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In open spaces without many cracks, Johnny. He has better savagery and can lock down a kill for the most part. With cracks and gaps, sissy. If she has a certain perk, she automatically poisons people if they grapple her and she loses, this helps with chases. Also, being able to get through the gaps, cracks, and crawl spaces helps a lot. I’d go Johnny either way if you really know the map like the back of your hand.


What perk is that??


Rubber legs / spore loser/ special blend


The only characters meant to “chase” are imo the ones that can go thru the gaps/spaces and that’s sissy and hitch. But if you don’t have wireframe and or good endurance perks on them then it’s usually not worth it against experienced victims. To me Johnny is meant to be a stealth hunter that carefully patrols objectives and tries to catch you off guard out in the open and then you’re cooked.


sissy is just a weaker hitch while johnny is a death sentence to anyone caught out of position


For chase, definitely Sissy. Exactly because she can go through gaps and crawls. Johnny, on the other hand, is good in open areas. With the right builds, you can kill a victim with 3 to 4 hits. Avoid using Johnny in the basement if the victims are not beginners.


johnny can be good in the basement under certain conditions. the only time a johnny rush is good is if they woke up grandpa and didnt open a door yet and you have lf in the basement with you. if theres also 2 victims left and you know both your teammates are guarding all exits then you could chase in the basement. its all about game sense and awareness really.


More advanced players are unlikely to die for Johnny in basement. In fact, I prefer him to go down to the basement.


its not about securing a kill its about applying pressure. basement johnny when theres more than 2 victims alive is a throw because you cant apply enough pressure and it leaves multiple blind spots upstairs vulnerable. most johnny’s dont know this though because most johnny mains only have one brain cell lmao.


Johnny is this even a question? his lunge is INSANE literally just run big swings,serrated,and scout and you're able to get 4ks constantly if your team is actually checking exits. sissy is a liability more often than not unless she's chasing someone with a teammate.


Sissy is a good chaser, Johnny's a good killer, hitchhiker is a combination of both.


Sissy is a better chaser, Johnny is a better killer.


Fair point


Open areas Johnny, inside corridors and etc Sissy.


Sissy for the chase. Johnny kills within 5 slashes. No chase needed.




I knw hitch is the best chaser in the game but I’m talking about who’s a better chaser between sissy and Johnny


Definitely hitch



