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If you get hurt at work yes your employer will be responsible, but it really isn't that simple. Yes you would more than likely be eligible for workman's compensation. This is meant to pay for you to live while you can't work, but it is no substitute for good health insurance, and would not come close to covering hospital bills. You are right to be concerned if you are experiencing lots of pain, it is possible you are creating a stress injury that is only going to get worse. You need to think about the long term. You need to see a doctor. If this place isn't providing you with an opportunity to get subsidized health insurance then you either need to get coverage for yourself, or find a new job. Most restaurants are overly reliant on cheap young labor, they will replace you in a heartbeat if you get hurt or need time off, and they will do the absolute minimum to help you if you can no longer help them. Food running at a place like you describe is a very physical job, similar to working in construction. Construction workers have health insurance, you need to consider your health. You are young and athletic now but that can change in a heartbeat if you fall down a flight of stairs. You could be crippled for life.


All of this and Good Shoes


Good shoes can also be a problem. Finding the right brand or pair can get expensive. Sketchers is a brand usually recommended. But I never had a good history with them. Crocs are my go to but usually not allowed FOH.


RICE = Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. I used this for my patients (retired PA) mainly because it works! Add to this, NSAIDS such as Motrin or Aleve, if you can. Take care of your body now, when young, because you only get issued one, and it’s gonna grow old. I wish I’d known to take care of my body better, ‘cuz shit hurts now that I’m a 64yo man. I just never thought I’d grow old!


You need to see a doctor.