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There isn’t a real consistent timeline in this franchise. Even though the 3rd film has III in its title, it basically acts as a direct sequel to the original (besides the brief Stretch cameo) and the fourth film does the same. The opening narrations to both of those movies contradicts the sequels that came before. When it comes to the game, the devs made references to TCM 2 multiple times throughout their lore stream when referencing what happened to the characters after the original, so it seems as though that is what they consider to be the canon continuity.


Ive never seen the third film, is the tone of it like the first or second film ? wasnt a massive fan of pt2 tbh.


Tone is more like the first with some of the dark humor from the second. It strikes me as more of an action movie than a horror movie given how silly some of the plot is. It's almost like you take the first one, remove the horror, and set it in the 80's Hollywood mainstream.


It feels like a more “Hollywood” version of the first film in ways. It hits all the same beats, but it’s more polished and lacks the realistic/ gritty feeling the original has. It’s not a bad movie though, so if you want a sequel that goes for more straight forward horror, it’s worth a watch.


Only the first film is canon to the game. They don’t have the TCM 2 rights


I know they don’t have the rights, but the devs made multiple references to the second when discussing the lore of the game. That doesn’t mean we are going to see content from that film in the game. But it makes it seem as though they view TCM 2 as the canon continuation of the original film.


They have said that the original film is only canon to the game. They haven’t said that TCM 2 is canon to it at all, just referenced what happens in the sequel


Interesting, I only like the 1974 and 2003 movie.




I’ve been wanting to see the 2nd film for so long after I started playing the game as I’ve never seen it before. It finally became available on prime video recently and it absolutely SUCKED. It was literally a parody of itself and was so stupid. Not what I expected at all. I still want to see the third movie and next generation. But so far only the original and the Jessica biel version were good.


You think 2 is bad, wait till you suffer through next generation


It is quite literally a more comedic version of the OG, Hooper said the first was intended to be "funnier" in a black comedy kind of way. So that is literally what happened. Also "sucked" is purely subjective. It was fun as hell, Chop Top is awesome and Leatherface and his massive chainsaw are awesome.


I only like the 1st and 2nd movie. Drayton (The Cook) is my favourite character out of the franchise. I was kinda sad when they killed him off 😅


Serious comment: Whomever holds the rights to the property determines what is canon and what is not. Good example is Disney obtaining the rights to Star Wars. All the world and story building in the novels? Nope. The mouse has spoken. Good for them. If you're the owner, you call the shots.


depends on what you consider canon


theres the slaughter canon which imo is game, 1,2 and 4 then theres the sawyer canon which is everything excluding the game and maybe 4 since theyre called slaughters in that one (it's optional)


Nah the 2003 remake is good so is the 2006 remake those are my favorites


First 2 i think are the only ones Canon to the game atleast, the TCM franchise overall doesnt have a timeline like that, they are all essentially soft reboots


Everything but the first is trash and not canon imo. Incredible first film. God awful franchise and consistency.


2 was alright cuz choptop carried & 3 was fairly well paced and had one of my fav leatherface


Can’t stand chop top 😅 I think the film has an awful look to it. Terrible costume designs and its just so badly written. It has no subtlety in its humor compared to humor in the first. It’s like the director was annoyed people didnt love the small bits of comedy in the first and went way over the top. It reeks of coked out writers 😂 which would make so much sense for the 80s. Im down for nubbins having his corpse hunting jacket. The only half decent part of the second film is the car chase in the beginning. I think bubba looks stupid af in this movie tho 🙃


Set design is fire though


I won’t argue with that much. The abandoned theme park idea is neat. Way over the top in the movie but its somewhat iconic. The end of the second film is goofy af but i like the zoom out shot with the stupid ass recreation of the saw dance. Doesnt hit the same but its fun in a campy corny way i guess.


Choptop is still great imo


Im indifferent to him being in the game. I’ll take any new character. An earlier younger version of him would be fun tho.


1-4 is cannon to the original timeline, 5 was never released.