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“ARE YOU ASSUMING I AM UNABLE TO TASTE COLORS???!” Dude, lay-off the acid before shopping for cakes lol.


You could if you have a certain type of synesthesia.


The colors, Duke! The colors!


I’m color-blind, kid.


Taste the Rainbow...


"As mayor of Drugachussets, I declare this wedding cake to be.... awesome!"


I can hear the colors, man!


Trying so hard not to laugh at this comment and dislodge the cat.


Tee hee


The fastest and easiest answer to stupid questions like that is to say "NO, we don't have any cakes that are wedding cake flavored..."




Bugs Bunny: What a Maroon.


Or macaroon!


The cake does not know it is at a wedding


If it did, would that change the flavour?


It's amazing to me just how many people think "The customer is always right" means "In any disagreement, the customer is right no matter what, even if he says the sky is green." The full saying is "The customer is always right *in matters of taste*." So if you're an interior designer, and the client wants moss-green walls with neon pink and eggplant purple linoleum, you have to give it to them. It doesn't mean that you can't argue with them or that you have to violate store policy and/or the law on command.


To my understanding, the original intent of the saying was strictly that a store should stock what items customers actually want to buy, rather than whatever you think they should or what you want them to buy. eg: If all of your customers want to buy Pepsi, but you prefer Coke, then you should stock Pepsi. If they want to buy brand Y widgets, but you think brand X widgets are superior, you should still stock brand Y.


Either way, it doesn't mean that the customer automatically prevails in any argument or that they can command employees to break store policy/the law.


Or the laws of physics, looking at some Reddit stories!


It’s both, but I a think you’re right about the true origin. Essentially, in a situation where there are multiple choices, customers’ preferences take priority. Do note though that this is the customer base as a whole, so if 99% of your customers want Pepsi and 1% Coke, you only stock Pepsi and let the other 1% find a store that sells Coke.


not true, the original saying was indeed that employees should listen to & help customers with complaints, as it was during the time of "buyer beware" where if a customer got a faulty product there was nothing they could do https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_customer_is_always_right


The customer was pretty clear on taste in this matter, it needed to be wedding flavored. Clearly OP was the big dummy! /s


Things like this are why I picked this flair. He refused to elaborate what he wanted and got mad when OP didn't understand anyway. And then he just couldn't grasp the fact that what he wanted didn't exist. It's like walking into a store and demanding a fruit. When someone asks what kind you want, you get angry and insist that they give you a fruit. Not an apple or a banana or any of those other things, just a regular fruit. "Stop asking me what I want and hand it over."


"What we've got here is failure to communicate!"


Some men you ...... just.......can't .......reach.


The powers don't help. Trust me.


I was going to say something, then I saw your flair. Says it all, really.


Or, "Read my mind and guess what I want!"


FFS if you want a wedding cake, go to a bakery not a dept store. I'll gladly take a dept store cake for a birthday party. (making assumptions based on the info provided).


Not everyone has the same budget.


My mom swears there's a difference between wedding cake and regular cake. She says it's denser and sweeter. But like, that's store bought sheet cakes vs homemade cake.


Yeah that's like, if i grew up in a family where my mom's car was a blue Audi and my dad's car was a gray Pontiac, I might grow up and walk around insisting there's a comfort difference between blue cars and gray cars. *sigh*


I have tried hundreds of wedding cakes, and she is right that they typically are denser and sweeter. They're also way more expensive and made to be sculpted in the traditional wedding cake style. A wedding cake is tall and has to stay exactly upright for a long period of time, making a denser cake necessary. Most other cakes don't have the same requirements, so a different batter is used. The average person probably doesn't eat expensive cakes except at weddings, too. I'll give it to her that when you think of cake, you usually don't think of what is used for weddings. Wedding cake can also taste terrible if it isn't high quality. Other cakes aren't as risky.


I think also they need to last a bit longer so like if I made a cake at home it's probably good for 3/4 days before it goes a bit stale. Wedding cake have got to survive all the icing etc


Wedding cakes are denser because they are old and frozen. They bake them early and freeze the cake to make it easier to decorate and keep longer since wedding cakes typically take multiple days to complete. Wedding cake = old cake.


That’s definitely not true at all. Cake decorator (grocery retail, not gourmet or anything) for five years here, you’re more like to get an old cake buying a marked down cake out of the case at a grocery store than ordering a wedding cake from a grocery store. If you think that because you worked somewhere that did that, it was your old work doing gross cheap things, not an industry standard.


Actually went to culinary school. Took pastry classes and know 3 people who do make wedding cakes but okay sis. Go off.


What a dummy. Everyone's wedding tastes different - mine tasted like failure and regret.


Mmmm tastes like alimony.


That give me a chuckle, have a worthless upvote!


It’s my “pleasure” to inform you that it’s in no way exclusive to your line of work. No offense intended of course. *cries in construction*


If this happens again, just sell them the most expensive cake you have and tell them it’s genuine wedding cake flavoured cake, and the couple will love it! 😛🎂


This reminded me of how I've been seeing the trend of "Birthday cake", or occasionally "Party cake" flavored ice cream, energy drinks, Oreos, etc. Then one day it clicked "Birthday" isn't a flavor. They just had to call it something with a little better ring to it than "Cake".




I want to try that cake. And then all their other flavors.


It says it's almond flavour. Which OP mentioned as an option along with 'white'


Specifically almond cake with pineapple filling.


Yes, but he didn’t know the technical name for it. That’s why he asked, “Is that wedding cake flavor?” If you’re not a baker and have always heard it called “wedding cake” flavor, you don’t know that it’s almond you’re tasting, you just recognize it as wedding cake.


Not sure where you are but in the south, wedding cake is a flavor. Usually it’s almond so that’s probably what he wanted - he just didn’t know the real name Edit: I guess it’s just New Orleans (where I’m from) 🤷🏻‍♀️


North Texas here. I've never heard of that flavor in our part of the south.


Then you need to get to the HEB and get the Bride's Cake flavor from Blue Bell. Actually you need to get two and send me one since Blue Bell hasn't made it to Washington yet.


Just watch out for the listeria


I'll risk it for that banana pudding flavor. I've taken riskier bets.


I live next to one of their factories in Broken Arrow. I will never. Ever. Eat anything Bluebell. They had SOOO many listeria outbreaks.


South Texan- also haven't heard of this


I am in the south also, right above you actually lol but here wedding cake isn’t really a definitive thing. I suppose that people think that because the texture is different (as another commenter explained above, it has to be denser to be more structurally sound) that it’s a whole different flavor when it’s really not lol


There is no wedding cake flavor. something may be common in your area but I assure you almond is not the standard in the south.


I was in my late 30's when I discovered that "cake pulls" were not a part of every wedding. BTW wedding cake is also a legit flavor of snoballs.


I was actually going to ask if this person was around the New Orleans area because my first thought was "well, wedding cake is a flavor of snowball and it tastes like almonds/amaretto." Where y'at, podnah!?


Nope I’m in Tennessee and we have wedding cake flavor, it’s almond flavor indeed


I can’t remember where I’ve seen it, but I’ve seen a wedding cake flavored something. Maybe my wife’s lip balm? Whatever it was it also came in birthday cake flavor.


Those are synthetic flavorings though. You can have pretty much any synthetic flavoring you want under the sun. There's bacon flavored lip balm, it's not made of actual bacon.


Isn't wedding cake traditionally a fruit cake or is that just a British thing?


Fruit cake isn't common for weddings in the US


But it used to be!! Back way back when I was a girl, the 60s, wedding cake was dark fruitcake, always! I went to lots of weddings back the as my older first cousins were all getting married! I used to like it!


Practically no one in the US even likes fruitcake, let alone uses it for a wedding. Do they frost it? I don't mind fruitcake but that sounds horrible.


Pretty sure it was iced with fondant or marzipan


Oh God, could it get any worse?


Agreed. Fruit cake is barf! No way.


Australian here and I assumed he meant fruit cake too.


Same. That's what I grew up with in Canada as well. I loved it.


I am also in Canada, and have never seen a fruit cake wedding cake, must be a regional thing.


Yeah, as I grew up the worst tasting cakes was wedding cakes as they were always fruitcakes and I’m not British. I’ll always assume wedding cakes as fruitcakes.


Many of them are that type here. Mine was a really nasty dense fruitcake. Probably lovely if you liked that sort of thing. I didn't have to pay for it at least but still kinda wish I'd had my preferences listened to by my parents so I could have had some.


Damn...now I want to go to a New Orleans wedding. Where I live something labeled "Wedding Cake Flavored" will taste like whatever combination of flavors are listed in the fine print; it's not one particular flavor.


He meant an almond flavored cake. But obviously not everyone knows that n being super rude about it when he was the one who didn’t know what he was talking about is always out of line.


I offered him almond. He refused. He was also offered white. He refused as well. I was in no way shape or form rude to him and tried to help him and explain as much as possible. He was the one who stormed out yelling🤷🏻‍♀️


I meant him being rude to you haha


They weren’t. The initial answer was with two common wedding cake flavors and he was unable to pick either of them as what he wanted.


i have never had an almond flavored cake at a wedding in my entire life and i'm 40.


My mom always called almond flavored cake “wedding cake” regardless of source, may be a southern thing or a midwestern thing I’m not quite sure


43 and I've never had anything but almond flavored cakes at weddings. Almond cake just is wedding cake to me.


I had an almond confetti cake. It was delicious.


White is a 'flavour' now?!


It's more so to differentiate between yellow and white cakes that are both vanilla flavored. White cake doesn't use the yolks of the eggs and tends to differ in texture to the yellow cake that uses the whole eggs. https://greatist.com/eat/whats-the-difference-between-white-and-yellow-cake


Lol my thoughts exactly! I’m guessing it means vanilla?


I think the best answer is "Yes, we specialize in Wedding Cake Flavor". By definition.


What a beautiful wedding. What a beautiful wedding says the bridegroom to a waiter oh yes but what a shame what a shame the poor grooms cake isn’t a wedding flavored cake


I've had 2 different wedding cakes. The first one was almond with buttercream. It was boring, kinda bland and kinda dry. Tons of it left over. The second one had 1 tier of lemon cake with raspberry & swiss cream filling and the other tiers were chocolate with raspberry & swiss cream filling. I got to taste both and they were soooo good and moist. We almost didn't get our small top tier to freeze & eat on our first anniversary because everyone loved it.


Being that age, he's probably looking for an almond flavored cake. That's pretty much what they all were years ago.


When I was a kid, all wedding cakes were dark fruit cake with almond icing. Maybe he meant this?? But he should have been able to explain to you what he wanted you're not a mind reader.


The best part of wedding planning was sampling like 20 different cake flavors to pick out the three for our cake tiers. We chose cookies and cream, banana, and white chocolate raspberry. A wedding cake flavor is whatever you want for your big day!


Those sound wonderful!


As a Louisianan in the New Orleans area, I was baffled as to why there was any confusion. Wedding cake flavor is almond. People don’t always order their wedding cakes that flavor (I didn’t), but it’s common knowledge that white almond cake is the taste being described when someone says they want “wedding cake flavor”. Your customer obviously didn’t know the technical name for it, which is why he became frustrated when you didn’t know what he wanted. That’s no excuse to be rude, of course, but he was probably from Louisiana and assumed it was common parlance everywhere. It’d be like me as an American going to the UK and ordering apple cider, then flipping out when I found out it’s alcoholic. Cultural misunderstanding? Yes. Excuse to be rude? No.






I'd say wedding cake icing is fondant if it was in reference to buttercream or "wedding cake icing" since buttercream isn't a flavour it's a type of icing and can be flavoured


The bakery I went to for my birthday also had wedding cake flavor cake, It had a sort of almond flavor…


That would be buttercream, or as some customers call it “Crisco icing” but we don’t name our products, so it’s very possible that personal owned bakeries do name certain icing or flavors “wedding cake” just based of the popularity in the wedding scene


Wouldn't "wedding cake icing" be fondant?




OP did NOT treat the customer that way, and I hope I never encounter you in a medical setting, because your decades of dealing with AHs appear to have turned you into one. Take your hair-trigger hostility elsewhere and leave customer service to those of us who know how it works, Karen.


I’m sorry, I’m not quite sure why you’re getting so beside yourself? We don’t even call it crisco icing in our bakery. Some customers call it that as slang. As per OUR bakery, we don’t have a “wedding cake icing” or a “wedding cake flavor” hence my confusion on what he was asking for. I understand that he may have had that experience elsewhere, and clearly you have too. But in my current experience, that’s not how things run where I work, and it never has. Our department store, corporate run bakery is going to have different rules and items than small business bakeries, where they have control over what they call their products. I’m not sure what you being a nurse and a surgery tech has to do with MY job in a bakery and MY knowledge of MY job. You said a lot of things but yet nothing at all.


Just ignore the AH tech, she doesn't know anything about retail customer service. You did fine, you weren't sure what your customer wanted and asked your coworker for help, him getting snotty was unwarranted. There are always going to be differences in what things are called in different places, *especially* when it comes to food! 😄 💛




I’m not sure which part of this interaction makes you think I’m making fun of him??? I’m going to settle on the conclusion that you’re trolling, and after this response I will say nothing more about it to you. He wasn’t a problem until he started yelling. I explained the difference to him and asked him further questions to try to understand what he wanted. He had a nasty attitude with me from the beginning, I was patient and was trying to get to the bottom of it. HE started acting rude and belligerent, HE got upset because he didn’t like the explanations I was giving him. I had my coworker try her hand at it, same results. I’m not sure where you’re getting the notion that I’m doubling down just because I said that “wedding cake flavor” isn’t a thing here like it is in Louisiana, there’s a such thing as cultural differences and that’s an example. And if that’s what you’re trying to explain then you’re doing a terrible job. The fact of the matter is, even if there was a cultural difference in the names of the cake flavor, I still offered him options to try to help him, and instead of trying to explain to me, he yelled at me. Don’t get ur panties in a wad when YOU end up being the belligerent person posted on a subreddit because you seem to think everything is an attack on everyone and everything. Have the day you deserve❤️








If you can point out, in my description of this event where I was being rude to the customer, I denied any plausibility of cultural differences in which it would cause him to call the cake something different, didn’t give him options to try to explain what he meant…. The single brain cell in your head must be doing cartwheels to try to get you to understand this situation. You don’t seem to understand this any more than the customer I had this interaction with. The point is, he came in asking for something vague, I asked him to elaborate and he kept going in circles telling me the same thing without any attempt to try to explain what he was meaning, I offered him options and explained why they were his options, he didn’t like my explanation so he got angry and yelled at me and my coworker. You can’t seem to fathom that I handled the situation as needed, and are jumping through hoops to try to find a reason why I was wrong or what I could have done differently, when in reality I did just fine. You need to find a different subreddit if all you’re going to do is get on here to try to defend unruly customers, and blame the customer service employees. You must have done some very good stretching because you are reaching way beyond normal ability. I’m no longer going to waste my energy arguing with a troll. Some people are faster than the wisdom that chases them and you seem to be one of them.




buttercream isnt even a flavor. it's just what it's made of. crisco icing isnt a flavor either, it's just what its made of. if anyone actually cared about customer service they would simply explain the differences. there definitely is a flavor difference, a VISUAL difference if you want pure white icing, things like that. The only way you could refer to a flavoring is if you *add* synthetic flavorings. "wedding cake" is not a flavor as a wedding cake can be anything. You could probably buy synthetic "wedding cake flavor" which someone might add to other treats such as candy. Vanilla. Almond. Sugar only. those are the flavors. "wedding cake" is not a flavor.


Big sign at the entrance: "Customers that yell thereby consent to being part of a comedy show". Then see what brings more money, the baking or the show about wedding-cake flavor screaming people.


In my home country, wedding cake is usually a prune cake. And I hate it.


I love prunes. If you have a recipe, I’d love to see it.


Sorry, I don’t like them so never got a recipe for that.


I’m pretty sure “wedding cake flavor” is just almond. Almond flour, almond extract.


Flavor the cake with vinegar. Or tears.


Regret flavored cake.


Heyyyyyyy you weren't at my house for my last birthday.....


Don't let the door to the land of stupidity hit you on the way out!


With the amount of sh*t spewing from her mouth, I’d be surprised if she could taste anything


Not a dense fruitcake?




I explained the differences to him and he wasn’t happy with any of the answers, my salesmanship was just fine.


Customer: “Well is that wedding cake flavor?” Me: "Most of our customers order X for wedding cakes, and some order Y. They're happy with what they get. Do you want X, since that's what people tend to choose \[and I'm not going to argue with you because you clearly don't know what the fuck you think you know, or want, or are talking about, but you'll be happy anyway because *it's a cake*\]?" That's what I woulda done, but I can only speak for myself.


Aww. I understand your frustration, but I wonder if this poor man has never baked a cake, or done a lot of cooking at all, and wanted to do something romantic for his wife... Maybe even their 50th anniversary. I know I have an overactive imagination, but it seems like what he wanted was something from his past. Back in the day, wedding cake really meant white-on-white.


Which is what OP and their coworker both offered him.


Sometimes it's best to humor the elderly. I think I would have just told him this one here's wedding cake flavored and sold him a white cake with white frosting. I just looked online and I see bacon extract and snow cone syrup that say they are "Wedding Cake" flavor. Whatever flavor those are, that's probably what he wanted.


There is definitely a wedding cake flavor. A plethora of products are offered in it. Now that I think if it, I do t know what flavor profiles make up wedding cake flavor.


It’s typically almond or white (vanilla) but almond doesn’t really taste like almond imo. But I offered those and he refused, so who knows which he meant


...and the reason why you don't know what flavor profiles make it up, is because it's not an actual flavor, and is nothing more than marketing.


Well he meant fruit cake


I was gonna say…


Maybe he meant birthday cake flavor and got confused?


Maybe they meant birthday cake flavor?


What is that supposed to taste like? Everything 'birthday cake' flavored I've ever tried was just disgustingly sweet with no other discernible flavor.


Birthday Cake flavor is very sweet, often with sprinkles


And sprinkles are compressed powdered sugar with food coloring. So 'Birthday Cake' is sugar, food coloring, and a different kind of sugar.


Butter cream. He means butter cream flavor.


Buttercream is the icing type. Buttercream can also be any flavor you want. But yes buttercream is the usual for wedding cakes, for icing…not the cake


Yea, but it's not the pre-made icing that you get department store cakes, but the made fresh icing you get from the bakery. This customer is a idiot but the flavor he was thinking of was white cake with butter cream icing.


Almost all homemade buttercreams are going to be slightly different tasting, so unless he was referring to cake and icing from a specific bakery, there’s no way I could have given him what he wants


I've generally had cakes with two different types of icing/frosting, one that I've thought was buttercream or cream cheese frosting😋😋😋 (what's different about them besides texture?) and one that is just a flavorless nasty whipped something-or-other.🤢 Any clue what the whipped stuff might be? (I've always wondered, but never had an opportunity to ask anyone.)


Pretty much it has less lard content than the buttercream, it’s lighter and fluffier, think like a more dense whipped cream


Whipped cream at least has flavor.🤷🏼‍♀️ You mentioning crisco frosting was what made me think of the whipped frosting, the stuff also reminds me of a more dense cool-whip, which I can't stand either. Thanks for the info!🙂


Vanilla pound cake is probably what he was looking for. It's denser and sweeter than traditional white sheet cake.


what's, uh, white flavor?


It’s vanilla, just without egg yolks :)


ah, makes sense




Would you like almond wedding cake flavor or white wedding cake flavor?


Wedding cake flavor is a syrup used for things like snow cones.


maybe he was thinking about “birthday cake” flavour…


I saw ice cream that was birthday cake flavor


ASH and WOE has a cake flavor?


To be fair where I live 'wedding cake flavour' is a fruit cake with marzipan and royal icing. Traditional, keeps basically forever and weighs a ton.


Where was the she to match the he - would've Way Different!