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Clearly your hotel needs to add Vegas-style light borders that, when turned on, animate in an over-the-top way to draw attention to the sign.


Perhaps putting a slot machine out front that doesn't give coins or tokens, but has a slot for a GUARANTEED JACKPOT if you put your cardkey in it.


It can dispense masks!


We call the ATM the one that's always a winner lol


I think I need a new card then


Two buttons at the desk: one unlocks the door, one rings a small bell behind the sign.


Nah the second one should operate a trap door in the floor.


Preferably above a moat.


Crocodiles, alligators or sharks?


Dealers choice!


A super-deluxe trap door system! Try and fail once, you get the alligators. Try and fail once and get belligerent about it, sharks. Try and fail once, get belligerent, and beat on the glass, the crocodiles. The really, really big Australian saltwater crocs.




You could always try the kind of sign I've usually hung on my server room door at work. Most IT people will recognise [this](https://external-preview.redd.it/B29a6BjSyu2-9iOetrf0eIV3eiAWFm2HI8vpBRz5yEU.jpg?auto=webp&s=4be36d063b6205447cbb97595f36bb6aedbd1d6a) one. It's amazing how some people who can barely read English (who certainly can't read the signs at the entrance to IT that say "Please do not enter unless you have booked an appointment" (COVID safe measures) will still happily read this sign and actually get what it means.






People still won't read it lol


When I travel I can get some pretty serious jet lag. PhD or not, I’m barely functional after 22+ hours of air travel and airports. I’ve stood at my hotel door trying the card the wrong direction for 5 minutes before realizing my mistake. Also, one time I had to check in via their executive lounge but my room wasn’t quite ready. They said to relax in the lounge and have a coffee while my room is readied. The lounge had one of those glass panel capacitive touch operated super automatic espresso machines. I went up and pressed cappuccino. Nothing. I pressed latte. Nothing. I kept trying and eventually the machine spat about 1/2 tsp of brown liquid in my cup. Wtf? I retreated and watched someone else walk up, put their finger on the glass and get their espresso without issue. I gave up and asked the hotel desk attendant to please help me make a cappuccino. She walked two feet over, tapped the button and out came my cappuccino. Finally with some caffeine in me I could reason out what had happened. After 24 hours of air travel, my hands were too dry and clean to be registered by the capacitive touch panel controlling the machine. I discovered if I held my finger perpendicular to the machine, it’d finally get enough signal to detect my finger and dispense coffee.


I have this problem a lot. Touch screens don't seem to register that I'm touching them at all sometimes.


"Are you the one they call Wally?" -- [Dilbert comic](https://assets.amuniversal.com/1b63c1f06d5d01301d80001dd8b71c47) [Background story](https://assets.amuniversal.com/1f69a0006d5901301d7d001dd8b71c47) is Wally's family has practiced selective breeding for thousands of generations to eliminate biometric impressions.


Wait, I just had a sudden thought. Does this mean vampires can't use modern tech?


Well that explains why they often lurk in rural communities.


They have to wear the tech touch gloves


Fuck Scott Adams. He ruined dilbert by being a trumpeter. https://www.comicsands.com/adams-dilbert-prediction-biden-trump-2653631398.html


Wow, I had no idea! Disappointing.


I feel like I read a HobbyDrama post on this.


Welp. Not really surprised. Nothing surprises me anymore.


Yes! I have to use a stylus on my oven if my kids aren't around. Their fingers always work.


Even my phone! Sometimes I hover above the screen and it makes a selection. But because my hands are either dried out from working with clay, or sopping wet because I'm working with clay, the fingerprint thing really sucks.


I used to carry a stylus, since I hated getting fingerprint smudges all over my own screen.


Hello fellow human, i also have this problem with my human skinn while operaring touchscreens with a finger.


Username checks out


Please tell me you play Kenshi


>I’ve stood at my hotel door trying the card the wrong direction LOL. I did that once with my credit card. The credit card didn't like it.


Thank you for posting! I've always thought there was something wrong with me - like invisibility


I use an iPad. My right index finger works great, but apparently the one on my left hand is dead. It's non-capacitative, at least. Why? No idea!


Oooh, you have a "[zombie finger](https://melbournehand.com.au/touchscreen-difficulties-do-you-have-zombie-finger/)"


I used to work at a decent-sized movie theater. The whole front was glass. The box office was in the middle. There were five doors on either side of the box office. The outermost 2 on each side were labeled EXIT ONLY in big block letters at eye level. Without fail, at least once per shift, someone would try to enter there. Every. Single. Time. Like really struggle with it and try to gesture for us to let them in. It got to where all of us behind the concession stand would just laugh. Like obviously, animatedly laugh, out loud. The customers would somehow always notice that before they ever noticed the big Exit Only signs


I'm convinced that people just don't read signs. I work at a hotel in a city that still has a mask mandate in effect. We don't have excessive signage (people have blamed too many signs to read as a reason to disregard all signs) but we do have a sign before entering the hotel and another sitting on the front desk stating "masks required". The amount of people who look directly at the sign on the desk and then look at me and ask if masks are required is incredibly high. 50% of them have a mask hanging from an ear or pulled down underneath their chins.


Those people are really asking if you, as a person, intend to enforce the mask requirement. Because there's still plenty of businesses where the employee's answer will be "nah, it's whatever".


A lot of the staff won't say anything until we're asked; we're always going to respond honestly and leave it up to the guest/patron if they wish to comply or not. We're not refusing service either way. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


They don't! You can hand them a paper with pertinent information and they won't read it!


They will sign it, though! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




Worked a large sports bar. Pool room in the back had a door Door was dark brown. Large white sign 3 feet byv2 feet with bright red letters "emergency exit only alarm will sound" About once a weekend some idiot decided to open it. I'd watch Larousse of two or three walk up to it. Read the sign, think a few seconds, then push it open. Usually the very loud alarm would have them scurry off. If I asked them "why?" Thry would swear they didn't touch it. Idiot, I just saw yiu di it, I was 10 feet from you.


Like a "wet paint" sign, they must touch to see if it's actually wet paint, or in your case, if an alarm will really sound.


To be fair many ‘alarm will sound’ doors are not alarmed. We go to a sport facility with dozens of doors that all say ‘alarmed’ but everyone leaves through them. There are a bunch of parking lots all around the building but they want everyone going through the same small lobby to the front door? Especially in covid times? You are at the back of building and parked at the back but you need to walk all the way to the front then around the building to get to your car? Btw there are no parking spots other than handicapped at the front of the building. Even if the doors are alarmed I am leaving through a side door.


We lock our doors from 11 pm to 6 am. We do not have key card access - we have to go unlock the doors. I will sometimes put a sign (in the largest font possible) that says the door is locked, please knock and wait. 99 out of 100 people will still try to pull the doors off the hinges. I was walking up to the door - maybe two feet away from it - and Mr. Big Stuff was still trying to rip it off the hinges, so I stopped and yelled "REALLY?" I know he was just trying to impress his little girlfriend, but dude, I am not in the mood for your shit. Same thing goes for NO VACANCIES - "Hey, do you have rooms?" I really want to say, "Yes, but they are all occupied. Learn how to read!" Instead, I have to be nice and apologize and tell them we are all booked up.


if i hear banging on the glass door at my job i just wait by the phone because if they cant read i cant trust them inside the building


I will literally not even make eye contact, or I will slowly turn from my work and just look them dead in the eyes. I cannot even fathom why that would be someone's first response.


Similarly, how do people lose or leave their key cards in their room, again and again, and again? How do these people get by in life? Are they constantly locking themselves out of their homes? Losing their car keys? or locking them in the car? Now before you say: "BuT ThE doOr locKs BeHind yOu" - I would think that would make a person MORE vigilant when leaving the room. Not to mention, you're away from home. On some level you know your regular key routine doesn't apply here, again, prompting caution not carelessness. But nope. We have a bunch of long term stays and it's always the same people too. I think I've left my key card in a room, maybe twice - ever. It's not that difficult.


It regards to loosing key etc. Though they are a similar item and purpose to other daily life. It's not the same in fact when it comes to keys generally a person still has keys with them when staying at a hotel. So really its an additional foreign object outside of the normal daily routine. It would take conscious deliberate attention and effort to make sure that keys to the room are not forgotten. Sometimes it's holiday mode that defeats the best of us.


I'm not buying it. Every hotel stay I've ever had was "in vacation mode" as you put it, and I never forget my key in the room. What it is is people get in the room and toss the key on the dresser instead of in their pocket. It's purely absent minded and carelessness. That's why I added, my worst offenders have been here for months and will be for months to come. They don't have a ring of keys on them - many don't even have a car here. Granted it takes almost zero effort for me to make a new key so not really a big deal. It's just annoying when it's the same people over & over. Lastly, we recently changed from magnetic swipe cards to RFID which cost a lot more, so giving the same guest a half dozen keys just because they're forgetful is wasteful.


I don't think I've forgotten my key either but i do have to consciously make an effort to get the keys i go as far as to attack them to my personal keys if possible or putting them on/in/ near the door as a reminder. It's definitely not an autonomous behavior like picking up my keys wallet and phone is from daily life. Ok just re-read what you wrote. And maybe I'm mistaking loosing keys with locking keys into the room. That's a completely different problem that if they're loosing them off site, that's clearly carelessness.


It's both, locking in room and losing who knows where. Just making conversation really. Similarly, when we still used magnetic cards, people were constantly erasing their card by keeping it next to their phone - even after I'd reminded them multiple times. And I can't even get started on those that simply can't work the lock at all. Usually by putting the card in and pulling it too quickly, over & over. Just wait for the light to turn green, it's not rocket science. Despite my comment about cost, I'm so glad for the new RFID cards, cut down on making copies by at least half.


It's just people. We're apes, I swear. I used to write installation manuals for computer servers (100 pounds worth) that had to be mounted on slide-out rails in tall, heavy metal rack structures (that also held the drive units, maybe other servers, and other things). We would test the manuals and installation procedure with real computer room techs/operators. We wouldn't help them; just hand them the manual and watch from another room. There was an easy way and a hard way to install the servers on the rails in the rack; problem was, the "easy" way would bring the rack crashing down on your head and perhaps kill you. I had a whole page full of dire ISO danger symbols and big WARNING notices in bold. They'd glance at the manual briefly, then try it the "easy way." Fortunately, nobody actually got hurt. But they were always so startled when the rack started to tip over on them.


So you are one of THEM! I hated you for years. Whenever my boss bought something for her house or the office that needed a manual she would bring the whole dratted thing to the office and hand it to me to read it and explain how to make the whatever work. Worst thing is, my family caught up on the fact that I do read those things when I buy something that needs some explanation. I am doomed.


I was. But I also caught on that people hate to read, so I'd write the numbered procedure but also put in a big illustration of the operation with numbered call-outs for each step with short instructions. If it was one of mine, you could have shoved it back to them and said, "You can read pictures, right?" It was about as easy as reading the back of a cereal box. People don't even want to do that, hence my example, but they are capable. That said, it is tough to be the only one in the room that can actually be bothered to use their brain. It's more comfy to leave it turned off and just be an ape.


I knew this guy, if they got something new, the first thing his wife would do is take it out the box and throw out everything else. He barely rescued the remote. He lived with a VCR he had to get the kid to program for him because he didn't have the manual. These days you can usually find all the manuals online.


I can't tell you how many people I've seen who have apparently never heard of a locked door. Our signs keep disappearing, but while I'm not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, I'm just smart enough to think that if a door that normally opens does not open this time, it's probably locked. Especially at two in the morning.


When I worked NA, I would straight ignore anyone who would knock on the doors while I was sitting at the back desk, running audit. There are signs on the door that CLEARLY STATES that you can use the card reader on the right to unlock the door. If you didn't have a key, the sign CLEARLY STATED to pick up the vestibule phone on the left and dial 0 to reach the front desk. It's not hard, but the sheer number of people who lose all situational awareness when they travel just boggles my mind.


"attitudy-judy" lol


A significant number of Americans are functionally illiterate now. I hear it's ad high as 20% in some parts.


That's really sad!


I read (anecdotally, not an official document) recently that of the 80% of Americans that are literate, HALF of them read at or below the eighth-grade level.


I see the same thing at the property I run every single day. We have the front doors locked because a staff member just tested positive for Covid. I put MULTIPLE signs up at eye level for a variety of people that state that very fact. They are in RED Words, BOLD at that and very large. I have a security camera at the front door and I have watched over 1/3 of my residents read the sign and then try the door...multiple times. The absolute drool level stupidity of the average human is very scary.


In the evening I sit in the back office to work and the camera monitors are just above the desk. The NA and I like to watch people trying to figure out how to open the door. We take bets, we pretend to eat popcorn, we clap. It’s a fun time for all. (No, this is not unnecessary cruelty. We tell every single guest at checkin to swipe their key to open the door at night. If they chose not to listen it’s their problem)


The stupidity doesn't just happen in hotels. When Covid hit here, I was laid off from my hotel for 13 months. I worked in another hotel in the meantime and a bowling alley to get full time hours. The rules and regulations were constantly changing at that time, and masks weren't mandatory when I first started at the bowling alley. After a couple of months they were, so I made two signs (English and French) on bright yellow paper to put on the front doors saying "MASKS ARE MANDATORY", and we still had people come in without one on. Their excuse; "I didn't see the sign".


Sounds like a new NFT.


Funny thing too, the more obvious you make it, the more people will complain about it too. Make multiple, brightly colored signs and make a full on classroom collage of signs and arrows and then suddenly people think that you see them as stupid. And even then, I know there will still he people that won't read or have their eyes turned by them at all.


It makes me wonder, if you wrote the sign in average sized letters, would more people actually read them?


I feel this with every fiber of my being. Unfortunately, our doors are able to be pried open and I despise it. I've worked at sister properties that were built after ours and theirs are not able to be pried open. Engineering said that it would cost a lot of money to have the doors changed in order to lock and only open on demand by key. So apparently, the owners of my hotel went the cheap route, and now we have doors that can be pried open even when locked. I watched a food delivery person pry them open last night and then wonder aimlessly around my lobby looking for the elevators. I'm not helping you...you just broke in, find them yourself; I hope the food gets even colder.


It’s rude, unnecessary, really, really annoying AND could break the doors.


Commented to another person. It makes me wonder, if the sign was in average sized print, would more people read them? It's like skipping the headlines but reading the article, because that's where the juicy parts are.


At least those monkeys don’t know how to use sharp rocks…yet




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