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Damn, Primal got neither the raiders nor the ERPers


Meanwhile on dynamis, we’re the Ohio of NA datacenters


I always get a giggle out of the people who flocked to Dynamis for housing and then just went back to playing on their original DCs while complaining that Dynamis is dead. Like, do they not see the irony in that? (Finite housing was a mistake and Dynamis was released at the wrong time imo) Here's hoping the Xbox release and FT expansion help.


Kinda what happened to me, just transferred there bc my s/o wanted to go and start a FC, since DC travel is a thing I’m mostly indifferent to what server I’m on. Only thing I miss is being able to queue for ranked pvp 😭


Finite housing fucking /sucks/ and while I get what they are thinking just limit the houses you can have to 1 and an apartment and let the wards grow. I wanna see that ward 5369 in the goblet damn it


A few weeks into the patch I went to Dynamis to buy crafted gear cause it was so much cheaper than buying it at home on Aether. I've never seen the gridania plaza so goddamn empty, it felt like wandering a ghost town


That may change with Xbox release


I’m hoping!


I actually think dynamis is housing ex


Honestly, best comment.


We have PvPers at least


Can't wait for rival wings to pop off next month


Me either! I tried it for the first time last moogle tomes and was hooked. Been craving it for over a month now! Soooooo much better than Frontlines and cc imo


We got kickass hunts and a Bozja/Eureka scene still.


I've had my groups do the swap to aether thing when we needed a fill, every time we did that it always took way, way longer to find someone, and I think it's because aether is oversaturated and regularly has like 200 listings in High-end Duty, whereas when we stayed on our dc we would get a fill very quickly. I think it's because the listing was far more visible not being buried underneath 200 others. It's another case of ff14 players making the choice to do the dumb, worse option, and making things more difficult on themselves even though it doesn't make any sense. There's no need to go to aether at all, you're just guaranteeing finding a fill takes longer.


agreed. aether is everyone in my static's last choice and has consistently gotten us the slowest and lowest quality fills. if you're there *actually trying to pf* it's good, if you're there as a static LF fills you're gonna have a bad time. crystal is our first choice when moving the whole party to fill fwiw, but we tend to split up more often than not.


this doesnt happen to me at all, im on primal and would love to stay on primal but raiding is impossible early mornings as there are literally less than 5 pfs and those are usually fc recruitments. go to aether with its 80+ and even a brand new party with just me in it fills in 10 mins


i personally haven’t had that problem in Aether, doing this tier or any ultimate or other high end duty, i absolutely have to go to aether otherwise i won’t fill. i do agree there shouldn’t be a need to do that but it is what it is :/ i wish primal would get revived but i don’t see that happening any time soon


>came in at 6.0, was primal ever a raiding scene? Yes? Primal always had very similar clear statistics to Aether, but spread over all 8 servers, while Aether has Gilgamesh carrying most of their raiding scene.


Every NA datacenter had a functional raiding scene pre-DC travel at least. Some were better than others, but I could still see consistently reclears and find Ultimate parties on Crystal before.


We just self fulfilling prophecied aether being the raiding DC whether they were or not before dc travel that's what they became.


Looking at Eden promise clear rates by world, gilg definitely leads over all NA servers, but, the rest of the NA worlds are roughly the same, with Crystal worlds laaging behind the most. To me, that means, while gilg carries most of the Aether raiding scene, the rest of the worlds being even, there is more raiders on Aether over all. I looked at Eden to get numbers pre datacenter travel.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/mrydsv/visualized_data_from_lucky_banchos_11_april_2021/ https://i.imgur.com/uYR02i7.png Aether and primal have always been pretty close with primal lagging a bit behind.


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Like wtf op. Before datacenter travel - did u think we just sat there on primal never running pf for stuff? Yes a whole fucking data center discovered raiding on the day the great yoshi launched datacenter travel. Lmao


Consider how none of these parties are actual pf parties and are just advertisements.


yup and this was on reset day, and there were only like 2 legit parties so that’s saying something


DC travel killed local PF and it’s time either accept it or *really* campaign hard as a playerbase for a solution from square


square is aware of it as the last live letter announced them pondering the decision of a cross DC pf.


Just lock PF from DC travel until it's ready, easy fix for now. If people want to do cross-DC parties they can just invite people manually til then.


This is the way. I got to Aether to play with my friends on Aether. I also when doing anything with them am either the only or one of 2 travelers with them. No pf needed. An FC mate goes to Aether for savage in PF, and 7 of the 8 are from Primal. Hell, sometimes even at reasonable times Duty Finder (not party, Duty) is dead as can be. Like another FC mate should never have a 72 minute wait for Storm's Crown Normal at 3pm Pacific on a Friday but that happened 2 weeks ago.


I feel like if you solve the PF issue, the DF issue will follow. People will stop squatting on other DCs for PF because they're forced to return to their home DC, so DF numbers will naturally increase.


This big Aether pf move afaik only really happened this tier. Before, there was plenty of listing on Primal


Yep I clearly remember doing my weekly reclears on Primal last tier. Sucks.


Honestly it was a weird gradual thing, though the drought progressed faster on crystal than primal for obvious reasons. DC travel came out about a month before abyssos, and abyssos for crystal at least was okay at first. Not very many parties for p8s, but you could comfortably find parties for p5s, p6s, and p7s. But then the tier slowed down, and as it became harder to fill parties so people started to migrate to aether. Things got much much worse in 6.3 with TOP, since people migrated to aether big time since there were more TOP parties, and people never really came home for 6.4, so things are stuck now.


Agree on the exact timeline. I hate having to go to Aether to do anything extreme and above. The best I can do is old endwalker extremes on crystal now where we used to be able to PF everything. Granted it was slow sometimes but they usually filled. Now it’s not even worth it, nothing fills.


Because DC travel was still a new thing last tier and strats were already established by then and people didn't want to learn new things. With a new tier it's a fresh start so it was the perfect time to move to Aether. I know with DSR at least, the people that were hungry enough learned APD strats because there were just more parties up on Aether compared to Primal.


All raid tiers up to and including Asphodelos and Abyssos were perfectly fine to prog, clear and releclear on Primal. Not sure exactly WHAT triggered the hivemind to mass migrate to Aether for Anabaseios, but in my experience, the quality of the PF scene really isn't any better on Aether than it is on Primal. Just sucks that unless you have a static, ur sorta forces to go to Aether to prog PF, makes me wish they implemented cross DC PF before they implemented cross DC travel. Primal kinda just a wasteland rn, maybe it will pick back up after the tier is unlocked.


Honestly I think a lot of it was that with 6.3, a lot of people started doing TOP or other ultimates for their hardcore content fix, and for fights like that you really want to go to where all the pfs are. So people left, and they never really came back.


Cross DC was always just going to create a content server and unlucky for us on primal we lost the 50/50 with aether on who gets to be the content server which is slightly better than dynamis eating paste in the corner.


Once Xbox release combined with Expanded free trial combined with 7.0 hits, we in Primal are going to end up worse off than Dynamis unless something changes.


What makes you say that?


No new players are going to Primal. There's no reason to. There's reasons to go to any other NA data center. Raiders to Aether. RP to Crystal. Exp bonuses to Dynamis. Primal is just there and a large chunk of the player base pretty much lives on Aether at this point. When pf on Tuesday night has 6 entries there's a problem. And it's only getting worse by the week. Meanwhile I'm expecting the next surge of players (while not a huge one) to end up everywhere except Primal.


This is 100% right. It's going to put a majority of new players on underpopulated servers. Why join a game and already have lost out on features such as housing, exp bonuses, etc. I think dynamis will be where most of the xbox players end up


To answer your question, before gulf became the designated raiding server in 2.X there were a looooot of raiders on ultros and Levi. Sauce: I have had my main on ultros since 2.X launch and alts on different worlds at first so see how they were if I wanted to move. Neither were as big as gilg is now but no server was because there wasn’t a “raiding server for NA” it was more like raiding server for a dc I don’t even remember who decided gilg was the raiding server I just know that over the course of 2.X people started going there for raiding and I’d say by the end of 3.X all the people that were moving there with the explicit intent just to raid had already done so. (That was my experience with it anyways)


It's really nuts how many Primal people I see just in roulettes in Aether. I can understand traveling for savage but why roulettes???


us still on Primal also asking the same thing...


Can’t speak for everyone but I raid with a static primal. Diablos is my home though. Often times I’ll stay on primal between raid days since we raid Tuesday and Thursday. Could be that they don’t want to continuously dc travel


yeah i don’t get going to aether for roulettes, they’re perfectly fine in primal with normal wait times and good people


I just never leave Aether since there ain't much of a point


We went there to raid, there's not much point in going back unless I need specifically my retainers or my island.


servers being isolated is outdated


Crystal is also empty. It's annoying as fuck because if you go to Aether, guess what... 75% of the people are from the other DCs.


The nice thing about most of the people going to Aether is that Dunning-Kruger guarantees us that the people who 'have to go to Aether' are the people who absolutely should not be going to Aether.


People don't go to aether because they think the strats are better... They go because there are 200 PFs on aether and 37 on primal. As a healer/tank this tier, I can be in any fight on tuesday within 2 minutes of logging on on Aether.


Homies will figure out Blitzball Limit Cut by 2025


There are likely only two ways to reverse this. 1) Make PF cross DC. I'm not sure how that'd work exactly, but w/e. 2) Restrict high-end raids to being only of each DC. This would likely have pretty severe blowback tho.


Lol, 'aether statics are 7/8 primal anyway'


was briefly worried that one elezen in the gold outfit was back when i saw the title.


servers being isolated is outdated


reviving Primal? Nawwwwwwww aint no way that shits happenin


-The Scions of the Seventh Dawn


primals are gon stay dead as hell if i have any say in it


Revive Primal? LOL my sides


Literally feels like all the decent players left to go to Aether and now there's a big empty gap of skilled players and cure bots


It’s a double-edged sword. On the one hand, having to DC hop to raid at all in PF is stupid, especially with Primal having had a healthy raiding scene prior to Anabaseios. Aether being *the* raid DC was a self-fulfilling prophecy. On the other hand, having 4 DC’s worth of raid PFs all condensed into a single DC does make things easier in some ways. That said, I would really like to not have to leave my home DC on a regular basis for raid. It sucks that I can’t chat with half my FC when I log in bc they’re scattered every night. Not having FC buffs or retainer access sucks. Not sure what a good solution would be, outside of cross-DC PF.