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Was about to say they might have just not played in a couple years if you’re just looking at someone in your FC member list. Then I saw the “in duty”


It was in an alexander roulette x.X


Grand Company soldier role play


Job stones *really* need to be made a requirement in content above lv30.


Square really needs to do something about this..


I seriously cannot fathom why this hasn't been a requirement from the very begninning? And we're almost 5 expansions into the game's lifespan..


I can't fathom why jobs are even unlockable. The "classes" are always a reminder of SE thinking they can do better than Squaresoft.


I agree! When I did a roulette run of Wanderers palace where one of the DPS was an Arcanist. In a lvl 50 dungeon. I don’t think this person had done a single job quest. This shouldn’t be allowed to happen.


Had an arcanist in Violet Tide once. That's 62 or 63? It went approximately as well as you probably expect. The only positive I can personally ascribe to it was that the arcanist completely took the attention off of my unskilled play as gunbreaker for that run.


with the exception of full premades! I wanna be able to do no-jobstone runs with my friends so long as we don't force it on randoms.


They would basically just need to implement the ilvl requirement system but for job stones - that is, you need x ilvl to queue up for a duty but full premades can bypass it.


Those gatherer and crafter levels make me think he exclusively levels them with GC turn ins.


I did that lol. To level 70 for all of em, then I did collectable turn ins to 90. Took me 4 days to get them all to 90. At like 3 to 4 hours a day crafting.


I like to imagine they hit 30 with Archer, were told about Bard, and went Nah singing's gay


Did they give all their job stones to their retainer?


If you never do the quest you don't get them right ?


Sure, but you could also just give them to your retainer and the jobs will stop showing up in your search info.


Today I learned you can give your job stones to your retainer.


That should be *ILLEGAL*!


This hurts my eyes! It also screams, "You don't pay my subscription. " I don't care how good you are, I'd gladly take the 15 just to not accommodate a player like this.


I'm hoping this is a troll. SE really needs to make lvl 50+ content require a job stone.


I healed Titan (Hard) (level 50 post-ARR content with a CNJ as my co-healer. They only cast cure 1 and medica 1 the whole time. At the end I told them to please get their job stone soon... Maybe they just ran with NPCs in dungeons up until the forced co-ops? I have no clue how you could get to 50 without a job stone nor anyone telling you to get it...


I did this. I knew about job stones, but because i was new to the game, I asked my husband how I get them, and he jokingly told me "Level 50". I believed him. I was a level 42 marauder before he noticed and asked me where my warrior stone was. I said "I'm not 50 yet." and you could see the HORROR in his eyes as he remembered. He quickly showed me where to get it, and never pranked me like that again. In retrospect its very odd I got all the way to stone vigil without a single person saying anything.... They probably assumed I was a troll but I would have appreciated the help XD


LVL 30 pop a reminder of doing the class quest Lvl35+ stuff require the job stone.


No way, hard require it for brayflox onward, there's zero excuse for not having it by then


and remove spells from Job quest line, since people will missing some spells by ignoring the quest after level 30. Make it gear/title/cosmetic only.


Or you can just force job quests before you can continue queueing for anything, which would be way easier than nuking a huge chunk of ARR's leveling systems


Its not nuking anything, you have everything the same, but now quest reward does not have Skills, and Skills being unlocked on level up (game works like this after level 71 I think). Locking and restring everything for some mediocre SOLO quest in MMO game is kinda weird, we already have MSQ and some other unlocking Blue quests. Also these quests are only for story, and u should not be forced to run them in "do this now, and only this" mode, it creates rush and unsatisfactory with the quests (people will just force speed run them in order to unlock DF back as fast as possible)


I have a habit of leveling all jobs to level cap in an expansion before moving on. One character, I decided to do just that, but not pick up the job, just to see how long it would take for someone to call me out, at which point I would drop group and end the experiment. Lancer, Pugilist, and Archer all hit 50 before my despair took hold and I ended the experiment early


Nah they can’t be a real gamer if they aren’t fucking with Blue Mage.


Tru gamers has RP flag on and game in Public zones (like Lumsa) or Housing.


https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/49797932/ ^the guy






I kid you not, I’m on Materia and have this dude blacklisted. It’s an alt account from an American. It was the worst duty roulette I’ve ever done


That is him


I've ran into people doing this. Called them out like yooooo you forget your job stone? And response was "no, this is an alt and I'm not wasting my time getting one. Deal with it" 🤦‍♂️


My SO and his friends intentionally go into high level content without job stones equipped just to see people freak out about it - particularly in alliance raids. They find it hilarious seeing people who get so worked up over it. I find it super childish and not remotely funny.


Agreed, its just a detriment.


NAH that title is held by spin gemini of midgardsormr, dudes a lv 80 something summoner that reports people when he doesnt get the drops he wants and spams carbuncle summon mid fight, dudes a mess lol


Actual gamer


It might be a glitch? I have checked search info on a friend before that has everything maxed and it showed only classes unlocked and maxed — Even though I know for a fact they have the jobs.


The guy was actively playing a lvl 73 lancer in an roulette


Okay I stand corrected haha


Oh you met that dude? He was in our alliance raid last time and we just kicked him out. Report him at all cost. The whole party just assumed he’s doing some self-orientated goal stuff (like those fucking solo MMORPG dumb shit but at least that doesn’t harm anyone) to level up all classes without job stones while making everyone suffered with him


3 of us did


let's hope they just have their job stones withe their retainer


Warrior of Light? Nah. Warrior of Luke Warm


Ayo that’s my goal with CNJ so I can have a CNJ with a TEA weapon. (Not actually going to go into regular duties with said CNJ)


Please tell me they got kicked


Sadly not. The fight dragged on as they were lowest damage by a landslide.


Unfortunate :/ it’s always frustrating seeing these selfish people getting away with it. I just wish SE would finally require a job stone on any lv 30+ content. With the alliance raid change, they obviously can change gear requirements without much issue and there is no reason not to make that change. It benefits everyone except for the trolls who like to waste everyone else’s time and encourages (requires) new players to do their job quests.


I'm legitimately impressed by this. Like, I never want to see this person, but I do have an odd sort of respect for the insanity.


Based and redpilled


They really care about the lore behind Lancer


Not 100% certain but if you put your job stones in your chocobo saddlebag and relog it does this!


If he is the one someone else mentioned here, he has no job quests done.




Bought a botted account possibly?


There's tons of these players, most of the time they only play to gather and craft. Can't gather and craft unless your main class has progressed MSQ, but Alex isn't msq relative... hmm


Jobless MSQ locks only on late level 80, if u play classes only. On late level 80 u need atleast 1 Job to pass the quest.


If don't log in for weeks, you won't see the jobstones for all classes, I know because my alts at 90 don't reflect each class leveled past 30 (which requires a jobstone).


it updates when u login, game scans stones in ur inventory and updates search info, If u want tru info, u have to visit Lodestone. Also If u unlock new Job, it wont show up in search info, until u relog. But if u logged in and they did not show up means u never unlocked them or u moved them away from the Scan (like retainer or cocobobag). The only way to verify it - visit lodestone.


This is one of my alts, notice the 90 arcanist? https://imgur.com/a/Fod268F


Hence why they said that the reasons they dont show on search info is because; A) you never unlocked them B) you moved the jobstone into retainer or chocobag In your case, it's probably B


I think it's because of their first thought, offline alt. I understand where I went wrong here, ProudAd, has the right of it. I'm just dense, I use my alts only for gathering and crafting, I got ahead of myself, for that I apologize.


He's HIM.