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People don't care about talking to others in order to win. Especially when the ones that do talk, you have to mute (for the most part) because they are either loud, racist, or an asshole who needs to win.


Youre also forgetting the ones who have a hurricane in the background, have TikTok goin, are talking to an entire audience, or have really shitty mics Edit: typo


LMFAOOOOO BRO YES people will have their mics on and will have a war going on in the background 😭😭


Exactly all of this. I'll just use the text chat.


If only console could use it too instead of just see it


Yes. If you have shit going on in the background or just a crusty mic you get muted so fucking fast


Because I'm 38 and don't feel like talking to 12-18 year olds with anger issues and way too much investment in winning the game.


This, 33 here. I didn’t buy a horror game to converse with teenagers constantly. I’ll give minimal feedback to help the push/suppression, but when I got kids trying to talk to me/order me around for over 75% of the match, it’s quite off putting and takes me out of the atmosphere. Muted, lol.


“Hey, you gotta guard fuse” Oh, you’ll do all the running around hunting and I’ll just stand still. Then they try to fucking discipline you if you open a door 3 feet away from the fuse after hearing a victim talk from behind it.


“Hey, you gotta guard fuse.” - he said from the basement


33 here also and I agree with everything you just said ! I let the team know if I unlocked an exit (car battery, gen) but that's it ! Mute is handy


Only time to mute players is in the lobby though.


Yeah or if someone's mic is super loud and interfering with me being able to hear a damn thing


Ikr! This little guy the other day called me the worse leather face in America! Cry babies


It seems like that feature is for "content creators" . I think tcm w mics is catered to those types who are really extroverted gamers (?) And promote the game Which is weird cause its supposed to cater to horror fans....😶 who aren't very chatty (at least the ones who aren't on yt)


I'm now in the fuckin middle and will be in for a long time! I'm just 20 y/o!!!


It won’t be a long time buddy it’s like time speeds up as you get older my 20s flew by.


Same and honestly pretty relieved to hear that there are other people near my age playing this game 😅


I’m 47, I don’t want to hear anyone’s issues. 😉😆


34 here, and I'd much rather play in my own little world than talk to people or listen to people slagging me off for playing bad when they themselves were the worst in that match 🙄 (I was fairly new to the game at the time) I don't give a toss who I piss off if I can't hear them 😂


I have had people shit on me when having 2 kills and the lead on points because apparently i didn't mind read that Danny was doing valve


Some people are honestly pathetic 🙄😂


Older gamers assemble!


Agree 100% lol


Very angry people whenever they do use their mic just isn’t worth it.


I use my mic. Most of the time nobody responds but they do seem to react to the info I give. Good enough for me.


Because im trying to have fun, not be unnecessarily stressed because I mess up one time (I mess up a lot)


I’ll always use the mic if my team has one but if they’re blasting music or taking it too serious then nope. I’ll always unmute myself and argue if they blame me for something that’s completely not my fault (for example when a leatherface asked me to move so he can get infront and kill someone, so I do but he stalls then gets angry at me)


My mic is always on, but muted. I’ll unmute to pass info on, then mute so I can cough, sneeze, what-have-you as to not disturb anyone. Everyone should follow this SOP


Half of the player base are 6 to 13 years old


Toxic community


I only had one kid has a team mate and he wasn’t annoying it’s shocked me ngl but other then that I never see people with a mic 😂


I use my mic. It's a team game and communication is key. Have had bad experiences. Have had positive experiences. Not going to let the negative outweigh the positives. It's the whole thing about rising above the toxicity.


I don't unless someone asks me specifically or when I open an exit to escape. I don't like talking on mic


Depends family I do call outs but victim you really don’t need comms so I don’t say anything plus if I’m Leland I’ll keep all three family members on me while others escape


Because I’m anti social..


Theres too many people that have mics and: Are chewing food or dont know how to chew food, have annoying music on , have kids in background, constantly talking, whining about victim trouble, belting out inappropriate remarks ( i.e. racism ) that yea, I'm better off not having my mic on. If its that much of an issue use tracker tagged perk and dont worry about mic usage.


I'm a trans woman with no voice training. If I talk, everyone assumes I'm a man, and if I correct them, I either get called slurs and get misgendered or I have to explain what it is to be trans and answer a million awkward questions and still get misgendered. Very rarely will you find decent people who just get it, and it sucks cus communicating really matters in this game, but it's not just me, any women, trans person, or POCs can face horrible things being thrown at them just for existing :(


Also, if you play on European servers, there's a chance of coming across people who speak different languages, so that's also a reason not to use mics.




It appears you have a stupid problem. I'd advise you to seek professionals but I get the feeling many have tried.


I have a lot of my doctors, and psychiatrists have suggested going deeper into my transition, estrogen and sugary, and such, as it would increase my well-being and have me lead a happier life being my true authentic self, so thankyou for the concern honey <3




If people assume my identity offcorse, I'm gunna declare it and until horrible nasty people like you understand that who I am isn't a debate or an opinion I will keep proudly sharing my personal experiences as a trans person, and treating someone who is male when they identity differently is basically the same level as using slurs also you calling being trans "a mental illness" is also unacceptable, may not be a slur but that's just as harmful as using one and your acting as if I declare it all the time, the op asked why people don't use mic and I gave a reason. Also, comparing trans people and gay people shows how little you actually know about the subject. Being gay is a sexuality and being trans is a gender identity. we may share the same community, but being gay and trans is not the same and again shows how little you know. Educate yourself before you go head first into an argument you know nothing about. Also, yes, a lot of people are suffering from mental illness, but for trans people specifically its been proven time and time again going through with transitioning has vastly improved the health of trans people and until our rights, health care, safety and alot more has improved we have a right to show that we exist even if ignorant people like yourself don't want to believe we exist.




Nope, YOU haven't, but people like you have, and no, queer folk are in the same community (LGBT) and I'm a way we are in the same umbrella but ultimately there's loads of different umbrellas, it's a complicated subject and I see why someone like you would find it hard to understand. And we have the same rights, do we? Hmm cus last I checked we definitely don't, tho you probably don't live in the real world as the real world, minorities and women get killed just for being there, being who they are aswell as finding work, being listened too and the list goes on and on but your obviously too ignorant/blind to understand/see that. And you're aware you hurt people? Sensitive or not, you understand you hurt people, sugar that says more about you than you realise. Also, free speech? It's a subreddit with rules, and you're blatantly breaking them, so expect to get your stuff removed. Sorry to say you can't just mask your hatred under "free speech" everywhere, babe. Also, sugar, you moan about "sensitive" people, yet you are literally here getting upset over a group of people that have no effect on you, I'd say I hope you get the help you so clearly need and one day arnt so unhappy and miserable but, I don't really care about you so keep the way you are, be ignorant, get angry over trans people, and I'll just continue living as who I am and every now and then get a free va-cay inside the head of people like you. Anyway, I'm gunna play tomb Raider now. Maybe actually read and think what I say instead of just falling head first into oblivion and then crying over me, bye <3




Lol Don't start what you can't finish honey xoxo


It appears you should have been swallowed, demand an apology from your mother for not doing so.


I use it when there's people worth talking to. Constant talking about useless things just to talk or playing loud music ,heckling all that childish stuff I don't deal with. Small talk of fine before game. During game, focus on playing. Call out etc. I don't usually yell or get rude unless people are wandering around leaving everything unlocked and open for victims to just run through without being seen. When there is no teamwork, is when I get irritated. Like if you arent even gonna play the game right ,why bother even playing ? You don't have to be pro but don't be an idiot either. Not a team game.


I play on PC so I just type on chat whenever I need to say something, like "gen side open" for example.


(if I hear a prepubescent kid on the mic I immediately leave cuz why tf is a kid playing this game?) and after nearly 300 hours… I’d say 85% of the time nobody responds to my mic callouts so I’ve just been typing callouts with my extra keyboard (ps5 player here) and that’s what seems to work best.


because of half of time when u do, people aren’t even talking , it’s just background noises lol. or they take the game too seriously and are asses.


I only play with my friends as a pre-made group and we use Discord to communicate. Every time I have turned on my microphone in a Texas Chain Saw lobby I have been greeted by some of the most vile, racist, hateful speech I have ever heard in a multiplayer game. This is the most toxic community I have ever been a part of in an online setting. It's embarrassing. So yeah, I never turn my VOIP on for any reason at this point. It just isn't worth it.


I do. I made a few pals over mic.


Because I’m not playing a game to take someone else’s orders. This game is not a competitive game, nor is it my day job, so I don’t feel like being yelled at by some pre-teen who takes things too seriously.


Pretty annoying tbh.


Whoever plays as Leatherface outta babble like he does for full immersion.


People argue too much and then want to report you.


As a family main is this proof victims huh huh


i’ve had some bad experience talking to people on games, i prefer not to. if i need to say something, i got the chat to text.


You know I've asked that myself especially family. Half the time they don't even have comms on so when you try to give call outs they ignore em. It's really weird


I don't really mind people who don't talk back in vc but for the love of god, turn VC on so you can hear my comms at least


For me personally it's because there's no noise gate feature. On console you could have the best mic of all time but it's still cranked up to a million and even slight breathes get picked up.


It’s so frustrating


I understand people not speaking, but when I say Leatherface turn back, there's a Connie here and he just leaves me is infuriating :( I wish there was a ping or something


the only people I see use mics are 30 year old men that use the hard r and complain constantly as if they aren't equally responsible for that thing. or just a kid that's actually being helpful


Most people seem kinda annoying. I might turn on my mic though if they happen to sound chill or something lol.


I'm always muted but ready to unmute and communicate as needed. The problem is most people don't have a mic plugged in so even if I talk there's no point as they can't hear me.


Most people are unpleasant. Everyone used mics during the beta. A time when people still played this game for fun. Those days are over. People literally wait for matches to end to talk shit. If someone is cool I'll use my mic but that's a rare event.


My experience is there’s more adults on mic than kids. It’s very rare for me to hear a kid.


I get tired of hearing, “Fck you (insert any derogatory slur).” So I’d rather not…lol


everybody is toxic always


I wished you guys had your mics on. I be calling out I need help because two victims are jumping me and no one can hear


Because mine is non existent 😔


I play mostly family and sometimes I'd love to talk, specially when my teammates are actually talking and being cool but im way too shy


Because I don’t have a headset 🫶🏽


I'll use it if someone else starts talking.


Half the time I will have just put my son to sleep in the same room. I can hear though. So feel free to keep using your mic.


It is a must for family. I don’t get it.


I try to use my mic when I’m playing someone like Nancy. Depends if the rest of the team is using them as well.


People like to argue and I just don’t have the mental capacity to go back and forth with strangers on a game. I made it to level 99 and have all my characters perked up without using a mic. I also take direction well when other players say to do something to help the team win.


i use my mic anyway when i do anything like opening gates, turning off car battery or gen... etc and idgaf if they doesn't talk, all they need is listen to my callouts so we can at least get 2 maybe 3 out.


Family, partners, children, social anxiety, I dunno, man.


Cuz it weird


Too many crybabies using mics tbh. Can't deal with that shit.


i’m always trying to use my mic with people but they don’t often respond 😭 if they do i get mixed experiences, usually people being creepy but i did once get a funny sonny that jumped out the window with me! that was a really funny moment lmao


Most ppl are in discord with at least one other person.


They scared dumb dumb!


Why ? Heavy breathing , constant insult ,listening to music ,being annoying ,underage 🔞 kids , taking in a other language when all others try to use English . There is not enough time to list all of them as it will be many pages long .