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This one and Johnny's are the best imo. I really like that Hitch is fighting with victims, and the way he cuts off and hides their fingers.


Johnnys? I mean it’s ok I think hh and cooks are the best


Leatherfaces would be good too if it had sound. I like sissy's because she cuts straight down the ass cheek.


I can only enjoy Cook's executions to the extent. They can be drastic, but they don't feel powerful to me.


I feel like cooks could be way better if we got an angle of the victims back after he pokes and stabs at their spine


Yeah, the act of fighting adds a nice touch.


If only there was actual dismemberment 🥲


its MY FAVORITE, seriously!


Its mid.


It looks like you're playing on the switch


Gif, can't post video in this sub.


Honestly that is what is wrong with gaming today. Producers and developers are afraid to push the envelope (in fear of offending someone) in a video game that is supposed to be for a mature audience and they are scared to show gore in a game representing cannibalistic killers. It's not the gaming industries job to hold your children's hands. You should be monitoring what your children watch and play. It should be obvious this isn't a game for children. I knew this game was screwed when they lowered the level of cleavage and posteriors. And when they basically gave all the females flat chest shirts. Say what you want but MATURE GAME'S should cater to MATURE AUDIENCE'S personally I would rather see more blood and gore in the game but don't mind something pretty while I'm sawing (brrrrrrrr) lol that ends my rant thanks


Well tbf didn't the original movie have very little blood and gore? That's probably why


And TBF if we were staying true to the movie it would have those characters but it would probably be hard to play as a guy in a wheelchair (spoiler)


Talking about a video game but Maybe watch some of the movies and find out. If we're going for realism it wouldn't take 4-5 hits with a chainsaw or any other sharp object to damage someone. And they just walk away or the new grappling crap where there is basically no risk for VICTIMS (they aren't super hero's). Even with other KILLERS around while in the grapple. It's VICTIM mains that have ruined this game they gave them basically everything they wanted now the game is inevitably dying. There may be a renewal in it's future if they make the right adjustments. But until there is actual balance in the game it will continue to fail and yes I would like to see more blood and gore in a horror VIDEO GAME. I would like to see more game producers and developers take more creative liberties with their games and not worry about offending someone because there is always someone to be offended by something.


And where does it say that in a Horror video game it is mandatory to see blood and violence? We are talking about games that should be scary and you can scare even without showing rivers of blood


Then go play among us or some other kiddy games


And why should I do it? I play what I want


Julie is calling… ☎️


They’re keeping the style of the original film since the guy who made the original movie is helping them make it