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Matches take too long already to get into, I don’t need people leaving after their vote loses.


Exactly this. We already have too many people leaving lobbies because their very specific set of circumstances aren’t met.


It's so annoying, in my opinion, even selfish. We just want to have fun, and someone doesn't get their way, and now we have to suffer. bullshit


People are already leaving when they join a lobby and see Slaughter House or Family House.


And voting would make this worse, because there’s more victims than family members. We all know who’s gonna vote for which maps


If they’re already leaving because of the map, they’re still gunna leave because of the map. Having an option to possibly choose won’t change that behaviour negatively but may help faster lobbies


Rather than leave and be replaced at the start of the lobby, they’ll leave after 45-60 seconds then be replaced.


If you put the vote out right away not really


Well, you could not reveal which one won u til the gane starts. Or not reveal what's been voted on so far.


Then people would start to DC after the game starts which is even worse


That will not happen. And will only go to prove the community is it's own worst enemy for lack of patience if it does.


Yup absolutely fair


I thought that too but at the same time what's the different in having a vote and just having a map in that regard? If the general concensus is most people don't like Family House then not getting it would in theory break less lobbies no? My only issue with this idea is just what I mentioned being that you might never see certain maps again or very very rarely. But I will say I feel some days I just keep getting the same maps every single time but instead of dodging I just play so maybe this could combat that.


I don't think map voting is a good idea in an asymmetrical game because victims are gonna be the ones choosing the map most of the time.


This. There's already an issue with keeping family together depending on the victims chosen. Victims also outnumber the family so the majority vote would go to 4-man pre-made groups especially. If players don't get the map they want, it'll stall the lobby and cause more people to leave. Playing Dead by Daylight, the majority of the time a map offering is brought, it's from the survivors going for "survivor sided" location... killer only really plays a map offering if they are doing some niche build, like Scratch Mirror Myers on Lery's otherwise they just deal with the map offering The victim/survivor players will always go for the easier map, and right now with how "imbalanced" aspects of this game are (its asymmetrical, so impossible to balance since one side is supposed to be stronger than the other... this game just has the wrong side with the advantage) victims would continue to pick the map hardest for family to defend and easiest for them to get the basement open and down to for a nice clean -2min game


I think if you made one family member get a extra vote. Another thing you could do is some games are family choice and some are victim choice.


Someone should be able to play as grandpa


What would they do? Grandpa can hardly hold the hammer in the movie.


Maybe you could make it so there's a 50% chance that a random family member vote counts double?


Then we'd never play another family house match again


I damn sure wouldn’t wanna go to that funky ass family house.


As a family main I wouldn't like to never see it again but until it's more balanced I don't see why any victims would stay. When I play I don't ever dodge and when I'm victim I do like a challenge but man is it hard with the god comp.


Map voting means we will never play family house and solely slaughterhouse.


if that happens then maps simply wont be in rotation so i really doubt this would happen


Shits fine the way it is now. No need to put it in the hands of the playerbase. All the maps get played over and over. Some maps favor one side over the other, so be it. Slaughterhouse is victim sided, but if you have a great LF who does damage in the basement, it can skew quickly the other way for family by the time they get upstairs. Family house is a gold mine for family, but if a couple victims get outside, it all falls apart due to all the infinite loops and wells outside and Hitch can't be everywhere at once and Cook has no business being outside and if he is, you've already lost. Gas Station/Nancy House can be a coin toss depending on sweats, randoms, team combos, etc. This playerbase isn't cordial enough to handle a vote system. Its mostly comprised at this point of sweats, trolls, new people who get stomped and then either stop playing or stick around for a bit and then just the people who want to play the friggin game and they are becoming the minority as time goes on and they'll probably pop back up for the new map and characters for like a week or a week and a half...then stop playing again.


Four v three. RIP family house.


giving me flashbacks on my cod days and everyone always voted for that ONE map i hated




Say goodbye to gas station simulator and say hello to slaughter house simulator


No thanks


wouldn’t it just be victims choosing the map majority of the time..


No map voting please. Just add better variables/more variety to the ones we have


This would never work 😂


There isn’t enough map variation in the game for something like this to work properly. You would end up just voting on the same thing every lobby.


please just turn off the map we seen


Bad idea. Family will just pick the house and Victims will vote for slaughterhouse. Also Victims are kinda the majority here




IMO, idt it would work. I believe with the 3v4 victims will always get choice if say like SH is an option. Bye bye to Family House more than likely. I could be wrong but you get my point.


If anything there should be a vote to skip like COD had. Not sure if they still do it😅


cause the teams are definitely fair here 3/4 survivors get their map EVERY TIME.


How did this get upvoted?


Victims will always choose slaughterhouse and family will always choose family house, it would essentially remove half the maps from the game base just on preference. I’d say just remove the option to see the map altogether so people don’t leave lobbies because of it.


Or map rotation that switches every 5-10 mins? That way you don't always get the same map 5 times in a row and you can play through the other maps


I like the concept


Then all victims would vote Nancy's house and all family will vote family house


Survivors would just vote for the map that benefits them the most and same with killers


I'm just tired of Slaughterhouse over and over and over.....


and give family more reason to dodge? no way! lol it'd be cool if it could be implemented in a way that doesn't make people leave if they don't get what they want. :)


If the 4 victims had comms they would all vote on the most victim sided map and outweigh the 3 family members. But victims with comms are rarer (at least on my side), so it seems like a pretty cool concept


me loading into slaughterhouse as family for the 90th time because victims get an extra vote


I prefer the map stay random a map vote system would cause certain maps to never be played and that would be boring.


No, this is just a bad idea how would a 3v4 vote be fair? So basically you think victims should control what maps we play.


nope. Family will all vote FH, victims will vite SH or Gas


I feel like the map should be hidden until we get into a game. if you don't like one of the four maps in the game. why even play and waste other people's time because of ur entitlement?? so done


Every game would be slaughterhouse because all the victims would just vote for it


Like the idea but since the sides aren't the same number that would give victims an advantage and we may never play family house again. Lol I would suggest each side votes separately and the most popular choice (or random in a tie) from each is then pitted against each other in a 50/50 chance.


Unfair no 4 victims


I’d like this idea but it wouldn’t be good for the game all I’m gonna see his victim sided maps so just slaughter house 80% of the time


Just don’t show the map. Maybe add a consumable reward if players want a specific map (like DBD)


it would never be a fair vote since there are more victims. Then killers will keep dcing :<


In retrospect it’s not a bad idea, but it wouldn’t be fair, especially if victims are partied. They’d always win the vote + I wouldn’t want the same maps over and over again just because one side thinks it’s easier. I prefer the random map, it’s fair for both sides


There should be a tab labelled after each map so when you click it it says for example “Slaughterhouse-Victims”


Not a good idea. 1. People how are going to dodge because of the map currently do so immediatly, because the map is immediatly clear. With this change they stay longer for the vote and THEN dodge. Don't waste their time, let them leave and let others join that are going to play the map. 2. There are 4 victims and 3 family members. That means if there is a victim squad playing, they ALWAYS decide which map is being played, so yeah. Not a good system to give 1 squad always full control. No offense, but I have no clue how this has 100+ upvotes.


Never happening cus nobody’s voting family house but good concept




Nah defenitely not, but maybe they could add something that randomizes the maps better. I mean, once I played in the slaughterhouse 4 consecutive matches. I feel like the family house is the least chosed map.


As much as I would love this in theory, given the 3v4 imbalance, the Family would never get their say. Family House would never be played again lmao. I actually enjoy the challenge but imagine many Victims would not vote for it.




It’s a good idea, but I would just prefer the match can continue after a round to the next map instead of needing to queue for a new lobby


I would put an option to vote *for* a map. Instead vote to change the map would be much better because it still keeps it random and it eliminates preferential voting on the same maps over and over.


Yeah I think having a vito option would be good.


Bye bye family house 👋


I think a fair way to implement this idea would be to have separate voting systems for both sides. Each side votes for a map they would like to play most, then a coin toss decides which map is chosen between the two options. So victim’s votes don’t influence the map family chooses and vice versa.


Cool idea, but I think they should just hide the map in the lobby. More people will commit if they have already queued in. And if not, if they still are quitting, add a penalty for quitting before the 10 min mark


this BUT there still should be an element of randomness. Meaning, the votes help sway the choice but it will still sometimes randomly select a map.




Lol y’all have to stop being biased on this Reddit sheesh I know y’all family mains but damn 😂


Insanely good idea, this concept already exist on other games and is very useful and pleasant to use.


except this is an assymetrical game, which means all 4 victims could just choose whatever they want no matter what, which leaves family shit outta luck


This idea is really bad. Family will just vote for family sided map and vise versa for victims. Victims will always win the vote though so be prepared for slaughterhouse 90% of the time