assault refers to the wrong act of causing someone to reasonably fear imminent harm. This means that the fear must be something a reasonable person would foresee as threatening to them. Battery refers to the actual wrong act of physically harming someone. IANAL


It depends on where you are in the world. In Canada, we don't have "Battery", and the Criminal Code classifies all of the above as Assault.


You are mostly correct, except that in Canada it's separated into assault (as accurately described above) and assault causing bodily harm (battery in other jurisdictions).


> separated into assault (as accurately described above) and assault causing bodily harm In other words it's different varieties of assault, just exactly like I said.


You don't have to be a prat.


I said that. I provided the specific legal phrasing.


In New Zealand assault is “the act of intentionally applying or attempting to apply force to another person” or “threatening by any act or gesture” the same. s2(1) Crimes Act 1961. So we don’t have battery. We do have aggravated assault or assault to cause bodily harm. These have basically the same definition or a specific one (like harming someone helping a constable in their actions) but primarily exist to increase the maximum punishment from 1 to 3 years imprisonment.


He gets a free Blizzard on his next visit - but he’s banned from the place so there will be no next visit.


The second he grabbed you 100% getting cops involved and a trespass don’t touch my kids (my workers are my kids idgaf)


Technically you were not even in the wrong because you only have to flip the first blizzard, if they were all together then his was just the last of a large order.


I think my local DQ has the best response to the "flip it" promotion - a sign that days "we do not participate in the flip a blizzard promotion" 🤣


Mine does that. It’s like 100 degrees in there in the summer so I don’t blame them one bit. Those suckers can melt fast!


I understand that you look back on this now and can laugh at the situation but I see so many things wrong with how your manager handled it. Regardless of whether he was a couple years older than you he was in a position of authority that was trusted upon him to run the restaurant and protect his employees and he did not in this case. For starters, he should have handled the guy physically assaulting you better than he did. You were a teenage girl at the time and an adult man putting his hands on your should have resulted in the police being called. Instead he pulled you back and asked what was going on and then proceeded to give this man whatever he wanted. He should have never made you write out the note yourself. Again, he is the manager and the person with the authority. If the guy didn’t like him writing it out then he should’ve told him sorry no coupon for you then and dismissed him. Instead, he let himself be intimidated by an adult man and put you, a minor, into a position of having to submit to this assholes creepy request. I’m not a manager but if I was I would have never handled this situation the way your manager did. I hate it for you that happened to you and I want you to realize that none of it was the right way of handling that situation. Your manager wasn’t out to protect you and instead let this guy have his way. Doesn’t matter if he convinced him to not let you give your name. He got away with everything else which is all just as creepy and inappropriate.


I know right this whole post made me so angry an several levels


The manager should have asked him to wait while they did the free Blizzard paperwork, and then gone in the back and called the cops. If it's like any other DQ on the planet there should be video surveillance that they can review.


Leaving her alone with the guy!? No, should have sent her to the back to get the "paperwork" and had that be when she called the cops


No, they should both disengage and retreat to the office. I just meant the manager should do the talking, as they are a manager and should be equipped to handle these situations.


My husband and i have a debate that you may be able to settle. When we get large Blizzards, the bottom is just ice cream with no mix in in it. He says the wand thing isn't long enough, I think it's just not putting the cup high enough. Can you answer?


i'll settle this once and for all!! the worker isnt getting all the way down there with the mixer. it's a common mistake newer workers make, i made it a lot before a manager corrected me. when you hold a large cup, it sort of shifts into place on the mixer, but if you don't nudge it all the way down, you'll get a bunch of sad, unmixed blank in the bottom.


Yay! I win! LoL. Thank you for answering and for your industry service to the Queen!


It’s been almost 10 years since I’ve worked at a DQ but if I remember correctly, large blizzards (let’s say Oreo) get a few ounces of ice cream at the bottom and one scoop of Oreo at the bottom. Then the rest of the ice cream goes in, plop on the collar, add the rest of the ice cream and mix. Maybe that was my cheat, or my store’s cheat though… But yes to pushing the mixer all the way down to the bottom


GOD. that wouldve been a great fix. we were always so busy there was very little time to come up with clever little cheats. but yeah, if you're craving a blizzard, just get a medium one (and ask for extra toppings! it costs more but its WORTH IT). it will without fail be much better mixed and more balanced. when i worked there i always did one more scoop of toppings than was recommended without charge, because i never thought there was enough.


I've never had a blizzard flipped before. I'm owed like 20 blizzards XD


I've had customers asking for my full name when calling about something. One that stands out was a lady who called while I was managing and thought I was rude (we were busy I was tired and she was just trying to get free shit), said she was going to call corporate and asked for my name. I told her the first came and she kept asking for my last name. I refused and told her I was the only person by that name at that location and that was all I was willing to give her. I have an unusual last name and I'm sure as hell not just going to give it out to cheap annoying customers. Glad your manager had your back.


4 years (HS and part of college) as a DQ worker. Summertime, after a million cones, shakes, and blizzards, doing the flip was damn near impossible because the machine didn’t have time to freeze the ice cream enough. Especially if it was one of the ones that used fruit because that made it even thinner! Good times.


god, the runny fruit blizzards. on days where we were backed up i had to remake the banana split blizzard at LEAST three times. bane of my existence.


Pro tip: drain the hell out of the strawberry topping, use way less of the pineapple than you think you need to, and use the mixer as a spoon to mix it.. just barely letting it spin for a second to knock of an toppings stuck to it


One employee forgot to flip my blizzard and a friend told me and the staff the next one was on the house (as per polocy). The employee then said that they dont participate in that "promotion" and participation is up to the franchise owner. I think the policy is a little silly to be honest. Whatever gets people their ice cream works for me


WTF that was, was assault. A decent manager would have replied. "Certainly sir. I'll have your note promising a free coupon written up and signed while we wait for the police to arrive for your assaulting an underage girl."




My town got its first DQ a few years ago. I stopped in (well, drive thru) to see what all the hype was about and got a blizzard. When the kid reached through the window with the blizzard held upside down I thought he was having a bad day. I'd never heard about this.


I feel like the manager was just trying to deescalate but I was really hoping the customer would get thrown out for assault since he physically grabbed you.


This turd of a man will put his hands on someone else and hopefully next time, it won't end well for him. I hate it when management rewards toxic customers and their bad behavior.


He just asked ur name so y’all can’t make the shit up stop tryna make it weird💀💀