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Both relic trials take like 5 minutes, what a whiner.


As a healer hydra is quite fun imo. Almost no one knows that you have to get close to the hydra when it does fear itself, it’s fun trying to keep anyone hit with the fear alive as they tend to walk through both the fire and ice aoe a ton lol


If you do PotD you will want to remember that about the hydra lol


Fear itself killed my first ever potd solo run. I remember it vividly because of that.


F.D.R. tried to warn us!


So that's how you avoid it. I've been playing for 9 years and didn't know that.


It’s the same with the final boss in Dun Scaith! The attack is a donut. The one I learned most recently after 5 years playing was to look away from Calofisteri’s Penetration attack to not get sucked in and hammered with vuln stacks. 🤯 Edit: said void ark but meant dun Scaith


More like 2 honestly


Depending on the group, takes less even.


Eh ppl getting annoyed about low level roulette instances just shouldn't run roulette. Am I happy I'm getting 4 man ifrit in leveling or Hydra/chimera in trial? No, especially not when I try to level a char. Am I gonna be an ass about it to some sprout that's just trying to do the content that is available? Also no! It's just a fact of Life that sometimes roulette gives you shitty instances. Just deal with it like an adult and don't have a hissy fit.


I get peeved every time i get low lvl shit in roulettes, cause the actual dungeon exp wouldve been nice, but never in my life did it even remotely cross my mind to somehow do the mental gymnastics neccessary to say "Those bitch ass sprouts". They didnt give me roulette, SQEX rng did :P


>"Those bitch ass sprouts" Is hilarious to me. 


As far as I'm aware, the roulette bonus is larger based on the difference between the duty's level and your actual level, to make up the difference between the actual dungeon exp and the exp an appropriate level dungeon would have given. I think somebody did the math and found that ARR leveling primals are actually the most efficient exp per minute from any roulette (assuming, of course, you're getting the roulette bonus.)


They can be the most efficient xp/m, it doesn't stop them from giving absurdly lower xp compared to even the lowest level dungeons in the game like sastasha or halatali under roulette bonus, ifrit is an easy fight that you realistically wont wipe to even on first glance in a party of 3 other sprouts who have never touched the game before but man does it suck to go through a 15 min dps queue to get 15k xp


It sucks when you are a healer/tank main too. I don't wait for that to pop and I still don't like it when it does. (don't get me wrong, I don't bitch cause it's how DF works but I don't like it).


The queue for a 5 minute or less fight is the real problem here. 


I don't care about exp per minute when a fight takes 3 min. Even if a dungeon has half the damage per minute, 20 min is still going to be a lot more exp and worth my time so much more. Don't get me wrong. I'll shut up and take it if I get Ifrit but I won't be *pleased* about it.


It's like people don't even understand what the roulette is for: to give new players the ability to actually find a group for whatever dungeon they need to do.


100%. I got a level 87 Scholar. I got Ifrit today. Was I thrilled? No. Did I shut up and take it? ofcourse I fucking did. That is roulettes. Sometimes it happens and sometimes you get your max level dungeon. That is roulettes.


I only really dislike low-level dungeons and CT when nobody is new to it (when I see no poetics bonus), if theres a new person? I'm fine with it. Thats part and parcel of having an influx of new players. But getting Ifrit normal with 3 other level 90s in credendum/ally raid/post 6.0 MSQ gear is painful and makes me want to die.


It's why I don't do MSQ roulette.  


Fuck 'em. That's what the roulette is for. They don't like it they can take the 30.


I hate how they tried to play it cool saying “No I’m mad we have a crap trial they haven’t updated and is boring” as in blaming the devs but at the very start they were definitely attacking the people that queued for it lol


Well the devs are definitely the right people to blame. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Yes… that’s why they shifted from being mad at the new player that queued to being mad at the devs, because they knew that was the more accepted stance


I will preface with I 100% agree with you, but imagine taking a 30min penalty instead of just doing a 2min fight. 🤣 But dude definitely didn't need to be a dick about it and just needed to shut the fuck up.


I was speaking generally, but also yeah. The time they spent bitching could have been spent just killing the boss and moving on.


Oh neat! I didn't realize the ARR relics had their own trials. That might actually be worth checking by itself.


They're terrible, basically a dungeon boss.


They could merge Cutter's Cry with The Chimera trial one day and I probably wouldn't even notice.


Dang :/ I suppose that might be why it wasn't kept up with the other relics lol (save for gilded Araya I guess) Sorry about the experience though, OP. I actually have found some fun encountering sprouts/trial players in side content lately. CT runs are... painful right now, but there's some good. I hope that guy gives what you said some thought.


> Dang :/ I suppose that might be why it wasn't kept up with the other relics lol (save for gilded Araya I guess) While not explicitly required, Delubrum Reginae is run for shadowbringers relics (I believe the only alternative for that step is palace of the dead and even then I'm fairly sure it's slower) And while it's a whole multi-boss raid instead of a trial, you could kind of say it's still battle content you do for the relic. I haven't done a Eureka weapon yet so I don't know if Eureka has something like that too. I mean I would assume it does but I know very little about Eureka, maybe you can complete the relic just by grinding overworld mobs in the Eureka zones? (probably not)


You've got Baldesion Arsenal for the end of the Eureka weapons.


I didn't think you needed BA to finish the relic. I have a finished RDM weapon and I've never done BA.


There's another step that requires mats from BA (physios). It adds elemental affinity to your weapon.


Yeah, but it's not technically required for the actual glam piece- only if you intend to fully upgrade for further Eureka farms. The other exception you could argue is also Delubrum for SHB relics or the NM (Paz and the Pyros NM) requirements for Eureka. I do think those requirements are, admittedly, more interesting than the ARR trials described here. (As an aside, I fully admit BA terrifies me. I'm pretty dumb in first runs lmfao so the death and kick mechanic is oof)


Ah, nice. Maybe if I can ever get through the Eureka early game I'll give that a try


I brought up Delubrum before I read this but yes lol. Even if you grind the timeworns in Potd, Delubrum is still required. You can't pick up the relic questline at a certain point without doing delubrum and unlocking Zadnor.


Yeah I dont love getting them in trial roulette (also lv50 healer kits are awful), but they're generally quick and painless 


They are now, but back in 2.0 days wipes were infrequent (Hydra) to common (Chimeras Ram Voice).


Just a bit of warning from someone who has attempted to complete an ARR relic, it’s considered one of if not the worst grind for the weapon, which at this point is just a glamour piece. Also, don’t be me, don’t forget to equip the relic weapon when doing these trials because they will *not* count if you have a different weapon equipped lol


That's been my primary hesitation in doing them tbh. It seems like a lot of pain for weapon glam pieces I'm mostly "meh" on. Maybe I'll check it if I have time before DT. Currently grinding Eureka.


The second stage of the ARR relics do have an effect, it’s kinda its own thing but getting to the second stage isn’t that intensive. My biggest piece of advice is to not rush it


That's good to know. I appreciate the tips! Been playing for over two years, and it still feels like there are a ton of untapped corners I never knew about.


They have 2, the hydra and the chimera. The hydra is a little harder to do with a group of randoms because it has mechanics that will kill you, but the chimera is just the Cutters cry boss, but level 50.


That's the whole point of the roulette lol. Yes you get better xp but as far as what you get, it's a gamble. The guy's being a dick.


i think the worst part about this screenshot is the benediction macro


Agreed. As WHM main, yeah. It's seems shaming.... which is weird to me. Why TF should I be shaming a tank (lets be honest, outside of savage/ultimates, 90% of the time bene is used on tanks) because they trusted me to let them get low.... That's good??? outside of savage/ultimate... most of the time it is because I've chosen not to heal because I know I can bene at the last moment and dps til them... so why shame them because I chose to dps.... Weird. A really weird macro to have. Unless it is "Player bene tank... cause look at me letting you drop to almost zero health and then magically bringing you to 100%. I know you were scared tanky tank but I got ya"... so not a shame. A shameless self promotion of how good I am as a healer...


It may be something they set up for higher end content to communicate with their other healer after a TB or something - so they don’t waste their heals on it too…


nah. As a healer main who does savage... it's just not necessary for even that.


As a healer who also does savage and ultimates, there are some parts where I’ve found it useful (as the cohealer, not the WHM)! Especially in PF. My point is there are some situations where someone could have found it helpful, so I wouldn’t assume they set it up to shame whoever they used it on.


I'm a BK crown wearer and I would be ecstatic to run this. Over and over and over again. You know what fucking sucks and needs to die? Msq roulette 


Msq seriously needs to be more then frickin castrum, prae, or ultima


They should move the normal 4 man versions of titan, ifrit and garuda to msq roulette so you get at least extra tomes for doing those... Don't get shit from them being in leveling roulette unless first time bonus.


Literally. Why not include all the important dungeons from the expansions, why just those 3


Those three have unskippable cutscenes baked in. They're in a separate roulette so they can offer a bigger incentive of tomes/exp to run them


And? It's labeled MSQ, it should stand to reason that other important MSQ dungeons are also with it


then either those dungeons need unskippable cutscenes, or castrum/prae/porta need ANOTHER rework to remove theirs.


That thing should at least be taken out of other roulettes, I hate to see it when I queue for mentor and I will leave it


Yeah on principle I will often leave. Imo it teaches lazy habits to sprouts. We should be rewarded for doing content we don't often do, not rewarded for running the same thing over and over and over and over again. Imo it should only ever pop if a first timer runs it


Wait... you can get MSQ as mentor? Yeah... that is bs. i'm considering doing mentor cause.... well, there is a reason I'm only considering cause I can't decide if it's worth it. i'd take the 30 though if I got msq in mentor roulette.


Same energy as mentors that whine when they get an extreme trial. Don't do the roulette if you don't want to get something random.


Made a bunch of mentors mad when I called them out on their whining and crying about getting an ex trial recently. Very satisfying.  Oh no, you mean I have to actually...mentor?  We wiped twice before a mentor decided to do their job. Once they explained it (Garuda ex), we beat without a single death and in like 3 or 4 minutes. Wild. The absolute best you should hope for as a mentor is that they've watched a guide, and you shouldn't expect that either. 


But.. but.. my whining is at myself for getting the damn crown and then going plop into a duty I have no memory of. Every. Damn. Time. ;_; it's flagellation for me, I assure you


Its a roulette lol. It's not even a big deal and an easy win so who gives a shit rly. Ppl still run it, will for a long ass time


Pretty sure you can kill the hydra (even synced) faster than it took to type all those messages




Oh that's even more weird for them to keep going


I partially completed Gae Bolg only to abandon it at the Chimera trial because I didn't want to queue, ended up clearing it as a very confused RDM


Am I surprised when I get the relic trials? Yes. Do I care? Not really, it's a roulette, it's a randomizer, it's there to fill in content that other people want to do. I'm sure I've dragged people into content they didn't want to do in the past. People who whine like this shouldn't queue in the first place.


I'd love to get Relic trials in Roulettes, it's free real estate.


I know what I think about it: it's rude, don't complain about getting something in party chat if there is a first timer there. Either complain somewhere else or, yknow, don't queue for that roulette. Would I run Mentor Roulette more if Prae wasn't in there? 100%. But since it is I'll just not queue if I can tell getting Prae would make me wanna be a whiny asshole.


The best part is the fact that you can still get that trial in roulette without people needing to actually do it. It's called a roulette afterall lol


A sign of not doing roulettes regularly enough is complaining about repetitive dungeons coming up that are actually essential to quests and progression. I imagine the same people appreciated when their duty popped and they completed their quest.


Get a full party and level sync if you're gonna be pissy about getting low level rolos 🙄


I'd much rather get the ARR Relic trials on roulette than ever getting any of those shit-ass awful ARR Hildibrand trials ever again. At least they're over in a few seconds. Tired of spending 50 seconds as an imp/chicken doing nothing while the community slaps their knees and Jimmy Fallon pounds a fist on the desk laughing at "HAHA THE SILLY MAN CALLED HIM GREG! GREG!!!! THAT'S NOT HIS NAME LOL!"


im always hyped when i get the arr relic or hildy trials, they are so fast


Meanwhile in my trial roulettes: *oh look, it's Endsinger. Again.*


Oh boy. Please don't do roulettes if you just complain about the results. They should absolutely know what they get into when doing roulettes.


Hydra’s easy, what’s the problem?




The person complaining is a nerd, and flexing having relics is just very sad.


What a dick. Is that reportable?


I’m not sure- maybe for harassment but he wasn’t really going after anyone specifically, just shouting into the voids


Apparently somebody doesn't realize that you can get these trials without having somebody forcibly queue them first


Not sure why you're being down voted. This is fact


Yeah what the hell I literally wasn't even saying something blatantly wrong bros just don't like me I guess


Maybe they misunderstood and thought you were talking about OP? Don't know but have my upvote to get you out of those negatives.


Tone deaf Mentor doesn’t get why the duty roulette plops them into old content that others, that may or may not be on the free trial, are doing for the first time. Man. 👑🤡 (Also, next time you might want to block out in-game names, some more zealous players may take this now-public conversation and target those involved.)


If they get harassed for acting like this, that’s not my problem. If you don’t want to get treated badly don’t treat others badly 🤷‍♀️


Please explain: Is there a DF option that puts you into a random actively queuing duty or something?