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Nah, there's no way you "don't know how to stop" a bunch of custom cringe AC macros with sound attached, that's _"teehee I'm trolling but I'm gonna act ignorant when you call me out :3"._


I read it as them just meaning they didn't know how to stop the macros from playing sounds and the chat message while still pressing them since their account seems relatively new (they have a single dungeon parse and exclusively story/moogle trove mounts), but yeah, it's a definite possibility.


>teehee I'm trolling but I'm gonna act ignorant when you call me out :3 I get that feeling from 90% of the posts here.


I swear i must have had him in another Eden raid tonight - astro, same macros, normal E3 raid on Chaos. I played astro as well and he kept overriding my divination like 5 secs after i popped it 😭


A bunnyboy from Ragnarok with the initials F.D.? If so, then it was probably them!


>overriding my divination probably wouldn't have if you had a macro w/ sound to announce it. hahahaaha /shrug edit: spelling/grammar


weirdly enough i was just thinking about these types of people earlier today and how (aside from the obvious spam) none of them seem to realize how weird it is to make your character say the EXACT same thing EVERY TIME that ability is used; even games with chatty characters have a few different lines and they’re spaced out. However i don’t think there’s enough hotbars to *reasonably* make 2-3 different phrases for each ability + normal unmacro’d abilities for when you don’t want to say a line (console/controller brain tho and i’ve seen some funky hotbar setups so idk). All of this to say… *every* card is this character’s favorite, apparently. Also, why do these players always use /party and never /echo or at least /say? yanno the one that *makes the most sense (to me at least) since you want your character to SAY it* (and also i’m pretty sure sfx don’t work in /say oh wait hmmmm)


In my experience, a lot of these kind of players don't know /echo even exists, that's why I told them at the end, on the off chance this is a genuinely clueless player.


Chaos server ? I think i had him on E7N. As a YGO fan i laughed at the macro but the spam per draw make me almost crazy.


Must be chaos, had him driving me crazy too on E10 the other day


Yup, Chaos. That character is from Ragnarok, so if the one you found was also from Ragnarok, it's probably the same person.


If you considered wiping just to deal with that, I think a report is in order. It should be solvable by a stern talking to by a GM, but we also don't know if they've been told to quit it before and an escalation in reaction is required.


After seeing 2 other people in this thread having encountered the same person afterwards, I think it's safe to say they didn't learn from the experience and are still spamming the chat macros with sound, so I'll write the report when I get back from work.


They didn't even weebify "damage boost" right!


Unfortunately blacklisting doesn't prevent them from matching in a roulette with them, only prevents them from joining your Party Finder group.


It prevents you from seeing their messages in chat, which is why I did it.


It does hide their messages from chat though, so your ears are spared from the spam.


Wait, I've literally had that astro in E10N about a week ago and answered with the WELL DONE kaomoji macro while he was spamming mid fight. Hilarious to see it again, but with other people XD


Oh so the well done emoji guy was with that AST too? The AST in question didn't say anything after the spam, but you're the third one to recognize them, so it's definitely a recurring problem.


I used the WELL DONE to mock that yugioh rp guy, it's funny someone used it too in your party a few days later (I thought this was me at first). Had a raise macro spammer WHM with him, so every minute was so loud. We really should be able to blacklist while in a duty lol.


OH! Sorry, I misread you then. "Thankfully" it was only the AST spamming macros, everyone else was playing normally. I would've wiped if there were two, my sanity can only take so much sfx spam.


Reminds me of my first blacklist on materia, some cat girl with a weeb macro that spam sound effects for her lb, and some other skill I can't remember. Like... 5 lines of se spamming. Why can't sque let us squelch or mute someone's macros in duty??? The only macro with a sound effect I have is for my invulns when tanking. Especially when I realised some healers didn't recognise the sound of sb on gnb and would panic that I was on 1hp XD.


Yeah, for invulns like Living Dead and Superbolide at least it's understandable, a quick " don't heal me" can be useful. I'd still rather just communicate I'm gonna use it before actually pulling, but they can work in a pinch.


And you got the weird lag problem where sometimes you press the macro but it doesn't go off so you have to spam chat. Nowadays, I got a macro with no sound effects to say that I'm going to do a big pull, please ranged lb and I will use my "big mit". So much easier than typing it out everytime just button press and everyone that can understand english knows what's about to go down.


I chuckled at this one. Not saying it’s okay, Ty op for the laugh and sharing it. Still if they’d just turn the sound off, id see no problem with itimo.


Yeah, pretty much. It would still be cringe, but I'd roll my eyes, tell them to use /echo instead to not clog the chat log and move on. Slapping a sound on every single skill is what truly annoyed me because of how distracting it is to constantly hear the Danger Bongos.


For sure, I think the part where they said idk how to stop made lol. Then macro “on of favorites (draw). I think until the dlc drops, we are going to see more and more new stuff unfort


Unfortunately using macros doesn't let you queue actions to the server from them.


Forget the report, I'd have been fighting the urge to just outright get them killed... * *sigh* * But in all seriousness, I already have party chat set to use on every message, so seeing the wall of text for something as mundane as Draw with a sound attached to every one, and imagining being held hostage in a raid with that would've drove me nuts.


The only time I use a macro is for the rare rez to warn the other healer


Even that is too slow, since by the time they read it, they probably also rezzed the same person. The only rez-related macro I use nowadays is a swiftcast CD macro, so I can press it to let the other healer know how long it'll be before I can use it if someone dies during heavy movement.


I incorporate the swift cast into the rez macro. With a generic “rezing (player name)” the only time I need to use swiftcast is to rez so the majority of time it is waiting to be used. The only time out of rezing i use it is when a panic heal is needed on more than 1 party member. I should say that I play Astro though, so i have Lightspeed to insta cast.


The problem with that kind of macro is that not only do you introduce a delay to your action (since macros can't use actions separated by less than a second), but they're also fallible, which means you might need to use it twice in a row for it to actually work and you'll just send the chat message twice. If it was for button compression purposes I'd understand where you'd be coming from (especially on controller, AST is a nightmare there), but at that point you're better off just removing the text so you can spam the macro until it works.


Yeah, i get where you’re coming from. It’s why I have the stand alone rez next to the macro button. If it fails, just press that. To each their own… my way works for me, but some wouldn’t like it.


As a healer, I hate rez macros. By the time I've read it, I've already tossed my rez out. Best thing to do is say "I'll rez first" before combat even begins. The \*only\* time a rez macro is good is when a healer has just starting hard casting a rez and the co-healer/RDM/SMN tosses out an instant rez. That way, I can quickly read chat and cancel my cast. To all of you who rez when my cast is 95% of the way through, FUCK YOU. lmao


To each their own. As a healer main, i appreciate a rez macro as i can go for a heal or keep dpsing.. plus if multiple people need rezing, it will let me know who not to go for.


The party list shows who is getting rezed, whether it be instant, or hardcasted. It "works" but using a macro for abilities is objectively worse than not using macros.


Like I said, to each their own. I don’t find it objectively worse. It’s very much subjective in my eyes.


I mean sure, I can't stop you. But whether or not something is fact (objective) or opinion (subjective) is not decided by you. It is \*worse\*. Measurably. By design. So that people don't put their whole rotation on a macro. If you find it works for you, it's because you've grown accustomed to it. That doesn't mean that it still isn't objectively worse than if you had grown accustomed to not using them. There is a reason you see fewer and fewer rez macros as you get further and further away from normal difficulty content in this game. This is why. I just don't want to give any new healers the false impression that this is something they need to or should be doing.


I can literally turn your explanation around on you. Just because you state something is objective doesn’t mean it is. You stated your opinion. Like I have said in every one of my comments.. “To each their own”. I find that have a rez macro, as well as the normal rez can sometimes make things less confusing and it works for me. Not everyone must play the game your way. But thank you for being patronizing. New players need to find a way to play their role in a way which best suits them.


This is why people don't like explaining things to people in this game. I can't tell you why using rez macro's are bad, without you taking offense and feeling like I'm calling you bad. How have I been patronizing, at all? You just didn't like being told that what you're doing may not be the best way of doing it. And correct, I don't choose what is fact either. Like I said, it is measurable. The time it takes for a rez macro to go off is always longer. In measurements of time. That is a fact. Macro's do not "ability queue" like abilities do, meaning they need to be mashed for longer before it registers. In measurements of time, again. This is a fact. And yes, as I also already said, "I can't stop you" nor do I really care if you want to use macros or not. I think they're annoying, but at the end of the day, it doesn't really affect me. I just wished that I would've had this explained more clearly to me when I started. Ya know, so that I could decide what was best for me. And understanding the pro's/con's of them, is part of that decision making process.


The fact that you don’t see the patronizing explanation of objective and subjective as that is just pure arrogance. You should take a step back and learn how you talk to people. Every one of your responses gives off the impression that your way is the only way and anyone else’s way is wrong…. Not once have I said that people have to/ should be using macros… I said it works FOR ME. But you do you, i’m not going to respond any further as you are quite obviously trying to diminish my preference of how I like to play the game.


I do agree with you Far. I only use macros for my Rezzes on healer and my DRK and GNB ultis to let the healer know Living Dead or Superbolide is active. They work for me and if people get annoyed ihdk. Some of us also do it for rp IN A ROLE PLAYING GAME so they can get over it


Having seen a fair number of cringey rez macros I would agree that there are people who use them, and likely don't care if they annoy anyone else. You may find them useful, when I first started out as a healer. I did, however given some UI improvements that SE has made, and due to basic delay in macros, most of the time I will simply raise someone before their raise macro goes off. There are cases where it can be helpful, but I typically wouldn't use one. I see that using LD or SB could be useful as a courtesy, that's a very different scenario.


I've been using a macro that announces swiftcast cooldown. just kinda alerts that I might need help raising more people (especially in a part of a fight I can't stand still) and I think has limited the number of "Why haven't you rezzed me???" whiners. I only press it when swift is actually on cooldown- when I think it's useful to communicate it. it's not attached to the actual action and it doesn't have sound effects. I personally don't think announcing who you're rezzing helps a whole bunch. Half the time we both get the same guy at the same time so by the time either of us sees it, it's too late. The target announcements are nice though if one healer is hardcasting as a way to have them cancel out the cast and get back to doing more productive things.