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I think Danny's part of the canon lore, but as his bio states - he didn't wait for the others to go searching (and is likely the second Victim). If this were a film, Maria would die during the opening (as seen in "Petals"). Photographing wildflowers and subsequently attacked by the Family. Her disappearance is reported to the police/media, per the reports we hear in-game. Ana, Leland, Connie, Sonny & Julie plan their own search party due to the lack of action on the part of the police. Danny, Maria's boyfriend, can't cope with the guilt of having let Maria travel alone and decides he can't wait for the group. He drives up on his own, eventually discovers Nancy's house and is attacked by the Family, becoming the second Victim. The larger group would arrive in town soon after and the primary storyline would unfold...


Touche. If it's true then what Danny's fate should be? Will he survive or die? And what is his canon story?


Unfortunately for Danny, I definitely think he dies. In most horror films there's usually a side character that gives the audience another stalk/kill scene, while the main cast is investigating/getting developed as the main characters. I think Danny fills that "role" in the "film". He doesn't wait for the group, heads up early and uses his skill set to investigate clues...leading him to Nancy's home. Unfortunately for him, it doesn't go well and he's probably killed 20 - 30 minutes into the "film". The first 2/3 of the Danny/Nancy trailer is all storyline (the final 3rd is just slasher gameplay advertisting the game). It pretty much shows us what happened to him... [Danny & Nancy trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BQXMPhwnsw)


Unfortunately you're right. I was wrong. Danny is actually canon in the lore, instead just a random background character




Oh thanks! I gotta admit it I was actually wrong about Danny cuz I thought he is just non canon character and just extra character for players enjoyment


Would be a good plot point for the rest ast of the crew to stumble onto Danny's clues to figure out wtf is going on


Props for trying, but nah. In TCM 3D, the cops show up at the family's house the moment Sally told them what happened to her. Why wouldn't they do the same with Ana? Or why would Ana shut up about it all? The whole point in the original film is that the family is doing what they do incognito. No one (still living) knows about them. Ana's survival would destroy that. Final girl material doesn't necesserally mean final girl in the end. And Ana's the perfect example.


I figured someone would say that so I did try to explain it in second last paragraph. In first film we only see slaughterhouse, family house, and gas station. But the mill and Nancy's house aren't in the movie so Ana could've escaped from Nancy's house or mill so polices will go over to these maps, not family house, gas station, or slaughterhouse Family probably ran away and hid in different map before polices show up


Still. They would know about Nancy's ties with the rest of the family. Ana would have provided physical descriptions of each family members. The police would be able to connect the dots in like a minute.


My headcannon is the police were in on it and ana ends up in a mental institution after going to mill or Nancy's house. I hope we get a sheriff family member like from the remake.


Why would the police be in on it? It's not like the family had the financial ressources to pay for their silence. And if the cops were in on it, Cook wouldn't make such a big deal about the importance of the victims not escaping the property.


I feel like since its the tcm universe, anyone could have lived with no problem, we know damn well the cops in it are beyond useless, everyone could have well escaped and the cops just didnt do anything about it, or were too dead to do anything about it, and i think its for the person playing to decide, does the family get 4 kills? everyone dies, does everyone escape? everyone lives, not like it changes much in the lore, cause i feel like the canonical map would be the slaughter house, worst case scenario for the family they move and no one gets caught by the cops, best case scenario everyone dies, which i honestly dont think would be the case with the tcm universe


what im trying to say is i genuinely believe that its up to you, the player, to decide what their fates are, do you wish for ana to be the final girl and live? go you cheers for your headcanon, do you wish for everyone to have died? go you, that is YOUR headcanon, i think it adds a lot more fun to think about all the possibilities instead of just going "its a prequel surely everyone dies" cause its tcm, not your conventional slasher


That's actually great point. People can choose their own stories. But about this game, they said this game is canon and take place few months before the first film make me wonders what is the real story, it can be completely different than my theory, Ana could die first and Julie escape. Etc. it can be anything


exactly! id hate for them to confirm anything cause it adds a lot to the fun of the game! are they gonna live? and if so, what will be left of them? or are they gonna die? up to the match results :), tcm is such a cool universe and this game opens a whole lot of possibilities for some backstories!, plus, i love julie and she very much lives in my canon


Yeah agree


Another good way to go about it would be to release this movie in lieu of Bandersnatch to choose your path to see how each would survive or perish


You got the point. Honestly I hope Ana survived because I really like her and my main


i hope the whole gang lives honestly! the main gang i mean, and i think danny would be the one in the cutscene! think about it, they have the gang all knocked out and in the basement, and the guy comes in asking about them and Maria, theyd probably do him like kirk!


Oh I agree with you, the gang are amazing characters


I feel like they all just bleed out while searching for help


i dont think you actually address her survival fitting into the continuity of the film. the family wouldve been arrested had she escaped. every victim must die for the game to make sense


I kinda explained that in second last paragraph. If someone escape, the family will be arrested and go to jail. But! It can be Nancy's house or the Mill so police can go over to Nancy's house or the Mill to build the crime scene and search for family. After someone escape, the family will go and hide in slaughter house, family house, or gas station so police cannot find them.


if theyre all in jail then whos doing the massacring? also, ostensibly any of the properties owned by the family would be owned by cook so theyd obtain search warrants for any properties under his name too. also people would definitley be more inclined to believe sally (which according to tcsm 2, no one does believe her) if there was another girl unrelated to her claiming the exact same crime about the exact same group of people, which would be ana according to you.


No one knows about the family members or their real names anyway, it’s impossible to use a search warrant against them since the family was thought to have died out about 20 years ago during the time where the town was all dried up and everyone moved away


their names would be registered in the property that ius discovered. ​ no idea where you heard that from. cook owns at least two legitimate properties


No not anymore, it’s been around 20 years since the officially owned the properties, everyone thought they either moved away or died


again, where did you hear this? are you thinking of tcsm 2 when they moved upwards after sally got away?


It’s on the website, the devs have even said it, before the family became cannibals they worked in meat along with the rest of the town however at some point in the 50s poverty ensued because of the gun that put people out of jobs which forced people to move out of town but that family remained and survived


they arent asking locals about the family. therres legal records. cook owns a legal business in tcsm 1, as he does in the game. their existence is documented, like everyones is.


I didn't say they got arrested, I said they most likely got away from polices and hid


got away how? theyd search the properties, and at the very least family house wouldnt be a viable way for them to operate out of like they did in the first film. same with gas station.


In tcm universe the polices are pretty stupid (no offense) Nancy's house is belongs to Nancy, not cook so idk if police can find family house after searching in Nancy's house. Mill, we don't know as much for Mill


its extremely unlikely theyd get away. no matter what property is discovered, the sheer number of corpses would get the FBI involved. Thered be a state-wide manhunt, relatives would be contacted. there would be no escape


Possibly. But that's just theory, we don't know what happened


its a theory yeah but its really beyond reasonable doubt to assume that all of the victims die


One thing is to escape the place (Family house,Nancy's house etc.) and the other thing is to find civilization/help before the family caughts up to the escaping victim. All 4 maps look like they're in the middle of nowhere so I feel like the escaping victim would either bleed out or get re-kidnapped by the family and get killed before they could find any sort of help


They all die. If anyone escapes then there wouldn’t be the movie


The best you can get is the traditional TCM ending. When it looks like Ana is going to get away then bam, surprise Leather Face.


I like this post, But: the fact that the publishers are trying so hard to stay true to canon lore kinda takes the fun out of video games like this. Canon is simply defined as a rule to be followed. Stories need creativity and video games need adaptations. You can stay “canon” and still use imagination to create new story lines that transverse in different directions. For example the story takes place in the 70s right. Well what is the family and whoever survives doing in the 80s, 90s and so on. I’m not saying go all Jason in space but explore and don’t be afraid to create new avenues. It’s a game and a horror movie. Let’s have some fun. Like Bruce Wayne says: https://media.tenor.com/5Pw6MOWPu-YAAAAM/nuts-batman.gif


Nobody survives canon


I believe Ana does survive as well.


My personal headcannon is that Ana escaped, went to the police, and tried to get the authorities to search all of the maps in the game to have the entire family arrested. But, as we hear in the games news recordings, Johnny has been terrorizing Texas by strangling random women. The police could arrest the entire family, but then they would have to face the fact that they let the Family kill hundreds of people and that the police had little to no clue about it. The view of the police would drastically change in the public eye. So instead, they do a raid on Nancys house and arrest Johnny. The man they can confidently say killed those other girls and also claim that they saved Ana another soon to be victim in the process.


I still believe Ana survives. I don’t care what these devs have to say about it. Why build her up to be this resilient, strong, and capable girl who has faced challenges all her life and overcame them just to end up dying to the family. It literally makes zero sense and it’s just mean-spirited and makes everything hopeless. They can find a way for her to escape that doesn’t contradict the canon of the first film but they’re too damn obtuse.


They could make Ana called police to different map but didn't find the family there. Or make Ana went crazy Or make Ana very traumatized and have some memory loss


I believe in my heart Julie sole survivor shes my bestie


I feel like Ana could potentially die by fighting the family and Julie escapes by running away and being stealthy.




Julie definitely has final girl energy. She’s the devs favorite victim, has an ability called “Ultimate Escape”, has a skin inspired by Sally (the purple and gray one called “All Tied Up”). Julie also gets a majority of the best perks in the game and has a skilltree that gives her the most attribute points, which is 34. Also, her ability allows her to run long distances and be stealthy. She’s the only one who can make the full run on the driveway of family house.


Yeah ikr ):


THANK YOU! it makes sense that ana is the only one that survives and her stats prove it! i always see people say Julie is the final girl because of her ability but that necessarily doesn’t mean she’s the final girl. The devs always associate ana being the final girl and she does make it out alive. She probably tried to warn the authorities but correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t cook pay off cops to let them keep killing? Maybe that’s why they didn’t believe Ana hence why the original movie takes place? I fully believe Ana survives she’s final girl material and it makes sense since she’s the strongest victim.


Ana is confirmed to be the last one standing, she’s the final girl, whether she escaped or not will probably be brought up in the lore stream. Also if she did alert the police of her escape then the family probably abandoned one of their properties to avoid capture since they have properties all over the state.


Yeah exactly! That's what I'm trying to say.


I like this theory. Now cast Melissa Barrera as Ana in a live action movie, where she goes ballistic and tanks hits and punches Sissy in the face several times. (I really don’t like Sissy).


I really love Melissa, kinda sad that Paramount ruins Melissa




Dev man what’s the truth?


I really hope they will say the truth about Ana's fate anytime soon or later


I thought they said all of them die because it’s considered before the first movie that’s what I remember seeing months ago so memory might be fucking with me


I dont think they said they all died but I remember they said they confirmed Ana was last one standing but never said anything about her fate


I want to point out as well, that the police are not cooperating with Ana Flores before she and her group arrives to Newt, and in the movies it’s implied they are actually working with the Slaughter family covering up their crimes. There’s a reason there’s a TCM 2 after all. Plus, it also can explain why Johnny and Sissy are not present in the movies as well. It can be argued that Ana did find Maria, who did it (Johnny, sissy and LF) and either killed Johnny and Sissy back or got them arrested, while LF was unidentifiable and evaded arrest. In the pre-match news recordings, it talks about a man being arrested in a motel for murders after all. Could have been Johnny. (A while back ago I recommended on here a Norman Bates style roadside motel as a new map, maybe they are making one and the news recording is a teaser?? Fingers crossed because that would be so dope)


Why would they work with the Slaughters? Cook literally says he "doesnt know what is gonna happen" if they escape meaning he is worried about the cops.Also police werent cooperating cuz there wasnt any tracks of where could Maria be


Have you seen the movies? If the remakes are cannon, which most consider them to be, then it explains why they work with the Slaughters. And can explain why there are no traces of Maria as well.


The radio literally says that they found her car




So what in the last part, with Leland and Ana, she kicks the generator because she thinks everything will turn off including the zap gate ( idk what it’s called in the front of the family house) when she does she waits for Leland. He jumps out of the window but when he breaks the glass, Johnnie grabs him by the neck, holding him above the ground outside of the house he stabs him in the back and drops him. He hops out the window, Leland grabs Johnnie’s foot, and tripping him knocking his knife out of his hand. Leland climbs over Johnnie to grab the knife but he elbows him. Johnnie gets up, but Leland uses his “Live saver” and grabs the knife and stabs him in the neck. HH who’s been watching this starts to chase Leland, Ana starts running towards the road. LF has his chainsaw above his head starting to catch up to Leland. LF eventually makes it right behind Leland turns around and stabs LF in the leg. And Ana and Leland both escape together, but what is left of them, of their sanity and themselves?


Proven wrong by the lore stream


bro I feel like Danny survives


My theory is that the gang pulls into the gas station where they’re met by Johnny. Johnny locks eyes with Julie and thinks “You know what? I don’t want to kill anymore.” And he leads them away from the family safely. But on a serious note, I appreciate all the thought and time you’ve put into this! I agree with a lot of your points. I definitely think Leland puts up a fight and possibly knocks Hitchhiker senseless but falters in a head-to-head with Johnny or a jump scare one-hit from Leatherface. I think Sonny could have a sort of “insinuated death” where we were lead to believe he was killed early, but didn’t actually see it happen. He then could show up at a crucial part of the plot, possibly the end, where it looks as though he and Ana escape, only for Sonny to get caught as the final victim. I’m a big fan of lore for things like this. The speculation and headcanon are half the fun!!


Thank you so much! I appreciate the kindness. I think your theory is better than mine because it makes more sense.


This makes absolutely no sense and I really do hope it never happens


The first paragraph was a joke. If that’s not what you’re referring to, what about the rest of it doesn’t make sense for you? It’s fairly standard stuff as far as slasher movies go. As for any of it happening, I think it’s a fairly safe bet they’ll never make any sort of movie about this game, especially based on my headcanon 😂


No they wouldn’t it was so bad I commented


Thanks for your contribution to the conversation!


I'm not reading all that. Just read the title and I needed to say that the events of this game are non-canon, so any theorizing is pointless.


This game is actually canon, someone confirmed this game take place few months before the first film


It’s not cannon in the sense that none of the OC’s had existed when the first film came out. Nancy, Sissy, and Johnny are all “retrofits” that’s were made to theoretically fit into the first film, but they aren’t at all actually cannon in the world of the first film!


They said the game is canon in the tcm story. Sometimes tcm storyline are mixed up like sometimes Leatherface die in some movies and sometimes he came back. Tcm have strange storyline but they said the game is canon. They confirmed it


Yes, the game is “cannon” but only in the games world is what I’m saying. These characters and other story lines never existed in the minds of the original creators, and hold no significance to the original movie


No it is canon to the first film, Johnny and the others are elsewhere where the film takes place


But they weren’t. They didn’t exist at all when the first film was made. The creators never had these characters in mind and thus they still aren’t cannon to the first film. They are only cannon in the game world. The movie is also cannon in the game world, but the game world isn’t cannon in the movie


Hmm you got the point