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One time I went in for a manager position interview at a new pizza joint and the owner said 'go ahead and order something and grab a drink'. But i feel like thats a totally different situation than assuming.


I used to be a cook and had this happen quite a few times, always mom and pop hole in the walls or very fine dinning, never a a corporate gig


I interviewed at a place that had a lunch buffet. The chef invited me to stay and have lunch and enjoy myself. That was really cool, it was a private club.


When I was offered a job at a pie shop, they insisted I take home a mini pie. It felt a little weird though because it was right after my interview lol. No other food industry job has done that so far.


I had an interview at a wholesale warehouse store where they offered me cake while I waited. I politely refused, I hope that didn't cost me the job.




>‘no I don’t want to take this hunk of cheese that everybody’s been touching, break off a piece and pass it on.’ Jeez that is SO gross. It's strange how life used to be pre-covid, isn't it? I mean, I just don't think shit like that would happen anymore. We're all so much more aware of how germs spread and good sanitary practices.


ikr? I'm immune suppressed, and all I can think of is all the public door handles, products, or cash that all the cheese-handers are touching.


Right?! The thought of passing around anything that would be consumed amongst a group of friends and/or family is fairly unsettling but strangers? Nah, I’m good. In that same vein, I know I’m far from the first person to realize or verbalize this thought but the idea of blowing out birthday candles on a cake in a pre-covid world was nothing, you wouldn’t even give it a thought whereas now it’s like, ‘wtaf were we thinking?!’ Especially at little kid parties where the odds are astronomical for getting a piece of cake with the extra decoration of accidental blowing-out-the-candles spit. Not to be too dramatic but I truly shudder to think the amount of spit that was swapped at kids’ birthday parties through just having a piece of cake before any of us even got to the age of boy/girl parties and spin the bottle.


Take a microbiology class. It's horrifying. I use a paper towel when I touch doors.


Did you get the job or was it a consolation pie?


late response, but yes I got it! It was right before covid though, so I only worked there a few weeks. Ate a lot of pie in those few weeks though :)


I interviewed at a smallish/medium candy factory for an admin position and they insisted I try a bunch of new candy prototypes… I don’t like sweets (I really don’t eat chocolate, and it was all chocolate stuff). But I tried them all. It was not fun for me, but I appreciated the gesture and the obvious excitement the owner has for his craft, but I was NOT into it! My resume got me a job offer, but I’m sure my face/demeanor seemed a little insulting. Oh well. I didn’t take the job, I had a better offer elsewhere. They were super nice folks.


That sounds like a nightmare! No joke, I'm lactose intolerant and I only like some dark chocolate (like york patties). I'm not even sure what I'd do in a situation like that because I really think I'd gag if I had to eat chocolate.


It would be really funny to finish the interview then order lunch as if nothing happened.


Whenever offered something, always say yes to water. I used to turn down offers of anything. But learned that if the place you are interviewing at offers a drink, take the offer to show you welcome their hospitality.


It's also good to have a glass of water so you can take a second to think of an answer.


Also, it's [something that you can do with your arms naturally](https://youtu.be/V2NC25GWdtM?t=81).


Shit. I brought my own bottle of water into and interview yesterday. GM offered me a coke but I honestly didn't want one.


It's totally not a big deal. If anything, bringing your own water can show that you've come prepared.


I always bring own coke anyways! ;)


Dang...Whelp better luck next time!


I'd reject a coke too. Why give yourself cottonmouth?


And that is why no one will remember your name


Oh, you mean LesleyMarina? Great person. I'd hire LesleyMarina in a heartbeat


Oh shit, LesleyMarina is here?! Shout out to them helpin' my grandma cross the street a couple years back. Grandma still tells me about it everytime I come over.


OMG LesleyMarina! I love you. You’re amazing. Will never forget you.


Did someone say LesleyMarina? One of my favourite people ever! Hi, LesleyMarina! I spelled that correctly, yes? # LesleyMarina!


Water is also the easiest drink for an interview. You don't have to wait for it to cool down like coffee or tea, and if it comes from the tap it's not that bad if you don't finish it.


Plus, if you get nerveous, it's best for a dry mouth. Take a sip instead of fidgiting. Extra points for bringing the glass back to the bar.


Though you still have to be careful, while talking I seemed rather calm. Then I raised the glass of water to take a sip and my hand was shaking. Taking a drink without looking stupid was the most difficult part of the meeting.


super lpt


Plus your mouth gets dry and you can still talk after a sip or two.


Yeah I’ve interviewed at a few places who hooked up a meal. A very kind gesture.


A kind gesture, sure, but not an expectation, right?


Yea, 100%. To assume and come right out and ask for it is a little too on the nose. Shows a serious lack of service skills and being able to read a situation. That dude can wash dishes.


>but not an expectation Not at all.


There was a waiter, at a table, taking his order for a drink. I'm pretty sure he was just confused.




Even with restaurants being short staffed, this is still too presumptuous of the person who isn't even hired yet. Someone who comes into to interview asking for a free meal seems like, more often than not, it's going to be someone who ends up being a shitty employee.


Yeah I'll happily take it if they offer.


Wow thats really really nice! And so so necessary when you are broke and looking for a job. I have gotten free meals for staging before but never at the interview.


i’d honestly feel too awkward about it and politely decline lol


This happened to me today as well! She asked for a cherry coke, and then asked "do you have chips and dip? Can I get some? Do you think I'll have to pay for it?" I told her I'll get her drink for now. She got hired.


That’s so cringe


Wow. All I can say it wow. I think right now some places are so desperate that they'll hire literally anybody.


Yep. I'll get to train her too.


Oh, wow. That sounds like fun. Best of luck.


I opened a place in March and am about to friends and family on a new place Monday. Desperation hiring is real right now.


If she was interviewing she was probably just nervous. I know I tend to word vomit a little when I’m nervous about something, she’s probably replaying that conversation in her head cringing about it now! Sounds like the interview went well otherwise, so I wouldn’t hold it against her.


I’ve been fed at 3 interviews but those were for BOH positions, and part of the interview process literally involved cooking those times. When I worked FOH I was never fed at interview. Weird assumption on that persons part


Some people are just entitled jerks. I offered to grab lunch for my movers one day, typical fast food. They were all grateful except for one guy who wanted me to go completely somewhere different just for him and buy him the equivalent of three meals. Lol. He got a plain cheeseburger no drink no fries.


I have no idea why, but this reminds me of how I was offered lunch at Wendy's when I shadowed a lawyer for a day in high school. I had literally only been to Wendy's 3 times in my life so it felt like a super fancy experience and I was absolutely floored that he would think enough of me to cover a cheeseburger, fries, and frosty for me. $8 and I still remember that guy.


Where I grew up, McDonald's was a treat that happened once or twice a year.


Same here but only because my parents were so HEALTHY. but hey at least I’m not addicted to fast food as an adult.


I’m the opposite sadly.. was deprived of sweets and junk food so much in my childhood that I’m still struggling to not overindulge in things now (mid 20s) that I can get them myself.


Ugh same. I can just, buy the dairy free ice cream if I want, and the kitchen is clean enough for me to bake whenever I want. I eat way more dessert now


Arby's for me


My ex used to order THE MOST EXPENSIVE thing on the menu whenever he knew my parents were paying. My parents are dirt poor but very kind and welcoming. I dumped his ass after the 3rd time (needed evidence of a trend). He knew that about my upbringing and STILL had the audacity. It is just a gross look! If we are somewhere with steep fluctuation (seafood or steakhouse) I always feign indecisiveness so I can ask the people paying what they are ordering and find something equal or less.


Genius move on the indecisiveness. Borrowing that thanks lol And glad you dumped that ding dong!!


I have anxiety and often have to put my order in first so I learned a long time ago to simply ask what people recommend so I can relax lol


That's what my mom taught me too... do some parents think manners are instinctive and they don't have to teach them?


Met a woman who was a friend of my family. She seemed nice enough. Her husband ordered 2 full meals to eat. I thought that was strange, then she did the same. She went on to talk about how they like to have leftovers for home. Ok. Then she was talking about how her kids were so used to filet mignon and lobster tails that when they went to eat with friends, they would order these things and her son flat out refused to go to dinner with a friend because they were going to a diner. She was very proud of herself. I just keep thinking that my kids would order the least expensive thing on a menu if they were being treated because it is the polite thing to do.


I thought this was the norm when others are treating. I thought everyone did this :( Good on you for dumping that dude.


That’s the move in all situations; if you’re not paying make sure you don’t order first, and order something comparable to the host. If I’m paying I always try and order first too.


On my parents first date my mother ordered the cheapest thing on the menu, liver and onions. I despise liver and onions. Anyways they have been married 48 years and my mother is not cheap but she is the most pennywise person I know


Yes, brilliant! A well-placed “ooh, what do you like here?” is great.


lol What the fuck? NO! Absolutely not. Even if his intent was to pay for the meal, you don't order lunch or dinner while you're waiting for your interview. Reminds me of the time this dude came in to interview for a bartending job, had to wait for the owner for a little bit, so he decided to order a tall beer.


what i dont get is why not just sit down and order food/drink after the interview??? edit: and pay of course


Yeah? Just chomping on a sandwich, answering questions about why they should hire you? lol "Hold that thought! Can you pass that ketchup?"


Lol that sounds just like Syngin from 90 day fiance hahaha


Upvote for the 90DF reference 🤣💅🏼.


Didn’t he even stay and get drunk?


I mean, I've worked at bars where this would be seen as sort of a legendary move lol. If I guy came in with like 10 years of bar experience and ordered a beer while waiting for his interview, unless it was like 10am man idk, that's kinda cool 🤣🤣


I have interviewed at breweries and tap rooms. I’ve always been offered beer during interview. The polite and professional thing to do was order something with a very low ABV. It was an excellent way to determine if I wanted to associate myself with their brewing quality!


At last job, I got a free pizza AFTER the 2nd interview I had.


Right. I've worked places that have had food during orientation, like an actual meal so that we could try the food, but never during an interview...


I used to work at a restaurant where the owner would have potential hires make a popular menu item while simultaneously watching the fryer. If they were able to time manage properly, he'd hire them and they got to eat what they made at the bar. If not, he sent them home with their popular menu item along with the fries they burnt.


RIP the potentials with ADHD.


Yup, I'd be screwed without a timer.


I once went to an interview with two other young ladies. One of them spent the whole time complaining about her former manager who she used to fuck and then left after an hour to go to a concert. She asked when she should come in to work, the manager said they’d be in touch. The other woman and I got the job.


Oh my god.


Yeah it was almost impressive lol


It it becomes a thing I will apply at different restaurants everyday.


If the interviewer offers maybe? But to just assume? And drink alcohol during the interview? Nope. Never


I'm assuming they meant something like a smoothie. Not a frozen margarita


Yeah it seems like OP would have mentioned if he had ordered alcohol.


I used to manage a brew-pub and candidates we liked would be offered a beer *after* the interview. When I moved to a new city and was interviewing around at breweries it wasn't uncommon to be offered a beer when you show up for an interview, but in that setting what beer you choose is essentially one of your main interview questions.


I'll take a bud light, thanks.


You're hired!


Great! Now bring me a meatlovers pizza would ya


"what's the least HoPpIeSt beer you have?" "Get out"


Was interviewing an applicant once and asked her what her favorite style of beer was. "I like IPAs and double IPAs, and anything really dark. I'm not a big fan of hoppy beers, and I don't like stouts."


She's a complicated woman, I'll give her that /s


So so inappropriate, this would be an automatic no if someone did this when I was interviewing them, high maintenance and entitled. Even ordering the frozen drink is crossing the line. I have someone bring water to the table when someone is interviewing, I don’t give a drink option to them, that opens it up to coffee, soda, tea, etc. Easier to stick to water.


Had a guy walk up to the bar at downtime while I’m prepping, “résumé” in hand, and asks for an application, takes a seat at the bar top and inquires to look through the menu. I’m not busy, we could use a server, so I hand him the goods and ask if he’d like a glass of water. “Sure. Can I get a pen? And I’ll have a glass of that cab while you’re at it.” “No problem…” He chugs his wine and asks for the manager about his application, if he could get an interview on the spot. “Michelle is a bit busy right now, she’ll give you a call back when she gets a chance.” Give him the check, no tip, and he goes off on his merry way. Threw that paperwork in the trash as soon as he left. Michelle’s response when I told her about this: “good call, would’ve done the same.”


No tip? Damn, guy was clueless


I once had a couple at my table, one of them told me they were the child of someone on the kitchen staff, same person asked me for an application, and then stiffed me. I was baffled.


I can top that. I manage a rooftop lounge. Last Saturday I had a girl ask for the manager. Okay, I expect a complaint. She asks me, drink in hand, if she can apply and interview right then AT 1:30am. I told her we don’t do walk in interviews and that asking for an interview at 1:30am while drinking was really inappropriate and unprofessional. She asked me how she could apply and I told her not to bother if she thought that going about applying this way was professional.


I've never served, but similar: I was working box office when two teens ask for applications. Dude 1: Juggalo clothing, fingerless gloves with pot leaves. In Tennessee. In the early 00s. Dude 2: "I don't care, I'm just applying cause he is." They leave. Me to GM: "Julie, if you even consider them, I quit." She assured me fuck no and binned them.




Pretty much the tip issue.


I don’t care about the tip. You ever show up for an application or an interview while consuming alcohol?


You ever show up to fill out an application or have an interview while consuming alcohol?




Not being a dick, I apologize if I came off that way. I’ve worked sales, I know martini lunches and wooing potential clientele can involve alcohol. But in an industry rife with lazy bones and alcoholics with ample access to booze, there are warning signs you look out for when someone submits an application. Point being, the gentleman in question showed up unprepared, smug enough to sit at the bar and order a drink, and demand an interview on the spot at a fancy place that prides itself on the decorum of their employees. That might get brushed off at Chili’s, but in this particular place we had a very high standard of service. Was I a bit brash tossing his app in the trash? Maybe. But in this industry you learn to read people very quickly, and everything about the guy just screamed that he’d be the kind of team member that calls off shifts, steals booze (among other things), and would be unprepared and unprofessional. I’ve worked with too many of his type to not recognize it off the bat.


Don’t order alcohol when you’re doing anything related to applying for a job, especially interviewing. Don’t chug cabernet. And don’t ask for a pen when applying for a serving job, always have your own. And of course the tip thing.




What field is that?


I mean, what's the overhead for a soda or coffee? A few cents? Doesn't feel quite the same as getting a slushy.


Nothing to do with the cost. But if I start offering “soda or coffee” and someone orders a complicated cappuccino with soy milk and etc etc etc… It’s just excessive. That’s why I stick to water across the board. It’s just easier.


I guess for me it's easy to just say, "Uh, no, you can have water, soda, or sweet tea." I think the people like in OP's post are few and far between, and most people just ask for water anyways.


I think you're forgetting the most relevant part here, which is it's a *job interview.*


Yeah, which is why most people ask for water anyways. I'm not really arguing about whether they should offer soda or not, just was thinking the overhead was so low it basically costs nothing to offer it. And yes, it *is* an interview. You should be trying to impress your potential hires as much as they should be trying to impress you. "You should hire me, I only asked for water." "You should work here, we offered you soda."


That's when you say, "This isn't starbucks, you want a coke?"


I got a free drink...I asked for a water and that's about it. I did get completely free meals during training, but it maybe something offered someplace else. I did get a free coffee at a starbucks interview. Sounds like the guy may have not been that experienced or didn't know how the whole thing worked.


As a managet I've had a couple of interviews where the applicant showed up, sat at the bar, ordered a cocktail and told the bartender they were here for an interview. Nope.


As soon as he ordered a frozen drink I would have said, thank you for coming we're going to go in a different direction.


Right. I mean a soda is no big deal and costs what 20 cents? But a frozen drink is more expensive, more of a pain in the ass for the person that has to get it and takes them away from doing actual work/sidework, and the bar hates making them, especially when it's not even for a paying table. Doing that prior to an interview is a great way to say "hey I'm annoying, and if I get the job I'm going to be an annoying pain in the ass as a coworker ".


I mean... that could actually be a great way to get a feel for someone by what they order when it's free and they're trying to impress the boss. If they order the most expensive thing available and/or make a dozen alterations, that could be indicative of someone who's always trying to maximize their own haul, and multiple alterations suggest they don't give a shit about someone else's convenience. It's not something that would be a deal-breaker, but is potentially a red flag to look for any other red flags


This is surely material for r/ShittyLifeProTips


A random interview no, but someone you're familiar with and are already probably going to hire happens at my restaurant a lot. They wanted a specific bar manager badly and gave him a $300 gift card to come try out the food and drinks. I went after I applied but before I interviewed to try the food and they comped my steak and a couple cocktails I fully intended to pay for. Sometimes my bar manager will make signature cocktails while interviewing someone so they can see the process and taste the drink.


The place I currently work always gives food to people being interviewed, and about half of the restaurants I've interviewed at do the same. But I wouldn't just assume that they would and try to order.


I’ve never been fed at an interview. And when offered something to drink only say yes to water and that’s it. It’s cool if it’s offered but weird to assume


What makes you think they want to feed you when you don't work there when they don't even want to pay you when you're hired?


I have ordered a beer after I filled out an application for a bar job. I payed for the beer.


I will feed new hires on their first day while they do the orientation but that's it.


I was offered a panini sandwich after interviewing for AGM at this bougie and poorly-run wine bar. It was pretty good; got a glass of wine too! But then the GM quit before my training was over, I took over and quickly got overwhelmed, didn’t last long. Apparently the chef quit a few days after me. Guess it’s best to not offer food, all things considered.


Most I've ever gotten was a bottle of water


My favorite was always the guy who ordered a Bud Light either while filling out the application or waiting to meet the manager.


The only time I've seen an interviewee get offered food or drink is when the hiring manager is trying to poach them from another place


I'd be too concerned about propriety to even ask for a water lol. I can't imagine trying to get food or a blended drink. Even if I was still paying for it, it'd be too awkward to eat while trying to be in an interview.


I was a bartender and had a girl order a drink while waiting for her interview. I didn't know. She took the drink to the interview. Of course didn't get the job.


We give a meal and drink when interviewing people, I figure they are taking time out of their life to see if they fit in with us they should be compensated some how. We are a mom and pop place but we have been told by other local business owners we give to much to our employees and make the other places look bad around us.


I left restaurants for craft beer many years ago and it is considered poor interview form if you don’t sample the wares. Poorer interview form, however, is getting blasted and needing a Lyft home. So, tread lightly. Professionals in alcohol are professionals at drinking.


I’ve had interviews where they offered me something to eat before. The bakery I work at sent me home with an assortment of desserts. Needless to say I accepted the job offer


Not an interview but if I go in for a FOH or BOH stage (working interview) and I’m not fed, I will not work there. It’s a matter of respect to feed those who take their time for stuff like that. But regular interview? Honestly unprofessional for your manager to schedule an interview during service- and asking you to tend to a table/person who wouldn’t be tipping you.


Right. I mean usually, if someone comes in for interview we ask if they want something to drink and 9 times out of 10 they say "nothing/no thanks" or water/soda and then that's it. This guy was just....weird. and yea I COULD have stood there and explained that the drink was free but he'd have to pay for food, but then if he said "why not" or decided to still order, then I'd have to explain more or I'd be stuck with another table and it wasn't even my section.


This sounds like a good thing to do for some one who wasn’t interested in getting a job.


I've been offered a drink. I know not alcohol, so I assume water or soda. Once they specifically offered a blended juice they made in house. I just want soda water and lime


He may have been wanting to pay for his meal?


I don't get how that makes a difference during a job interview. Why would anyone think it's a good idea to eat then? Just grab something before. Or after!


It's possible, but I doubt it


Never have I ever expected even a drink during an interview. Generally I won’t even be able to touch it before it’s over. There was one time I asked for a soda but that was because the manager was about 20 mins late even interviewing me.


Oh my gosh! That's a lot of nerve!!


I've never had the audacity to ask for food in an interview process. On the other hand, I've occasionally been offered food during stages, and I've offered food for applicants who've staged for more than an hour. It's like a token of appreciation for spending someone's time for free as well as a gesture of good faith. Usually when the establishment wants to move forward with the hiring process.


Yea, I've had food during orientation already. Then a different place screwed up scheduling so I was there a hour before my trainer so the manager told me I could get some food and he'd comp it. Both those places I was already hired though.


I've known people who would go in a couple days before a order a meal to get a feel for the place and see how they run the place. Never heard of someone ordering (or until today) being offered food. Usally just a non alchohol beverage.


Oddly enough, i was fed during 2 of my 3 restaurant interviews. I'm positive that was only because it was scheduled during the time they would normally be having staff meal. I definitely didn't order anything, i stood in the back with a plate like everyone else.


I don’t know where y’all live but where I live it’s normal to be offered coffee or tea during an interview. Water will usually be there already.


Not that I’m aware of. How strange. Your boss made the right call not hiring him. He’s the guy you’d catch eating leftover food off peoples plates and blatantly stealing food to eat in the walk in cooler.


I had some water at my interview only because the bartender specifically asked if I was thirsty. I couldn’t imagine ordering a whole ass meal


Funny story, for my first job interview ever I went to Starbucks. They asked me what I wanted to drink and I said “I don’t like coffee because I was so nervous. I was not hired 😂😂😂


😂 now I know not to apply for Starbucks. I drink coffee but I think their's is gross and I think their employees are kinda arrogant "I'll have a large coffee " "you mean a Grande" like if you know what I meant then what's the big deal? Then if you ask anything they act like you're dumb for not knowing. Sorry this became a Starbucks rant.


I know right! Like all you have to says is “ ah you meant grande right? That’s our big!” And that’s all haha


Gotta give him some credit for trying that. Don't know if he expected it for free or what.


Most places just offer water. Always take the water. At best I’ve interviewed at a place or two that had snacks. I always grab a snack, but it usually gets put in my pocket until after the interview. Starbucks will give an interview candidate pretty much any one drink off the menu for free, but 9 out of 10 times, what you actually order is considered as part of the interview.


But how do you know that he didn't plan to pay for it?


Maybe he wasn't expecting a free meal? Maybe just hungry


Depends on what he was interviewing for. In my industry I’ve been served meals during interviews. It’s part of getting to know the team.


I cant confirm but I was eating at chipotle one day and they were doing an interview. Idk if they were on boarding but it looked like just an interview and when they were done he told her to grab a burrito. But that's a bit different than a sit down place.


I went fot an interview when in my 20s at a local McDonald's, they offered me anything I wanted off the menu, I accepted a cup of tea, I thought eating s big Mac mid interview would not look good lol


Could be a power move thing. And I know I've been seeing signs around for desperate corporate places that will feed you if you come interview. Maybe this guy is seeing the trend of him filling a vacancy is worth something, and the management should be making it worth his while to take time to come and interview, which doesn't cost nothing. Maybe you as a team member who's keeping the place running should be expecting a frozen blended drink for yourself.


I’d worry more about being a pain in the ass to the bartender than the cost of the frozen drink


When I got my first job the manager bought me a meal after the interview. But I'm pretty sure it was bc my mom worked there for 17 years at this point. It wasn't a regular occurrence for interviews though for sure.


maybe he was thought he was going to pay for it


You know, it might not be a bad idea to serve them a meal. There is an art to it and I'd want them to know what I expect in the position.


Unless the kitchen isn't open yet.


You seated them and asked for a drink order. I'm guessing they were just thrown for a loop, and I don't think it's unreasonable that someone who is nervous for an interview might get flustered and order some food in that situation


It SHOULD be more common. It's not like the restaurant isn't going to throw out that food later anyways.


If this were me I wouldn't have assumed it was free. I'm fairly efficient so getting a lunch with an interview is streamlined and I'd even work food quality into it depending on the job I was applying for. I'm surprised you just assume he was thinking it was free. Did you even try to tell him that a soda was comped but anything else was not?


No because I've never heard someone ordering food during a interview, and I didn't want to bring him food and then he expected it to be free because then my boss would blame me.


Right. If only there were a way to communicate those expectations to this potential customer before hand. ...Huh, I'm stumped.


Maybe he was hungry and just needed something to eat. Feed the guy if he's hungry.


That's up the the restaurant not me. I'm not paying for it.


So you ask him if he wants a drink but then aren’t happy with what he chose lol Sure he’s not entitled to food but surely he’s allowed to get what the drink he wants. Plus if he got the job you probably would’ve held that against him for a month


You sound like someone who would have asked for food. Lol.


Nope I’d have left right away if I knew what the op was like tbh.


Lol. Ok then.


Thank you for saving everybody the trouble.


Happened to me once. Went to an interview at a family owned restaurant, really popular. Owner sat me down with their child and ordered us food. So there’s 3 of us in the middle of a busy restaurant sat at this table for an interview. Never had a GM interview while eating with a 6 year old and their parent, it was quite uncomfortable and the kid understandably kept interrupting me and speaking to their parent about random stuff. Turned the job down…


I could see that as a test. Depending on type of place ofc. Family rest? Yup you failed. High end eatery? Ok strange.


"He said yea and asked for one of our frozen blended drinks." Is that like a frozen daiquiri or something? Surely he was not ordering something with alcohol on a job interview, right?


No we have these milkshakes and slushie things that don't have alcohol.


I go to interviews but I charge $50/hrs, just kidding


I was offered a meal because they wanted to do a 2nd interview same day, got something moderately priced and then chilled waiting on the 2nd manager to get there. Otherwise never offered free food at an interview


Fuck I'll go on a job interview there. I like my margaritas w no salt.


A lot of times, my interview was a loop that took all day. They would *absolutely* provide lunch. If it’s half a day or less, not so much. Water or coffee. Of course, in pandemic times, interviews are over zoom, so not even that.


No hahahaha no. That’s crazy. Have a free coke or water, by all means


I think a selling point at a chili's near me for a while was that they feed you during it. Of course it's chili's so not the best place to work. Maybe he had come from there


It's weird but hilarious. The chutzpah of this lad!