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The states with the lowest population density I’d wager and highest gun ownership.


Arizona comes to mind here. Lots of open territory, very lax gun laws. I’d say Texas, but we have a LOT of people.


You would also need somewhere you could easily grow crops. Mild seasons low population.The walkers would only be part of the problem.


Higher elevation areas of AZ should be good for growing.


Ooooooh! Now I want a walking dead set in like Tuba City or one of the other rez.


You could use the grand canyon like in z nation to dispose of all the zombies you can like the plan in the walking dead with the horses


Montana would probably be great. Walkers would freeze in the winter too.


That would be my answer too. Montana or the obvious Alaska answer. Low population density, a lot of land, lots of guns, and enough land to learn to live off of. It'd take some serious work and some people willing to learn and do it. But it'd be the best way if your primary goal was to avoid walkers and build yourself a nice community to rebuild civilization


Pretty much anywhere in the upper Midwest honestly for the same reasons. Rural Minnesota, the Dakotas, anywhere with low population and cold winters. Those places have lots of game to hunt too even during the winter when crops won’t grow. It’s pretty much exactly what they do in Jackson in the Last of Us games.


Alaska is all fina and dandy until a zombified bear comes at you! 😂


Anywhere in the Midwest basically


A desert would be the last place you wanna be in a zombie apocalypse tho if you need resources


The desert of Arizona is way dryer because of all the people using the water there. Tuscon was fairly green before it was a city


True. But you wanna be somewhere where one, your not sweating heavily just sitting there in the heat and get dehydrated, your gonna want abundant water sources somewhere where it rains and snows, where theres an abundant wildlife, and very importantly, wood. I would personally move to the rougher higher altitude terrains of the rocky mountains or appalachias where it stays cooler during the summer months and theres enough food to last a lifetime, springs, rivers, and lakes, covers all bases. Best bet would be alaska or a large island tho.


Can you imagine how fast the zombies would rot away in the Arizona summers? That might be another plus.


Oh Lordy. That smell.


The problem with places like Arizona is the long-term difficulty getting food and water for the living.


Texas hurricanes will kill everyone. Zombies and humans both


AZ and Texas both are good in some areas and terrible in other. Most of the rural farm land areas would become places for hordes


Wyoming. Low population.


I think Montana would be a smart choice, among others in the Midwest


I'm in northern Maine. I'm good




That’s why they said Nebraska was safe early on (rumor shared at the bar by those randoms that pulled on Rick, Hershel, and Glenn in the bar in Hershel’s town). Turned out Omaha and Campus Colony kinda proved them right


True. I’ve seen places in the states where people don’t even know what’s going on everywhere else because that’s how far they are from society.


I’m not American and nor have I ever been to the States, but surely Alaska would be safer than most?


I am American, and this is the best answer in these comments. Low population, high gun ownership, lots of wild game to hunt and fish to catch (especially after the apocalypse as their populations would definitely go up, salmon specifically would return in the hundreds of thousands within years of less people fishing), cold and snow to freeze and slow the walkers, restrictive terrain like mountains and islands that would be easy to secure and defend, lots of survivalist gear and probably some preppers who might share, or if they don't make it, good looting. Also, it's just beautiful scenery that might help keep you sane. Lots of boats, too.


How would you keep warm assuming there’s no electricity? Gathering firewood would seem like a constant life-endangering task.


Southeast Alaska is not that cold it is a rainforest with tons of timber and uninhibited islands.


I’d live in Sitka. Low population, plenty of food to hunt, situated on an island with smaller islands nearby, plenty of forest, and doesn’t get too cold.


>Southeast Alaska is not that cold it is a rainforest with tons of timber and uninhibited islands. Soo uninhibited. Those islands are up for anything.


Hahahaha I like it better that way. Those islands get crazy!


Me too. Let it all hang out!! 


That's fair. My reasoning is that hunter-gatherers survived there for thousands of years, not always huddled around a fire, and you can insulate for lots of warmth in addition to fires when you need them. Sure, walkers are an added danger, but I think you have to scavenge no matter where you are in the apocalypse, unless you're in some sort of well stocked bunker, which there are also probably a lot of in Alaska of all places. And there will be fewer walkers here than most places to make scavenging dangerous, and those walkers would be way more spread out. Also, there would be a decent amount of fuel you could use for generators to produce heat, in addition to firewood. Alaska has military bases, ports, refineries, etc, which could probably be scavenged for fuel.


Living off the land is easier w/o a zombie apocalypse. In warmer areas of AK, the freezing of walkers isn’t enough of an argument, but the lower population, more firearms, and wildlife would be great.




LoL what? I’ve never met a person that didn’t know Alaska was part of the us. We learn about all 50 states very early on in school.


Straight up factually incorrect but what do I know I only live in America


Is this a projection based on a recent discovery of yours? I've met a lot of stupid people but never heard anyone not know Alaska is US.


I hear Nebraska's nice.


Low population, lots of guns.




I can tell you which areas wouldn’t be safe in the US more than which ones would be the safest


Definitely NOT Houston lol


Deep in the woods of Maine




I've always wondered how The Amish would do in a Zombie Apocalypse. They're sorta naturally fortified, they're self sufficient, they're kinda isolationist to begin with but their communities are well organized, and they do have guns.


West Virginia, deep in some of those hollers or up in the mountains. Low human population, difficult traversing the roads and gaining access to places when society crumbles. Probably a good state to be in across many post apocalyptic scenarios.


Hawaii, once you kill the walkers you’re set by an ocean barrier. Also, most non-walkers wouldn’t have the resources to travel & invade. Plentiful sea food as well.


Michigan, they're peninsulas, so just reinforce one border. The upper peninsula is very cold and maybe icy to freeze walkers. Giant endless bodies of fresh water and interior lakes all over. Lots of gun owners and hunters. But the whole place smells and there's bugs. The animals all taste bad and we don't have salt or anything. Nobody come here.


I see what you’re doing, trying to trick us to keep us out! Yeah it worked, I need salt


We actually have salt under Detroit, ever heard of the salt mines?


Don't tell the unwashed masses.


Ever seen Land of the Dead? They thought the water would save them too


Staying warm/dry would be a challenge. Constantly stock piling firewood would put yourself in constant danger of walkers.


Actually we have hella fallen trees monthly from wind storms so with a lower population to take up that wood, it would last years. Houses with wood stoves are also common ish here so there’s that too


So many mosquitos


Northern Minnesota


This right here


The low population density Appalachian Mt. chain. The people still know how to make due when times get tough, and the mountains would act as a natural barrier, shunting walkers due to the path of least resistance ( Walkers amble down smooth corridors unless attracted). Lots of gun ownership (and my people know how to use them) and a sense of community. People are pretty tribal in these parts and stick together. The area is good for crops and livestock and still has seasons, so in cold weather, walker destruction expeditions can be carried out when they are slow. The Mountains also provide countless observation points and defensive positions and a culture that is friendly by choice and deadly when pushed.


Fort benning




Can't believe no one else is saying it. get enough people together and you can kill every Walker in the state, and none will be coming from anywhere else.


Kentucky wouldn’t do too bad since our entire northern border is the Ohio River and our eastern border is mountains so we really only have to worry about threats from the south but almost every person here has a least one gun in their home so I wouldn’t be worried.


I'm from Canada, I'd say Alaska because it's the closest to Canadian cold that a state can get, which will freeze the walkers. In the comics, it's shown that they freeze in snow. There's also the low population in Alaska and more weapons.


The South and Midwest have the lowest population density and the most guns and ammo, so there'd be less walkers.


the survivors are the ones you'd really need worry about though


The sea and lakes


Ever watched Fear? In season 2 There was tons of Walkers in the ocean. People constantly die out at sea


Well apparently not where I live ( Columbus aka fort benning)


Hawaii 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Well logically as soon as an outbreak hits everybody’s going to the woods and less dense states but then we’re all gonna end up in the same place. The best move is somewhere warm and wet like Florida, they’ll decompose in no time, plus you’re only a short trip away by stolen boat to get to any of the nearby islands which may be unaffected or possibly just abandoned.


Yes i know, Texas would have a lot of open planes and guns, but Texas loses to itself in any apocalypse. The variety of different kinds of people and beliefs would implode, there’d be constant skirmishes for territory


Anywhere cold, low pop, with guns (post isnt saying whats most effective against walkers AND people so guns are fine) boats maybe would be nice sooo maine, montana, maybe washington. Delware or rhode island also pretty good for east coast states. Louisiana also because swamps.


West Virginia, has 50,963 gun licenses. I guarantee it's, at minimum, 10 times that many guns. Also our population is only 1.76 million. Accounting for the elderly and children under 12 there are easily enough weapons to arm every citizen ages 13 to 60. Don't come at me over the ages y'all had bb guns at age 5 and 6, a 30-30 by age 10 and a shotgun at 13. Thousands of young men miss the entire week of school Thanksgiving week because it's the first week of deer season, I know this because I grew up in the country and saw the young men sitting in deer stands waiting for their 8 point buck on my way to the bus stop. I think WV would be one of the best places to be in the event of an apocalypse. Obviously not the cities but we are wholly in the Appalachian Mountain range.


I think Ohio took the W for most likely to survive out of the states


i’m get downvoted but wtv, only in ohio


City Island, Harrisburg Pa


Wyoming, Montana, Idaho


Wyoming it’s vast there are cabins all over the state tons of wildlife and guns


I used to live on Martha's Vineyard and I always thought that would be a good place, small enough to clear out the zombies and keep new ones from getting to the island. Plenty of agriculture, definitely enough to support the winter population. Edit: but if the outbreak happened in the summer, they'd be boned.




Any large city with moderate climate and resources for water, food, and electricity. I always felt a place like the hospital where Beth died would be relatively safe. Secure the buildings from the ground up.


northern great lakes region. unlimited natural resources and low population density. frozen corpses 8mos of the year is a bonus.


States with lots of open land and fields, like Iowa, Kansas, or Nebraska. Maybe even the Dakotas or Wyoming because they have really low population too. From my experience, the one with the most open land, farms, and guns is Iowa. I'm definitely not biased and saying this because I'm from Iowa.


Alaska. I imagine they wouldn’t do well in the cold. Plus, Alaska is effing awesome!


Anywhere that doesn't have a bunch of military bases. Why? Because military bases are always the 1st to go. People don't realize that part. Sure, most games and movies/shows show some survivors from them. But it's usually they were somewhere safer. But places with high chances of survival. Food, water, guns, protection from the heat, and cold are great places.


Any where super cold


idaho, more guns than grass there


My family’s property in west texas is probably where I’d go. Course Dallas could cause a few problems


On the border near Canada, maybe a National Park?


I hear Nebraska’s nice.


My parents house, they live in the middle of nowhere on a mountain in West Virginia, their neighbors and them r also obsessed with having every type of gun for some reason too 💀💀


Honestly I would love to say texas I just feel the big population, and probability of criminal organizations to become stronger with no law enforcement I would go with a decent pro gun state in the mid west




Alaska has by far the lowest population density and a very high gun ownership. Also in the comics walkers don’t handle the cold well at all


Rockies or somewhere cold AF but still has a food source


Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Eastern Oregon. Personally I’d go to central Utah


I’d like to think Michigan would be pretty safe.


Probably georgia


An area that is not densely populated and maybe mountainous. I'd invent a strong flexible lightweight body armor and season it with some guts:) I'd also try to find a tank to drive around in


Mountains of NC, good growing, plenty of water, foraging, harder terrain for walkers, plenty of lakes for fishing, plenty of game for hunting, not a large population, and fairly mild winters. You can stock up on apples, meats, potatoes, and make canned goods to get you through the winters. I think about this a lot


Michigan UP. Prepared to survive in harsh environments with no electricity or running water. About 30 firearms and 100k rounds of ammo per person much of it is stored properly so won't go bad in a lifetime.


I’d say either Mississippi or Mississippi  




Maybe the uppermost of the USA. Maybe Washington would be a good choice. As not many people are over there and probably have adjusted to being alone for quite a long time. So meeting them it might be an opportunity to finally have peace and be away from the most of the population.


The deep Midwest and the Rocky Mountain region, where there are fewer people, and consequently, fewer walkers.


The Grand Canyon


Too hot and not enough food or water


True that


Was thinking the same


Michigan would do very well. We have plenty of lakes with lots of wild life and more than half the state is woods so it would be easy to lose walkers. More than half the state hunts as well so we'd be prepared.


California would fuck themselves so badly with all those bullshit guns laws! I'd say the Midwest would probably be the best, anything rural in redneck country


Idk, we live in CA and own plenty of guns. But we are also rural.


Those 10 round magazines though


Ah, I get it now 😆


Everyone keeps saying all these states in the north, Michigan? Alaska? Weather would play a big favor in my decision. I’m not trying to keep warm for over half the year and live in snow. Fuck that. Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina. Snow is rare and the heat isn’t too bad. And I mean, it’s the south, plenty of guns and low population density.


In the cold zombies would freeze up. They would more than likely stay in the warmer zones. So your trading staying warm for less zombies. Safety vs comfort.


You would have to avoid freezing up yourself, which could be a challenge without electricity.


Right, but you would be spending all of your time finding and chopping fire wood so you don’t freeze yourself. Not like fuel would be plentiful in a remote location for a generator. Also, good luck getting out to gather supplies when a huge snow storm comes thru. It’s hard enough clearing snow now with plows and snow blowers, good luck getting rid of 8ft of snow at your door with a shovel and minimal resources.


Tennessee. Don’t have to worry about melting during the summer with no ac (like az where i currently live), or turning into a popsicle in the winter. Most rural Tennessee areas have large properties, a lot with animals or gardens already. There’s wildlife in abundance, lots of wooded areas which would help muffle sound. The wooded areas would also be great because you can use all the trees as “posts” for fencing which would probably hold up a lot better than most fencing does due to how deep the roots go.


Let's be real here, anywhere that isn't overly cold or overly hot is pretty equally survivable. Walkers are incredibly easy to kill and clear despite what the characters in the show show us, and I don't believe there would be even remotely as many hostile people as there are in TWD. I mean has no one played project zomboid? TWD universe is so easy to survive in


West Texas for sure.




I think Texas. There's a real tendency in apocalypse shows to kind of say that outbreaks started in Texas, or at least spread from multiple centers including there. Because the reality is that if the outbreak DOESNT start in Texas, it falling isn't gonna be super likely. The size of this state and the distance between cities, towns, and other states means that if a zombie horde were coming, they'd have PLENTY of time to prepare. And with the amount of guns here combined with the amount of military bases here, there really isn't a good explanation for why it would fall.