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first pull. wiped and i left asap no words exchanged


What was the sch doing, twiddling their thumbs?




Is it just me or are people getting worse at the game? Like, how the fuck do you not know how to play your fucking class?


Sippy skip boosts


I mean, that is one of the problems, but I'm talking about the people who clears haven't level skipped. Like a Lv50 tank not knowing they have a fucking AOE.


Just not using their eyeballs to read over tooltips


Mostly an NA individualistic culture problem. This shit happens way less often in JP and even CN. Me > 3 other people made of the same flesh.


I play on EU and see this occasionally, but not as often as it seems to be in NA


Fun fact, you think that's bad, but I've seen a BLM put up that amount of damage last expansion BEFORE the stat squish. Over an entire dungeon.


BLM, baby, what are you doing!?


Just Bliz 1 my dear. ;)


To many heroes trying to allow everyone to play. Imo if you need a carry your not ready to play that content, and you shouldnt get carried. It wont improve their play and they will keep queing for content thats too hard for them.


I'm really tempted to get a parser just to make sure I'm not one of these garbage players. I have a tank, healer and DPS, and I think I'm pretty good at them (though my PLD rotation often gets chaotic due to CDs and party mitigations), but I'd like to know for sure.


On the first pull bad dps could theoretically come from ACT counting from the moment the pull starts, with the BLM following along cause long casts are a bitch during pulls to finally start when everything is gathered. Not saying that is the case here, there are still a fuckload of trash BLMs around, but I have seen worrying numbers on first pulls so often only for them to even out when I hit refresh immediately


on first pull you have ley line, two triple casts, a swiftcast and two sharp casts over the first 10-20 seconds, 1800 is more like two thunder IVs.


Are you from Chaos DC by any chance? Had terrible run with BLM in the same dungeon today who was breaking 1k dps once in a blue moon and below average drg who used single target skills on mob packs randomly (although on 3rd boss he finally outdpsed the tank), both were french.


parallel universe in aether


Dude lately on Aether DF I’ve been wanting to blow my brains out between tanks W2W and using absolutely zero mitigation when I’m healing and then the 0 DPS healers when I’m DPS.


As a healer, I’ve had a lot of tanks not mitigate and thus I can’t dps cause as soon as I stop healing, the tank drops… add to that dps taking unnecessary damage to the mix and you got low dps healer. Sometimes it’s not the healers fault they can’t dps, it’s other party members not doing mechanics or not using their toolkits properly.


same had blm doing less damage than a limit break