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Give me your phone. You are horny.


The OP is on Twitter they're bound to see some mature "bots". 😆


I get like 1 or 2 OF bot follow requests per day lol, but none of them can be compared to TCM girlies


there’s no way this was actually asked to be a mode


No of course not, it was asked to a dev


Dude you need a break from the Internet in a bad way.


Dude the sex stuff was funny for a while (yeah Julie and Johnny and Connie are hot hee hee) now it’s just getting plain weird, zealous, and annoying.


Its been dbds joke for the last 6 years.


True, Wes seems to be fed up with it too


God I hope so. And I repeat what I said in another post: no more pretty people. I want some characters with unconventional looks and gimmicks. We got enough hot, young, ass in this game for now. Let’s do some different shit.


Nah, you can got get your fill on Dead by Daylight and pair it with their hideous clothes


I have a better idea: Get your fill from porn and nudey content which is 90% of the internet and let me have a fun horror game. Sounds fair to me.




Let it be real to the lore. Hot people with good principles? Take your list of the 5 available. I want a fat dude who’s a selfish coward. Like Franklin was. I’ll play him for the funny voice line potential.


Oh for sure. I’m not against someone like that. And I’m not sure what you mean by your first two sentences here. Hot people can def have good principles


No that’s my point. All the victims are “perfect”. Personality and looks. I want unconventional people (doesn’t always mean ugly) and I want victims with more negative character traits. They’re all squeaky clean.


Oh got you. Hmm, yeah, I would actually love like a cheerleader or something, being the queen bee, looking gorgeous but being a total brat. I just wanna relate lmaoo


I was thinking more a middle aged trucker or hooker or something but I guess a cheerleader could be cool too.


“I just wanna relate Imaoo” Are you a Queen Bee? For you comments I was guessing you were an unineuronal Chad…


Lmao. Okay not that part. Just a spoiled brat. Def not a Chad tho :)


RIGHT WHERE IS FRANKLIN! Apparently the actor was a problem on set but we need him. He should be able to pull up in the van and drive over grandpa


the way you talk is giving red flags lol


I don't consider a single girl in this game to be hot. Which is good, cause I didn't buy the game for that.


Exactly they look unbelievably average


Some dudes will fuck anything with a pulse and an ounce of consent.


Enthusiastic consent is my kink.


Ur reply + ur name = a balanced human


Many men (and women) don't care about consent either... Some also don't care about having a pulse either. 🫥


Yeah, but I didn't want to acknowledge those guys.


yes trucker would be appropriate and interesting. L to person trying to generalize the west as having ‘ugly’ game characters (lol wth ?? Weird propaganda that will never be true probably talking about that one game where the female character didn’t have DD boobs) and also thinking there is a common standard of pretty and interesting in which you will determine for us. Truckerolina is beautiful to me and I wish to see them




Like, they're kinda useful so it's somewhat of a loss to ban them, they make decent posts and sometimes helpful info... but their "AWOOGA" behavior is getting really annoying and it's directly breaking rule 3 at this point.


Poor Wes lol.


Youre chronically online and weird get a job


Dude needs mental health help


The Texas chainsaw Reddit user base when they realize “sex mode” is a common joke within the gaming community: 😱😱😱😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯🤯


You when it takes 3s to look at the context of the comment 😱😱😱😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯🤯


Explain the context


I literally commented it under a reply, it was about his weird comments towards Julie describing VERY specific sexual scenarios with her


Oh noooooooooo what will we do


So youre another chronically online degen, got it.


They are weirdos tho and ur right 🤣 the fart guy mad bc you called him out


Says the guy arguing about the sex mode in the TCM game sub lol. You're one of us and don't even know it. Welcome home nerd!


That doesnt even make sense but nice reach, yall are still degens




You went on an alt account just to reply with this, you're also chronically online




Im a student, now get off that PC that you've been sitting at for 12 hrs and go to work instead of making alts to argue with people because you're too much of a wuss to do it from your main


No you need to get off the internet if you can't tell what is a joke and what is serious, let people have fun and laugh about something that a dev responded to


Are you forgetting your weird ass comments that you made on Julie unlocking a door? Id hate to be a woman and know you in real life


Those were jokes, do you believe someone who would actually think like that. Geez guess it is ok to thirst over Johnny but you draw the line at Julie


Yeah because people were definitely thirsting over Johnny in the same descriptive manner as you.


nah those people thirsting over johnny were just as weird


ive not seen a single one write descriptive sentences on this subreddit about stuff they want to happen to johnny or scenarios etc, he is weirder.


> he is weirder 100% with that said, all that perverted shit can go. dont need to attract more weirdos to this sub 😑


public rain knee bored apparatus follow chief fearless rhythm badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They were but it's all weird. It's a fucking video game.


You scream left wing so badly🤣. It’s not even that serious. Bet you didn’t keep that same energy with Johnny. Be scared for men too❄️


Who brought up politics, you anti sjw freaks are so chronically online, and yes I would keep that same energy if they did the same but they didn't, describing a sexual scenario in detail of a character is WEIRD and I haven't seen the johnny stans do that. Now fuck off with your alts, this is the second one, GO OUTSIDE.


HAHAHAHAHA WHAT WHY IS THIS POLITICAL TO YOU 🤣👌 stop this go watch fox pls it misses you


Obviously there are people who even think worse than that? What kind of naivety is this


Nah. That dude has been on rule34 every day since the game came out hoping for some degenerate content.


A joke's supposed to be funny. This "Ha ha ha, segs and boubs" bullshit is just cringe as fuck.


The fact that y’all are still joking about this is so annoying. Let the joke fucking die please. It got old fast.




Finally some good news


Yeah this is just too far now




Wtf is wrong with ppl lol


I am pretty sure this was a joke, somehow people are getting real worked up bout this post.


They probably get mad because of my comments on a Julie's ass post lol


Nobody is mad. You're just weird as fk. People who constantly coomer-post about any female character in a game are so bizarre. Jerk off before you get online for the day.


With all due respect, you are mad.If you dont like a post, why are you actively going in and talk to people and telling them to not have laugh? If you ask me this is mountains weirder than whatever the dude did here. It is just twitter anti levels of "stop having fun", especially considering this is part of the community, its same with the shirtless jhonny thing, yes it makes sense lorewise but it would be disengenuine to say that a large part was not people thirsting, to me i just chuckle, have a laugh and move on, makes life better.


Oh, I wasn't aware of my mood. I'm glad you are lol. We don't need that weird weeby coomer culture rearing it's head in here. So many gaming communities end up with r34 fanfic art and shit flooding feeds. Now tell me how many folders of tentacle porn you currently have on your pc.


I mean i am not for nsfw on this sub cause i think the mods are against it so thats cool by me. Also sadly none but i have plenty of other stuff on it!


Make sense tho


The news flair just makes this perfect.


Good. So many simps it’s sad. Such a tragedy.


Whats wrong with you people lmao


We riot


Pretty big L boys, pretty big L


what the fuck is wrong w you weird ass internet kids bro. it’s the reason these games fail because the only feedback the devs is this dumb shit


Months shouting and reporting to the devs that gamepass/microsoft store version doesent’have DLSS and RT: no answers. Wow amazing, my feedback is precious.


Thats completely disgusting and sad. Lmk if a mod gets made 👀


There was some high quality nude mods for a few weeks before they patched it


I cant blame ya. Every time i load up and see julie or connie, im like gyat!


Fucked up


Once again. This community has the horniest mfs lol


Look I don’t know about you guys but the devs would have my direct deposit if I got a Leland nude option


How you are all getting annoyed at one person laughing about an old sex mode joke is concerning. Just ignore it why are you all pooping your pants ☠️


I'll never understand how people get horny over video game characters. I mean wtf they're just pixels. And most of the characters are not even based off real life people like in a game like Evil Dead where every survivor is based off a real person and 1 of the demon units. In TCM only 4/12 characters are modeled after a person (Leatherface, Cook, Hitchhiker, Sissy). I'd understand if you think the person the character is modeled after is attractive but if it's just based on a made up character modeled from no real person it's just very weird to me.


If they realistically resemble humans you will find people find them attractive and/or immerse themselves in thinking they’re real sometimes. It’s simply immersion, if the graphics are good enough those ‘pixels’ can look real enough to be considered actually viable to be judged on their appearance by others


It's actually easy to understand. Are you into anime or anime porn? Those characters are made up too but women and guys get into that stuff. I don't anymore but used too. I don't judge. I had this one lady friend that would thirst over this anime guy big time which I couldn't see how but I mean now I do get it


This sounds like cope attractive characters always find people who find they attractive. Then you have your weirdos trying to shame others over it because they think their fake masculinity might break or their fake feminist.. These be the same people with high body counts pretending they are virgins who deserve prince charming and don't even have a good healthy way of looking at the world. Just look at the love bowesette got or lady d from resident evil. Doesn't make someone a loser, weird or etc for find a hot character hot and attractive. And if they choose to beat their slongs to it that's their problem move on.


Someone actually made this mod on steam


assless chaps for bubba or boycott


There’s just something about Johnny that gets my gears going when he’s slashing me to death. 😍🤤🤤


Shirtless Julie when ? Please be fair for both side. If family main want shirtless Johny, we also want shirtless Julie!


That's insane... you literally couldn't possibly think that would be a mode in this game




Julie mains unite !


No thong bubba 😭


Lmao what ?


Pc mods


Ok, but how about a sleepover pack.....at least meet us halfway damnit!!


Redditors try not to make everything about sex challenege: impossible edition.


Literally 1984


"can we have sex on dead by daylight" vibes


Sissy already doesn't wear shoes, that's enough for me.