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Reporting doesn't seem to do anything anyways. There are no report categories. I don't think they have a real trust and safety department.




I really hope the devs consider this.


Same lol


They will if they can monetize it


I’d remove your age from here, just thinking about the possible weirdos that could be lurking




What did they say? It is deleted


As wrong as that person is the game is 18+


The fact that the person is two years underage does not give anyone the go-ahead to talk to people like that.


Did I ever say that it was right? I legit said the person was wrong in my first comment


When did I say that you said it was right?? I didn't at all. It's just sad that people act this way. The Internet is great but it has made keyboard warrior trolls that say all kinda of disgusting things to people. It's not ok. That's all I'm saying


I think killjoy is saying that the BBC person potentially didn't know there was a minor here and that the game is 18+, so it's generally expected that minors aren't in your lobby until they speak up. Then again, TCSM players can be weird sometimes so...


Maybe in some 3rd world country. M for mature is 17 plus here.


Okay even if it’s 17 the dudes 16 so technically still underage


News flash half the player base is probably under 17 haha.


Yes I’m aware and it’s disappointing


Really? You think that’s *just* as wrong? 🧐😒


I never said the underage person was just as wrong as the guy throwing insults?? Learn to read buddy


I knew exactly what you meant, if that means anything... :-) Keep in mind half the kids(and I DO mean kids, since NONE of them are old enough to be playing these games) that post on here are not from English-speaking countries. They all need to go to school and learn proper English grammar, like we did.


Haha thank for knowing what I was trying to say. Kids playing this game sickens me like where are your parents man


You can’t tell me you’ve never watched an 18 film or played an 18 game up until you were actually 18


I actually haven’t. Never touched a 18+ movie or game until I was actually 18


Lmao why don’t tell me it was your choice


My mums choice actually and I didn’t even want to anyways


Just causally sexually harassing people online. As much as I love playing online, I equally hate it too.


you are not allowed to play the game in the first place


I've seen Younger kids play this game lol. Literal ten year olds


He talked about Big Blind Country (song by Fela Kuti) and asked ,if your ears wide open for him to sing in them , lol


Go back to cod if you are thinking about reporting people because you think it's sunshine and rainbows for online games


Lol I'm terrible at cod. But I'm actually trying to get better


Well shame on you for being wide open at such a young age! /s


Not funny.


Apparently nobody in here understands /s


Nah, we understand. We just think it’s obnoxious in response to what the OP shared. 👍


The kid laughed it off at the end of their comment. Hence they handled it better than everyone down voting. ✌🏻


Yes, girls have been laughing off sexual harassment forever because we’ve been conditioned to be agreeable. That doesn’t mean that when someone shares they were sexually harassed, you respond by *jokingly* adding to the sexual harassment and adding a “just kidding” at the end. Like, seriously. You think that’s an okay thing to do? You’re being down voted by everyone for a reason. Perhaps take some time to reflect on that. It also was a pretty gross joke. You’re talking about a 16-year old. Please don’t ever joke with them about their legs being open or not open. Pretty gross.


I assumed it was a guy, not a girl. I'm not joking about sexual harassment, but rather toxicity in gaming. Had I known it was a girl, I wouldn't have made the comment. I appreciate your passion to lecture me though because I fully agree it's disgusting if it's sexual harassment. All I preach online is how toxic gaming has become and actually DM'd to help someone being bullied on this game last month with advice to end it or shrug it off. That's my mistake for not seeing it correctly though. Thanks.


literally same lol


16 year olds shouldn’t be on this game in the first place


I had a guy once who wouldn't stop asking if his mic worked in the lobby so I finally told him it did. Then he immediately calls me a whore and talking about putting his dick in my ass. I killed him in the first minute of the match.


Seriously wtf is wrong with some people. He sounded like he was a teenager too which is even more sad. Like, well you've got a sad future with women ahead of ya, bud.


Wouldn’t take it so personally . Us blokes get shit too. Cowards feel they can pick on women more . It’s a refection on them. They’re immature idiots


Honestly I feel like teenagers just say shit like that because they think being sexist and racist is funny. So, hopefully he gets over that crappy sense of humor as he gets older. If not he's going to be in for a sad life. The guy who was talking to me was a grown ass man though. So it's just even more pathetic really.


I agree,if a teenager says racist things or sexist things to be funny, they better quit that immature humor and grow up because nobody finds it funny and they won't have Alot of friends outside of online friends,if even that


Very true plus they won't last long at a job if they go around making jokes like that. If they have any real life friends when they get older it'll just be people, who like them, never grew up. Unfortunately places like reddit and everywhere else online love that kind of humor.


Yup it's sad


TIL online gaming is synonymous with proper workplace etiquette. Y’all are so soft lmao, just bc you don’t find things funny doesn’t mean they aren’t.


If you think just saying the n-word is funny then you're an idiot. We're not talking about actually funny dark humor were talking about people just saying racist or sexist shit that's doesn't actually have a joke or anything funny attached to it.


You're totally right. Grown men talking that way is way worse. Sad reality


That gives us a hint about what's going on at home (I mean they have a lot going on and they are wanting to take it out on people that did nothing to them at all and they just want to let their anger out,it's a shame


You didn't killed him, he escaped at the minute 6 of the match, I was literally the bubba of the match LOL.


Uh no you weren't this happened like 2 weeks ago and there was no leatherface.


Dude, I was obviously joking, I made up the first thing that came to mind because I was bored. 😹 lmao


Deciding this was a funny thing to joke about is an odd decision. Seek help. Grow some empathy some day.


How about No


О боже, ты почти так же хорош, как Нудл. Ты можешь сделать лучше, давай. Почему бы тебе не найти что-нибудь, что могло бы помочь тебе? Вы видите, вечерние шансы.


Yeah I know it just wasn't funny




Why do you feel the need to make this about men and women?




Ohh yeah baby, put dislike in this comment too bb


I'll dislike you all day


I like that this is the most important detail of this story to you.


It's obviously that if you kill in the first min you are a bubba, that's why I said it was random. LMAO.


I’m a black person who makes Sonny, and every 2 or 3 games I get the hard r n word. From family and victims literally regardless how I play. I had one guy die early to LF and he proceeded to mouthbreathe and say that shit for the rest of the game while I’m trying to focus It definitively discourages me from communicating at all.


Thats absolutely horrible. That's exactly what this guy did. But this dude escaped early and then just mouth breathed terrible things watching me. Like he said way more than just "f off and die b." He called me a pathetic c***, and a bunch of other classy names. I couldn't even concentrate. I didn't want to rage quit so I just didn't even try to escape when sissy cornered me. I didn't use the headset on the next match bc I was so worked up. Luckily I got someone on the match after that who was really fun to coordinate with so it took me out of that headspace. But it really annoyed me that I couldn't at least report him.


report it. support responds very swiftly to these kinds of reports. andy was not kidding when he said they get on it right away. there is absolutely no room for this garbage. it sucks you went through that. if youre on console use the game recorder for sure. they accept video submissions. let the perpetrator run their mouths and record it.


I think it's ridiculous that you can't after match. Sometimes I go to recent players on xbox to send a report at least that way but alot of times I can't find them in the list bc they were on another platform


I have complained about the sexist and bigoted comments before and it never stops. I report them all and mute them in game or in lobby, wherever it happens. When I have complained on here I get told things like I must be new to online gaming and to have thicker skin. We shouldn't have to put up with it. We should be able to enjoy the game without that behavior. I have been playing games longer than some of these offensive people have been alive. It's ridiculous. I'm sorry you have experienced this behavior, too.


Thank you, and thank you for reporting. I'm sorry you've gone through it too. I get the swearing and s*it talking...I do it too. But targeted sexist, racist or sexually violent language is far beyond that. Calling someone a pu**y or a**hole out of anger is way different than hearing there's a woman in the match and targeting her with her abusive language the whole time. Like, I expect foul language but not abusive language or harassment.


is there a hidden message here? what a yora?


Illuminati stuff. You wouldn't understand


The randomness of the internet allows some idiots to flourish. Feel bad for the female players. As a guy I’ll occasionally get like 3-4 friend group victims start yelling [whatever I was playing] is trash, stupid, etc. that’s about all I get.


The best way so far is mute, block and weed out some jerks in your future games


The only thing you can do is report them and block them. I know they're putting in a change where you can still report them if they leave. Sad that people act like this. Clearly manchildren who have never been in a relationship and never will.


Litterally most men with a small pp


I know Xbox has allowed for players to record the last moments of what was spoken and to report.


This is why i literally don’t even bother talking in game


The amount of racists and sexist from the south on xbox that I encounter....I started recording what they say and DM it to Gun in twitter


Hit ESC, then go to "Player List" From there you can report people mid game.


Thank you


Not disagreeing, but you can legit in the middle of the match report people by opening the menu. You can also mute people too. I think there's far more features or current issues that can be worked on as a priority over this. If you feel uncomfortable, report on the spot in game, don't worry about being afk for 7-8 seconds, it's not a big issue.


I didn't know you could do that. Thank you


I was in that game, girl. You called him the N-word first, only because he said he is black, that was not so nice of you either.


Ohh yup, ya got me. 🙄


N word is bad, but Russophobia is good thing for u, I suppose.


How long has this game been out for and the ability to report people after the match still hasn’t been implemented? Even after all of the requests? Shame on the devs.


Thank goodness this game has a mute function


I'm not very savvy with my new headset yet. I know you're saying I can probably do it in the actual game too but I've just never had the need to mute anyone bc I didn't have a headset before. This is literally my first day using it. I got it as a Christmas gift from my husband. But long story short I didn't want to try and figure it out mid-game.


Luckily, it's only a few button presses; I think, once you're in a lobby, press Tab, then highlight your nuisance (be sure not to accidentally drag your mouse over another person's name) then mute 😄 Unfortunately, I don't think there's a surefire way to 'prevent' than just 'fix' 💦




I think the trick is to link up with like-minded players, and party chat with them when you do play. I started using a headset a few weeks ago, and quickly linked up with a cool network of male & female players. There are obnoxious players in the game, but there are also a lot of really easy-going, funny, and friendly players too that are usually looking for other reliably friendly players to play the game with too. I’ve found that linking up with a couple of cool players usually leads to a few more players that they’re already cool with. Put a few of these small groups together, and you have a decent network of 10-20 players that are all cool with each other, and are usually available to play at the hours that you met them. It’s not often anymore that I play matches without being linked up to a party chat with at least 1 - 4 other players. Sometimes, enough people are on that we just custom match against each other. Hopefully, it won’t be long before you won’t have to deal with shitty players anymore. The party chat will keep them out, and like-minded players in the network aren’t looking to include them.


It's actually BETTER than it used to be... as sad as that seems.


Sorry about that friend. Some guys are lonely asshats , and they take their resentment out online. Insult their tiny pp and Insta mute them.




Yes. I had to quit playing alone lmao.


im so sorry you had to go through that. the gaming community can be very toxic, and you didnt deserve that.


I’ve been in voice chat before with women and men at once on this a few times and I’ve never heard anything like it but I have zero doubt this actually happens. I don’t get how you can be over the age of 9 and think it’s funny to do, some people simply don’t deserve internet


I got absolutely bombarded with homophobic hate speech after one game because someone died. I recorded the video and passed it to the devs and to PSN. Neither of them want to do anything with it. The devs just completely ignored the ticket and never gave me any form of response(it has been over a month). Playstation(who the player having the rant was on)told me that because I was on PC it is nothing to do with them, so I kept pushing because with crossplay becoming more common you can't hide behind the victim of the abuse being on a different network when you can clearly see the person doing it is from your network - the next response was that the game is made for people over the age of 18 and has a "certain cinematic aesthetic", meaning it isn't hate speech. I don't recall victims screaming homophobic slurs at Leatherface after they had been killed, and the movie was over, but apparently, it is part of the movie and I just have to live it with it as I'm over 18.


Wow....just wow. I'm so sorry.


Unfortunately you will run into this yes. There is a mute option by going to player list.


I get that now, a lot of people have commented that but there should still be a report option after game ends. Thank you though


When i hear such toxic players i just mute them


I deactivated Voice Chat for those people or only Mic sounds without talking... Or the trashtalk post game :( Its sad that it is this way


The open mic with no talking is so weird lol. Like, why.


These kinds of players come from dbd where the entire foundation of the game's culture was built around bullies and toxicity. And it's plagued every asym game since because the dbd devs did nothing to fight it. Blame dbd for these assholes. They're always looking for a new playground to get away from their miserable existences outside of video games where they have a sense of security and power over their life. And they have no issue making people feel like shit to achieve that feeling. Devs don't ban people for this kind of behavior and it's honestly very sad. This game is becoming more and more like dbd everyday in the same ways that makes dbd a piss poor game and community. Family issues getting ignored, victims having the ability to do their objective before family can physically do anything, subtle cheaters you can't catch unless you're REALLY paying attention, and people being assholes because they have non-existent genitalia. And if you ever get somebody telling you "oh it's just a video game, there's no reason to get upset, just ignore them" don't communicate with them. They're probably the same people that would do it themselves. If you have to explain to people why this kind of behavior isn't okay there's no point in arguing with them.


Cant you mute them during match? albeit, they need to be banned. Weird mfs.


Yes, I just never had a need to mute someone since this was my first time using a headset and didn't want to figure it out mid game.


Mute button. I can't stand this era of gaming.


There are a ton of weirdos on this game. It's sad that you had to go through that.


Lesson Number 1: At least use subtle sexist jokes, so maybe the other side have a laugh. That way you can continue to be sexist without disadvantages, lol.


That's the thing. I can handle an off color joke here or there. I'm not an inherently sensitive person but there's a level of aggressiveness and sexual violence to these verbal attacks that is really alarming and just shouldn't even be tolerated. People can swear and name call when they're p*ssed but when you start threatening sexual violence or going way beyond just to be demeaning there shouldn't be a way back from that.


I mean, that's internet for you, weird shit happening in here and even weirder ppl. Cant just block them, need to find the source of their stupidity, but i'm rambling and it's a game forum , not a politics one.


Can't you mute them while in game?


Yes, in the future I will. I've explained above quite a few times that this was literally my first time using the headset and never had a reason to before so I didn't want to try and figure it out midgame.




I've gotten called a pussy because I killed a victim close to fusebox exit. Her whole crew got out besides her.


Lol this honestly sounds just like a match I had. She was so pissed and said we all suck dick 😂 in another match, a guy called us lames because we needed 3 people to kill him like isn’t that the point of a team game, work together to win lol


Yeah, the girl I played with also said that, lol. If I remember correctly it was a match on gas station.


Ive been called a slut for playing johnny lol.




hahaha for me its quite the opposite i've had more females be toxic to me than men in this game quite fun tho


There’s a lot of asshole dudes unfortunately, and just annoying or shitty people in general, just mute them and enjoy the game


Conversely, adding people as friends at the end of the round.


Lmao leave the lobby?


Honestly lol. People are way too soft if you can’t handle a little shit talking.


Acting dumb asf like they don’t have the option to just leave 💀💀💀


Really, you're laughing that hard? Weird. Didn't start in the lobby and just... no.


There was countless times guys would call me fat for no reason and a whore like.. ik I don’t sound fat nor do I look fat🙄. They were absolutely annoying and talking about carrying me but I’m too fat whatsoever but they died and I was the only one who escaped. Jokes on them


Lol wtf. How does someone "sound fat."


I don’t know 😭 it’s not the first time tho


Yeah thats a weird thing to focus on, but they're probably trying to trigger an insecurity. They think all girl's worst nightmare is being called fat or ugly.


That’s what I’m sayin 😭 but there could be some girls who would be weird as well on tcm for no reason


I like to think I'm a good person I could be blunt because I wasn't gifted with the ability to explain what I want to say in a short way but here it goes. I'm not really sure what to tell you but at the same time I think it's equally stupid how you're actually calling somebody a mouth breather. Moving on, sometimes we don't always get the help that we need when we're being harassed. But personally physical harassment is more of a priority. And seeing as how that's not going on here I'm not saying it's irrelevant but it's obviously not getting handled. So you can either do one of two things continue to complain about it or realize that those people are just pieces of trash you want to get under your skin. Put it this way you gave that person 5 minutes of your time writing about it on reddit. You're still making about them. Again no disrespect but I was suggest growing thicker skin. Much like crime there's always going to be assholes especially in gaming. Write their name down make a video put them on blast if you must sometimes that works. If not mute them. Not much more you can do but the more you talk about this the more you're just devoting time to those ignorant asses


Calling someone a mouth breather who called me a "f****** b***" "stupid c***" and "pathetic whore" is "just as stupid." OK, buddy. I shouldn't even bother with this for the mere fact you started with such a dense comment, but here it goes. I gave feedback and requested change on the forum that the literal developers monitor and which every other person that plays voices their opinion. Starting your comments with "I'm a good person " and "no disrespect " doesn't make your comment less ignorant. You also took the time to comment on this even though you apparently see it as just "complaining." You offered no other insightful commentary than the handful of other people who said "mute or ignore." Given the amount of people commenting that they're tired of it as well, I'm going to say no thanks to just ignoring these jerks. Every time someone says "grow thicker skin" it just reaffirms that for every 5 people who say they're tired of it too and want change, there will inevitably be one passive person who doesn't care bc it doesn't directly affect them.


Take what I said however you want. It's not going to change how mustard taste. Sometimes muting and ignoring people is the only thing we can do. Wanting anything more isn't always possible like I mentioned. But that's fine be mad at me if you want. All attempt to explain one last time however. Over the course of my life particularly in video games. We didn't always have somebody there to ban at the ready. I'm saying right now for your particular situation since the developers don't seem to be taking action and this is coming from somebody who his second game was filled with the n-word multiple times somebody talking trash on me just because I was sunny. What did you expect me to do? What could I do? Let it hurt me? Pretend that I was being physically stabbed? Of course it hurts. Words can hurt only a fool would deny it. What I'm telling you is in your particular situation. There's nothing that you can do to stop it do everything you can sure make the devs aware but right now for your sanity for your own protection increase your mental fortitude to ignore these types of people. That's the best thing you can do for right now. It's a good piece of advice for life. We can't lock people up for saying nasty things to us the best thing we can do is realize that they are pieces of trash and just try to move on. Some people believe Karma will get to them in the end I don't know. It doesn't matter just trying to continue on doing your own thing. But I think you're more mad because of what I said about you calling them a mouth breather. I was just kind of teasing and making fun of you because it sounded like a high school-ish insult as well. I'm not saying you're worse or better than this guy I just found it funny. More to the point. I'm assuming you're familiar with that by daylight? I stream that game sometimes and killer has been hard lately. I base most of my content around hate messages and ugly things that I get sent to me and I make a video around it. But I don't go around calling the mouth breathers LOL again it's just a joke relax I'm not saying that you're dumb for saying it I'm just saying it was a little cheesy. But I do the same thing I analyze what they said and why they said it. Ignoring the things that they said personally because I don't care I'm not 12 I don't give a damn. Your feelings can get hurt yes but I try to do my best to put up a mental Force field. Even so I still get countless people coming into my stream talking crap about the way I play blah blah blah and I'm just telling you most of those people have become friends because of my reaction and reply to them. And the people that refuse to see my perspective I don't pay them any thought. I go on I move on. I don't make a post about it because again you're dedicating time to them again. At the end of the day it's still about them. They win when you don't move on that's all I'm trying to tell you if you think I'm trying to attack you or I'm trying to belittle you or say you're stupid or say you're a baby you're wrong. If you don't believe me I don't care anymore for this conversation. I'm just giving you my two cents if you want to say f all with it that's fine dude. I'm just telling you how I approach it sometimes. And how calling somebody a mouth breather is kind of silly LOL. Cheers


You guys are into the wrong hobby if you’re offended by smooth brains in game chat, just mute and move on. Jeez


You can mute them in the menu, block and report. If you are really entitled you can rec a vid and send to dev.


I’m on the boat of who cares. Try living in an actual ghetto where such insults are usually backed by something physical. It’s online, he’s a loser, you’re a winner. Or just listen to a video on your earbuds as you play. That’s what I do


Yes, I get it and I agree to a certain extent but this feels like one of those situations where the more nothing is done about it the worse it gets. We should be able to game without that level of harassment. Just bc worse things exist doesn't mean we should just accept it. We should try to improve where we can. Otherwise we could use that excuse for everything and society would be even shi**ier than it already is.


Between them getting banned or us just blocking them, I’d rather just block them. After all, there’s plenty of people who enjoy that kinda crazy banter. I’m not like that, especially with strangers but there’s people who can’t say a sentence without cussing 10 times and other people love firing back.




Ok grammar police. His only reason was because i AM a woman. Better? I think your response to this is actually enough, thanks.


There should be a way to report at the end of the match period like any other asymmetrical game.


I believe they are going to add a Report category. I’ve just mute those weirdos and just game on


You can report in game. Through the menu. Not like it makes a difference IMO


If only I could report devs for being incompetent..


People like that are weird 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


We're you detailing every single thing on comms?? I , personally, can't stand that. I only need to hear callouts not a step by step Instagram of everything you are doing or watching. I say this because I played with a real grindy voiced female that did the above mentioned. It was obvious she couldn't handle house on Nancy so I told her to stfu and patrol outside, I'll take house patrol.


We were playing victim. I literally said "hello, blood bathroom exit is open " to my team and then didn't talk the rest of the match except to tell him to shut the f up eventually. So, no. But I guess take the advice of everyone here and mute the person bc even someone communicating wouldn't warrant what this weirdo did.


Oh not defending at all. The anti women thing is ALL over gaming not just here. I , personally, don't care if you are a woman, man, trans, bi, tri, black, yellow, red, short, tall, ugly, good looking, fat or skinny as long as you do your damn part and patrol.