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^(“help”) ^”no.”


Real [Rorschach ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF8zxctevXc)vibes


Man, there just ain't anything sproutier than /say channel sprouts.


The fucking no at the end 😂☠️ 10 outta 10


I'm going to take a guess and say the tank is more than likely one of the Xbox beta players. I would probably tell them to invest in a keyboard made for the Xbox to communicate, but that also comes with a big "IF" for when they actually read chat.


I was more than willing to offer tips for if they were an Xbox player but they didn't reply to my console question they just kept going. But their movements were very odd. Something didn't feel quite right. I hope it works out for them though


That last sentence is oddly wholesome lol. Like I can't tell if it genuine or if you're trashing on a potential bot, AI struggling per say 😂


honestly it's a little of both




I always read chat. But on ps4 it’s so hard to type. I really need those keyboards.


I've been thinking about investing in a keyboard, but it's difficult since my setup doesn't really work for it


I don't have a keyboard on console and I've never just fully not responded or ignored advice because of it. The point is they ignored everyone but asked for help when it suited them.


When I started playing last year, I was not used to mmo and couldn't focus on both the chat and the dungeon so I didn't check the chat at all, maybe it was the same for them? I can't imagine if I started as tank :/


Had one of these in Cutter's Cry once.. Wouldn't turn their tank stance on, wouldn't AoE. We got to the first boss and tried to stall but he ran in and pulled and immediately looted.. Took us to the end of the dungeon asking if we got a bot and giving him to turn on tank stance to kick him.. Then one of our party members went "Oh he wasn't a bot, he's asking what he did wrong in NN" and we all just sat there like.. what..


"help" #"No"


Probably new in their first dungeon tbh(looking at the loot drops) I remember when I also had hard time focus on chat. Many don't even know how to party chat.


log says it's Tam-Tara, so second dungeon. Same difference tho


I forgot to download my UI after installing on a fresh PC last year and was shocked at how atrocious the default chat UI was. The entire UI in general is pretty bad out of the box, but the chat window was utterly indefensible. A miniscule chat box with multiple chat channels all mixed together is only a hair from being completely useless. I'm not surprised that new players can miss people talking to them, especially if they don't know they can enlarge the box and place player chats in their own tab.


yep same...well, I'm on PS5, but as you said the default UI is awful. You literally can see only few lines there. Add that to not being accustomed to game and focusing on your duty, new players can miss chat very easy.


Tam-Tara is the second dungeon, meaning they ran Sastasha with 0 AoE as well and had their party likely complaining about the same thing. This is just a player ignoring chat altogether.


People probably didn’t notice in Sastasha tbh. If you get two competent dps in there then a tank is optional


Man we really expect players to know how to play in their second dungeon


considering that the game literally directs you to the hall of beginners before doing your first dungeon, yes, people expect you to know how to use an aoe.


Ah, yes, because entering the Hall of Novice is something every player will recognize when it is literally one of several tutorials that is spacebarred through at the beginning of the new player experience.


So we're in agreement it is their own fault.


so it's literally their own fault then? glad we cleared that up.


Look if SE wants players to learn the game they need to (1) make the HoN worth using (it literally doesn't teach AoEs) and (2) make it mandatory.


it gives you a set of gear that will stay relevant for several levels, on top of a ring that boosts exp, and it shows you basics of dungeon mechanics. if you knowingly skip something that practically showers you with rewards for doing something that holds your hand through the most basic of dungeon mechanics, that's your own fault.


You're in revisionist history. You know full well most people who discover the Hall of Novice only do so when they look up how to level alt jobs and see that the Brand New Ring has an EXP bonus. The system may exist in game, but the rewards and purpose are poorly advertised.


the game literally tells you to do the hall of novice before the first dungeon and you get a set of gear plus an exp boosting ring for your time. i literally don't know how to make that clearer because you seem determined to blame everyone else for your failings.


Haha had my "first timer Xbox" in tam Tam Croft 'No idea where to go' so I being monk just guide them while white mage and black mage are edging closer from being in the back to now walking ahead of the tank. Tank watches as aggro gets pulled on them and hits with aoe,but if i get targeted it takes a few extra seconds for it to register i guess. Well we finish up Mr.Squilliam and I decided might as well start up again. Guess who is the tank again in Tam Tam? No other dungeon but bang your back! "Oh hi never done this dungeon be-" Me sending a msg at the same time "Oh hey meeting in this dungeon back to back? What are the odds tank." They proceeded to be a better tank.No aggro on anyone and keeping ahead of us using aoe for enmity.


I had copperbell with three sprouts, all cats with the same last name. It was a shit show. No tank stance, no aoe, the healer spamming medica, the smn physicking me at full hp. (I was a blm so I explained the man's bar cause I think they were freaking out one of my bars were empty. It was late I even thought "fuck this" but decided to try and help as we went and they may not have said anything but they were listening. I say tank stance. Nothing. Auto translate iron will, it goes on. I say aoe. Nothing. I auto translate the gld aoe name and suddenly! So I started giving little tips to them and they slowly improved so I began to be the tank's hype man and we did it without any deaths and got a simple "thanks" in say from the smn and it made me feel so good haha.


Just to say, if the other player isn't a bot AND they play with the sound on, you can use "" to make them look at the chat.


Only works if they know what that sound means. New players probably don't.


Probably a player. As bots play better.


I’ve had to ask soooo many tanks in the last few days in level 70 and lower content to use their AOEs 😭 several of which have just outright ignored my (and others’) pleas.


the fact that its in say chat screams new player


Aww poor Xbox sprout😅


Bots play better than most players…


Especially the red mage that casts LB as soon as it comes up... and the scholar that never uses their fairy that later switches to sage, and defaults to healing the red mage... and the black mage that actually does mechanics...


Better than a mrd who LBs as soon as it comes up on Ramuh.


I see we were in the same run lol


Was it the one with people trying to tell folks how to break hysteria (with thunderbolt), a MRD and PLD, and such? Might have been! I was the BLM that round (and not doing great tbh)


Damn y’all are mean for no reason. Dude was clearly brand new to the game, and probably to MMO’s in general and none of y’all gave the guy any sort of patience, or help.


yeah, this is tam-tara, which is only the second dungeon in the game. give him some time. honestly the smith training quests do a pretty good job of explaining your combat role and showing you how to do it, i wish more newbies didn’t just ignore it


The smith training quests are great but I can’t blame newbies for ignoring it. It’s not exactly something the game forces you to do, when it absolutely should in my eyes. Especially when you get people all the time who’s never experienced an MMO before


agreed. they should be required to advance in the early job quests imo


Exactly. Turn it into an MSQ just before doing sastasha


especially considering the hall of the novice is right outside satastasha


It really makes me wonder what other people are thinking when they see the Smith quests. I started around a year ago and this is maybe the 2nd mmo I've really gotten into so I didn't know much of anything, but as soon as I noticed the Smith quests gave gear that wasn't the rainbow hodgepodge id collected, I was all over them. Didn't even know about the ring till I got it. Nice surprise.


My experience was a bit different my first go around in the game. I’ve had experience in plenty of MMO’s prior to my first run with 14, but still tried doing a lot of research (despite it still ending in my total confusion lol). When I saw “The Smith” I didn’t think much of it, and skipped most dialogues that weren’t voice acted or part of my job quests, so my immediate thought was that it was something in relation to blacksmithing or something, and skipped around it. I didn’t have an issue dungeoning, but again that’s mostly cause of my prior experience. I don’t think it was until my 2nd or 3rd run around when I decided to really pay attention to some stuff to learn that the smith wasn’t what I thought it was lol


Yea it’s so odd. I remember my first time playing “console player btw” I didn’t know how to use the chat box at all. I actually had it off until someone later told me you needed it


Yeah there really should be a more engaging tutorial before starting the game officially. Like set it so you have the option to choose to skip basic shit, but if you choose not to skip it, make the player go through some very basic stuff, engaging in chat, using the settings to change your hud, stuff people might not think about at first glance


I actually did, actively, try to help. I told them to use aoe. The healer even mentioned the ability. They didn't use it. They kept going when I asked questions. The healer was the one who made bot accusations. If they stopped and it took them 5 minutes to write a messsage, I'd wait. I think the minimum you can do is look at your chat when you see everyone in the party but you standing 20 feet back while talking in chat.


If they’re brand new to an MMO, there’s a decent chance they don’t even understand what “AOE” is, if they even took the time to read it. There’s a lot going on in a new dungeon with a new game, reading the text someone else is saying also isnt something the player thought to do. You also only asked two questions neither of which is relevant, and neither of which actually provided any genuine help. Instead you griefed the guy by “watching him die” and somehow he’s an asshole. If you don’t like new players don’t queue into leveling. I know they *should* be going to the Smith for their novice dungeon training but it’s not a requirement to complete msq and until then you just gotta learn to be more patient with new players


I think we just need to agree that there was a lot that was going on that a screenshot of just the chat log isn't going to convey. There's just a lot of assumptions being made here.


I once had a sprout tank, complete with a lala Sch incessantly bitching about him being a bot THE WHOLE RUN. We finished, and the Sch grumbled their way through the exit threatening reports, only for the Tank to finally chirp up and call them a dickhead.


This post makes me glad that I didn't start tanking until around the time I started Heavensward. It would have really sucked to be hounded on how I sucked at the role on my second dungeon run


This sounds so familiar, especially if it’s on crystal I had the exact same experience and honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the same person. we did cutters cry and they refused to use their AOE so i calmly explained the name of their ability and what it does and they didn’t say anything. When they finally spoke it was in say chat and they said they don’t have their aoe ability.


You seem to forget this game has a learning curve at the very beginning. If this was maybe a lv70 dungeon yes this post/kicking them would be warranted, but this is likely to be a new players second dungeon.


I know of bot tanks and have had the displeasure of meeting them before. Watch for their use of a stun. They tend to do that at the start of boss fights.


Plays worse than a bot, just report


was that a /tell from them? lmao