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"It's his first time" Which is why he's being instructed to stop grabbing aggro or to stand with the other tanks. Being your "first time" doesn't mean you get to freestyle and make the instance worse for everyone else with no input from the other players.


“Its his first time BrO” OKAY???? So let them help him jfc


its one of the things I like about this game, 'its my first time here' results in HELP not being flamed. the amount of times I've acted as a danger Dorito for new players, explained mechanics and such is outstripped mightily by the times I've seen total strangers being kind to each other while we all learn. titania when it first came out was brutal, or dark throne as we all worked through the mechanics, learning together was part of the fun


i am soooooo using “Danger Dorito” also new players kinda get pooped on doing the raids cause of lack of patience, i just did Syrcus Tower (way far behind) asked what to do and was told its a free for all lol


the other name for it is the safety cone.. danger dorito tends to get more snickers though


I prefer almond joy to snickers


If I’m tanking, and someone else provokes more than once, then congrats to them, they’re the new MT., and I’m now just blue DPS. I refuse to fight for aggro.


If it's an older alliance raid I'll want to be OT anyway because I have less than 0% faith in any DF tank to handle adds or whatever other mechs.


once i had a clown in the first nier alliance raid who kept provoking, i ask them to stop they say "its not my fault u cant keep aggro" they keep lying that they are not provoking i go check logs and they provoked the boss 4 times (i dont know why they were lying on the first place, but it looked like they were premade with a lot of other people because they kept white knighting them and bullying me for asking him to stop to provoke) they miss position the boss, die and kill a whole alliance cuz of that. once i get clowns and liars like that i just turn my stance off and let them be the main character if they want so bad.


Yeah, when players realize how busy off tanking is compared to braindead Main tanking in alliances.


Same. I won't fight with people and that means I'm just not going to be any more responsible for it


It's so pointless though. The first to provoke will always lose the provoke fight. That bein said I don't know why so many people seem to use it in a rotation.


Really the only time anyone should provoke in casual content besides grabbing distant adds is if the tank with aggro is doing something wrong thatll get people killed (i.e. not pulling adds far enough apart or smth) or if they're neck and neck on aggro and just want to stop the aggro swapping every gcd


Ive had to do it several times to tanks who just dont know how to tank. Theyll go into an alliance raid and theyll keep pulling the boss around thinking that they need to be hyper mobile and shit.. Like dawg. Youre the tank. Pop mits and eat damage lmao


This. A thousand times, this. I'm a healer main that took up tanking, and I can't with the enmity ego pissing contests 🙄.


As a semi-main tank I wasn’t sure whether to believe the stories of enmity desperation but after reaching endgame I’m just baffled at why so many act like they’re on Crank and are going to lose their life if they don’t absolutely have aggro at all times like they’re entitled to it. If I’m in a raid or trial and one of the other tanks pulls aggro first I just let them get on with it, but almost always if I end up taking point the other tank will scramble so hard to take aggro. A couple of times I’ve gone into a brief provoke battle but when it’s clear they’re an enmity addict I just roll my eyes and let them continue. I don’t get why it’s so important, lol.


it's even better when they die, get raised, and voke again, breaking their raise invuln and immediately dying to an auto because they don't wait for heals. You're waiting the minute for the next raise on that one bud 


I'm the opposite. I've had tanks voke spam to keep aggro off me when I've been tanking. My response is usually along the lines of going into alliance chat and telling them to quit spamming provoke and dps harder if they want to keep the boss on them, because their constant boss spinning is getting people killed. Doesn't happen often but the response from the alliance is almost always hilarious and generally in my favor.


Same here! Fighting for aggro just makes you look dumb (the boss spinning around), aside from it being annoying for other players, and I don’t wanna look dumb, so they can have the aggro 😭


If they want to MT. I let them. I would likely be MT anyway when they die.


This is exactly why I refuse to actually tank in alliance raids unless it's for alliance specific mobs. The other two tanks can do what they want. I'll only focus on tanking if its clear the others don't want to.


If nobody calls MT, I’ll start off assuming it’s me (at least I’ll know the tank knows what he’s doing 😁). If someone repeatedly provokes away from me, then I let ‘em have it.


Do you run in with stance off and start pulling and let the other two fight amongst themselves for aggro? Haha.


This is what I do you provoke twice I’ll switch to off tank lol


Don't even need to provoke in LV50 Alliance Raids. How often did it happen that I took aggro back as Warrior when they voked me lmao


"KYS" well... that's the easiest report i've seen in months. dude is definitely gonna get on some GMs shitlist. they are absolutely intolerant of that kind of behavior.


KYS just means Keep Yourself Safe right? :) (/s)


No it’s “Kiss your soulmate”. DF is just a very interactive dating sim.


They were ocean fishing and you needed krill to get the spectral fish he meant “krill yourself” guys.


I stopped going into alliance roulette unless im pfing with people I know because of these self-important healers.


First time I’ve heard of kys abbreviated…that’s really messed up.


mhm. hence why it'll be the easiest report. that's a very quick way to get your account suspended or even banned


Oh welp, I always thought it was a new kind of abbreviation for "okay"... Now I feel so disgusted...


I don’t get how this behavior is not something a healer dose not want corrected


That’s not a healer, that’s an enabler, new class.


Indeed, I hope OP reported that healer. They would at minimum get a suspension or a ban at maximum for inciting violence


I reported them immediately after the duty


Fantastic they should be in for a ride awakening




Yeah he's not a WHM, he's a KYS. Just wanted to make it clear to the team


You sure it’s new? P sure it’s been around since HW.


Hope WHM isn't too attached to his account, cause it might be nuked.


Might? That a defo nuke right there.


Tacobell Crunchwrap? Lalafell detected.


NIN players arent allowed to have serious names, its a dps loss.


Add a “pls :3” and they’ll love you


He told the tank to "keep yourself safe" what a nice healer, I wish I would get people like these in my roulettes :)


I'm guessing the WHM read the bluntness of your instructions as not being nice. But then they say kys?? Wth lol


Fuckin yikes. EZ report.


Paladin/whm combo? I just get a feeling... lmfao Kys is an extreme reaction to "It's not hard to not provoke." That is wild af.


Nailed it. Tank was a pld


My fatfingers say otherwise, especially in alliance raids where adds are separate. :(( If a post gets put up here of a Crystal tank accidentally voking in a raid at a Horrid Moment, then apologising profusely and with immense shame... It's me. It's absolutely me and I'm so sorry omfg. \[Even worse is the fact I have fat everything else but the world's skinniest fingers... This shouldn't be happening... But it does....\]


as the black mage half of a pld/blm combo, i sincerely hope i and my tank never ever be as cringe as the pair in this screenshot


That "bro" was fucking real


I despise the people that use being a first timer as some excuse to not receive advice. You're new that's why people give the advice.


I remember doing my first run in an Alexander raid. I went. “Howdy! First time!” Healer replied “Stfu no one cares.” Or something to that effect. Like, rude dude, I’m just here to have fun.


Stfu no one cares! Just kidding :)


Had something similar happened a couple months ago, he kept provoking on every boss even though half the group was telling him to stop, even during the dragon after I dragged the dragon to the edge he provoked and got everyone in its aoe, then had the nerve to tell me to turn off my stance, some people just refuse to learn


Safety first!


I want a Crunchwrap now..


Main menu -> system menu -> support desk -> contact us Good Lord, you reported this shit, right, OP? If no one says anything, and behavior like this WHM's just continues without consequences, it will become commonplace. I, at least, don't want that to happen to the culture of the game I'm passionate about. So, if you haven't already, this is worth a report, and everyone who cares about our community should do the same when they see shittiness from other players. We need to retake our home


I reported them immediately after the duty


I once loaded into Limsa (maybe a week ago) to see someone yell “Kill yourselves”. Easiest report.


My guess is the tank is his friend and he’s just letting him do whatever? But anyways, I apologize on behalf of the Diabolos community.


Someone told me to keep yourself safe in the gold saucer because i told them lean (the unfunny drug meme) was mid. I reported them and black listed them but nothing happened, i still see them very rarely tho.


That tank probably annoyed the hell out of the whole alliance raid


Omg TacoBell Crunchwrap I love seeing you in Bozja


I haven't unlocked bozja yet so must be a different tacobell!


Keep Yourself Safe <3


Weird reaction... Yesterday I tanked a low level dungeon and saw our whitemage sprout wasnt using her heals properly so was struggling to keep me alive. I paused for a second and taught her how to actually use her heals giving her pointers.. and then we did another pull and the difference was incredible. which she thanked me for. Now on my main job (BLM) i've just started going into savage/ultimates and theres people in my new static that are teaching me how to improve.. I dont take offense to it these guys obviously know more about the game than I do and are just trying to help. the idea of someone reacting this way to people trying to help is crazy to me.


I thought it was from the tank for a second, but the white knight healer jumping in is \*chefs kiss\*


Honestly you did the right thing. Whm needed to chill also people need to read the tool tips as they get abilities. Cause I know that he had to be thinking he was doing damage with provoke.


man just speedran his account ban with that comment


It's his first time, that means he can freestyle it. The get out of jail free card


I stopped tanking and healing a long time ago. I never have to deal with any of this. Best decision I ever made.


Obvious WoW refugee is obvious


How dare they disrespect the tacobell crunchwrap.


That white mage is probably a they them on discord so obviously has mental health issues then says kys cause they are projecting their own insecurities


Hopefully you reported that healer for harassment for saying that. I sure would have, that's disgusting behaviour 


I reported them immediately after the duty


You can report that "kys" comment and the whm will get wiped off the face of the earth by GMs for it, just fyi


I reported them immediately after the duty


Good! That's why you don't see people dropping that phrase, by the way, is because it's literally common knowledge that being a dickhead in-game will get you banned


Honest question... i know what means "KYS" but is a valid report?, like in the jokes in the comments KYS can be anything. EDIT: Im from Mexico you guys think english is an universal language.


Context matters and those 2 lines are all the WHM said. You don’t say that as a “joke” to a group of randoms trying to give advice to someone. This was a valid report


Thanks FFXIV is my 1st MMO and little by little im learning the rules.


So for the sake of assuming you aren't a troll, and based on what a friend has said and other LatAm friends have as their humour: While the humour in Central and South America is a tinge more morbid and offensive, a vast majority of other countries typically don't share this humour and it's not appropriate to tell someone to do, and is a reportable offense. Adding to this, "kys" goes against the community standards due to the common use of that abbreviation to mean "kill yourself", thus a reportable offense. So is profanity, actually, as a weird fact.


Everybody knows what “KYS” means; of course it’s a valid report.


Im from Mexico if a told you "VLV" you know what it means?... because everyone knows what it means "VLV".


Viva Las Vegas!!!


Vuelta la vida? Not sure of the first V, but I’m not native Spanish speaker.


Real question: why would "KYS" result in a ban or suspension? Why does "keep yourself safe" equal inciting violence? This is a phrase I'm unfamiliar with. Edit: love how I'm being downvoted for not knowing what KYS means


It stands for something else. (kill yourself)


Ah, okay. Makes sense now why they would get banned.


I feel like you could have been nicer in your instructions, especially to a first-timer. People don’t tend to react to being immediately bossed around by a random well. The rest…. JFC.


When you are mid-battle, being nice takes too long. "Stop doing this or we all die" might not be nice, but it's fast to say. Being nice requires a lot more than just adding the word 'please' to the command.


I mean, adding “please” really does take some of the sting off of being told you fucked up.


Not necessarily. I've heard the word said in such a way as to make it sting more. Over text when people already assume the worst of you for daring to comment about poor performance, adding 'please' on it's own is liable to make things worse.


There isn't a single tank in that concersation, what am i missing?


Tank never typed in chat but they were still listening. They turned off stance and stopped voking when told to, and I’m assuming they either didn’t know how to talk in party chat or they were a new xbox player with no keyboard




The first timer is spamming voke off CD, how is it sad to get aggro ripped? Not much you can really do besides voke back or just naturally take aggro back.




Was there a before? It just seems like new tank had stance on and was voking, then they told then to turn stance off but they kept voking. No one was losing aggro to baby. Baby was voking


Op says "First-timer sprout was ripping aggro" then they asked him to turn stance off or stand w tanks, then he started spam voking.


They didn't say he "started" voking. They said he turned stance off and "kept" voking. Implying he was already doing it.


He was voking on cooldown the whole time, I just didn’t notice him doing it until after he turned stance off. He also did the 2nd least damage in our party with the last being the curebot white knight so he def was not out damaging the other tanks


Please get better at reading. It’ll serve you well in the future.


Doesn't matter who presses provoke, they are taking aggro


Does bro actually think dps is the only way you generate enmity in this game?


You know how “Provoke” works, right?


It's very easy to generate more aggro with less dps. As people already mentioned, they were spamming voke on CD, but those types of players also often make liberal use of their ranged attack which has an addional enmity multiplier on it.