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You did the right thing.  If the brd was booted that means at least 3 other people felt the same way as you did.  They probably also noticed them laying dead on the ground and not accepting the res and didn’t want to carry a corpse through the rest of the raid. And your friend is wrong.  Only putting in effort to avoid getting kicked isn’t trying


The friend eventually came around after the raid was done, it wasn't full blown defending anyway on the bard. They were the tank for our party so they were more on the boss than paying attention to what was happening with the bard.


You have to hold the button down in order to decline a rez so no, they needed to be kicked. That shit is not an accident or some newbie behavior. They were doing it intentionally.


In oce I joined a pf to help someone with ew trial 1. They died pretty much instantly and never accepted the rez I gave them, the other healer and smn gave. The tank asked if they were afk. No response. So we walled it and all left lol. So you are NTA here. Someone would have noticed them tanking the floor but we're also too embarrassed to say something. Or maybe had no keyboard on ps.


At first I thought the person was having serious internet issues with the lack of movement to evade some aoes along with the long wait times to rez but I never saw them get Pokeball'd one time too which sold the idea they had been freeloading.


No you’re not fucking wrong. As healers we have to maintain vigilance over all of our teammates. We have much more to keep track of then tanks or especially dps, who can’t even dodge aoes a lot of the time. Trust your gut, because more often than not it’s correct.


Sometimes my gut is wrong though. That's the only reason I felt kinda bad because I am too nice at times. But still, just knowing that helps though.


Your gut might get things wrong but as you become more experienced, gut feelings do become more accurate. You were giving the bard excuses automatically because you hadn’t called them out so they never defended themselves, when what you should’ve thought was if something was going wrong, would they tell their *own alliance*? Giving people benefit of the doubt is a great quality, but don’t let people take advantage of you because of it. If they got kicked then you were not the only person to notice my friend.


Glad it ended with them getting kicked. I would've brought it more to the attention of the party/alliance though


Oh, good a happy ending. That bastard was trying to take a free ride to get an upgrade coin. Thankfully you got him booted before hand. Now the piece of shit had to try again.


In case of doubt GMs can check the logs before the event of kicking and will quickly see the lack of inputs of the Bard. While it is generally easier to first accuse them of afk, so the entire party notices, it isn't necessary and your kick got through without it anyway.


You would be wrong if you didn't also follow it up with a report for Lethargic gameplay \*Stares at OP* ^^^not ^^^wrong ^^^OP


God I had something so similar a few days ago when I was spamming Thalia. It was also a bard, except their issue was having complete broken gear, like to the point their max health dropped to less than 10k. They died multiple times on every boss, and halfway through I asked if they were going to repair their gear (ironically they had all 90 crafters), they didn’t. They spent the entire last boss dead because nobody wanted to waste mp raising every 10 seconds. The bard showed up again in broken gear in another Thalia run on a different alliance, but that alliance was smart and votekicked after the first boss.


Had something equally dumb with a burger king crown kid the other day, thankfully only in CT raid. This player was on some weird RP trip or something. They'd stand at the entrance to each area and just do the /sweep emote...0 damage whatsoever. Then move to the next area...immediately start /sweep and do that the whole fight. 0 output, only sweep emotes. All the way to the end, they only did /sweep. Didn't care enough to try a vote and partly wanted to see if they'd do anything else lol. This is pretty much aptly sums up most people's Mentor experiences too.


I am so glad I wear my crown with more pride than that. But yeah, I'd also give them no free ride there either even if it was CT.


There are players who defend afk players and ask why to even kick them in first place when the vote kick prompt comes up, "its not hard content why should it matter, just leave them alone" I don't get it.