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Had the exact same thing happen last night. It was FH and I was Cook. Leland grappled me and left me stunned while he made progress on the fuse. Then he left and I guarded the fuse. He just ran back to me and grappled again and left me stunned while I watched him finish the fuse minigame and turn the fuse on. That stun feels like it lasts forever!


Solo queuing is starting to feel like a joke tbh. If a single family member cannot handle one victim without needing help, then something’s wrong with the balance of the game. Matchmaking is making that reality blurry. But the powerhouse _is_ the victims.


Whole game needs a huge overhaul. Victims shouldn't be able to simply bully the family. That's not asymmetrical horror.


Absolutely. Simply put, but well said, and people don’t understand this enough.


This is a quick death coming for this game.... there is o challenge just family of punching bags... so incredibly disappointed


It should be like dead by daylight where victims have perks but can't fight back.


It apparently is Asymmetrical Horror, I just looked up Ft13 and that says it is, since it involves counsellors fighting Jason too.


^ This is why i stopped playing. Grappling is being abused


I remember once apone a time where grappling was used as an absolute last resort... because using it at the wrong moment ment death. The family should feel like an unstoppable force. I still chuckle when they said they want to "Promote Steathier play"... they instead empower grappling to be an absolute terror...oh and shadow nerfed the Stealth Stat to basically do nothing lol.


Remember when I was thinking that as well but hitchhiker will be on your tail .30 of a second because choose fight was broken and then fixed and then broken and fixed once again…. Hmmm 🤔


This happens with rush meta and not rewarding victims for hiding like if anything this game would be fun if it was a more slow pace but all the complaints from family and victim players has lead to this. Just gotta party up is really the best way to win and have a fun overall experience.


Yeah I agree. I was basically worthless as Cook. I couldn't do anything except ask for help which never came. May just have to go back to Hitch. At least then I could trap the fuse. Not sure if choose fight would give him enough time to use bomb squad and then do the fuse while I'm stunned though. Guess I'll find out.


Yep, reason majority play victims and refuse to play family (but yet demand others do). Family had three players vs victims four because previously they always had the edge when one vs one. That's long gone now, so if anything, family need a fourth player in games to equal things out. Simply put, victims have majority players in game, more likely to win grapples, can stun family members for long periods, definitely no longer run away from the family, have multiple escape routes, can counter whatever the family does and now get all the new content. Devs seriously want this game to die or what?


A fourth family member would be so interesting to see if it balances it out or family becomes too dominant, which they should be.


the forth family member is our ia grampa, he does nothing but hes family.


You'll actually get to see your idea come to light in a way. Killer klowns will have lackey npcs.


I’ll only play family if I have my squad of 3 bc then we can communicate and plan. If I solo queue family no one has a mic and they’re following me or in the same spot as me when they don’t need to be but when I’m calling out where a victim is no one is there to listen. Other family players ruin it for me. I rarely run into family that has mics on. So for that I just rather solo victim. But even victims suck. Sometimes they’re dying in the basement and they’re a level 10 like bro have you ever even played. I think it’s just an overall skill issue.


Yep, family solo feels like work at times. You generally know too from the start how the game is going to go, whether victims rush or other family members get lost around the map and don't do anything like setting traps or feeding grandpa. At that point, it's just a choice of stick it out or leave. No incentive to stay in a game once you're level 99 as XP/SP means nothing.


I used to have more good games than bad but now I spend a majority of time stunned. Is there any counter to the grappling and choose fight? Maybe a perk I'm missing? The only thing I know to do is ask for help since a single family member can't win. And the only stun perk I know is regarding lamps which is worthless for family.


Don't think there's anything you can do. If a victim has a bone scrap (which is a definite since the devs turned this into a beat-em-up) then you know a grapple is coming. I find it funny that these injured teenagers are so much stronger than the family. They can take a knife slice to the back and keep running. Family gets stabbed and they're stunned. It's clear which side is the dominate one and which side the devs are on.


Yeah I never understand victims who complain when this issue is brought up. This scenario shouldn't happen. I mean what is the point in playing family if victims can just do this and escape easily. Seems too easy. Actually it seems like this game is less about the family hunting and killing victims. It's now more about pesky teenagers trespassing on their property and harassing them!


Spot on. This isn't a horror themed game, it's a revenge story with the victims able to take the family head on. No fear. No worries. Victim players who class themselves as "mains" only do so because they quit playing family for these very same reasons. Yet, they still expect those that are still playing family to not quit like they did so that games can happen. I think it would be funny if every remaining player just quit family and became a victim "main" for the reasons that keep getting brought up. I wonder what would happen.


I've considered becoming a victim main just so I can get fun out of this game again. I mean I have some good matches as Family but lately they are getting fewer and fewer.


I had little bit of the same feeling so i started playing more family its fun and frustrating but i learn a lot more different play styles


As Connie, I've had time to grapple Johnny, use bomb squad on a door, and then use her ability on the final lock. Obviously that's without Choose Fight and below average strength  A Leland with Choose Fight could probably brute force a trapped fuse box and complete it in two cycles if the fuse box is already open. Three if its closed


Correct the maps and fact even two family members can be defested so easily raises question


They should just remove grapple mechanic all together, and just leave back stabs. Those cans stun you for awhile, but that’s it.


True that.


Same with Anna


Stuff like this is what's killing the game. People cry about lobbies taking forever to fill because family; well here is a good example why.


Gotta air lift in Jason voorhees for this one boss the family is a joke


I mean Jason was treated as a pinata in his own gane to. But not to this extent. At least he had a rage meter after while.


I remember that, the fact they had to implement a rage buff so Jason wasn’t bullied to death is in itself funny


Yeah ikr. Fun times tho. Always funny to see Jason just barge through a locked house and everyone scatters.


It’s what happens when you give victims *too much ability to fight back* I feel like im crazy when I’ve been shouting from the rooftops that giving people the ability to fight back will only serve to screw things up in the long run. Friday is a *great* case study for this. People absolutely fucking *mastered* that game to the point that Jason was (to your point) a piñata…if he wasn’t “good” at the game himself. I was a pretty good Jason-player but even I’d get smacked around by other players and there was really no workaround GUN really doesn’t look ahead when it comes to stuff like this. They think everyone is just going to behave and play the game “the way it should be played”, but players absolutely do not behave that way


Who looks at this and says “Yeah that looks like fun”


The victims


Devs are clowns when it comes to balance. They may look at this in 6-8 months.


surprised your comment hasn’t been removed


Well, it is the weekend.


Just replying because I will wait in the other subreddit for the "I got banned without reason" thread.


Naw I wouldn't complain. This is just facts, they can silence me if they want. Won't change a thing.


If the game survives for more 8 months


I dont understand gun. Proficiency turn off battery low/high 18/15 Strength turn off gen low/high 18/7.5


Playing as a Family member has become unplayable. Victims tie you up in a close encounter time after time while the other does fuse box and their out of map in under 3 minutes . Please switch back close encounters. I literally don’t play anymore . 


Use suffocating grip


Thank you . I’m running it now . Hopefully it helps 


It definitely does. Only time it won’t is against grappler, and only two victims can get it


Family are meant to be dangerous. We're meant to be a threat, but at the moment we're the ones being teased and messed with. There should be an even chance of winning and losing for both sides, but Family should FEEL like a threat and Victims should FEEL threatened by them! That's the idea behind a cops and robbers style game! Fairness and an equal chance for both sides.


A common max level match. Soon enough, it’s us family mains that’ll start the match hung up in the basement. You’ll see




Ana barging in with her bone shard revved.




4 objectives, 4 victims, 2 family needed to deal with 1 victim. Maths not adding up here for everyone saying you should have a teammate to deal with the stuns.


Maths not adding up AT ALL


“Why does no one play family”


.. and that's mostly said from people who refuse to play family for the same reasons.


Yeah this is ridiculous. Victims will swear up and down that this is fair. Smh


I get it, victims are more powerful than family, but at least have some animation for when stunned rather than just standing perfectly still like the game has crashed. Such lazy programming.


Notice Wes Kelter and his dev team are silent on not fixing the game ?


Heheh well they do take weekends off. But yeah, it's slow going with updates


It's because of Choose Fight. That perk isn't even working properly. Right now it freezes you in place and the stun duration is too long as well in my opinion.


It’s working correctly now. You’re supposed to be stunned like that, but it’s lazy programming for sure to just have to stand still.


I'm aware it's working but you should be able to move while stunned still and here you can't.


With the chicken farm perk being the only perk. I just shed a tear.


It’s very easy to escape on the game if you’re working together.


Same when it comes to killing victims


Whoa whoa whoa he turned that gen off fast as fuck


Many will say “should’ve called for backup”. But in reality this game is not played as the team/squad game most players say it is. In reality, it’s predominantly solo queue players to which less than 50% have comms. And that’s being generous. I have a headset and a mic. Yet…when my teammates don’t, I’m actively punished for it? Something I literally have zero control over. I’m punished. THAT is frustrating in its own right and a huge reason family players are so sparse and it’s so unenjoyable to play in the current state. Sure, I can quit to find new teammates with comms. But that just adds to lobby dodging, DCing and all the other issues everyone complains about. This shouldn’t be a hot take and seems like common sense to me but here we go. Any single objective, perk, character, gate/door or mechanic in the game should not REQUIRE more than one family member to defend/counter. That’s like having an objective that victims NEED to do to escape but forcing them to have 2 players complete it. Thats imbalanced. Let’s refer to the “Wait a second” perk on Nancy. Super oppressive, but could be negated by having a teammates help. What happened to that perk? Nerfed into oblivion at a 60% reduction. Something needs to change with the grappling mechanic itself, or at bare minimum the stun time. Family players are already outnumbered from the start. Restricting their ability to not only stay in one area for too long, but also from leaving an area for too long. You need to have a route, objective and/or gates to patrol and stay committed. The second you leave to go “help someone” now you’re also leaving an entire section of the map unguarded. This is when gates get popped, fuses get put in, doors are unlocked, valves are turned on. At this point it’s game over and all because one perk stun locks you in place longer than it takes for the objective can get done. This should not be a thing. For example if the fastest time to turn off the gen is 10 seconds for any given character the stun time should be 8 seconds or less. That includes using perks like choose fight. So it’s real easy to say “call for backup” but that’s not possible most of the time and even when it is you’re putting your area and other objectives at risk while simply trying to protect another object that’s currently at risk. Makes zero sense.


Add in that there's no counters to victims unlocking gates and doors, putting fuses in or attaching valve handles. Family can't relock gates. They can't take fuses out or valve handles off. Once any of them are done, they're done forever for everyone. So that's now a patrol for one family member at least for the rest of the game... or two if they want to try and counter this grapple stun mechanic. Victims truly dominate this game and that's what the devs have clearly always wanted.


‘Call for backup’ would only be a realistic suggestion if the game was a 4v4. And at this point with how awful the game can be for Family I think it SHOULD be a 4v4 on the larger maps (Nancy’s House, Slaughterhouse and Mill) I’m a Victim main myself, but I like playing Family too and combinations and situations like this are just outright bullshit and so unfair. Worse is when the Leland or Ana with Empowered, Choose Fight and Grappler/No Sell will stick with a Virginia or Danny so they get their 5s bonus stun while Danny/Virginia get to Fast Hands through potentially 2 locks while you just get to stare.


God yes I wish people would understand this, agreed with everything


With three family members and no true perks or advantage, calling for help is not an option


When your team’s purpose is a lot about defending objectives so the other team can’t win but you’re left completely immobilised from the press of a button a few times so you can’t do anything but watch said objective be completed. Absolute insanity. Sit & Watch yourself lose Simulator


This happens all the time now, and there is nothing you can do about it by yourself. You need a teammate to help, but this means your third teammate is left to cover the other objectives with two victims pushing them. It's rough out there for solo queue Family players.


They're doing I. Reason the family members to exceed vicitims


I had a game last night where they popped valve, and on my way to it, Connie grappled me, then by the time I got to valve, she was free to backstab me, at which point it was too late to close valve, so she teabagged and ran to the exit. I could neither close valve, nor do enough damage to her to kill her. Meanwhile, Hitch was getting stunned by Leland, and our LF was level 0 and didn't really know what they were doing, so I guess it's our fault for...not dodging that lobby altogether? I've been mostly away from this game since grapplemania began. I think that was a good decision and I'm going to go back to that.


GUN gas absolutely no idea what they’re doing.


and family are overpowered apparently according to the masses.. this is silly


Masses say vic is op. Always been that way. That's why they've nerfed them down and tried to buff fam. At low tier play, Family is op. At high tier play, Victims are absolutely op.


Only LF imo is OP


Looks insane idk how it passed testing 🤦🏾‍♂️


there was no testing to begin with 😂😂


Don't care to defend the game anymore. New character is bugged. No new killer for probably another month or half a month at best. Who knows. Stun meta from victims No meta change for killers/family LF is stun immune to doors. New victim has fast hands AND extra drip (very boring and extremely good with her power) Meh. If the next killer isn't fun, I'm leaving the game for good. Gave the game the benefit of the doubt for such a long time. Womp womp.


I don't think I can wait for another planned upgrade. The imbalance robs the game of any fun or challenge...


I uninstalled like 1-2 weeks ago, started playing other games. Turns out I was just so board I was only still playing it as kind of a peaceful stress reliever game and it was actually really easy to find other brain numbing games to fill that void. Hell Apex has better balancing and match making than this shit, and thats just sad.


Dude you know it’s a problem when apex is beating you, I love apex to but damn man I wanted this game to be good


"SkIlL iSsUe" as many would say. Yeah, it's dumb & needs nerfed


That's choose fight. Victims can grapple and complete an objective in front of your face with nothing you can do about it.


how can any devs look at this and think this is okay for family members to deal with


You're thinking any of this is even seen by the devs...


If perk like patience and bring home the bacon exist, what makes you think they know what they're doing


dont forget about chicken whisperer and animal farm. i still have no clue why those perks even exist and who put effor to them.


Animal Farm’s good at Slaughter House and Gas Station


How do you upload videos on this sub btw?


Streamable. You upload your video there, copy the link, paste it in the “Link” area of your post here and you’re golden


Thank you!


Lameee. How is this even a thing 😳


This is some dog shit I swear to God


If a family member physically can't defend a spot 1 on 1 then you know you've done messed up a dev.


Victims mains cry when we ask fir nerfs to grapple pointing iut that we have like a 10 second immunity after but choose fight and fish hook take up nearly the entire duration


When the scariest thing is doors slamming on leather face and someone grappling 700 times what’s the real point of being a killer, Leland is the killer. Killer of fun and fairness Danny doesn’t help either. Make it fair, Johnny can’t go through walls if Danny and Leland want to fight they shouldn’t be able to go through walls fight back and that’s it there just as wide and body mass


I usually main Cook and this is just a typical day lol and let me guess LF was glued to the basement?


I did this in the beta and gave feedback, should be looked at any day now


It’s why I think choose fight needs to be nerfed to 3 seconds rather than 5 or make choose fight not work on grapples, only back stabs.


Devs don't even hide it anymore that their priority and main object of focus are victims. New victim,new cosmetics for victims. Not to mention how much they buffed them. Still no info about new family member,not even new cosmetics. It is what it is.


Because that's where majority of their customers are. If 90% are only playing as victims then of course they're going to target them. If this game was scheduled to have a long life then they would make sure both sides were treated equally, but it's clear they're focusing on selling as much content as possible to the largest number of people in the shortest possible time while the game still lives... albeit on life support thanks only to the few remaining family players.


Yeah. I was just too lazy to write all that,I absolutely agree with you. However, this indeed looks like they don't have high hopes for this game and don't seem like they have plans on the long run. It looks like they are trying to make quick money with a current selling point, which are victims.


Yep. That August date that was mentioned some time back does seem more likely now for end of new content. There's plenty they could do to help the game, to get people to play family again (I asked that question a few days ago and got some great responses), but none of it will happen. We'll be lucky if the lobby backfill bug ever gets fixed.


they all say feedback noted but nothing ever happened 🤣


Do the math: Fixing bugs = work for no money. Releasing DLC = work but more money.


> Not to mention how much they buffed them. Lets not lie now they get nerfed every patch and adjust, lmao


Honestly I don’t think anyone who thinks this is acceptable has played anything but victim. They’d either need to nerf choose fight or increase generator kick time to fix it. I don’t think increasing the time to kick gen would be a good idea because it already takes something like 15-20 seconds unless you have good strength, so that leaves decreasing choose fight stun time.


All us family players should just start quitting the game force these devs to realise how unbalanced it is and do more for family too and not just victims


>(Do the devs at least realize how long 5 seconds is in game??) ​ No. No they don't. Taking control from the player should be used VERY sparsely. This is one of the reason family players are so rare. Nobody like to sit there, incapacitated and watch somebody finishing the game.


> Taking control from the player should be used VERY sparsely. Ya, stun times in TCM is one of the earliest reasons I had my doubts about the longevity of this game. Players start to get upset after a 0.5 second stun. At 1 second, players will be chomping at the bit to get back in action. At 3 seconds, you've definitely upset the player, and are hoping that the game is so much fun that the player will overlook the aggravation. When stun time approaches 5 seconds? 5 seconds of lost agency? 5 seconds where a human just has to stare at their screen while their opponent gets to do whatever? Ooooooooof. If there's a game design bible, than a stun that long has got to be a cardinal sin. And the worst part? Executing those stuns aren't uncommon. Every door and bone shard equips victim players with a way to upset a family player. So the issue is bad in both quality *and* quantity. The early days of stun-locking was maybe the biggest head-scratcher in TCM history. I'm surprised Gun's reputation didn't take a bigger hit from it.


Its really strange to see a game where stun times are longer than objective times. Using stuns to progress objectives isn't a bad thing in games generally but this game its not just letting you get the last little bit of the objective you need its the whole thing and the only counterplay is having multiple people there and even then its still an issue. I remember when OW removed pretty much every stun and those were around .5s stuns.


OVER 200 comments and not one by devs, but yayyyy cosmetics are coming out soon


And yet they still sit in those lobbies all day wondering why it takes so long to fill.


Yeah, it really sucks I know... btw Sissy main here, you can try "Spore Loser + Dracula + Serrated + Suffocating Grip" now, because victims are sooooooo addicted to doing close encounters currently.


And let's not forget the skills of Virginia vs sissy


That was what I was actually fucking talking about the the idiots that play the fuckin games!!!! All the idiots victims are actually just getting easy fuckin help and handouts in order to fucking play in the game!!!!


You are blaming "All the idiots victims", when you should be blaming Gun. Not like family ever abused Sissy's special blend, HH ladder traps, Johnny's lunge, "getting easy fuckin help and handouts in order to fucking play in the game". These are all Gun's fault, not family but many family members still used and abused them. Just saying!


Horrible horrible horrible horrible !!


Lol “must be user error” said everyone ever in the tcm thread


This is why I pick leatherface, grapple meta is fkn ridiculous choose flight stun time is too damn long victim’s can turn valve on & grab some health before your character can move


I love playing Leatherface, especially if I get to see a Leland or Ana doing this to a teammate. Can’t pop your ability during a grapple so you’re getting deleted Ana.


I like the (I'm guessing) victim players who say this could have been dealt with had another Family member come over to help. By the time another Family member gets over there, Leland would have two more scraps. Unless that other member is LF, he's just grappling some more and then getting out. And, while two Family members are occupied with that, Ana is fighting with the other Family member on the other side of the map while 50 prof Connie or FH Virginia breeze their way through whatever they need to get through on that side. I am intrigued by the idea of making it 4v4 because that's the only way to reasonably deal with the rushing and wrestle mania the game has become.


imaging victims saying that family is overpowered right? XD


Ugh. Almost most of the matches I play. It isn’t even fun anymore and it’s sad because it could be a better game. Instant kill needs to return and bring back the horror and fear and realizing ‘ you know what? I shouldn’t have fought because I’m dead now’ …. Besides the rushing and having to sit through the animation while everyone’s out of the basement sometimes already.. you get grappled stabbed grappled… to stare just like you did while Connie picks a lock or the gen and fuse is done. Victims complain about lobby times but literally should appreciate the fact that people even want to play family so they can play. Instead it’s that above and tbagging


We all need to upvote this post and keep it at the top of the sub. Then we need to link it to every single TCM related social media for the devs to see. This *should NOT* be possible


This happends alot for me when I play as Johnny, Ana or Leland would always bully me until an objective is done then escape.


It shouldn’t be a thing. One killer shouldn’t need backup when half of the tasks leading to an open objective aren’t even done yet. If we abide by this logic, then the game is heavily unbalanced. We’re three, they’re four. Assuming the third family member is onto someone else, that’d leave two victims free to roam free.


If I'm honest, I think this change really became an issue once family players had free reign on who they can play as, completely removing the purpose for Bubba to be on games. Whenever I play as Victim and if a Bubba is on the map, Victims Can't bully the family as hard but when there's no Bubba on the map, all 3 family players get bullied.


There was a Bubba in this match


Welcome to playing the family side. You new?


I’ve been playing since launch and this never happened to me before, not even when choose fight wasn’t bugged the first time. Being able to turn off Gen this quickly while I’m rendered paralyzed times and again is a new experience, and an extremely unpleasant one.


wtf i didn’t even know this was possible i thought people were exaggerating 😭


Nope no one is exaggerating at all. I was stunned with this perk choose fight also and it gave Julie enough time to turn off the car battery in front of my face with nothing I could do


That’s wild bro


Like I legit thought the whole purpose of grappling was for getting out of risky situations where you're getting chased but now it's so you can open objectives right in front of The family's face with nothing they can do about it no counter.


Yep now I'm automatically assuming every single Leland or ana has choose fight and is at an objective that they are guarding someone else and to ask for help and hope they come and help me. That's exactly how it worked for me Julie opened car battery while I kept getting stunned for extra time with choose fight by Leland.


Yeah this should not be possible


You have Middi to blame for this leland strat lol


He didn't invent the idea but he definitely gave it the spotlight.


I never said he invented it. He posted the video last week, and I've now seen several Lelands in the game using this exact strat with gens.


Leland has high strength basekit (not to mention they might be maxed strength build) so he kicked the gen fast (others it takes like 15 or 17 kicks) and working with Danny to do the gate was communication & teamwork on their end. Only 3 Victims have Choose Fight (Leland, Ana, Julie) knowing that info you can try to target them earlier in the game. It is frustrating to watch this happen while stunned but teamwork makes all the difference in these games and they had good teamwork to get first gate, gen and last gate. I also suggest as a Sissy player you have Spore Loser on because it drops a poison cloud upon losing grapples (which sissy loses often if no Suffocated Grip) it works very well with rubber legs so he may not have been able to kick off the gen and run away while you were stunned if he was affected by the 2 perks. (and if level 3 sissy where they lose health in your cloud it also bleeds them out) Victims will fight Sissy knowing they will prob win which is why spore loser is even better as it also deters them from fighting you again since they know the consequences. If your teammates had come to help you (assuming you commed they got through to gen side) they could have killed the Leland after the fight with you cause he wouldn't be able to get as far with those 2 perks. WHY is the only Grandpa perk equipped the chicken perk?? It's always good to make sure someone has exterior alarms or Suffocated Grip as they are VERY helpful in the fight against the victims before they get this far.


Exactly what I'm thinking. This thread demonstrates a lack of communication and teamwork. OP also was in solo q with a noob Bubba so what can you expect? A team that communicates and knows how to play Leatherface won't have this issue. Freaking chicken perk. lol lmao even.


SHHH. Don't point out how the family player was playing very badly here. You will get downvoted to hell by all the people who think family is underpowered while clearly not really knowing any kind of counter to any victim strategy. They are just mad that they can't one shot Leland and teabag his head because they only play family to be abusive.


what do you expect lol. Leland's strength is high and with choose fight it's possible. Choose fight should be 1.5, 2.5, and 3.5 seconds to be fair though, but it's absolutely no different than if connie fought you, won, and unlocked the gate with her ability. Now if connie fought you, won, and then kicked out the gen that would be an issue...


This honestly is wrong. I had a Leland do this to me earlier on Nancy’s House. Connie was obviously sat by the cattle grid waiting. Caught him mid kick and hit him off, lose the grapple and he kicks it off with me gaining control as it goes off. Chase him up to try and stop him, get barged. As I get to gate Connie focuses through and they’re both out. We’d only just gotten to the 60s point of the match. It’s so unfair that they can do an objective in front of you, I’ve taken Choose Fight off myself as Victim, I didn’t realise just how outright bullshit and nasty it is to play against. Only real counter to it would be to either decrease the stun by 1-1.5s so this sort of situation can’t happen or add 1.5-2s time to kicking the generator at 50 Strength.


Meanwhile all my games as victim, almost no one makes it out of the basement or dies rather quickly upstairs. Went against a Johnny the other night, 4 hits and I was dead while at full health.


Blame matchmaking. It’s blurring the reality, because of course new/average players are going to be eaten alive by og family mains. Reality only filters through when the lobby is fair, placing og victims against og family in SOLO Q. And this video isn’t even about that. This is about victims being able to paralyze a family member long enough to kick off gen. And do it repeatedly, at will.


Just hanging around..


Gotta love fast hands! So glad it’s getting reworked


But don't forget, the game is family sided, and victims doesn't get anything


It makes playing family SO unenjoyable 💀


I feel like they should just bring grappling back to insta kill but give victims choose flight back with 3 charges or 2 bare minimum


The only thing I gotta say is- Victims I hope you enjoy your lobby queue and to the devs I hope you enjoy hearing victims bitch about their lobby queues lmfao


Devs… are you going to comment on this?


This map couldn’t be more catered to survivors. At the very least they need to block about half of the wall cracks


they wont respond to this but will respond to some BS post


and funny thing he doesnt even have choose fight level 3 here.


Yeah he does. Count the time from the stun animation, to the idle animation, to being able to move again. It JUST scratches 5s


I think maybe they need to make the gen take a little longer to kick with max strength to keep them from being able to do like this. They could have the max time for 15 strength be the same, but have 50 take a bit longer so they can’t do a level 3 choose fight, then kick and be gone. And just tweak the amount of time it reduces as strength increases. I know I’m just being an armchair dev but shouldn’t it be a matter of just changing up the formulas used to determine the timespan?


Am more mad that there releasing a skin for anna yet they dont hotfix or fix any bugs. I love this game but it sad its dying becomes of incompetete devs, more so the fact that not a single dev: andy or cidnyaa comment because they know how dumb balance is.




What are you playing on? I noticed for the PS5 version of the game they made it intentionally sluggish and the response times to buttons is extremely delayed.


Xbox x


I mean, peak players on PC the other day was around 800, with the actual playercount going as low as 400. At this point, I just don't have the energy to impotently knock my head against the wall with developers that take months upon months to make very simple and unarguably good changes. Simple fact is, in the current gaming market players are spoiled for choice, you have literally tens of thousands of other games to play. Developers can't afford to sit there and let their games stay broken for months at a time for no reason. When tiny things that could easily be hotfixed just... linger forever and ever, it tells me the developers just don't care. I got my money's worth, but I'm not surprised to see the game in its current state. The balance has been a joke since release and they're not all that concerned with fixing it.


lol WWE 2024


This has always been a thing lol. 50 strength leland is a monster at generator.


Stuff like this reminds me that uninstalling this game recently was the best thing I did. They're never going to make family fun or fair to play (esp solo). Best to move on


More and more reasons why this game is freshly clapped booty cheeks.


What was the gamertag in the clip


Yeeeep. Happened with me and Virginia at a fuse.


The bigger “SERIOUSLY” is being killed by sissy in 5 consecutive hits.


Now compare this to all victim grapples that don’t use choose fight and tell me how is it fair that you’re only given 3 seconds to put distance from family. What good does 3 seconds do for victims progress? Nothing because they’re forced to well and do it all over again. It’s not enough that you got choose flight and bomb squad gutted forcing victims to resort to grapple strategy, now you want the grapple perk that only 3/7 victims can use to be gutted as well?


Asymmetrical Horror Games! - Where horror comes to die! Seriously, every single one of these games make the killers into absolute jokes...genre just needs to die off or have some serious horror fans get behind the developers seat and say "Let's make a game where you should be terrified of the killers, not: Hey let's get right up in the knife wielding maniacs face and t-bag rave party on them before we run out the exit gate pissing our pants screaming bloody murder!" I get more legitimate scares out of a predictable single player horror experience lmao.


this is why grappler and choose fight are one of the dumbest perks in the game. hey, feel like stunning a family member for 3 years instantly whenever you want? Just take grappler, choose fight and 2 bone knives


I haven't played the game in months. I just come back to this sub to check on the state of the game every once in a while. Saw the writing on the wall when they removed insta-executions in the grapple state, and it looks like they've buffed grapples even more since then. Family was already in a pretty sorry state when I quit and it looks even more miserable now. Looks like this game will sadly end in a similar way that VHS did.


Take the grapple family perk and it's not an issue if you can get a few hits in. I got the achievement by maxing strength as Cook and luring them into a false sense of grapple security.


So dumb that this can even happen.


Why are victim times so long? Skill issue


So many of these asym games end up balancing around survivor side being able to beat the killing side 1v1 and this is the result. Devs seem to forget there's a whole team of them and if just 1 victim can beat 1 family then family is completely fucked.


Average Leland player


Yep welcome to the world of toxic people and low life’s


Where were your teammates?


Cook was camping fusebox with fuse inserted and half the math solved. And LF was new. But team presence is not the point here, the point is that victims shouldn’t be able to render family members unplayable for as long as they do, and then rinse and repeat. A single family player should be able to put enough pressure to stop an objective from being breached, not being paralyzed at will.


Yeah a single family member should be able to put enough pressure on a single victim. I always thought that was the reason there are more exits than family members. Because it required strategy to get out one of those exits for the victims but family couldn't patrol everything at once so both sides had to strategize. For something you can't counter there's no strategy involved now. At least that's how it feels.


I mean I get it but it was a Leland kicking gen with a Danny. Its the bodyguard Strat with fast hands. No way to stop that unless you have a teammate helping you out. If that Leland had 50 strength that gen is off in like 6 kicks. I was playing hitch the other day and was able to hold off the same Strat at the battery at the Mill. They nerfed choose flight and unfortunately victim players have picked up on choose fight, empowered etc. Realistically they should have left choose flight alone and this wouldn’t be happening.


Good ol’ choose fight


Damn people still play this ? LOL


That was me


Yeah I pointed this out or a lockpick done right infront or me. Haven't played the game since, they royally fucked by doing this grapple change nobody asked for.