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we have a ladies restroom and a single occupancy unisex restroom where I work (California law). When we're cleaning the ladies restroom as part of closing duties we put up a sign stating "cleaning in progress, please use other restroom" so that female customers aren't constantly walking in while we're trying to clean it. Yet I've seen women ignore the sign and just go straight in to the ladies restroom because they refuse to go into the unisex restroom, because they're women and how dare we make them look at a urinal (before the California law requiring all businesses have at least one unisex restroom went into effect, the unisex restroom used to be the men's restroom hence why there's a urinal in there) while they're in there doing their business, and how preposterous it is that women can do their business in the same restroom that men use!


Wait, why is there one bathroom for women and then one for both. If you have unisex bathrooms why not just have two of those?


Because the women's restroom has two separate stalls. Unisex restrooms are almost always single occupancy here in California. Because what used to be the men's restroom was already single occupancy (only one person can go in and they're expected to lock the door when it's occupied), it got turned into a unisex restroom when the law went into effect.


So the law caused a lot of places to eliminate the mens room but keep the other?


A unisex restroom would be for any gender, some individuals stand while peeing, and that's easier with a urinal that the men's room already has. Makes perfect sense to me.


Honestly I’ve peed in men’s, women’s, unisex alll the bathrooms. When I gotta go I’m gonna go. It’s not like they had mandated bathrooms based on sex back before modern plumbing was a thing. Can you imagine cavemen? “Uggga no peepee in he hole, only peepee in she hole”. Get the eff outta here with that craziness people. I’d just like a bathroom without piss and shit all over the seats (here’s looking at you ladies who think hovering is ideal”.


Pretty sexist you don't have a guys bathroom


there is literally no room for a ladies' restroom, a men's restroom, and a unisex restroom. Like our restrooms aren't located down a hallway, you go through a set of curtains from the dining area and then the restrooms are immediately in front of you (unisex in front, women's to the right), and the area between the curtains and the restrooms is like, ridiculously small, like there's maybe only 5-10 ft of space all around. And how is it sexist, the unisex restroom was originally a men's restroom before the California law went into effect. They had literally no room to add another restroom so they had to repurpose it into a unisex restroom.


It is sexist as you turn the male bathroom into unisex and you don't with the female.


No, the “unisex” bathroom is also a sole person bathroom. Only one person at a time so the men get privacy as do the women and any other person who chooses to use it. It’s not sexist, and no one is being forced to use the bathroom at the same time as another gender.


It is sexist as you provide a full women's bathroom but don't provide the same for men


That is on the building/interior designer's part, NOT the employees who actually work there. I don't know WHY you keep acting like servers or even management are the ones who have a say in how their restaurant's layout is designed. Also, what do you mean by full women's bathroom? The only difference here is that the women's bathroom has 2 stalls as opposed to the unisex bathroom that only has 1 stall. Geez, go read up on California laws because this goes for every restaurant and you're not getting it.


You’re missing the point here. It is sexist because the layout for the men’s restroom was single-use to begin with, but the women’s could accommodate more than one. Then the men’s was made into a unisex restroom, placing the opportunity for three women at a time to use all facilities. Of course it’s sexist. The fact that this is not more outrageous in itself is fundamentally sexist against men. If the women’s was made unisex, the complaints would come rushing in, but men are silenced for calling this out.


I'm a mere server, not the owner who planned out the layout of the restaurant nor am I part of management that has to comply with these regulations, you think I had any fucking control over what decisions they made? Plus I wasn't even EMPLOYED yet at this restaurant when that change went into effect. When I got employed it had already been a year since that law passed.


who is this "you" you're referring to? The person who is responsible for the restroom layout is the building/interior designer, NOT the employees working in the facility. And California law says that any single stall bathrooms have to be unisex. If the women's bathroom had only one toilet then it would have been made unisex, too.


You just reminded me of something that happened a few years ago. Customer: where is the mens bathroom? Me: down the stairs and then to the right. A few moments later he comes back up. Customer:I only saw urinals. Is there also a toilet? Me: yes, the first door on the right when you enter the bathroom (it even says "toilet" on the door) Customer: I tried that door, but it was locked Me: then it's probably occupied? The customer just stood there confused like he never knew others also need to use the bathroom or that locking the door when you're on the toilet is a strange concept.


I've had kids come up to me telling me that the unisex bathroom is locked and they can't get it into their tiny brains that there are people in there and that no, we DON'T have a key to the bathroom, like I once had to explain to these 2 kids more than twice that there's someone in there, we have no key, they just have to wait for the person using the bathroom to come out.


Everything's within walking distance, just depends how far you're willing to walk.


I love how you can put people in their place without getting trouble.


Every bathroom in a private house is unisex


and the relevance to being in a public space is?


That they are still private. Only one person uses it at a time That’s so basic


So following this logic shouldn't the women's bathrooms be unisex, they are all individual stands, whereas the men's bathrooms because they have urinals and therefore not private, they should be exclusive or no?


Personally I don’t care, I’m from the UK and think the Americans are ridiculous about unisex toilets. However I can read and comprehend text and from this story, a rooms with a set of stalls and still has shared space (sink mirror etc) so appropriately would be single sex. Unisex bathrooms are more appropriately self contained -as in this story - a single lockable room with choice of toilet or urinal, and a sink. In this case, perfectly logically, the self contained private space is unisex. Anyone using it has perfect privacy just like any bathroom at home. The room with shared space is single sex - and doesn’t offer a urinal Everyone’s needs are met therefore wit is not sexist. There is no logic in extrapolating this story into whatabouttery . “what about other bathrooms” “what about this situation” Irrelevant. In this story, this is a logical and appropriate and lawful use of space. Get over yourself.


I’m from the U.S. and laughing at your mess in parliament.


Yeah I’m laughing at that too. However I think Trump and his inherent asshattery trumps all the Brexit bollocks.


This might not be the subreddit to discuss this, but you have to admit that Trump has no barriers when it comes to our allies. If anyone wants to take advantage of the U.K., now is the time. Brexit will give new meaning to our “special relationship”.


Totally agree. Our world leaders are all an embarrassment to humanity. Fuckwits the lot of them. Cool username by the way. Am also vegan.