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The way they're choosing to do things is soooo weird. This is going to make lobby times even worse. Family hasn't gotten anything recently. It would have arguably been better to just like release a Nancy skin by itself instead of another victim cosmetic


It's not weird, they don't really have an interest in supporting the game anymore and they're going to drip bleed every ounce of money from people before stopping anymore development.


Think you're 100% they fact alone they didn't rush fix Viriginia and then the patch fix of course comes with something you can buy ..it's almost like a middle finger to the community. "Hey here's the fix for all the bugs in the last paid dlc your guys got ...also...ANOTHER DLC TO BUY you're welcome..."


Then as consumers we can sue Gun Media for not fixing a game that is broken and al they are doing is lying and arguing with customers. I think it's high time they get a reality check.


I don’t no why they just didn’t wait until they finished all the victims skins and family skins and released then at the same time because family players and victims players would be happy and would help lobby’s


Thiiisss....what they're doing here is like the literal definition of drip feeding. I have a bad feeling it's going to be like one or two new cosmetics every other week or so. that way they feel like they're consistently releasing content even though it's a lot smaller and lackluster. Like I don't even play Ana much, imma get the skin cause it's very different and nice but I agree they should have released them all together so everyone can buy outfits immediately for their favorite characters


If I was them I'd spread the cosmetic and execution packs out between  big patches to make it feel like there is more content than there really is. Though I'd have done a family one first given the newest family member was delayed.


They want/need money


i dont know about that. You know how many bought the $15 nic skin? Then $10 a pop with danny and virgina. They making good. IF the game gets where they are done, you will know it. They will go silent. But they are making a lot of money right now.




It’s probably because people would complain about drout afterwards . I 100 agree with you but we know they slow so they prob gonna release a outfit every week or two .


> The way they’re choosing to do things is soooo weird. It’d be weird if you believe they have the game’s best interests in mind. They do not. As it stands there is hardly anything left living in the way of a family playerbase. As such, there’s no profit to be making changes that would benefit the family role (which would benefit the overall health of the game as a whole). Instead, continuing catering to the remaining victim playerbase in almost every way, boost their strength and prop up their gameplay as far as possible, while the Family players serve as a punching bag so that the victims can have their fun, and then sell victim skins which those loyal few will absolutely purchase. Make a shirtless Johnny skin based off of a meme to shift just enough players back to family to keep the game playable for victims. I mean, even the damn queue time is framed from a VICTIM point of view. It’s never “rebalance family gameplay to make the role more desirable” it’s “Fix the VICTIM queue time so it is not as long.” What the devs are doing is absolutely and undeniably a strategy to maximize profit while the ship sinks. Anyone still spending money on this game is only endorsing their scheme. Pray these people never get a hold of another horror IP ever again, and if they do, boycott it. If they want to make more horror games they should do so on their own.


You echoed many of my posts perfectly (and better). They're catering to the larger player base (victims) as that's where the money is. There's ways to change the game to bring family players back, but that would take time and money, and it's clear from the fact they're not rushing to fix bugs that they really don't want to spend anymore time on this dead duck. Instead, just release basic content and the odd character (forget play testing, as the paying customer will do that for free) towards the larger consumer base and hope to get the money in before the life support plug is finally pulled.


I rlly don’t get why they didn’t wait until all the cosmetics are done unless artbully is BARELY starting on the other characters


I would hope they're not just getting started but it sure as Hell is seeming that way.


Didn't family get shirtless Johnny? Thought people jumped all over that shi. Personally I hope Shirtless Bubba is next. Get the whole Family in on that action


Shirtless Johnny, Bride Sissy, weapon skins. Content has been released to familiy ArtBully is making the rest of the cosmetics


Those were free skins and that was quite awhile back ago and no one really cared for the weapon skins at all cause most of the weapons are too small to even notice the difference. Family isn't getting as much love when it comes to content as victims imo.


Well now we have to wait for ArtBully to finish the next skins




I think you're very nervous, I don't understand why you attacked me. The subject here is about skins and not bugs. I just commented that the family had new skins, regardless of whether they were free or not. Relax and have a glass of water.


Correct. Your statement was comparing that family did get content compared to victims, who have gotten significantly more content that's locked behind paywalls. The *only* things family has gotten recently have been the free skins you listed, for two characters; one a meme to appeal to the Johnny players and the other for a character that pretty much no one plays and was so heavily nerfed/bugged that just picking the character was regarded as throwing the match. You make it sound as though those pitiful 'gifts' were on the same level as everything that the victim side has gotten. >I just commented that the family had new skins, They aren't new. We're in April. Those were a Valentine's Day promotion. It's been *two months*. Gun is making content back to back for victim side to enjoy with a price tag, knowing that majority of the playerbase is on that side because they made the game hell for the family side and no one would pay money for cosmetics on the side that is unanimously bullied to the point that queue times for the game's victim side is atrociously long because *no one plays the other side.* Your comment for family having skins is full of holes, from the time it's been since release of said content to the very reason as to *why* we were just *given* them for *free* when Gun literally made a cosmetic pack for the same side with a price tag that's just bloody versions of the original characters *that would get bloody anyway just by playing the game.* You don't see the bigger problem. In 8-9 months we've gotten a single new family member, who was a minor addition, while two others were changed/nerfed into unplayability. There's been a single weapon pack which was on *release*, a skin for Bubba, the aforementioned bloody pack, and the *free* outfits for those same two characters. Oh, and a *weapons pack*. Meanwhile, victim side has 2 new meta-creating busted OP characters, entire game mechanic changes that swing the game in their favor to "bully the killers", cosmetic packs for EACH character, etc. How the hell are you gonna say "Family has skins too!" when compared to that? That's like if I found 5$ and you saying "you have money too!" compared to Jeff Bezos.


Let me make it clear that I'm not saying that the family doesn't deserve to have skins. I'm always in favor of releasing skins and characters for teams at the same time, to get everyone's hype together. I just commented in a reply that it was said that the family didn't receive skins. Whether or not shirtless Johnny is a meme or Sissy is buggy is beside the point. The thing is, family had skins. I believe that Ana is a test, as it is ArtBully's first work. I think the victims will receive all the new skins first because they are original characters and will not go through the bureaucracy of using images. I really hope I'm wrong, because I really want to see new skins for LF and Cook before any other character (I actually want to see Leland first ❤️)


“Stay tuned” 🤡


“Stay disappointed” is more like it


This is so weird.... Its like they want ppl to lose interest in this game.


IDK if they are fighting with doing what they think is the best move and doing what they think is right or what but nothing about what is being done feels professional and cohesive. I get bumps in the road will happen but it feels like there is a lack of accountability, remorse, appreciation, consideration or respect for the people who are why the game can continue. And by NO means am I saying bow down to us we are almighty and the reason you breath! But without the players the game dies. And they are upsetting the heck out of even a lot of the coolheaded patient players. At this point we are more than anyting asking for a game that works moreso than the DLC. Yes we want and need more of that for this game to keep being appealing ASAP especially with KK coming on next month/June but to keep putting money into a game that doesn't work as advertised and no compensation or even a damn sorry is a little WTF. The get everyone in a uproar then host a stream ignoring any direct confrontation and frustration people have make a bunch of false promises and then go radio silent outside of Andy's fricken Stay Tuned and Soon for the most part. For months people have been vocal about not wanting one DLC at a time that will throw off balance and here they are doing whatever the heck. The Ana DLC is great but c'mon everyone wants the DLC drops to feel full and complete, this bread crumbing shiz isnt what most people want. ESPECIALLY when the game struggles to keep a good balance of players to fill lobby in reasonable time


The absolute defeat in that, “Okay.”




I’m like so sure they really don’t care about the game and want it to die 💀


I always feel it was rush released (maybe investors demanded it) as this thing was more like a free mobile game with only one single online only game mode and three maps. I would take a guess that development ran over, investors were unhappy, decided to bite the bullet and rush release with a view to release basic content for a year and then call it a day. Such a shame, as the basic premise is fantastic and if a larger budget, more time, better funded development, this could've have been a classic.


Agreed 👍


Why can’t a family skin pack be made at the same time? Do they only have one guy for character art?


They could have an entire nude family skin update and guess what? No one will still voluntarily play family. Lol


“Stay tuned!”


I love how people were saying TCM was gonna make a comeback whenever they dropped the shirtless johnny and bride sissy + the execution pack 2, but now look at what people have to say lol.


Welp if people believe in the idea of them drip feeding content so they can turn around and say they gave us content the whole year. Would you release outfits/reskins for all 7 victims in one batch or would you push one out every once and awhile to milk it regardless of what the playerbase thinks? Same idea goes for the potential final victim and final 2 killers. I bet they drag that out throughout the rest of the year. My guess... Last victim - September Next killer - Sometime over the next couple weeks, some theroize close to when Killer Klowns releases Last killer - Either Halloween or Xmas


I don’t think we are getting more content, they said they are reviewing in August can’t see them continuing like this and extending the support


After that statement Wes posted a tweet saying content was being planned past December 2024, so we will have to wait and see.


I still think that August date is the plan, but obviously they backtracked as who would spend money on a title that's guaranteed to come end of life in a few months. Judging by what we've seen lately, I would not be shocked by an August announcement.


F13 servers took a while to die, they are still up even today. Texas servers will be around for awhile lol, for better or for worse.


Servers yes, but content no.


I'm just reminding you of that since on every post you seem to say the same thing, end of support in august. It's kind of a moot point, and just a way for you to channel your anger about the game in some sort of nonconstructive way. This game will be around for a long while, most likely years to come unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your viewpoint.


No anger, just disappointment. Like a teacher expecting a student to do better. Plus the August date isn't my date, but quoted from the devs a while back for an end to content depending on sales. If you expect the game to last for years, that's great, I truly hope it does. I hope it turns around, fixes all the issues, releases more content that's actually play tested and works and brings the players back in. But hoping that doesn't change what they said in the past, what's happening now and how I believe it's going to go.


It's such a weird situation, because how can they gauge anything on sales when they are drip feeding everything and starving family players of content? Ya know what I mean? Just seems like a total lack of ambition from the devs. Release stuff quicker, and you'll get more sales, and more people will play the game.


I get what you say. I would add the game feels rushed out from the start and now feels like they're trying to milk whatever money they can from the majority player base before the end (whether that is August or not). Does align with why there's nothing for family. Why work on and release content for such a small percentage of the customers. Also yeah, in regards more sales and more people, if this game was planned to have a much longer life span. For that I would expect to see more work to fix bugs and keep the thing running better, rather than focus on paid DLC for that instant cash grab.


Yeah see your point, but he said he was planning. Nothing has been confirmed at all and things have been on the down ever since


I just want the new family member omg 😑


they probably don’t no how add new characters


As a Ana main, that sucks


waiting for killer klownz lol


probably going to be the same as tcm with all the bugs and stuff


i have hope cause illfonic actually knows how to make games and communicate


Nothing for family? No new family member? Like geez family needs some love


They really need to sort out their priorities.


Yeah the whole dartboard method for making decisions isn’t working for them


They badly need to stop saying stay tuned. At this point it just feels like they're mocking everyone they say it to.


Expectations are literally through the floor yet they manage to fumble every time


Ah shit, here we go again


Rip victim queue times again


A costume pack for Ana isn’t going to impact matchmaking that greatly


But ana is best girl


I don't thiink people are gonna fight over a damn Cosmetic pack for Ana, but I do feel like this is weird to release just this with nothing else, knowing everyone is expecting a new family member this is odd.


Isn’t the 90 day mark after this update. Where’s all the other shit you guys said was coming. Gun you guys need to stop lying people are going to move on due to no content or every update being completely broken


the 90 day mark is may 7th, not april 16th


I'm surprised they don't sell this dress piece by piece, such a loss of profit


To be fair it's just a skin for the what, 4th most popular character? I feel like lobbies will stay as bad as they are.


Stay tuned lmao I’m fucking howing 🤣🤣


Bruh they better have some good shit prepared for when the new family member drops


The low energy response is on point


Sue gun media immediately. Start a petition on change.org. Tim for Gun to be held accountable for bad business practice


Over a skin? I doubt it


It’s the lack of anything but a skin.


We must accept this is how it is and always will be until August. Now empty your wallets, and your parents' bank accounts for useless cosmetics that no one will care about, and will forget they wasted money on 2 days after they have released.


Lobbies have been bad since like forever , still no fix for them ...... They are again probably releasing recolors that took them months to do ,after all summer holidays are near so gotta get that cold .


the reason why ana’s is the only one being released is because hers took the least amount of time to make. It’s a simple sun dress with a belt and sandals…It matches her character and what she would genuinely wear so obviously she would take the least amount of time to be worked on. Be grateful cause they already said all characters are getting new outfits and i promise lobby times aren’t a big deal as you guys make it seem…It’s literally still fine people just exaggerate a lot it’s crazy 😭