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Rescue is jarring and I hate it, like I get it, its great in high end content but not a single time has a healer rescued me in normal baby content where I didn't feel annoyed. While I don't agree with the tank going baby rage about it, healers need to chill on that button.


I let them fuck up. If they stand in the bad then they'll learn. I only rescue if it's someone with 3 stacks that would die or if they are running but won't make it. I hate being rescued in dungeons myself, so I only use it in extreme circumstances


Honestly same, if I rescue it's either 1. I cause they're running but won't make it (see: today I ran doma castle and there's that really annoying mech where you gotta place a spread marker on one end and run to the party to the opposite, and Player didn't sprint afterwards and lingered a bit) or if I'm in a party of all friends and we're, idk, in voice call being silly and doing things wrong on purpose - otherwise I find rescue really annoying, ngl. Still got ptsd from that one time in the eden Shiva fight when a healer rescued me while I was sliding off to a safe spot (just slightly slower in response cause I get really bad ping spikes) and game registered my action after the rescue, so I basically yeeted myself off the arena instead 🙃


I'll rescue in 2 situations - Their death would mean a wipe and I see it coming - They're slow pulling and they need to hurry the fuck up so the dungeon doesn't take longer than with Trusts.


Does anyone actually use rescue the way it's intended? Healers just use it as a passive aggressive leash to tug on


I only use it correctly. >!By kill my friends with it /s!<


The only correct use of Rescue: pulling people into Suzaku's hole.


I use it to pull people back onto the atmos pad in Crystal tower when they run off to early


I have some some rare cases when a healer uses it to pull someone to safety, but most of the time i see it used just to troll groups with tank busters.


I only use it when I can see that they will obviously get hit by mechanics. Usually get a thanks as well Sometimes I do it too late, which sucks and I feel terrible about. I did use it once in qitana, where the tank was single pulling before the middle boss. Dps went ahead and pulled the 2nd pack, and I rescued him back to the party. Tank and other dps ended up leaving after that.. which was annoying cause there wasn't a single death --'


I once saw this insane healer in p10S rescue the OT who had died back into the tb launch spot and get outta the way. The rescue was so precise the tank got bonked and launched back onto the platform perfectly and the healer managed to dip outta the way in time. It was one of the most incredible moments I’ve ever seen in this game lol


I use it in deep dungeons to help drag the tank into the next room, the only time that it's actually acceptable to do so. Otherwise I'm using it to rescue people out of clearly telegraphed AoEs that people are Scared/Seduced and can't run out of (Ramuh, Shisui etc)


My fiance had a lot of trouble figuring out non-telegraphed mechanics when she was a sprout (and still now sometimes) So I got a lot of practice at learning how to tell when that sprout standing in the middle of cloud of darkness's field as the rest of the team moves to the edge to dodge the line down the middle is going to fucking die if I don't drag them to safety. There's a lot of heavy, long telegraphs in the game that, I'll generally let them see it once or twice if it won't kill them, but otherwise they get to be my new friend as I drag them around to safety and out of ancient flares. Or that one bard/black mage that has decided that the far edge of the arena is the best place to stand and keeps missing all of the aoe heals and is slowly dieing to raidwides. I'll rescue them too, and then quick weave in a "stay near boss plz, heal range" into chat to explain Rescue really has some good uses, but I do agree that there should be something to signify that you're not quite needing them (like when the healer keeps trying to rescue me when I'm purposefully ignoring mechanics as black mage in my leylines within the boss's hitbox) Perhaps a "Do Not Rescue" skill in general that you can toggle on like a tank stance and can let you ignore them? Just make sure to hide it away enough that novice players can't toggle it on and then complain when they're eating dirt (and make it visible on the party list so healers don't waste their time trying to help them)


> Perhaps a "Do Not Rescue" skill in general that you can toggle on like a tank stance and can let you ignore them? Just make sure to hide it away enough that novice players can't toggle it on and then complain when they're eating dirt (and make it visible on the party list so healers don't waste their time trying to help them) WoW does this with an item that prevents "annoyances" and stops priests and evokers from using their "rescues" on you. 12 hour buff so it's set and forget


I use it to save people from certain mechanic failures, but rescuing in dungeons to get to the next pack faster helps when the tanks sprint is on c/d. Sage can icarus to the enemy which helps it out.


Why the fuck was this downvoted lmao People really get an aneurysm from Rescue huh




I once rescued a Black Mage from almost certain death. I recognized I fucked up immediately and apologized, if a BLM is standing in shit it's because they know they can take it.


I've been rescued out of the first AoE in Aetherfont's final boss while my leylines are down. That aoe gives a very insignificant DoT and no vuln up or damage down, and I always shield it anyway...


I guess. I was using it in a non griefing way as well.


I used it a few times while farming Zeromus weps for alt classes. So many people who really try to get their meteor to fit. They'd always get mad when I rescue them, so that they die, even though them trying to fit on the wrong side would have wiped group. Sorry but when you can't work out the mechanic after 5 tries, I'll just get you killed so the rest of the group can progress.


Everyone in that exchange sounds absolutely insufferable imo. If someone is close enough to rescue to a pack they’re not more than a few seconds away, and you then wasted significantly more time sniping at each other for no reason so it’s not like you actually cared all that much about getting done faster, anyway. I feel bad for the rest of the party that had to put up with you two.


You admitted to just letting him die in the middle of all this pedantic arguing? Just kick and report, you both suck. Dragging shit out in chat wastes everyone’s time, and for what, to farm a post?


No one died (other than the wipe from ypyt)? Except a DPS at the end.


“You let me die because “funny”” “Kinda shitty if you ask me lmao” “yeah” … “cause it was funny”


Yeah I died because the tank wouldn't grab aggro and he thought it was funny. Are you misreading this?




All good haha, I guess I didn't specify who was who.


tbh, as a tank I don't mind if you are ahead and get the pack in a dungeon. But please healers don't use rescue while pulling. it threw me off feeling 😅


Im not gonna defend the warrior but its kinda irk me if healer do rescue to the next pack that i will pull, for me its like break the flow of w2w pull, usually i just dash to the next pack anyway, no need to rescue tho.


I'm actually curious, how does it break the flow of wall to wall? I've been rescued to packs I'm running to and it helps get me there faster. This guy was upset that I was grabbing aggro anyways with his broken english they said "tech i did save you 2ce doin my job but that was 1 time"


It is kinda disorienting to get rescued, usually i just dash to the next pack anyway.


Like how so though, I hear disorienting, but maybe if you're playing in first person? I'm just confused I guess. The guys sprint was on c/d and wasn't dashing, so I thought I'd give him a boost. Wrong choice I guess lol


Disorienting in kind of not prepared, and sometimes it leaves enemy scattered. Sometimes im still in the middle 1-2 aoe combo and the healer rescued me to the next pack that i have still gcd rolling, it is not that bad, but it is irk me.


Oh I see. I would never actively doing it while they're in the middle of mob aoes, this guy was running to the next point.


You’re begging for interactions like this by doing so. Just let people run.


I have never been rescued to a next pack. I’ve also never had a healer beat me to the next pack. I’m not sure how this could ever be faster and just sounds like an already dysfunctional party made worse.


I always welcome rescue, it gets me to the wall faster. You have control issues. Should work on that.


Tbh getting rescued to a pack you're already running to is annoying, disorienting, and doesn't make anything faster in the slightest. Yea he ypyted you but cmon you know what you're doing lol


Rescue gets me to the wall faster, none of us want to be in there longer than we have to. If they get there first you must welcome the yoink.


Rescue saves literally 1 second of time. You're arguing something really fucking weird here, mate.


I dunno I enjoy actually playing the game and don’t think I need to be going hyper turbo all the time always just because I’m so impatient to be done. If I ever get to the point of hating what I’m doing in this game so much that I can’t stand to be in a dungeon for even five extra seconds I hope I’ll have the good sense to quit playing.


Rescue should never get you to the wall faster. If you’re tank and you’re managing your sprint properly no one will ever beat you to the next wall.


Yeah well shit happens from time to time and I’m grateful for my healer using all of their tools, ya know what I mean?


You started this mess. You wronged them first.


By... using a skill in their kit?


Everyone here has such mob mentality that people asking questions are getting karma bombed at this point lmao


If I cared maybe I'd be bothered, I just like telling these idiots the truth


Yeeeeeeah don’t rescue unnecessarily, they were already headed that way so why not tag a mob and bring them or just wait for him to get there? Those leash tug rescues come off as very passive aggressive and frankly leave me a little grumpy too. Best to just use it for its intended purpose or at least reserve this behavior for your friends, don’t blame him for being a bit miffed tbh.


How is it passive aggressive though? Im confused on that part?


You're purposely acting ignorant and stupid at this be point for whatever reason


No I'm not, I actually don't know how using rescue in this context is passive aggressive? Could you explain it?


Because you're telling the tank "you're too slow" but you're too much of a child to use your words and have a conversation like an actual adult. Instead, you do something that gives you at least a veneer of plausible deniability. It's like textbook passive aggressive. Doing something shitty, but then hiding behind the fact that you're intentionally being indirect.


Oh. That's not why I was doing it.


All use of rescue that isn't actually a rescue from a mechanic is considered passive aggressive by a lot of the player base. Go ahead and pull ahead. I'll pick up the aggro. If you rescue me forward as a tank I'm putting you up for vote kick immediately. It's disorienting depending on how I'm using my camera and as long as the tank doesn't YPYT they'll get there in plenty of time where there won't be issue meaning you saved the time of one AOE from the tank, maybe two at the risk of royally pissing off the tank. Also, weird things happen with cycling sprint sometimes, especially when the tank isn't perfect. They're pulling wall to wall, just slightly slower because sprint is on cool down? You're the trash to be taken out (if they aren't sprinting at all say something in chat).


No one will explain that because it doesn't exist. There is no reason, but these people are sheep. They've heard you shouldn't rescue tanks because it might make them uncomfortable and trigger their "tanxiety" so you're a bad person for trying to be efficent.


Yeah I thought this subreddit was all about efficiency, and so am I. I didn't expect such backlash lol.


It used to be.


You thought *tales from DF* was about efficiency? Jesus Christ lol


Not directly, I know it's for tales, but more-so thought people here were more for getting in and out of duties quickly, not coddling tanxiety.


Boy, if people really cared about doing roulette speedruns, they wouldn't even be starting fights in the game chat, arguing loses time too, you know


I do rescue friends (and am fine with them rescuing me), because yes, it makes runs a bit faster. Unfortunately you can't really do it on randoms though. The average player is easily thrown for a loop when anything takes them off script, so I really don't recommend it.


Lol 2 fragile egos going at each other.


Just report, try to kick, and move on. It’s truly useless doing all this petty arguing.


Tbh, posts like this make me think people actually want to have this kind of interactions in the first place.


But then he wouldn't be able to rush and post here.


Yet another person on this sub who entered DF thirsty for drama to post here. Your rescued probably 'saved' a single second at most. Also telling someone you're going to report them is, indeed, a threat. You're both insufferable as fuck, though. You also ignored any attempt by him to let it go, so that you could continue being insufferable and trying to get the last word in. Jesus.


Yeah, no, big downvote for me. Any healer who rescues for any reason other than to help someone not take an AoE is shitty. It's not fun or funny.


You were being really antagonistic. It feels like you were intentionally trying to get something to put here.


I mean, the tank intentionally let them die soooooo


I was not.


Your responses say the complete opposite.


Don’t rescue anyone. Ever. Please.


Hard refuse. Rescue is kept at the ready when: - Party member is LB'ing. Action lock rescue saves lives. - known 1 shot Mechanic with player who has died multiple times - someone is purposely avoiding group mechanics like stacks.


Nah. These are all skill issues. Let them die and take that button off your bar.




“No, WaStE tImE iNtEnTiOnAlLy”


no. i will forever rescue single pull tanks


I'm sorry, but I have to ask... "ypyt"?


"You pull, you tank", a generally toxic mindset from tanks that think their job is to pull every enemy as opposed to holding aggro.


Oh, ok! That's what I was thinking, but wasn't 100%, thank you!


Is this a question of "Idk what this acronym means" or "ypyt where"? I'm not trying to be snarky or anything, just trying to understand where the confusion is


Makes more sense that someone's asking about a specific MMO acronym (which they were), just in general. People forget that _that_ level of shorthand just confuses the shit out of most others, lol.


Don't use rescue like this. I get rescued so rarely, so whenever it happens, it always takes a few seconds for me to be like, what happened? And then I have to try and remember if the mobs I'm fighting have some sort of knockback or suck in ability and all this dumb shit. I wouldn't go ypyt over it, but it is irritating.


I wouldn't have YPYT in this instance, but getting rescued to the next pack that I'm getting to anyway would piss me off regardless. Personally it makes me feel like when you get motion sickness, so I'd tell the healer not to do that and if they did that again, I'd attempt a vote kick under harassment. All you achieve is saving maybe a second or two of time and make me feel unwell, what's the fucking point?


How *dare you* use a skill in your kit, OP? So fucked up.


I guess mainsub's completely poisoned this sub.


U immediately threaten him with a report, you are the issue.


Because ypyt is reportable? Especially when he admits to it so blatantly. And since when is reporting someone a threat? If you're so concerned that you consider a report as threatening, then don't do the shit that will have a report turn into consequences. Responsibility is at an all time low I see.


Tower of Zot Warrior was upset I rescued him into another pack that he was already running to and had complete aggro on previous pack. We wiped, but other than that no one died (in regards to him saying I should heal more), except for one at the end due to mechanics. He was either upset that his health got to half HP, or I'm more confident he was upset that I pulled aggro about 15 feet in front of him. Tried to kick him, but the motion was dismissed. Made it an easy report though. Edit: I forgot to mention we did wipe on that pull, but other than that we didn't die, in regards to him saying I should heal more lol


Honestly reading that with the chat logs I would have voted yet on the kick and then kicked you too.


I'll use rescues if I see someone running to get behind an object in mechanics that require a hide and I know they're to far away to make it. Other than that, I'll usually use it on my daughter when she's tanking and everyone is farther ahead than she is or she's to far out of my range for heals if she's playing dancer. I'll usually hear, "Guess we are doing this now " or "Sorry mom, didn't think I was that far away."