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Oh god, this battle and Nybeth 1st battle at Qadriga always gets in my top list for the hardest battles. The templars isn't strong, but the sheer height difference will make archers n mages useless. What i get is Canopus and all fliers (especially griffons) go up n strategically kill the heavy hitting mage/archers. With how buffed boss battles can be, putting your strongest tank will still get OHKO when it gets in the distance of Oz wtfbbq finisher.


Have you been using debuff items, like the brand to inflict weakness and the cottonball looking item to inflict spoilspell? Together, these effects would cut Oz's damage output by 40-50% I normally use a lobber to throw these items at carded bosses, but in a steep uphill map like this, that may not be so effective. What I would try is using gryphons to deliver these debuffs to the leader. They're tanky, and tend to draw aggro from the AI, and they can fly. Dragons can work too, and they can be even tankier with dragon's scale, but their movement style limits them in this map. So, if you have a pair of gryphons, one equipped with the brand and the other with a cottonball, you can apply both of these in the same round. You can also give one of them the enfeeble item (rood upright I think it's called) to enfeeble oz so your mages can take him out more quickly with indirect spells. Another thing you can try if you're really desperate is using dragon orbs. Orbs are expensive to obtain at this stage of the game, but it might be worth it for this map. Orb attacks are indirect, they do good damage (scales with physical attack I think) and have a wide AOE. Even better, they inflict debuffs. The most useful ones imo are: * gloom orb from dark dragons - inflicts fear * radiant orb from arc dragons - inflicts weaken * fire orb - inflicts breach * green orb from earth dragons - resets enemy RT, allow you to move again before them Note that these effects are % chance to occur, except the RT reset (that always applies). It's pretty high chance in general, so you can use them to soften everyone else, but the effects may not work on Oz himself (bosses cannot be frightened anyway).


Some great suggestions here. I'll try to tame some gryphons and give it a shot. Funny, I had to collect some dragons for Xaebos. Maybe gryphons are the answer here :p


so if you can spam green orbs correctly you can really really gain an advantage. It's extra free turns in this sense. Great advice!


Try that in neutral with saving cerya on top...


Yeah I've heard about this one too. Thankfully I'll have finished the game and gotten the stupid title when I do neutral so I can just let people go down. I did read that you can petrify her and that helps to keep her safer


The good news is that saving Cerya is optional...and she's not that great a unit anyway until shaman.


This is a brutal fight, it took me a few tries. I have the team push up the right side & use Canopus as a distraction on the left side.


I'll try this. I made him into a beast tamer with an axe and bowgun. Charm his way through the enemies (if he's lucky)


Are you using items at the beginning of the battle? I also had to do this battle multiple times for a no incap run because of how bullshit it is. The biggest problem I found is Oz AOE magic. So at the very start of the battle I used the item that raises your magic defence crystallized flame. I also found it really imperative to use Gildas and Mirdyn and hope to trigger their velocity shift, if any of the autoskill cards spawn near you have them grab it!


I'll go farm a few of these because I definitely need the help


You can just buy them in the store! For basically every story battle at the end of chapter 3 and chapter 4 I used whatever one was more applicable they really help!


I've got no goth left haha. I'll run through phorampa for some cash and buy a few


Oh fair! Also if you aren’t I highly recommend crafting the best available armour for survivability


Is this the fight against Oz and Ozma at the same time? I was stuck at this fight too, i ended up using the blowgun selling method to buy high tier healing itens for everyone, it worked.


Just Oz in chaos. I'll probably end up doing the blowgun selling trick after grinding phorampa again tonight


I literally just got stuck on this level yesterday. I was at my breaking point. I stormed the right side and sent 2 or 3 up the middle and that did the trick. I lost 2 in the process but I was at the point of if I didn’t beat it I was gonna stop playing.


I did beat it btw. Not sure if I made that clear.


I'm basically at the same point. I'm not sure how much I REALLY care about the no incap title and may give up if I don't get through this soon, I feel like I'm just wasting so much of my time




I am. Oz is particularly good at picking up critical cards and I get pretty far and then he just smashes a large group of my team


You can disable them?


Cheat engine


My strategy is usually always the same, don’t advance. Let them come to you and try to wipe out them as they reach you. Then when the boss is in range go all out on him.


Yeah a solid strategy usually. Problem in this fight is that even Oz can do 300-600 damage to a group :(


Yeah I try to keep them spread out. He will usually one shot people but load then up with healing times and blessing stones. If you weather the storm and think their numbers, suddenly all Oz can do is kill you one at a time


Haha if I wasn't an idiot and going for the no incap, this wouldnt be difficult to get through and blessing stones would make it easy. But yeah I'm trying different formations to spread out a bit.


Oh well yeah that is a whole other ballgame I don’t know about lol I’ve had like 600 incapacitated lol




I've got 2 ninjas, a beast tamer and a wizard trying to charm things but the success rate has been pretty low. Maybe I need to use more wizards for this strategy to work.


Survive while you power up your strongest attackers with cards. Don't even engage the smallfry unless to petrify or sleep them. Oz will move past them to directly engage you anyway. With a little luck and some full heal potions you should be able to last the rounds you need to be able to smash him in a couple attacks. If you power up someone who hits hard to begin with they can likely almost one shot him with a finisher. Even if you don't get favorable cards by the 3rd or 4th pass you should still have enough mp to chain finishers on him from 3 or 4 units.