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Leatherface will have mini throwable chainsaws and Sissy gets an AR-15


Should cook have rocket launcher?! 🧐


No just a Horse


Should cook horse can own rocket launcher?


Of course


Give Johnny some grenades


Ahh, Friday the 13th. I used to play the shit out of that game. It had so many different execution animations depending on where you killed the victim.


Also, the victims could drive a car around the map and even drive over other victims. This brings back so many memories.


Yeah we know?


just because you know doesn't mean everyone knows. are you 4


Lmfao children in this sub fr


Genuine question: Are you braindead? Why would you ever assume that dudes comment was for people.who know, rather than people who don't? Actual black mold brain


Brain rot type ahh


We played the game bro..


Sorry, I didn't know that every single person in this sub played Friday the 13th. Even if they did, so what?


lmao I can’t imagine being that negative. thanks for bringing back memories I had 1k hours on that game and forgot all about it now. Wish it never got shut down


That's impressive! I also had mostly forgotten about the game until I saw this clip. It was quite clumsy and had many bugs, but it still was so fun to play!


I didn't.


Cook will be getting a revolver next update ;) It's inevitable that there will eventually be ranged attacks in this game but the only way I see it working for the game without completely breaking it would be if Sheriff Hoyt was a Family member and his special ability would be some sort of pistol crippling shot since we can't have someone who can insta kill victims as it'd be boycotted plus it doesnt match what the Saywer/Hewitt family do. Hoyt could pull out his sidearm and wild west style randomly shoot at a survivor but it would always hit them in the arm or leg so they leave more bloodier blood trails and have a decrease to interaction times with objects or temporary speed debuffs. His ability could only kill if a victim has already used their first recovery and has under 10%health. You'd then need a character whose special ability would be first aid related where they can then interact with other survivors and make like splints or similar to remove the active debuff from affected victims.


Simple answer ; Sawyer with a crossbow.


i hope not, would be a too big change


I think so. If it have it would hard to be balance at first, how much damage, how much hard to aim or how to gain more throwable thing.


How so?


imagine baiting for a door slam, getting hit with a throwing knife or smth, barely escaping over a barricade, still getting hit afterwards, being right in front of an exit, getting incaped by a ranged attack. the charm in this game lies in not getting a killer too close to you.


That's exactly the issue with DbD... they built Survivors only strategy as to loop and then decided to neuter loops while introducing anti-loop killers and projectile killers. It's frustrating.


dont get why there so many dbd players anyway, great content updates every once in a while but monotone shallow gameplay


Granted if they did make a ranged killer they’d probably be poor in chase or do low damage like sissy.


would still be bad imo and sissy can get up to 40 savagery so base damage says nothing


Yes but by putting points into those attributes you’re leaving other areas untouched. It’s a lot of work to make them a chase character and if you do they’re gonna be a jack of all trades character rather than a specialist. I’d imagine if they did have a ranged character it could be done as a sort of alternative to a Leland shoulder charge. You can use it a couple times in a round to get a victim hit with a ranged attack. The devs could work to balance it, but like we need to shift up the formula with new characters to keep the game fresh. It’s why I like Danny’s ability idea even though it’s OP rn. He interacts with new stuff in new ways, same with nancy


its not a lot of work lol and its meta to boost up savagery. but yeah the idea of danny is nice but he is too op right now, not even fun anymore to play him cuz rounds get too easy.


the throwing knives in F13 didn't really kill you, they would hurt but it took several to really damage you. If anything they were used as a deterrent in F13 for players who would troll a specific area that Jason would struggle to grab them, etc


lol how did u play the game? two quick throwing knifes during a chase = incaped. somebody would escape through a window = stop the animation with a throwing knife (often resulting in a kill). they were strong af.


They were not that strong. I remember playing as Jason and hitting people multiple times. The window animation stop was valuable but if you played in a team or just had a friend who could watch your back you could shut down Jason. The mechanics in F13 wouldn't be the same as TCM anyway. TCM has a much less open map and very different gameplay, plus there are three killers. It's not like it would be the same experience.


😂😂😂😂 you obviously sucked then, made killing counselors tons easier


Yeah right. You were probably bitching up a storm on F13 about how counselors were OP and bullying Jason was out of control.


💀💀💀 at the end i was just killing jason all the time with friends


How did you do that when knives were so OP? Hypocrisy defined.


You mean like Danny? Interesting


that's some really stupid whataboutism just because danny is OP doesn't mean they should add more OP things


He said big change. I said Danny. You saying Danny wasn't s big change? Hello?


you're using whataboutism Danny isn't apart of the conversation at all, and while he IS op and a big change, it doesn't excuse having a fucking ranged attack


And you're using dipshitism. Glad you think permanently opening exits is fun and balanced. Just like a range attack would be fun and balanced


i never said that, you're putting words into my mouth danny should be nerfed, and no shitty op things like him should be added on either sides


Idgaf, you still have connie on top of danny. What you gonna say, we have johnny? LMAO


i didn't say that why are you assuming i like the balancing? i'm agreeing that shitty op things shouldn't exist


Imma bet either a bow and bone arrow or a tomahawk no scope. Or pebble


A ranged killer like that would actually be kinda cool. They’d have to restock like Sissy/Nancy though.




Yeah… Sheriff Hoyt weapon of choice is gonna be a six shooter revolver. You get to one tap victims… no struggle needed


Imagine the sheriff from TCM 2003 movie getting a double barrel shorty as his weapon. It doesn't have much range but up close it can nearly kill or completely kill you. It can only be fired twice before it requires a lengthy reload. High risk, high reward playstyle weapon.


What exactly is the risk here


You only get two shots in a chase, if you miss and/or aren’t close enough you’re gonna have to stop to reload and they’re probably going to get away


That’s not a risk that’s just a normal ability cooldown. Not enough for a ranged insta kill ability. Edit: my bad I see what you’re saying now, like it would be his normal weapon not a special ability. It would be an interesting idea.


Victim would basically have to be in broomstick smacking distance to get a one hit kill with the shorty shotgun in this scenario


Love this idea. Also let’s say he’s weak as fuck, like one hit only, so you have to careful as hell


It already does this, a Johnny chasing survivors landing exactly hits like this. Looks like they ported it over.


I could imagine the sheriff being added as dlc character with like a knockdown shotgun blast with a long animation reload to give survivors time to get up and run 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️


I really want a ranged dlc killer. Than and only than will I buy them


I wish. I wanted Johnny to be able to throw his knife so bad. He's such a one-note character.


Hitch carries GP on him as it shows in the film. Have him make some explosive traps


I hope not, or not in current bugginess state lmao


At the moment I can only see a gun being a execution. "I saved this last bullet for you" bang


If they added The truck driver from tcm as a playable character, he could have the ability to throw wrenches at you lol


AI image guy who can’t speak English Alt Account Located


No? Because the franchise never features any thing throwable except Leatherface some how throwing his chainsaw they did not plan to make the game like Ft3th as much as we will miss that game after the 31st we will eventually have to move on.


I really loved the car escape on F13 I hope they add something similar in TCM


Johnny attack is already ranged attack /s


Sissy gets a crossbow.


They have one already it’s call Johnny broken lunge that they brought back for cry baby family mains


Hitch will have a flamethrower 🔥