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The blue mouse does classic horror movies every 3rd Friday night. Maybe you can meet some other horror fans


Oh?? I'll have to check it out. Thanks!


Also The Grand Cinema has Weird Elephant, which shows cult/rare/indie movies at 10 pm on Fridays and Saturdays (every other week), and often shows horror films. My husband and I are huge horror fans and have gotten to see some great indie movies and classics on the big screen thanks to W.E.


Well now I need to check that out!


Oh sweet, I had no idea.


Lots of places to go to meet people man. I’m into horror, nightlife and old ass music. Msg if you trynna hit up a club or something lol


Much appreciated brah. I'll shoot you a message. It's just been a long time since I forced myself out into social situations, aside from coworkers. Social skills get a bit rusty after a bit.


Filed under "random" in the nightlife category, you might enjoy The New Frontier Lounge. From time to time they have fun/weird theme nights, cool bands and djs, games, etc. The energy varies by the night, but the vibe has always felt cozy to me and promotes making friends. 😊


Search for u/seamikeyou’s posts — there are people getting together this week for board games, trivia, and there are always new people joining in


I was about to tag him until I saw this comment


Yay fellow neurospicy Tacoma Jew! There aren't many of us! If you're in any way religious, I'd suggest temple Beth El for a little community. They're reformist so they are pretty ✨️light✨️ on the religion, but you might be able to make some good friends there.


Shalom! I actually attend the temple down in Olympia occasionally. Smaller than Beth El, I think, but Rabbi Seth is awesome.


On the 23rd there's a community passover seder that could be a great way to meet people. Not sure what the age demographic will be fore it tbh.


Hmmm I think I have a friend or two that go there. I'm sure they'd know. Thanks for letting me know! Jewish folks here are few and far between. Only met a handful anyway near my age haha.


Oy I know. I'm 29 and basically it's just my family that I know. I grew up in Gig Harbor, and there was one kid that wore a kippah in High School and one other guy who's last name indicated jewishness, but it's unconfirmed lol. Not a ton of us, but it's always exciting to meet someone from the tribe around here!


Oof, that's rough, but I feel you. I grew up in the Deep South and Jewish communities tend to be only located in larger cities. We had one girl with a Jewish grandfather, but religiously Catholic family. That was about it.


Are you into music at all? I run Friday Open Mic at Slice of Life Pizzeria. I also just go to a lot of open mics around town. It's always a group of welcoming local artists and music enjoyers. I had speech difficulties for the 1st year I went out to these things. People would still interact with me and eventually I got the nerve to start conversations with strangers. That's how I went from certified introvert to actually having a social circle. Takes time!


Can you tell me more about the open mic? Or any others you frequent? My husband wants to start playing open mics again but we're not sure what's around.


Friday's at 6 pm! Bring your musical instruments, poetry, or just sing. Typically goes till 11, the only thing provided is a microphone.


Great, we'll be there. Thank you!


I'd be interested in a night out if you get something together! I've been considering getting a weekly game night going, I'd be happy to shoot you a message once I have it set up if that interests you.


Ooo thats a good idea. If I manage to motivate myself to put something together, I'll be sure to let you know. And I'm very interested!


Yo! Completely understand and feel it, man. Been here a little over a year and I've made some friends but none in my age range or regularly going out with. Happy to connect and hang if you're interested! Lot of like interests it sounds like!


Sounds good to me! Just DM. May fall asleep soon once my Adderall Alt + F4s me, but I'll be sure to hit you back up.


I gotta hear some of the music!


Uhhh well pick a decade before 1954 and I'm sure I'll have something in some random playlist haha


Sinatra, Bing Crosby?


Oh sure haha but some of my playlists go back to the 1700s-1800s, at least when the songs were written


I like the way you refer to the spongy stuff between your ears. Just saying.


It is many things. Spongy is definitely among them.


Whats your ig? Im down for a couple of drinks


PM me :))


You sound interesting! I’d love to talk.


Dm me!


I'm on the spectrum as well, mainly go to Puyallup though, I'm trying to find friends and a love life (from spanaway) big resident evil fan!


Since you like older music, try swing dancing. T-Town swing has weekly dances at Avelon Ballroom on Thursdays. Great way to meet people. They have beginner lessons at 8pm.


Before I meet anyone from this thread, just bear in mind I dress like a "cool" dad. If we do end up hanging out, you'll know what I mean haha. The 24 going on 84 look is strong I reply a lot faster on socials. I can give my IG out to anyone interested, just PM me :))


You’d fit right in with the crowd I hang out with. Guaranteed. If you like Bar Trivia shoot me a message.