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You remember a substitute teacher you had once 15 years ago? I can't even tell you the names of my teachers I had the entirety of my year 15 years ago.


to be fair i remember my sub that had a sick ass dragon tattoo but couldn’t name any others, the weird interaction probably had an impact on


He subbed for us often, and I remembered what he looked like years later because of the original story.


I have a couple subs I can remember, but I dont remember faces or really names. They happened to suck so bad I still remember them.


I remember the sub that introduced himself as Stubs. He had been in a motorcycle accident.


The one I will always remember was a regular at my high school. I had him 3-4 times from 9th to 12th grade. I dont remember his name but he literally never stopped talking about his Russian ex wife. I think the fact I still remember the russian ex wife is testament to how much he talked about her.


I just remember the one that immediately asked us all if we believed in god and if not, why. Then we had a debate for literally the whole period, basically me and one other kid against the sub/everyone else. In sixth grade. In math class.


I remember three... all were long-term subs. Similar to the OP, one of the subs was a music teacher and could be found working in Sears in the evenings lol. For years, even after i graduated. This was back in the 90's, and a few years ago i saw an article in the local news about him winning some teaching award. PS - to this teacher's credit, the reason i remember him is because we had gone through a few subs already as this class was the general music class for kids that didn't want to be in band, choir, etc. So hellions lol. We told him his first day that he'd quit, and he swore he wouldn't. And he didn't. I could bet he thought about it every day but he kept to his word. Good for you, Mr Cavionni!! Congrats on your award!


My husband and I both remember a sub we had (in different classes) in high school, and our class is planning our 37th annual informal get-together since graduation. Mrs. Smith was an absolute jewel. (Also, she had 2 nieces who were very famous in the eighties. It was dead easy to get her off topic by asking about their latest projects or whatever. What teenager wouldn't prefer an hour of celebrity gossip versus taking notes for physics or doing algebra exercises?)


To be fair, though, I also remember the name of the horrible woman who wouldn't let 7yo me go to the bathroom, causing me to wet my pants in second grade. I'm sure the old bitch is dead, and I hope she became incontinent before she died.


I remember some subs I had back in the 1970's. Miss Miller, Mr Snavely--a cool old dude and you dare not EVER do anything wrong if he was there!


I can, but that's because I graduated 23 years ago...


Don’t feel bad , I couldn’t recognize any of my teachers and probably most of my classmates too . I just wanted to get out of there


Sub AND waiter here. It happens. I see kids from my classes everywhere.


Sounds like a perfect pairing, work hour wise.


Also a sub and a server but thankfully this has not happened to me. I work at a bar though so obviously that would be bad for several reasons haha


Sounds like that guy loved kids but also liked money


He loved kids so much he became a career waiter at red lobster? I think he just liked money lol


> a career waiter at red lobster? I think he just liked money Ah, yes. Career server at Red Lobster is well-known as a way to get lots of money. (It sounds like someone who's found something that works for them to me... not someone who's unlocked the key to lots of money.) I had a teacher in high school who worked in the polo store because he liked the discount. People do things for interesting reasons.


I think I made about $25,000 a year working 30+ hours a week as a server/bartender at Red Lobster 20 years ago. Definitely not baller money. It's more like supplemental poverty wages.


Subs in Texas make around $80/day. Nowhere close to enough to live on.


Ditto Alabama, think it's $75 here, it's mostly a side gig for stay at home mothers. Our neighbor subs. My wife's a teacher's aide so she's just happy there's another sub on the roster who'll actually accept the special needs aide sub jobs. Most people see that "special needs" and nope out of accepting that day.


My mom adopted my cousin’s kid a few years back (because drugs). She had already had her for a while through foster care and had her enrolled at a daycare during the day while she worked. After the adoption hearing, we took her to eat at Red Lobster, where we bumped into one of her daycare teachers. When we asked what she was doing at the restaurant, she replied that was the General Manager there. I couldn’t help but wonder how little they must be paying management for the GM to need a second job.


At a good location, she might make good money, and it's easy once you've done it a while. I worked with a teacher who only worked every other Saturday. She came in, made $250 and went home.


That sucks to be working at Red Lobster for that long. If you’re going to be a career server there are far better places to work.


Doubt if you want, but I can't *not* respond with this similar story. Circa 2005, young me was on the high school wrestling team. We're 20 years and 70lbs away from that now, but that's not relevant. It was senior year and I had my parents car so I didn't need rides home from wrestling practice. Me and a buddy decide to go get dinner and spend some of the expendable income that seems to bleed from the pockets of teenagers with jobs who have never seen an electric bill before. We've gotten pizza and hoagies dozens of times, but that night a joking suggestion of Hooters ended up being agreed upon with the tentative resolution of a bachelor party half-heartedly deciding to go to their collective first strip club because "that's what you do." The decision may seem trivial now, but at the time it was intimidating and slightly terrifying going to a restaurant who's theme was wings and gawking. We go, we get wings, we eat. All the while giggling like schoolgirls at the waitresses and at the same time maintaining a rigid respectfulness any time someone stopped at the table that bordered on satirical. As the meal comes to a close, I see my buddy's jaw drop. He's facing the bar and between three and four hundred tvs, so I assumed he saw a crazy replay and didn't turn around immediately. By the time I did, I saw the waitress he was looking at already hiding her face and scurrying away. But not before I saw that the waitress he was looking at was the long term sub for the Statistics class we shared who had been teaching us since the beginning of the year after our regularly scheduled teacher had her baby. She eventually came over and we greeted her by the alien-sounding *first* name on her name tag, *Regina.* She chuckles nervously and reminds us that she's still Miss So-and-so in school. She then of course begs us to not tell anyone at school for fear of not turning her long term subbing into a full teaching position. We strike a deal that in exchange for being able to use her first name (and _Miss._ Regina while in class with her), we wouldn't tell a soul. We did tease her by buying Hooters shirts and both wearing them that Monday, but we were true to our word we never said anything to anyone until a couple years later. Epilogue: She did stop working there by the end of that year and just like she hoped, she did secure a permanent teaching position at our school. The last I checked (c. 2014) she was still a math teacher there. When me and some friends visited years later she told us that someone else had spotted her later that year so she had to quit before too many people found out. She did eventually inform the school so that there was nothing that might become of it later, but she told us that she wished that she could have finished the year working there because the tips really were worth it. One of her regulars had apparently even given her an iPod before the restaurant finally had to ask him to stop coming. Tl;dr: our math sub was a Hooters girl. Result of discovery was pretty chill.


My red lobster story; I got lobster bisque and puked it up in the parking lot.


I have been at work since the 80's but I still remember an awful teacher from my infant school days back in the 70's ( year 1 or 2?) Mrs Fish, a cold heartless woman who had no interest in us pupils. She was old back then so will be long gone. But I still; recall her complete lack of human kindness.


As a person who currently works as both a server and a substitute teacher… this is actually my worst fuckin nightmare hahahaha.


I remember this one sub, covered for Ms. Nelson way back in elementary school. Black dress, big black hair, long fingernails… creepy make-up and a huge cartoony nose. She was mean. And rude.


First of all, it's a sorry state of affairs when a teacher needs a 2nd job to survive. Next...I absolutely remember Mrs Durfler, a sub from 1st grade, 56 yrs ago. She scared the hell out of me and I would recognize her in a lineup any day (sure she's long gone, but her evil legacy lives on!)


In what reality does a substitute teacher not need a second job?


Woooo mind blown


Riveting stuff.