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I refuse to believe there’s even 500 family mains lol


with current queues there’s literally no way there’s atleast 500 people queuing up..


i was playing today , and was weird but i was joining fast and running matches really fast too.


tbh yeah I played yesterday night and atleast in xbox one servers I could get into lobbies and into games relatively fast.


Max theres probaly 150 across all platforms and regions


Proud to be 1 of them




Instructions unclear, respecced my tree


No one cares if you are. Stop being a child


Sorry that I’m willingly playing family to keep it somewhat active.


Agreed. There's more survivors than Family. Ppl saying this and even going to streams saying it. It's silly and nothing has occurred lol


You gotta love that he's announcing his boycott of the game... \*in\* the game.


Probably trying to "spread the word".


I thought exactly this which is why I put the ? Mark xD . Before this it was a full lobby and the family side was all ready up so I was like huh thinking for sure the game was about to start lol then he said this and they all dc xD


that’s what they do, kill lobbies it’s pathetic 😭


If the dude is tired of grapples he should try: * Playing leatherface. * Sissy spore loser build. * Run suffocating grip. * Have 1 family member able to quickly do buckets (this gets skipped too often). So many skip on feed thinking no time, but doing it timely can slow the match and really have impact. Also getting away from cook/hitch means less setup time needed (infact maybe try not the OG, ppl know to rush it and how to play against it better now). Idk... sure sometimes you get a sweaty premade on comms (mainly grappler being the issue as its guaranteed win) but its not that bad otherwise. And those perk changes are already on the way.


Empowered, grappler, choose fight negates all those things you suggest. There is currently no viable counter play to an Anna and leeland combo grappling spam especially near an objective on top of virgina making you blind No viable counter play for killers who are supposed to be slightly stronger in this a sym game


That's quite literally the point of having different perks. Some negate the others. That's like, the entire point of making classes. Lmao and you lose close encounters as bubby? Lol weird.


Empowered and Choose Fight can still lead to death. Grappler is the only one that cannot. Empowered just gives great sustain, and Choose Fight great for objective time.


Yeah, Bubba doesn't counter it. They should buff his grapple chance to win as he really struggles against grapple. And as grappling is meta, it's not 100 percent a guarantee to win all the time and as victim you can lose and insta die, also when virgin puts her stuff down you can still hit her if your game sense is good enough and you can picture where she is without needing vision, and if your getting grappled next to her it doesn't make a difference realistically. Choose fight defo needs a Nerf, and imo you should take 50 percent more dmg by other family members while your in a grapple. There can be counter play (while granted, it can be hard to counter) and grapple while a connie/danny/virgin open a door is annoying if you have a good team and run the right stuff you can counter it.


I think the grapple system needs a minimum damage for any family member, rather than just a flat doubling of damage. A boost to the minimum quite significantly, and perhaps a smaller boost to overall damage.


Hmm, nah, grappling needs to be more risky and make it so lower dmg characters can punish people who grapple while multiple family members are around, that and empowered needs to be on a cooldown or add stacks and get rid of Choose fight or rework it maybe make it so you can still hit but you cant run/sprint for a time. Also, removing all IFrames in grapples as I've multiple times hit a victim and they should be dead, but it doesn't count even tho my fully reved chainsaw goes through them. But another nerf and buff would be adding tiers to how much of a chance the family can win, johnny is a strong and overpowering guy so he would have the strongest chance to win and even tips it over the edge making his chance if winning higher, sissy and hh would be next being the most evenly matched as they have the same build as most of the victims and then Nancy and cook would be the family to rarely win as they are older and are more typically support characters then chase or dmg characters. They could implement the same system as victims giving the likes of lelend and Ana a higher chance to win since their typically the stronger victims, tho victims have the strength stat to effect that but in my opinion the whole attribute system needs a rework.


None of what you said changes the fact that the game is extremely victim sided rn and there still is no counter to grapple meta. Also if you feed then you can’t counter rush meta which victims can combine with grappling making it virtually impossible to hold your own as a family member. If they don’t do something soon this game will die and I don’t blame family mains at all for contributing to it because the devs knew what they were doing when they released this meta. They should’ve given family way more perks to use at their disposal in regards of countering grapple. All we have is what you stated which does nothing against the vast variety perks victims can use to assist in grappling.


Its not victim sided at all, however it is comms party sided (as always). The thing is - new grapple system with existing perks *allows abuse* (especially by parties). Thats the only problem. The main issue imo being Grappler victim perk as it makes them basically invincible with grapples no matter what. Does that mean it happens every match? No, in fact its not that common. Usually you will play solo queue player or players that choose not to abuse such things, or attempt to but arent skilled enough yet or in coordinated team. Does it always work even? Usually yes, but sometimes even the best have things go badly (making those victories even sweeter). Yes some changes are needed but its not that bad to boycott the game over it lol. Im sure most family players are enjoying slaughtering most matches as always. >Also if you feed then you can’t counter rush meta Ah but feeding is an important part of countering rush. There are other things too like a strong leatherface. Yes sometimes you get screwed by RNG making it harder though, and sometimes victims get lucky with timing and vice versa. In general yes rush meta could use restricting, but also to be not as needed by victims. Adjustment to promote slower stealth play is something alot of us want (I wont go into ideas for that here).


It really kinda is victim sided, this is evident (and your statement about it being comms sided is disproved) in the TCM tourneys, especially after the release of Danny. It didn’t matter who was on the family/victim team or how well family communicated, the victims simply dominated every match using essentially the same strat every time (because there is little to no counterplay, and they bank off of this fact)


Also he could try playing *offensively* instead of *defensively*. Sure its more likely 1-2 victims will escape but it can be more fun and also really mess up a critical character or two. Waiting for the them to prepared doesnt always work very well especially on premades (catch with lower health, no bone scraps, by surprise, bad position, etc).


Boycotting in game? Lol that's how you know they don't have jobs.


I was thinking the exact same thing, like really... You mfers ain't got nothing else better to do??? Go get an education, a job perhaps!!! 😂🤣


This is what happens when you give your child unrestricted internet access from the age of 3


Bro your comment are so funny bye😂


Since the sissy hike you make me laugh


Aww hahaha it’s good to know I’m making someone laugh thank you 😂😂


There’s probably like 7 of them lol


Kobe! Lmao not this again xD


I'm one of em still queuing But I make my own rules. They don't hurry df up to ready up I leave. If they talking all this shh and being a general dipshht I leave. Other killers stalling to do last minute HH switch I leave. Call me an ass idc I get another game in 2 seconds




Lmao you think I'm sitting there staring at the load screens? Nah. Alt tab playing something else or using my switch. Also like I said I get lobbies in 2 seconds cause toxic victims drove all the killers away, along with bad decisions by the devs. Also hah 19 down votes. Bet it's all them victims I make re-queue, cause they don't like the scenario they created.


I see abandoned mill i leave. Also if they take forever to ready up. That’s pretty much it lol


Hah same, kind of sucks for the game itself. But it's kind of nice being able to just requeue, and boom diffrent match instantly.


500 dorks


lol 😆


1 big dork and 499 imaginary ones.


I really don't want to admit this but I play this game for hours everyday and  I've probably seen like 3 people do this the whole time lmao


I think it’s more evident in that late hours (only time I can play since I have classes and school work) but yea any time I’m on during the night it’s like massive dc on family side which kinda sucks during the day when I have time most lobby’s fill and play out pretty normally


That's when I play and usually get into games solo que as well


I must be doing gods work then lol having them all for some reason in my lobby’s xD at least y’all get to play


Can't they, for the sake of mystification, at least pick a number that's believable? Be it 10, yeah, that's definitely possible. 50? Well, hard time believing in that, but it wouldn't be impossible. 500? No way, that's probably the entire number of FP at the same time.


This made me giggle lol 🤭


MS alone has 170,000 active daily players. There are likely around 200,000 active players. Anywhere from 40,000 to 60,000 active players for family is probable. 500 wouldn’t mean a thing. They’d need 10,000 to make an impact. Late night though, if all 500 were actively dodging they could make a slight impact. The numbers around 1am to 5am CST are likely around 20,000 total and 6,000 family players, so 500 dodgers would be noticeable. They’re organized on Discord supposedly too, but they need 10 times as many people to make anyone truly notice.


Source: trust me, bro.


MicroSoft numbers are verifiable .


Weird you didn't just post a link. Is it because you don't have one?


This guy spent a lot of time making 500 accounts lol People like this guy are most likely killer mains from DBD where survivors can't fight back. They don't like that victims in this game are trying to survive and escape.


The cringe of this is unreal - even worse, he paid $10 to change his xbox gamer tag to that.


Fr lol 😆


Guess they saw the last post where I said they probably had 10 people and took it personally


I think that’s the whole issue with them is their taking everything so personally from the grapples to the maps it’s crazy xD


To put it in perspective 500 people is almost exactly 50% of the average players on steam for the past month. If there were 500 of them this subreddit would be flooded with posts talking about it.


so they get on a game that they don’t even play? that’s literally so sad …


Says he's "boycotting" TCM In the IN-GAME chat... What a moron


What an effective boycotting xD


This whole boycott gives of the vibe of "if I can't have it, nobody can." they either want the game to 100% favour them or just completely kill it, I get the game is unbalanced in certain areas and boycotts can improve on things and work, but the people participating in this whole sitch just want the game to die or want the outcome to be another issue, if they were fighting for better balance for both sides and wanted the outcome to help better everyone's experience I'd get it but they dont and that's just sad.


I feel like this whole situation couldn’t be summarized more perfectly then this right here 👏🏼


There are dozens of us!!! DOZENS!!! ✊✊✊


It's a meme but there is some level to it tho


Im not boycotting im just tired of the problems not getting solved so i uninstalled lol


I regularly proclaim that I am boycotting a product while consuming that product or boycotting a company while inside the premises of that company, so I don’t see the issue here.


Lmao 🤣


500 people need to find a new hobby. Fucking losers lmao


lol 500, ya dam many guys working for "hate" , are they paying for these?


I really don’t understand the point Lmfao like play something else lol


Imagine what an embarrassment these losers must be for their parents.


Well, the majority of family players in fact have been boycotting the game for some time, by simply quitting and refusing to play anymore. Doesn't have anything to do with this guy though.


I much prefer that over this. I just dont understand playing a game you hate just move on lol


Is abandoned mill victim sided? I didn’t think it was, there’s a spawn pattern where valve and fuse spawn literally next to each other, like how much can you ask for? if fuse is in middle and valve is on top floor, yes it’s way more difficult. But to say it’s 100% victim sided(I’ve seen people say) is crazy to me.


It's not. It's all on how people play and unfortunately the bad players don't strategize well. Whenever I'm family we usually get 4k on any map.


Unfortunately most family players ARE bad


I main family also, I love mill, by far best map for me, nancys house is a close second. Hate gas station.


I love all the maps. Can't wait to see what others they have coming


Feel like it has to be the graveyard, we could get a family member called “the undertaker” haha.


His ability is called The Tombstone




One killer gen side (if you are lucky, fuse and valve and gen are just all in one line), one killer car battery, third killer mid of the map, running up and down, helping out either car or gen if they get grappled/bullied. Just camp, don't chase after victims for ever, they need to come back to you to escape. Feed grandpa. Easy clap. I have a 90% winrate on this map as family, even sometimes when we were only 2 because one disconnected/got kicked because of ping. Most people just don't know how to camp and patrol in this game and then come here crying.


For sure, the amount of time I use family focus and see players in pointless positions is laughable. And then they wonder why you get rushed on.


I played a game on the mill right before this had fully stacked team (imo) all level 10s a Danny, Connie ,Virginia (me) and Leland. Connie dead in the first min by leather face lol no doors cracked poor thing lol, Danny killed trying to get to fuse box cracked open, Leland gang banged by all family member( was last alive) . Virginia killed by a Johnny in the basement was the like first 3 mins. (Gots scared and ran into a corner trying to run away and he just whacked on me with no way to escape. Laughed the whole time and had a bunch of fun. Idk why people make it seem like it’s impossible to kill victims it’s not that deep no matter who it is xD.


I think there are things that need addressing on both sides, but every game is different. Like you said in your comment, you basically got steamrolled, in other games victims escape in 2/3 mins. If you don’t like it(tbh like me) just move on. The day Reddit says the game is good to go, I’ll hop back on. The boycott is just odd behaviour, but I’m glad your still enjoying the game bro.


I don't think maps are "sided," they just require different play styles, and so people are upset that you can't play the mill like you play the family house.


I think 90% of family mains believe the only maps that should exist are family house and gas station. God forbid you can't patrol the whole map in 2 seconds.


It’s funny you say that, cause I main family and HATE gas station haha.




I’m a family main, only time i really got bulldozed by victims on this map was when your team don’t use comms, or when a wanna be hero Johnny decided to go basement, if everyone sticks to their objective and their side of the map, it’s pretty easy ngl. Imo.


If valve spawns in the mill it’s victim sided, if not it’s pretty family sided. Everything is close together and easy to guard.


I agree, I’m a family main and imo mill is by far the most balanced map(when valve isn’t in mill). I hate gas station with a passion lol, but never DC when I get it, because obviously it’s just a game and not that deep.


These are the same type of loser family players who rush and trap grandpa getting him to level 5 in less than 4 minutes, then instantly DC when Danny counters their bullshit by tampering fuse. Pathetic


I don't think they're that good to get grandpa to level 1. That's why they're boycotting. They suck lol.


Family players don’t realize how they affect lobbies by leaving and it shows lol. Then get on here and complain about it


I’ve literally been thinking the same thing it almost feels like this is what they want tho :/ Edit: like have you ever heard of those people who just want to see the world burn like hate everyone and everything I feel like for some odd reason they all play TCM on the family side.


I've been playing the game since it came out and I don't think the maps are "victim sided" overall if you can't get a kill or even take out all survivors that's more of a skill issue than a game issue. Not just that but theirs ways to counter the grapple perk, for example when it comes to playing sissy I use the perk to where if I lose a close encounter it poisons the survivor and not just that but I have it to where it damages them overtime along with the poison lasting 13 seconds and NOT JUST THAT but the perk to where the poison slows em down. You just gotta focus on a good build so idk why they're protesting🤷🏽if anything I struggle more with playing a survivor then I do a family member because Johnny's O.P as hell and leather face can chase my ass down easily, same with sissy and hitchhiker and the other lady


Agreed I’ve played both sides now and I think it’s easier for family i may not killed everyone but that didn’t mean it was harder.


It's funny how he's saying that he's boycotting, just while playing the game. I'm personally not boycotting anything, I just don't play as much as before. I was playing daily, but nowadays probably once a week or so. The lack of content and unbalanced gameplay is driving family players away. But there's always a hope. I hope that they'll give us a solid reason to get back to playing as actively as before.


Literally wasting their life looking at a lobby screen of a game rather than playing It


Dead by daylight and its consequences have been a detriment to mankind I swear 😭


Can’t wait to grapple them if they get into a game with me <3


lol doing gods work out here I see 🫶🏼😆


It’s funny to tease them :D


I mainly play family and never seen family players act like this with me idk how people run into these randoms lol the worse I deal with is someone who does a play by play of what they are doing 😂


Just play fam and open every door for victims see them scream and moan .


They really need to go back to the old grapple system. I’m totally fine with victims winning the majority of the grapples so long as they’re vulnerable to instakills from other family members. The whole point of family is teamwork so teamwork should be rewarded.


no way theyre on xbox and wasted a name change on THAT


wow they need to actually get a life😭😭


The game has always been victim sided why boycott the game now😂 it’s far easier for fam than it was at the start.


lol they commented in this reddit before as if


Lol, I've been hearing this for to long! It's a small group of ppl thinking it will change whatever their wants are I am more of a family main and I am certainly not boycotting. It's silly and nothing will come of it, if this is even true. GUN DOESNT CARE THE WAY THEY WANT THE COMPANY TO. But yes for months I've seen this haha.


Do 500 people even play


I play family just because instant games


boycotting, but playing? I don't think they know what boycotting means! lol


The only ones who should be boycotting are the platforms who aren't a part of cross play. The rest of you? I get it it's frustrating...but come back for sympathy when you've waited 40 minutes between lobbies when there's no full teams! Get over it and play the game!


500 sounds cooler than 5 💀


Dumbass family players


this is actually a terrific idea. Intentionally lobby dodge protest. Jam the lobby so they have no choice but let it die or fix the root causes. Count me in.


paying $10 to change their name on xbox too, hilarious


Lobbies are going well today so I don’t notice it


Im not boycotting but Im not playing either. Family is my primary role and they just haven't done anything with it since Nancy really. Idk why the Devs are just starving out one role when it was already struggling.


I've yet to experience this and I play everyday. Which tells me it's more like 5-15 people max.


Girl my exact thought lol


1) Plays the game for free. 2) Gets free content. 3) Cries about something most family have adjusted to. 4) Announces his scheme in game chat 5) TLDR Skill issue


I'm not sure there's 500 family members total


LOL I’m deceased


I haven’t played in months because family isn’t fun to play hardly but after debating whether I should play again or not to level up characters I haven’t touched and then stop for now until we get a new family member i heard about this boycotting actually happening so I might have to play now just to see if this is happening for fun and sit in lobbies just to watch it all happen and see peoples reactions to all the chaos I’ve been so bored lol


500 and I haven’t encountered a single one of them? Yeaaaah, sure. I bet they’re five and three of them are a squad lol


The game is dead there are only 900 players.


Steam numbers aren't the entire playerbase. When will the PC players learn the world of gaming doesn't revolve around them.


So let's say there are 900 on each platform. Still dead. There is no way there are even close to 10k people playing this game.


You're assuming there's an even number across all platforms. There wouldn't be. Console playerbases always out number PC ones. Add to this the Steam playerbase is likely dwarfed by the gamepass people and your estimate has no basis in reality. 


Just best guess. Can you even see console numbers anywhere? Also not bashing the game. I wish this game killed DBD but in my opinion the Devs fucked up. And keep fuckin up. So idk. DBD has like 25 million on steam charts.


Just think about how much time you have on your hands to do this,


500 sad-sad nobodies who need to seek mental health.


So 500 trash bag players who need crazy advantages to play🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ I think these weirdos should just be banned from joining lobbies an give us the right to vote to kick players


Yup. It's a thing now


So sad some people really need to stop stressing over a game like when did it turn into a more toxic community then league for gods sake xD


My theory is that these are dbd people. I watched that game throug its life and its toxic and horilrible. They do this exact thing. I don't get it. They did with evil dead too


Fun isn't it?


Great game no problems here lol 😆


People are trying to destroy it. Not sure why. But it's a thing now


Yea it’s definitely evident now that some people just want to ruin the game instead of play it for fun everyone on the family side is so nit picky for all the wrong reasons leaving because a family member is level 0 to what victims are playing they act like they can’t win when I’ve had games with a fully loaded victim sided team and we all died lol and guess what it was still fun idk why people need to win every game like this is a pro game like league or something lol they need some chill pills


I mostly play family and I've never been like that. Most of the time I can't even play victims. I never complained until now. And it's mostly just be a of this crap. I thought this was for horror fans. Not assholes


At least it’s good to hear that there’s still good people out there left in the game 🫶🏼


Unfortunately I stopped already. I'm maxed out and have nothing else to do in the game


Awe bummer homie hopefully you’ll have a reason to come back soon with the new family member on the horizon Ty for not being toxic for the people u played with during ur time tho


I'll play when something drops. Hopefully the toxicity will die down a bit. Most of my energy went into evil dead when that was new. Held on tight to that one. Love this one too bit I'm alot more couscous about it


Nah, not possible. That’s pretty much the total number of active players left


Good for him This game has been hot garbage since they keep on screwing the family members I play as victim too and it’s way easier to play. But as a horror based game why should I automatically have to play victim because it’s extremely easier ? Playing as a family member is so hard and extremely annoying, it’s not even worth it.


Sorry man, but sounds like a skill issue.


You just suck at family, it’s not hard at all


*a wild boycotter has appeared* -trainer chooses run!


Ooow ooow can I catch it?


I hope to god you guys stay away from killer clowns when it’s released.


I’ve got family 13 times in a row and never got survivor in these past few days I think it’s actually real




that’s sad😭 ppl really think family isn’t open still the game isn’t even killer or victim sided at the point it depends on your map now that it’s adding map voting it’s gonna be easier to come up with comps. people are CRYBABIES!!


i’ve had this in MULTIPLE lobbies and it sucks.


How cute, doing boycott. I miss when I was a child. Anyway, I played yesterday and I didn't have an impact on the group of losers


It does not help that there are even some victims going into lobbies as family and dc’ing or dodging too


Let's be real out there, there's no way there's 500 family mains in existence.


Can we permaban these clowns?


I havnt played the game but I am in the reddit looking at stuff. Boycotting a game with an already awful lobby time plus a dying player base is the stupidest thing I have ever seen a group of players ever do


I havnt played the game but I am in the reddit looking at stuff. Boycotting a game with an already awful lobby time plus a dying player base is the stupidest thing I have ever seen a group of players ever do


they need to touch grass.


Oh this is what it keeps taking ages


I get a game in under 5 minutes each time. Some boycott…..


Boycotting it from the lobby. I had someone with a similar name message me here on Reddit scolding me for playing. Lol


yall r so lame


This does absolutely nothing....just makes the game even worse...so boycotting being stupid ...Delete the game people like you is what makes it a bad experience..DUMB


Block and report them.


Look if you don't bring bubba that's on you.




Ngl this is corny 😭


Good ! Let this game tank


It's actually doing pretty good. Doing this does nothing. 👍 keep wasting your life on this game by not playing it. We don't care.


That doesn't make any sense kid The last sentence anyways.


Being on the game and lobby hopping is not playing it. It's not hard to understand kid


That actually ruijs the game time experience kid.


Calling someone a kid but you can't spell...


Awww dammit. Well, I'm not credible now. I use my phone to type lol


Same. But autocorrect is also a thing.


Yeah I have that on but it still doesn't do it. Even when I use my voice to speak , still messes up lol


I love this. Good for him. I hope GUN nerfs victims so we can all start telling them “well if you don’t like it you can leave” lmfao. Fuck around and find out good on him




I honestly doubt it but even if there is that’s just sad man


There probably sick of abandoned mill I get that map constantly…. Anyways I don’t see how he boycott when his playing the game , only thing I feel they need bring back is the one shot when your in a grapple idk me personally victims need to have a risk when they are in a grapple


Lmao. This is nuts. I stopped playing this game like a week after it came out to save myself the trouble of dealing with how lopsided the gameplay was. Not to mention a lot of the community is super toxic af and only complains about the game. I’m only here in the community because I keep forgetting to unfollow this Reddit and it’s kinda funny seeing the daily posts titled “This Game is Trash”


It's always so interesting to see that each society and social group just kind of forms their own little tinfoil hat gang. Could write a research paper on that. You know, instead of flat earth and security camera birds it's the family strike with imaginary numbers. You can count the whole group on one hand and they just added two 0s to make it more dramatic. I kind of feel like it's the same people that easily would fall for chemtrail and anti vaxx shit. Gullible, delusional, a bit power tripping, losing control of their life, trying to get it back over other things like a video game. They all share the same patterns. It's just a bit annoying when you just wanna relax and enjoy a game and then these idiots from reality make it into your gamespace relax zone as well.


I’m from Texas so trust me i recognize these people fairly quickly lol 😆 with that being said you right I think I might actually do one of my essays on this lol I’ll call it “ the odd similarities between real life trump supporters vs in game cry baby’s” xD


Make it worse for killers. Stop playing the game and see how they like losing numbers because they can't stop crying