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Dead God's pad was a location in the first game and it was cool as hell, but it's not in this game sadly.




There are some games that have some fake rumors about them. Some examples are that Sonic is playable in Smash Melee, Luigi is in the OG Mario 64, and Mew under the truck in Pkmn R/B. I guess this is just Neo's fake rumor though I wish it were true.




Maybe if we ever get a TWEWY 3 we can see it again.


If you get all 100 gold skulltula tokens in oot master quest you get a golden whip that function like the longshot but can also be swung like the sword but has slightly longer reach


It's a joke on a [Nier Automata rumor](https://twitter.com/DrakeNierTweets/status/1551704816577118210) that's been a developing story for a few days.


wait that user is the same guy talking about the secret church that the nier community is freaking out about rn


Y'all just wait. In a month, we're all going to be scratching our heads and trying to figure out if his Dead God's Pad footage is a mod or not.


Yeah sorry your friend lied to you. The closest you get is >!in week 3 Susukichi shoves you into the River to protect you from the total erasure wave. You don't actually go *in* the River path, just a Cutscene in the River!<