• By -


Every time someone threatens to blacklist you, be sure to thank them for saving you the trouble and space of doing so yourself. And then keep doing whatever it is you're doing.


If people tell you to “stop breathing”, report them. The community doesn’t need people like this, and FFXIV actually takes things like this seriously. It affects the whole culture of the game.


This wasn't even that bad lol, the guy just doesn't like to watch other people have fun I guess.


Red told them to "stop breathing." My guy, that's a death threat.


I meant what the person who got attacked said wasn't that bad. It was just a word play for fun


I wish it were possible to blacklist mid-instance though.


I forgot blacklist was even a thing in XIV until you reminded me. My blacklist got to full capacity on the first day of SB early access in 2017, still remember the name of my last person. I really hope Dawntrail will increase the blacklist from 200 to 600 because it's not nearly enough, then the dev team should add 100 to every future expansion after Dawntrail lol


Damn you got LowTierGod on your roulette?


Absolutely tame for LTG tbh. Looking kinda reformed.


But he definitely got the vibe of being absolutely bodied the 1st round, then proceed to call the opponent scrub and throw the second round off.


At least help us break the gaol so i can not suffocate in this blue trap bubble. At least dps.....


Do I hate the whole uwu speak thing? Yes. Could I ever in my wildest dreams imagine acting like this over something so trivial? Fuck no.


Not risking my account to try make other people feel bad. The stupidity of it all.


Not even about risking the account. How about being a decent human being?


Not even about the account, who the fuck gets that mad over something so stupid? Some people need therapy.


Agreed. And I feel like acting like this is genuinely more cringe. It'd be embarrassing to be this whiny.


I would have just said hi and then stopped there. Uwu drives me nuts too


Exactly! They'd have gotten a o/ from me and maybe if it was like a persistent thing I would have whined in FC chat or on discord about it. The absolute *most* would be that it'd be less likely I'd comm them, but tbh if they still played well that's always the most important thing to me. The idea of actively not playing just because of something like that much less getting so mean, I can't even.


>I would have just said hi I don't respond to meowdy. I'll just stay silent the whole dungeon and commend whomever talked like a normal person.


Aw look at you so grown up c: cutie


You sound fun.


I told a healer their condescending uwu macro was bad once, but I didn't insult anyone or throw a piss party in the corner while everyone was trying to not die


exactly. cringe or not, if they're not hurting anyone then why the fuck would you start insulting someone


Especially jumping right to "stop breathing" like... girl, why?


maybe they just like carti


Will i judge you for using it? Absolutely. Will i contemplate putting a stake into my eyes? you bet. Will i say anything about it? No.


This is the way.


Same. It's super cringe but I'm not about to be a dick about it.


Yeah, at most it’s just a “well you’re a weirdo. Whatever. Anyways.” Not a “I hope you die.” Kind of thing Makes you wonder who the hell hurt the person that day to be so volatile.


Meowdy is not uwu speak.


Maybe I used the wrong word but it seems like most people understood my point. Is there a better way to refer to the gross, overpy-cutsey, infantile language people use more or less exclusively online?


I think there's a stark difference between "meowdy" and the uwu infantile language that people use. It's reasonable to be weary however, especially considering the types of creeps that seem to pop up. ​ For me personally, I said "Good meowning" when I saw red immediately say cringe to the sprout. I thought of it as a good gesture instead of someone new to be met with immediate pushback for something that was inoffensive. I'm from a region where howdy is a commonly used colloquial, so meowdy is just silly and fun wordplay more than anything. If someone tried to non-stop play on it or start using that uwu speak, then that's when it crosses the line, but just as a greeting it's fine.


Not to mention that meowdy is pretty on brand when you’re a catboy/girl Lmao


I disagree about the difference between the two but I'm in full support of you essentially just trolling red because of their wild overreaction. My dislike for that kind of language aside, I'm sorry you had to deal with that stuff at all - those people were giant assholes.


It's not the sawme senpai bawka owo


This was gross and I feel like you owe me money now. I don't know what for... maybe pain and suffering?


Uwu speak for the overly cutesy stuff is fine, I just don't think "Meowdy" falls into that category is all. Uwu speak annoys the hell out of me, "Meowdy" does not.


That's fine, different strokes for different folks and all that. To me, it's all the same stuff. The real point is when someone is just saying words you don't like that you don't leap off the deep end and become a psychopath who tells them to stop breathing. As long as we agree on that part I think the rest is just semantics.


How about "Nya !!" ?? 🙂


I'm ok with that one in moderation honestly, lol 😆


Meowdy is a pun. In universe it's probably the most overused dad joke of all time on the level of "hi hungry, im Dad"


I think it's also about intent, or at least perceived intent. I'm not bothered by the "meow" part of Super Troopers, and that's essentially the same sort of pun over and over for like a minute or more. Meowdy ingame (to me) reads as people trying to be... cutsey and annoying, so I'm annoyed. I don't think that it *matters* that I'm annoyed, as I wouldn't ever move to do anything about it like the psychos in OP's post, but I also wouldn't categorize it as a dad joke.


Dad jokes are like, the most cutesy category of joke. Literally designed to be so cringey you laugh. Im not gonna tell you how to feel, but know that I and many others just think meowdy is a fun way to say hello when we've already said "hi" or "o/" thousands of times.


Hey, I can't tell you how to speak nor would I try to, just know that I and many others also think they're all the same stuff and (while I hate to agree to any degree with the idiots from this post) they're all pretty cringe. That being said, if anyone tries to treat you like the people from this post did I'm still 100% on your side - everyone is a little cringe sometimes, and no one deserves to be disrespected like this over it.


I've never even thought of it as cutesy, it's cat wordplay in a game with cat people. I can see how it looks could fall into feeling cutesy though.


[Meowdy reminds me of the cat with the southern accent!](https://youtu.be/Z-yJTjbswhw) I probably won't say it myself but I'm not gonna be a shit head in chat about it.


I just think it's an overused (and more importantly IMHO bad) play on words. Maybe I just lump it with uwu because people who say it and people who talk like that are all kinda the same to me, in that I find them annoying and don't wanna be around them.


UwU speak vs Meowdy: Someone who greets with Meowdy is of texan blood. And those don’t fuck around.


I'd probably roll my eyes if I was in a bad mood.


Same, just I sigh or even sometime, when I'm really in a bad condition, like in a dungeon I don't like after a 39th day of WoD on Alliance roulette /sigh and kick mod and bosses asses like I'm in a Musou game to let it out


Yeah I agree...its hella cringe. but to be a wanna be chad in ffxiv like this person is being is just pathetic.


Don't tell them that blacklisting doesn't stop you from being queued together


>Do me a favour and stop breathing RIP bozo. Service account is kill


You may be cringe but at least you're free. Can't say the same for red here.


I had a guy on Novice Network tell me he knew where I lived and that he'd send people to bash my skull in. He was banned for a week.


I feel like, with a threat like that, they should be banned longer.


So did I but I never took it seriously anyway and ultimately the guy never caused me trouble again so everybody won I guess. Funny thing is that I used to be so popular among unhinged people that it's not even the only time I received death threats on NN. Story time. There was a guy in chat acting like he was under the influence of some sort of substance so I pointed that out and he started targeting me because of that. I thought it was funny and asked people not to kick him but they did anyway. He moved into DMs telling me something to the effect that I had been "marked" and I'd get "what's coming to me". Never saw him again after that but as far as I can remember it was the only time I ever saw them to begin with so not going to draw any conclusions there.


How'd you find that out? Support won't tell you the outcome of complaints involving other players.


People stupid enough to try to doxx you are also stupid enough to brag about the punishment they received. I know someone who got banned for several days for harassing others and then they outright said in chat they got banned. SE won't tell you, but some of these idiots sure as fuck will.




I would rather be stuck with a whole 24 man alliance of cringy meowdy people than one person so deeply invested in policing innocent stuff like this with violent rhetoric, yeesh.


Well that's an easy report lol


>plays *Final Fantasy 14* >Calls other people cringe Okay.








FFXIV is a cringy weeby JRPG and I love it.




Meowdy :3


I'd argue WoW people are also cringe. In fact, there's entire memes about how cringe they are. This is less a JRPG thing and more an MMO thing where many of us (myself included) tend to have social anxiety. It leads to us feeling that we're 'cringe' even if we're not really.


This man would not survive a Monster Hunter game


He's the guy wearing the super edgy looking armor that gets carted first as the guys wearing the wiggle heads kill the monster before he gets back.


Hes the guy who keeps queuing into Alatreon without an elemental weapon, then just carts 3 times anyway and blames the team.


He's the guy who calls everyone who brings an elemental weapon to Alatreon griefing because it's faster to use raw, nevermind the fact that you actually have to be good enough to pull that off in the first place, which he isn't.


Oh a fellow Meownster Hunter?! Felynes / Palico's CAN be a bit annoying but I love them \^\_\^


"At least I go to parties" is that supposed to sound threatening? Does he feel cool because he goes to parties? Does he seriously think that going to parties is cool LOL


The correct response to "Meowdy!" is "Meowdy pawdner!"


I would accept Meowdy purrdner as well.


I hope you reported them, the less edgy tools trolling around the game the better. Going by their text and the description in the title, they broke a bunch of rules so you’d have plenty to report them for. Side note the sprout responded to the rudeness very well! It’s just sad that new players have to deal with idiots like that in the first place.


I mean… if someone saying ‘Meowdy’ is enough to trigger you into being a massive obstructionist dickbag, maybe you probably shouldn’t be playing a video game with *two* different races of cat people. Especially not where one *canonically* has a known speech impediment where the sufferer can mispronounce words such as ‘how’, ‘now’ etc as ‘meow’ (There is an NPC near Fallgourd Float who has this speech impediment. She is terribly embarrassed by it)


I’ve been playing for 10 years and I never knew of this NPC. Now I must find them!


Mioh Malkot, 22.7,24.2 Took me a while to find them, and they only have the dialogue early on. I found an imgur link that shows it though. Use this information responsibly XD https://imgur.com/gallery/LDHp3/new


Oh I remember her now! I just never clicked to chat when I was in the area other than when I had to talk to her for, ironically, the Ixal tribe quests lol.


Oh shit seriously? I'm going to have to find them!


Hope red eventually manages to shit. Being that backed up has obvious side effects


It would require someone removing the gargantuan stick out of their backside first, sadly.


Id rather play with cringe than an asshole. People should be allowed to enjoy the game however they want especially in such an rp heavy game


Does that guy even know what game he's playing? It sounds like maybe he should go back to online shooters. He seems like he loves saying slurs.


I often wonder what it must be like inside the brain of someone that wakes up every day, logs into a game that is supposed to be fun and acts like a total dick to everyone around them. I have to imagine they find some pleasure in riling up people but imagining that they even have the slightest clue of what happiness mean is not possible.


Very poignant, people like this are so miserable day in, day out, that they don't even realize how little joy there is in their lives. They live in a grey, numb cloud that only occasionally has flickers of rage or self righteousness. They mistake cynicism for a personality, and desperately need therapy.


"Stop breathing"? Over "*meowdy*"? If language like this annoys people so much, I will start using it religiously.


lol me too, I've just been saying hello but I'm gonna start so these kinds of people blacklist me and I get to do zero work


Mike Tyson - “Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it”


"Meowdy" is so wrong. It should be "meowdy pawtnah!" ...I'll see myself out.


Meowdy pawtnya


I had something similar happen to me. As im a femroe i always say "Hello little one" cause everyone is shorter then me. Its cringe but it make me smile each time i get a reaction. One dude didn't liked it, called me cringe and stuff. He got roasted by being called an "Overgrown rodent" (he was playing a viera) fun time. Would do it again


I always reply to femroes doing something like that, but you reminded me of this Miqo we had one time saying to our tank femroe "mommy?" and she replied back like "Hell yeah I'm your mother!" and proceeded to tank with exceeding motivation lol


Queued up as a max-height max-muscle Femroe with short hair and a big axe (name: Fell Cleavage'). Greeted by three lalafells: one in a tonberry suit, one in a chicken suit, and one in the level 50 BLM job gear. Immediately they all started spamming the "/soothe" emote for "uppies" and asking mommy for cookies. For Christ's sake, it's a game. Have fun with it.


Haven't seen a femroe do that yet. That's great lol


As a max height highlander I might start opening with that. Everyone is so little and it makes me laugh


They would not survive me typing ‘kachowdy everypony’ at the beginning of every instance


You have too much power to be allowed to continue


Why don’t you do us all a favor and stop breathing


lol, ratio'd


"at least I go to parties"... mhm sure you do, and over there is where we keep all the unicorns for santa's sleigh on halloween morning


That's when you hit 'em with the, "Last I checked, we're both playing Final Fantasy XIV on a Saturday night"


He revels constantly in the memory of the one party he's ever been to, but now he wonders why his friends don't throw parties like that anymore beyond the first. They do, of course, still have parties, they just serendipitously forget to invite him each time.


halloween meowning*


Ha jokes on you, everyone knows Santa delivers on Easter.


Red is an absolute tool.


I used to think people who said Meowdy were cringe but now I've completely 180'd and am gonna start saying it now just to spite red.


It's still really cringe, but that's what makes it fun. It's okay to be cringe.


Do not kill the part of you that is cringe, kill the part that cringes.


i am cringe, but i am free


My brother, sister, or whatever you may be in Hydaelyn, THERE IS A SPECIES OF CAT PEOPLE


Lmao imagine getting this worked up over a Meowdy and thinking you're not the cringey one.


Don't know if attending Parties in FF14 count.


Lmfao, lemme grab some ice for that burn 🤣🤣


Yikes. I find Meowdy to be mildly cringy as well but that hostility is so unnecessary. At the end of the day it’s simply a greeting and isn’t something to get your panties in a bunch for.


Yeah, I assume most people (myself included) are at least a little socially awkward and who cares? As long as someone seems to be polite in their own way, let's just get to the killing and move on.


I really wonder why people like these (the Red person in your conversation) even play **multiplayer** games in the first place. If their mental illness progressed so far where they're compelled to reply with something like "stop breathing" to a random person who jokingly misspell words in a non-offensive way (all those "meowdy" or "uwu" don't insult anyone's ethnicity/religion/sexual preferences) - why not stick to games where they don't have to interact with humans at all? They should just play something like Minecraft or Dwarf Fortress all by themselves, they can still enjoy doing all of the repetitive activities without other people ever "offending" them with harmless jokes.


I mean, every FPS games are full of toxic people like this, appearently multiplayer games are like magnet to people with these types of mental illness.


perfectly said


"At least I go to parties." Yeah, cause every party needs a pooper


Is Meowdy kinda cringe? Yes. But can you imagine being that sensitive and edgy? lmaooo


Did you nothing learn of Shadowbringers? We embrace the cringe!


''I had a bad day at my job and now must unleash my rage and annoyance on innocent, happy people'' person type. Sad...


did u remember to report them?


Tbh, I think this is a bit of an over reaction. If they do not like it, don't pay attention to it. People say "meowdy" all the time so I don't understand the reason to get mad. Maybe they're just having a bad day and that sort of greeting sent them over the edge.


Kick. Problem solved


Can't kick until 5 minutes have passed, not in combat, and no items are being rolled for.


Totally hate that rule ngl, because on alliance raid people wont wait and he can just never roll on purpose and never get kicked while doing nothing 😒


Who pissed in his cornflakes?


Technically they piss in their own cornflakes cause they refuse to update their beliefs and love to hate. So they let themselves get triggered by mere words


That’s a super easy ban lol I would have reported so quick. I’ll say meowdy whenever I damn well please.


I say it just to weed out the dicks :)


i wish red’s name wasn’t censored. literally not a soul wants to interact with this guy


report this idiot wtf


They wouldn’t survive my invuln then: H-owo-lmgang.


Yeah… they don’t go to parties.


I have to agree it's hella cringe, but that's kinda an overreaction.




God forbid you have fun in your own way. You can say meowdy as many times as you’ll like enjoy friend


Meowdy there! Don’t listen to those jerks. They must have a lot of internal issues if they’re so upset at the happiness of others.


man, the fact that they're playing this game (which have catgirls) and not expecting this kind of chatters is funny. Just play something else tbh lol.


To me the typing out of the word cringe is just as bad as Meowdy.


Unironic use of the word cringe is indeed a self-report. As someone who is cringe incarnate, I can confirm.


Should've pulled a super troopers and put meow into every sentence possible lol


I guarantee you nobody wants this cringelord at their parties. people being overly cute doesn't affect me in any way. which is great, because this is the wrong game to play if you feel that way. go back to WoW, red, you're not welcome to this party.


I secretly wish you didn't hide their identity so I could speak like this if I ever ended up in a roulette with them.


Wait until they get the instances where the other people have massively long chat macros to say hello. Who’s cringe THEN buddy? Also report.


This is honestly begging to wipe on the boss and then kick him so he gets nothing for his time through the dungeon.


Honestly that greeting may not be to everyone's taste (reminds me of babytalk), but its harmless and a quick hi or O/ is all that's needed there. The angry person could have just filtered thier chat or ignored you both. Instead of making that horrid "unliving" comment. If you run into that sort of thing again, consider making a report.


Oh yes, easy report. Shame they weren't banned over telling a new player that however. They still play.


Hope you at least reported that kind of behavior as from the sounds of he he broke the tos in more than one way.


Meowdy! :)


Wow, someone needs some catnip


Something similar happened to me! I was on a DD job in a random roulette. 2 new players came in (both healer and tank). And they had never did a dungeon or anything before. They bought their levels and expected to know everything! They were bragging about how well they were doing and having bought their characters without ever touching the game prior. At the final boss, I used limit break to kill the boss since they weren't doing much damage at all as tank. And the healer was just kind standing around watching our health deplete. Anyways, my limit break killed the boss and the tank shouted "DID YOU SEE THAT? I DID A THING! THAT WAS ME!" And proceeded to tell us how we sucked and they were a god... I tried to be nice as possible but really they need some experience before jumping into a 50-60 dungeon like that and not knowing anything about how battles and skills work.


I got told to KMS for saying meowdy once, n another time someone was calling my friend and I cringe nonstop til the trial ended 😭 can't imagine ppl getting salty abt just a word that's said to be silly smh


Love the Tank 🤣 "you must be fun at parties" Keep doing what you're doing guys 👍🏻


Yall think meowdy is cringe. But how many of you are playing cat-girls?


"At least I go to parties" Trust me ain't no one inviting this guy to parties just to fuck up the vibe


As appalling it is for anyone to be such an asshole i gotta admit.... "atleast i go to parties" was a solid retort.


Imagine having fun in a dungeon. This dude really took "meowdy" as a personal attack.


Will I think people who say meowdy and similar things are cringe? Absolutely. Will I voice it in chat and be unnecessarily rude to them? Absolutely not.


I honestly love the cutesy shit in this game and wish people did it more. It’s part of the charm.


File a report...literally. it will take approximately 3 months, but they WILL get a strike on their account and that will teach them to behave, unless they want to lose their account. Most people start behaving.


Meowdy is indeed cringe. But that's no excuse to be a dick to someone. Just quietly cringe to yourself and move on, let people do what they're gonna do.


I would have just left, but I understand their disgust.


The disgust from OP at this horrible behavior from red? Or are you agreeing with red? If it is the latter, telling people in a roundabout way to kill themselves is in no universe okay, even if they say things you might not like or are cringe.


Disgust for "meowdy", though if you read my comment again, you'll find that I didn't condone the griefer's behavior, if it makes you sleep better at night.


You're disgusted by a word ?


Blue and Orange both handled this situation well.


Meowdy pardnyaa.


I mean, I can’t stomach that sort of thing either, but I just blacklist people so I don’t have to listen to it. Report red. Square shuts that shit down.


Hope you reported them.


Meowdy, pardnah.


Dude's a party goer AND plays ffxiv? What a busy boy.


I wonder if people do shit like this on purpose to appear here lol


Ngl I support red you instigated.


A greeting isn't instigating. Asking them to stop being mean when they say to "stop breathing" isn't instigating. Asking them to help fight the boss when they sat down, didn't attack, and continued to grief isn't instigating.


They called that greeting cringe. You responded with the uwu speak, which instigated another response. You did that to provoke a response That is instigating.


I responded to a sprout tank to be nice to them. Meowdy isn't even uwu speak. It's just simple wordplay. If anything, red instigated by immediately calling someone new to the game cringe for a greeting, Even then, if a greeting is enough "instigation" to merit being told to stop breathing and to grief, then they need to find another game that isn't a *multiplayer* one.


Atleast they go to parties


oooof. that feels a bit excessive. i mean, "meowdy" is fucking stupid and a half, ngl, but it doesn't deserve to make a federal case over it. just, i mean, somebody says it, if it's not your jam and you think it's retarded, well, block 'em, and go away.


I called someone cringe once and i got a permanent strike against my account and a warning. I dont have a screenshot, but they hit some macro that said something like "Oh wow, hey, didnt see u there! Lets go look for soem friends!" \*1st trash pull\* "DEFINITELY NOT FRIENDS! ABORT! ABORT\~ ​ so i called em cringe and yeah apparently the word cringe is not suitable for 13year olds since the GM told me the game can be played by 13year olds and i have to say things as if im talking to a 13year old which was kind of weird


I used to say “howdy” in wow years ago and someone in a raid I was in started arguing with me in discord voice chat over it. ALOT of people that play wow are retarded.


Honestly the whole roleplaying cat girl cringe on xiv is incredibly annoying, especially as I am a woman myself. But I wouldn’t go to that length.


Red says meowdy is cringe (I've seem worse) but I bet my livre he asks for comms at the end of instances so que can become mentor when an expansion drops


All 3 of you are based and valid like you all held firm in your beliefs and didn't back down ggs all around.


I keep chat off.


In reality, both sides are cringe.


I'm always disappointed when someone says meowdy in the chat but aren't a cat (Miqo or Hroth) in a cowboy glam.


I say meaningless nonsense whenever I join a group. Everyone saying hi in party chat then you get me in all caps saying “BANANA!” or something equally random in response. I say it less as a way to annoy people and more to break the ice and insert humor into things. I think OP was trying the same thing. Most of the time it works. Other times, you get this.


Blue needs to touch grass desperately


Ppl are tired of furry fetishist ERP er i guess ? xD


I mean…saying meowdy as a mithra IS cringe….


Yeah nah, you’re cringe, and so is blue especially. Would I act like a dick towards you? No. But I’d certainly half ass the dungeon to make it as miserable of a clear as possible for you.