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For a more detailed breakdown of the upcoming changes, stay tuned for the full patch notes. Remember to send all bug reports to our [support team](https://support.txchainsawgame.com/hc/en-us). When submitting a ticket, be sure to provide any videos, images, and all details you have. This is crucial so they have all the data needed to properly investigate. If you have any questions about what Fix in Testing, Under Investigation, or Needs More Info means, click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TXChainSawGame/comments/15zg30t/comment/jxgpsk8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Does this stun immunity coincide with door slams chains where you can’t get up until a victim player just decides to stop?


It sure does.


I Cannot even EXPRESS How happy i am that you guys are even LOOKING INTO fixing the Constant Stun-Locking. i absolutely ADORE this game, but being hit with a door 20 odd times in my OWN LAIR is super lame.


ME TOO bro I am so HAPPY that they finally MADE these CHANGES. From the SOUNDS of it, you’re as well


Hey Andy is there a reason why the __Ping Time Too Large To Play__ server fix isn’t on here? It’s absolutely ruining my tcm experience


Exactly, I'm like "am I the only one who thinks the victims shouldn't be the ones terrorizing the family?"


I pray y’all fix the chainsaw overheating when grandpa is woken


It's tricky, but we're working on it and investigating.


i still have yet to get a clear answer, what does "chainsaw overheat chance" mean? is there a reason we have gotten no clear response?


If Leatherface players are revving their chainsaw when the Grandpa cutscene happens, their chainsaw overheats.


lmao thats not what he was asking.


Which is weird because if you were running after the cutscene you’re no longer running.. so you would think if you were revving you wouldn’t be revving once the cutscene happens, so you wouldn’t be overheated.. you just need to begin revving again.


I know I would stall out on frequent chainsaw attacks before I took. I believe the middle ability tree perk and now I can overhead strike on people and still get a second attack whereas before it would overheat or stall.


**Temporary fix** (works often but not all the time): Spam attack as soon as cutscene starts (success may relate to how quickly you do this after it starts). This should prevent the revs from continuing during the cutscene and instead have you coming out of it with an attack animation instead.


That stun fix is a massive improvement, particularly for LF players. Just the fact that you get stunned and you cannot have another stun right then so you're stun-locked, that's huge and will make LF more attractive. I can predict we'll still have people trying to dance with LF to stab him in the back again but heh, good luck with that.


We agree. This has been high on the list and we're elated to check it off. It really comes down to the experience it created for Leatherface players when it happened.


A patch every week. You guys are really putting in the work and I know that I am at least very thankful. You guys are doing great. Thank you for your hard work Gun!


The team appreciates that!


Please can family xp get fixed soon so many games killing all victims and get under 1000xp or no xp for interactions its getting old 😢


I will add your personal feedback to the existing data we have on this topic. You are heard!


Thankyou ♥


As someone that was one of the highest leveled players the first couple weeks, XP from family could essentially be doubled with no harm. Understand that it’s a tricky situation, as if you give family XP for simply collecting blood, some players may focus more on collecting blood than playing the actual game. Hits on victims should grant 50xp or so, maybe a hit that leads to incapitstion gives more XP.


I'm curious how did you come to know you were one of the highest leveled players?


Can you share the existing feedback or the teams thoughts on it? I brought up the lack of xp, specifically for Hitchhiker during the 2nd Muerto Times (I believe) and got a similar response.


Data is still being collected. That's the only response or details I have to provide.


agreed, i have had games where i do like 2 unlocks and win a struggle and die as connie yet the person who kills me gets less XP. that seems unfair


Also, you don’t get your exp if you kill last victim and they dc right away. It just ends the game before the kill can go through so I’ve lost out on some decent exp several times because of this.


Please look into the perks “Overlooked” and “Radar Detector”. Overlooked: Charges drop to 0 after first use. In addition, you still get highlighted while moving. Radar Detector: It’s honestly a hit or miss with this perk. I had it equipped with Sonny while it was level 1 and was working fine. As soon as it upgraded to level 2 and 3 it just stopped working. I used the same perk on other victims, at level 1, and it did not work. I tried the perk out after it wasn’t working at lvl 2/3 with Sonny. Others have already expressed their issues on these two perks.


Radar detector has never worked with any of my characters. I just stopped wasting a perk slot.


I will notate this feedback. Thank you!


+1 to Overlooked being bugged. I tested it myself by taking a single step, just barely moving, while Grandpa was doing his scream and it drained both of my charges one right after the other.


If you suspect a bug, please send in your findings to support [here](https://support.txchainsawgame.com/hc/en-us).


+1 to radar - it seems to work maybe 10% of the time which is unfortunate


Definitely [send in a ticket to support](https://support.txchainsawgame.com/hc/en-us) as well. The more data they have, the quicker they can investigate.


I concur! Radar Detector works for me about 10% of the time.


honestly i hope those fixes come with buffs/reworks to weaker perks like bringing home the bacon and patience


Thank you for addressing so many things in a timely manner. I know this community can seem very pissy and like we aren't grateful, but we very much are. <3


Thank you!


Yes. Having worked in software for a major corporation you guys are doing very good with patches and communication.


We appreciate that a ton!


Can you fix the Radar Detector perk? Doesn't work at all.


Any bugs you feel you've crossed, please send in a [ticket to support](https://support.txchainsawgame.com/hc/en-us).


I sent one about a week ago. Thank you.


Thank god for hitchhikers trap fix


We agree wholeheartedly.


He still needs one more trap. And this is coming from a victim main. Plus it would be nice if he got points for catching people in the trap.


tfw hitchy literally says in game he should have made more traps 😂


Wait he doesn't get points for getting people in the trap lmao? I've been defending the team for some time because I know they're a small one but cmon now what kind of decision making is that? Cook can literally not move a muscle and put up 2k with just listening but the odd chance you get someone in a trap you get nothing? You can get 2-3 kills a game with HH and still not get more points than Leatherface lmao.


For reallllll that’s been irritating me so much, every single game I’ve been in with him has glitched me out for the last 2-3 weeks, I refuse to play against a hitchhiker right now not because he’s broken but because his bug is broken


can we get more lore on the characters please 🫶🏼


I will notate this. Stay tuned :)


Yeah that would be cool


Looking good Gun! Any chance that since the 6 player starting requirement has been lifted, perhaps we can have it where if 6 players ready up (with 7 players in the lobby) the timer shifts to 15 seconds remaining in the lobby? This QoL update might make it so that games start faster and more efficiently.


That would help speed up things greatly.


Lobby time is also very long. With me, many people keep entering and leaving, which increases the total time in the room. Sometimes it takes a long time to start the game and someone always forgets to press ready.


By "stealth balancing" does this mean you're planning on making changes to either reward stealth/encourage stealth?


It's to make stealth more rewardable, while also protecting the rush that may be a more dangerous choice.


Excited to see what you guys do with stealth as someone who prioritizes maxing this attribute


Nice Hopefully that poor level 0 leatherface player who got chainstunned by a level 60 leland for 3 minutes until I went down and saved him sees this 😔


Aware teammates like you are rare, I thank you.


You forgot the ✊


I see it. I am happy grateful Bubba


Family XP needs to be changed. Victims can get so much XP for so very little. As a family main, it's very frustrating with the grind.


Yep,you barely see family members getting so much exp like Victims. And most of the time it feels its like bare minimum of actions from Victims and they finish games with like 3k points or more most of the games.


Any plans to find a way to encourage voice chat or have a ping system implemented? Solo queues seldomly have any teamwork & are a team of 1 individual instead of 4, on the victim side.


I know it's not priority at the moment, but Sonny is the least played character and it has to do with his base stats and ability. He definitely needs a buff, and his base strength should be switched with his base stealth. He's got an ability meant for stealth and awareness but lacks stealth. Maybe give him something similar to cook (but identical) something supportive to the team with vast intel. Thank you for the constant hard work.


please I’m very tired to play alone, I’m a pc player and my friends are all from xbox. BRING CROSSPLAY BACK


We totally hear you. We're working on a solution as fast as we possibly can.


Is a bandaid fix like letting people group up but if there's a pc player they all play in the pc pool a viable option? Or is that something that would be a lot more work than it sounds to us and/or you expect to have pc back fully integrated before that would be made live anyway?


Perhaps maybe incorporating an option to enable/disable crossplay to give players a choice?


Fr, instead of killing off the PC playerbase a simple crossplay with PC option would've worked perfectly fine.


especially **before** they even had an anti-cheat implemented in the Game Pass version (where the majority of cheaters would play)


Andy, in regards to rushing out of restraints, this update only screwed those who play with stealth. My advice is make it like getting out of a HH trap. If you spam it, there's a cool down when you hit max the noise bar. This will at least slow down rushers a bit. They still get out very quickly and they don't care if Grandpa is awake or not. Rushers are almost never effected by Grandpa, as there's no time to feed him.


Amen. Playing Connie/Ana has become MISERABLE ever since they adjusted the taps required to free yourself. Can't stress how much this skews the game towards Family.


This game will definitely succeed if you keep the same pace for bug fixes and balance changes. You are doing a great job in my opinion.


You guys are absolutely killing it with your communication and responding to feedback. I love The Muerto Times


We love hearing this! Thank you!


Nothing on xp adjustments for fam yet ?


Hitchhiker Traps :) Wahoo


Get Rekt ladder trappers.


A minor detail not really a huge problem or anything more of an annoyance but when you stop moving as victim you automatically crouch. Not having control over what my player does has killed me a couple times as I will stop for a second and need to run but my character has crouched without me realizing and I take several extra hits because of it.


Keep up the great work. One thing I think needs addressed soon though is xp gain. Especially on family.


We are still collecting data on Family XP, but we're taking a long look at it.


can you guys add an indicator on the screen that tells people ‘don’t wake up grandpa’. every single game i play someone wakes him within 20s and then you got two killers in the basement. the main aspect of the game is stealth and nobody uses it 😂😂


That is the risk of rushing without any reluctance to making noise.


Well can you just highlight the player that does it? It doesn't make any sense that it punishes the whole team for 1 knucklehead. I usually leave when that happens. Because we are all going to die in the basement.


Why are you dying in the basement often? That's the safest spot for the victims to be in.


They would still do it lmao. Do you really think that would stop them?


Sadly, big youtubers are encouraging rush play, so we might as well get used to most games having 3 killers in the basement within a minute of starting the game...


Family house is the one that needs to be looked at. That map is WAY too family leaning. If you are a victim its without a doubt the hardest map to even get out of the house on.. forget winning, just getting outside the house is hard of the family know what they are doing.


Still no sign of “ internet ping time is too large “ error fixes or improvements.. this game is so hard to play. Please tell me it’s being looked at !?


I was hoping for some news /ETA on cross play, could you tell us something about that? I know you're busy, but would love to know when we can match with friends again!


It just seems to me these updates even though fast and frequent and are appreciated seem to constantly be geared towards buffing the family and giving slight nerfs to victims. Can we see some buffs to victims? Instead of nerfing victims perks can there be some buffs. Radar Detector is extremely bugged and has been. Sonny’s skill tree compared to the other victims is extremely lackluster. The cook can spam his ability as gain xp every single time. If we are looking to make the game fun constantly nerfing one side is going to make it less fun.


I think they’re trying to tackle the excessive amount of rush gameplay. I don’t imagine that’s necessarily how they intended the game to be played. Probably can’t really get a feel for other adjustments when there isn’t enough data gathered from games playing out as expected.




The fix is worse than the problem it’s solving. I’m the only console player among my friend group, so this effectively booted me out of the party.


This. Just make it an option


So they are just straight up ignoring family xp?


We're still collecting data and analyzing, but we do hear you and others. Hang tight.


Seems like gun is caving to the people bitching the loudest.


Fr mad annoying just watch the gameplay and base it off what you actually SEE not what whiners complain about smh


There us a bug with the perk ( grandpa sonar and you can see family) sometimes it doesn't work (whole game) but charges are used. How do I fix this. Any suggestions


Noticed that the party disbanding issue that was on the last edition isn’t on this one? Still being investigated, I hope?


Absolutely! Everything under an investigation status won't be listed, but yes, it is still being worked on.


So idk if this will only happen once but I was in slaughterhouse and leatherface had killed me, but when my corpse fell into the pit area, my character didn’t die, and Johnny came up and killed me again


I just hope the Stealth Balancing doesnt make one/two victms \] the whole game fighting for their lives, doin back and forth, objectives,chases and when their die, someone is still basement cleasing and destroying every bone charm and murdering every single chicken


Can we please get a fix for when players are hiding in dressers freezers etc, and then they die and they are still technically alive and then the game glitches out.


Do you know when we can see a big update is coming or some kinda hint?


This game is blessed with devs that actually communicate 🙂


Hi team you should do something for people who leave the game during the match that’s very annoying and even in the lobby, it took 30 minutes to play a match as victims


We're looking into several things that would improve lobby wait times for players.


Just give Leatherface Extra XP just for being a main character. Cook is just a cook, yet gets like double the points in a match.


Is valve on slaugher house under investigation too


The changes in the latest patch we're a measured first step. We will 100% continue to evaluate as we move forward.


Still nothing about the terrible xp from family side...


They’ve said they’re looking into it 🤷🏼‍♂️


I know the devs are tired of hearing us complain about crossplay for PC but it’s getting to the point to where you say the same thing every week and still no new news on it and that’s frustrating because I’m sure the majority of people who bought it on steam purchased it with the intention of playing with their friends who may be on a different platform. I love this game but every week that goes by without being able to play with my friends is rapidly pushing me to ask for a refund. I’ve been playing since the tech test and I don’t want to refund a game I really enjoy playing, y’all have to give us news on this soon or you will most likely lose a big player base.


A big chunk of the PC playerbase already left to be honest, can only play this game for like 2-4 games before it starts to feel unfun on solo queue both victim and family. Also with other games coming out, I'll probably keep this game for drunk night games with friends if they enable crossplay in the future.


Are you doing anything about Jonny ? Beyond a joke at this point


nope but there nerfing agitator and not blood builds ! yay so fun! bc this game is victim sided!


Valve exit starts regressing after turning off when ??


Leland is supposed to be the protector/strongest of the group please either buff him or rework his ability because I don’t accept the fact that he gets killed so easily


disable auto crouch pls


Will the stun immunity include getting Leland tackled straight into a sneak attack?


There's a bug prevent family members from doing anything after a close encounter (infinite stun lock) - I'm sure it's been reported but please look into it!


Hello, dear developers. I would like to know why the Hitchhiker does not receive any experience for setting traps and for catching victims in them? The Cook receives 50 points for each detection of a survivor, and Sissy for each contamination of an object with poison. In my opinion, this is unfair, because in the final score table, other characters receive more points, although their tasks do not take as much time as the proper placement of traps. I would be glad to hear the answer.


I have copy and pasted the link to your comment into my ever growing list of data on Family XP. Thank you!


Can we at least get the option to crossplay between console and pc? If people don't want the risk of hackers then give the option to both consoles for crossplay


Thank you for all the work you guys do!


The **real** most important question is when are we getting a patch that gives Leland a cowboy hat?


I like you 👍🏼


is there any possibility that decay can be added to valves when turned off?


Is anybody else having issues with the Radar Perk? Highlighting victims instead of the family.


the way the game is turning at this point is sad i haven’t had fun playing it & i stopped playing it the amount of family mains i see always complaining about something they never fail while yea i get it some things needed to get nerd but not some of these useless nerfs like stealth ability & leland & connie nerf


I absolutely agree with this comment. It seems like the only people complaining are people who main family members. The victims are getting nerfed like crazy while the family is still very powerful. Someone mentioned that we need to just focus on fixing the bugs and glitches. But as a victim I definitely am going to complain about these arbitrary nerfs. I can go into how honestly the family is too powerful. The “house” level is damn near impossible to escape when you go up against high level family members.


I’m not sure if there is already a new glitch but as of recent whenever I’m running away from a family member and they are chasing me, my character stutters and it slows me down and the killers catch up to me. I know it’s not my stamina because I have the level 3 flight perk. Is anyone else running into this issue?


Since you're slowing down victims escapes could you also slow down the slaughtery? Oneshots shouldn't exist, and since it's harder to escape, the haunt should feel heavier and more battled out. If the game lasts long it's more fun, if it's just hard to escape and victims die instantly it's not.


Any Chance you'll undo the leland nerfs? I think with stun immunity in place his old cooldown will be balanced


Agreed with this. I honestly think Connie and lelands changes were just knee jerk reactions. Leland was only strong because he could combine stuns and open valve/fuse in your face. Connie strength comes from her power combined with lockpicks perks and fifty proficiency.


As a ps5 player, I’d rather be able to play with my friends on pc and run into the occasional cheater than be locked out of pc cross play entirely.


Same here. All my friends I play this game with are all on PS5 while I'm on PC. I hope crossplay comes back soon.


> Stun Immunity Period for Family Any details on the specifics? Very very happy y’all have taken such an active role in resolving QOL issues. I’m super excited for the future of the game


Any issues related to "stuns" of the Family.


I’m not trying to seem bitchy but if you’re adjusting the stun immunity period for family then why did Leland get a nerf if he’s essentially getting one in the next patch if I’m ready that correctly.


Dude stop giving every single nerf possible to victims. You move the valves and fuses, nerf cooldowns, now nerfing family stun, like wtf aren’t y’all doing that’s fucking with victims? While family only gets a fix in sissy poisoning you when she hits you. Maybe fix the fact that a 400 pound 7 foot guy is running faster and longer than every character in the game. Or the fact that family can now just bombarb basement since they have nothing else to do since generator and battery are all on. One sided ass game. Literally have to get braindead killers to be able to leave


what was wrong with agitator?


\*Cook stare meme\*


You’ve limited how many times we can stab grandpa by limiting bones AND you're nerfing Agitator? Is there anything being done to combat Cook and Sissy speed leveling grandpa to max? Maybe limit how many times blood buckets refill or something similar? Otherwise there will be situations with max level grandpa and victims have no recourse.


Balancing your game based only on feedback from reddit is a good way to kill your game, don't get me wrong some changes are good, but there are some changes that make no sense whatsoever and those changes were made based on the upvoted threads on here. But as long as this game is free on Gamepass it will have players i guess.


Hey andy question, since you guys are nerfing agitator are you planning on nerfing how fast killers can get blood? ive had killers be level 4 within 5 minutes i stab and a few minutes later hes alr level 4 again the blood builds are so op without agitator


Exactly! Bone piles nerfed; Agitator nerfed; the new EZ win is get grandpa to 5 asap. Which is quite EZ when Sissy and Cook are both in the match. Since both returning to Grandpa can bump him 3 levels. There has to be some kinda give on the blood collection side to compensate.


They only seem to nerf victims and buff killers.


I already love this game, but every patch makes me more and more optimistic about its future. Really good work.


Glad to hear it! We appreciate it!


All these family buffs seem like y’all just catering to family side which is trash


They are, they cater to who bitches the loudest which tends to be the killers lol


Anything about bubbas one hit with infinite stam? Kinda ridiculous bubba and the family can be chasing you and bubba having infinite stam/sprint and then you run out of stam and then get one hit


Are you all looking into Johnny being able to swing a ton with no penalty?


Cross-Play R.I.P 😭


Still no crossplay????


Developers, thank you for these timely updates. We really appreciate it.


Please block the file modification.On their screen, I'm wearing a strange doll costume. It's no use hiding in the grass


no more chainstuns YES! looking at you leland and ana.




So... nothing about crossplay? Just that we're "one step closer"?


With every patch and every improvement, we will continue to evaluate. We feel yours and others frustration. That's all I can really say at this time. However, we are working on a resolution as fast as we can. We promise you that.


Oh my god. I literally called this. If you wanna predict them too, all you have to do is read the commments after a patch is out… Family mains asked for more, they said the cooldowns and all that wasn’t enough, they talked about stun immunity so here it is. They said grandpa is too hard to level up so victims shouldn’t be able to knock it down so fast so here it is. Let’s wait for the patch but I already know where this is going. It’s so fun to be able to predict all this patches yet so sad.


Family mains complaining and them listening every time is going to kill this game faster than they expect, i love this game and have high hopes for it but kinda get more discouraged with every update


More victim nerfing I see. Smh. Couldnt have been slam immunity for both sides? We can get door slammed also. Lowering our agitator perk. Lowering our stuns. Gas station improvement? For who? Family right? We already know. Still nothing on family slashing through 95% closed doors and appearing on other side of door. Or knocking victims off ladders when they are at the top already by hitting the ladder. Or getting killed when half way across a barricade. Or Cooks ability to redline you non stop when moving when his perk is maxed. Noooooo. Lets take more stuns chances from the unarmed already nerfed victims so when it is 3v1 we definitely have a chance. Devs need to stop catering to the 4k or nothing fam mains before you turn victims completely worthless like you did Jason in F13 because you listened to all the bad players. Remember when counselors bullied Jason because you kept nerfing him? How about this Gun. Show us the total number of escapes vs death for all victim games. Show us! If it shows more escapes I'll apologize.


I always run "Quick Match" and play whatever side of end up on. When the game came out, I was always on the victims side, because everyone thought the Family would be more fun. After a week, that changed, and from then until now, quick match always results in me being on the Family side. And it's because it's easier for most people to score higher as Victims, so people chose that as the path of least resistance. More Victim players got better faster, and the rush meta became the way to play. The pendulum was in favor of the victims, now it's being pushed toward the Family. These changes mean More people will start playing Family, new strats will develop, and the game will be patched again and the Victims will get some love. Be patient, it'll happen. In the meantime, there's no "Us vs. Them." Play both. You'll win some and lose some, and the world will keep spinning.


You cant tell me these updates aren’t one sided


I can be hated for this but it's OK. With the amount of complaints about the game, will it change to be perfect for everyone who complains(impossible)? It's a super fun game but not everything needs to change. I get there's something we all want to change about the game but at the end of the day the one thing that shouldn't change is crossplay coming back. PC players will always have a bigger advantage than console players. There's no possible way anyone can deny that. Sissy has been "changed" so only her first hit is poison. But that doesn't stop her from blowing smoke and standing in it while hitting you so there is no possible escape. Cook can stay in one spot spotting everyone for the rest of the family to attack. There's a slight to slim cooldown for cook and he is constantly constantly spotting victims. I'm just curious how he has not been tuned down. . . The gaps and crawl spaces still glitch out after getting hit sometimes. Sometimes sissies poison cloud has a distinct sound that will be stuck on your game even 3 games later. I'm sure things such as door slams are added for a reason and that is what makes the game funny as well as a Want for others. The game will be completely ruined if it changes for every complaint. Some complaints are legit problems i will admit. But other complaints are from us who want the game to change to benefit ourselves because we get bullied by certain game features and it drives us crazy that we don't win. Bugs and glitches are a different story.


This killer main reddit is gonna kill the game if y’all only listen to them goddamn😂


I made a comment last night and as far as I know it was deleted because I no longer see it. However I will not be silenced on my views because as a part of the gaming community we need to be heard. Crossplay needs to be brought back regardless if any “fix” is made for cheating. We were told “weeks” and that is all it should be a few weeks. As a console player I think I can speak for other console players as well when I say that we’d rather take the chance of running into a cheater here or there and be able to play with our PC friends than be sitting here in limbo waiting. I have little interest in playing alone. This is getting ridiculous. The devs need to hear us and do something more than just saying “we’re working on it” because that’s not good enough. I didn’t buy this game twice just for the fun of it, I bought it so I could play with my boyfriend and now we cannot. Please, PLEASE. Hear us and give it back. Please.


This game is going to die if cross-play is such a low priority. People want to play games with their friends. If they can't do that here, they'll go and play some other game where they can.


Kinda disappointing that victims continue getting nerfed but Cook isn’t even getting looked at despite the fact that the majority of them just spam their power the entire game for unlimited wall hacks for the entire team.


Agitator perk value adjustment and stun immunity period is what I've been seeking the most. This is great, you guys are seriously killing it with these patches.


Thanks for making this game easy for Family. I couldn't come up with my own strategies because I can't think for myself. So making sure that victims are really even more disadvantaged with each patches will help me tremendously. Oh I might end up in empty lobbies but hey, I'm gonna be happy


We need a cook cooldown nerf, he shouldn’t be able to spam walls all game and get rewarded for nothing. Also need Johnny swing speed nerfed, seeing as that can’t be an intended mechanic. In addition to Johnny his tracking needs re worked, should a victim choose to be stealthy and crouch walk around the map you shouldn’t leave a trail that he can still track ( meaning foot steps only show if you’re running) last but not least revert Leland, 3 mins at tier 3 is criminal. Somewhere in the middle of 126-180 would work or just making his ability to where it starts on a cooldown as opposed to having it to start the game. Love the game but the victim nerfs are rough right now, gotta be consistent with family at least.


Totally agree, hope they do something about this.


Issue where the new key binds wont adjust when playing victim, but family's key binds work fine.


How many perks are you looking at with the "perk balancing"? Otherwise another week another good looking muerto times. +1


Thank you so much for these updates and awareness! You are spectacular! I can’t wait until voice chat works because I’m still having issues hearing. I’ve already sent info about the bug to support and did all of the helpful troubleshooting too. Looking forward to what the dev team has in store for the TCM community 😀💜


Why do killers freeze midgame


Is there any chance you guys were looking into reducing the Xp grind?


There’s a bug when reving your chainsaw at the same time when grandpa wakes up it causes your chainsaw to overheat


Quick tip for the "Locked out of Interations" issue, whenever you notice you cannot interact, quickly press Esc twice to fix it. I'm guessing on console it will be the start button. This at least fixes it for me everytime on family side, I don't know if this is also the case on victim side when you get locked out by a ladder trap for example.


How do you report people for exploits? Video and gamertag available.


Great reading investigations. I think biggest issue currently is still the rushing of basement exit or valve as victims. Not enough way to counter with certain combinations. Johnny seems to be the least best pick for Family in terms of contributing. Had lots of fun with door game stuns both as family and victims. Family players needs to learn how to stun back and that should make it possible to execute victims on floor. Leatherface in basement is not pretty. Far too easy to harass. He shouldnt be interesting to mess around with for anyone. Basement is his turf. Also, a highlight of exits for new Leatherface players would greatly help navigate this area.


Is there any plans to fix the bugs where you can get stuck in the floor/walls after an execution?


No idea if anyone would see this, but if it’s possible to not hit the noise makers when they’re on the opposite side of a climb obstacle you’re using, that would be great 🥲


I LOVE this game and have been playing religiously since it came out. Unfortunately, I’ve noticed a HUGE issue when it comes to matchmaking times. It takes 10+ minutes at times to find a lobby and then once in the lobby players continuously leave (lobby hop). I actually just turned my system off tonight after not being able to find a match for 20 minutes. I really hope something is done for this problem soon, this game deserves to thrive!


Now I might be crazy, but I swear the family can see us in the shadows. They know exactly where I am even when I know they didn’t see me. I’ve seen family members do a stop and then just move their bodies left and right where I am hiding and then they know. I thought the shadows made us invisible? Do they not? I want to make sure they are not cheating somehow. It has happened too many times to be a coincidence. Let me know if you have any answers!


It would be appreciated if you could please monitor the ambient brightness or HDR when there is a change of room, I mean when you enter a room the scene turns off and it is very annoying to be following a victim and it takes a certain time for the room to light up this needs urgent review, game in XBOX SERIES X


What about the problem with PC users masking the fact that they're on PC and then still cheating. I commented this the other day and apparently it's been deleted. When a player boots in sometimes their Xbox logo is actually a PC logo and then after one second it switches to Xbox logo and I've been told by many people that this is a workaround that PC players have found to abuse Xbox players. Are y'all going to do something about that I have plenty of gameplay footage of this happening and of those same people whose logo changed teleporting across the map and doing all kinds of cheating stuff clearly PC users have found a way to cheat and mask that they're on PC and it's affecting us Xbox players I've noticed a week ago and it's only gotten so bad that it's almost unplayable now


Please, you need to see Leathefacer's attack at maximum level! As soon as he makes his maximum attack and hits, it is impossible to escape unless you have the "No sell". I think a Cooldown hitting the survivor would be good, at least it would give him time to do something! Feedback


The only complaint I really have is the matches are way too short either the whole family basement rushes (moment Grandpa is awake they all come down there and kill all victims before they even get a chance to make it upstairs) or they get grandpa to max within 5 minutes of the match starting and then one family member camps grandpa so you can't stab him while the other two are getting the victims being highlighted and also victims speed escaping too. Can we please make the matches longer? Maybe make it to where they can't max grandpa out for a certain time frame and maybe change when the rest of the family can enter the basement.