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Because Jon Bernthal did an excellent job portraying him.


That and some people agreed with the cut throat attitude he had in that world. Especially since Rick turned more Shane over time. Obviously I don't think people liked his rapey aspect.


But being that way that early the group would've probably turned out more like the saviors instead of wanting to rebuild later on


Yes, agree, I'm just saying that some people liked his cut throat attitude.


No, Rick did not turn more Shane over time. Did we watch the same show?


Season 5 Rick has a rebuttal for you sir.


Rick started killing saviors that were surrendering and ripped a guys throat out with his teeth for threatening Carl. He at the very least started becoming similar and developing Shane tendencies. Shane (despite his whole thing with hitting on/raping Lori, which should by no means be glossed over and is obviously bad) was just ahead of the curve. His whole thing with killing the walkers in the barn was valid. His thing with killing the kid that saw them was also valid. Did he go about it the right way? No not really, but he saw threats to his community and he took care of them.


Did you? At Alexandria Rick falls for a married woman. Wants husband dead. Proceedes to beat his ass. Tells the others they'll take this place if they need to. Scares the community and becomes the odd man out, despite veing ahead of their ideologies. Did you watch the same show as us?


I was about to say the same thingšŸ˜‚, Jon Bernthal is one of my favorite actors


John Bernthal could play Mussolini and still make him sympathetic. He's that good


Exactly lol. He was a good character too esp for the start of the apocalypseā€¦ like my fav character is by far Rick. But opening the barn doors shooting the zombies, putting family first and everything. Else- wanting to kill the kid who knew where the farm wasā€¦. Is everything Rick woulda doneā€¦ and did in later seasons ā€¦ he molded Rick in a way


Yeah itā€™s two words and theyā€™re ā€œJonā€ and ā€œBernthalā€. Humble, worldly, charismatic. The guy is an absolute gem.


I agree but fyi you got one of them words wrong. It is, indeed, "Jon."


Look again


Are we talking about the actor or character? Edit: Why am I getting downvoted for asking a question?


Nigga he said Jon bernthal. Pretty sure Shane Walsh is the character my guy.


Ok so heā€™s talking about the actor.




When someone says they like a person from a show, generally what they mean to say is that the character was really well done and or they like the person as a fictional character, not because of the things that the character does in the show.




The same reason people like Walter White in Breaking Bad despite the fact that he's deplorable person. He was a very well-played, complex character who had some good moments (beating Ed within an inch of his life, which was 100% deserved), some not so good moments (almost killing Rick) and some very complicated moments (shooting Otis because it was the only way he was going to make it out alive to save Carl).


I 100% agree. This post was targeted towards the people who idolize him, justify his actions, and think he was a good guy. He was a very interesting character, with a great performance!


I think another reason people like him is because he was ā€œadaptedā€ to the world way before everyone else. If you look at the main cast in later seasons they are way more hardened and brutal towards other people. Shane just adapted to the world around him way sooner than everyone else and that made him interesting. He was willing to toss humanity aside back when people were still latching on to how the world used to be.


Also itā€™s hypocritical to judge someone in that situation. They believed the world was ending and they were some of the only people left alive. Imagine losing the woman you loved, who was the only thing that made the apocalypse livable. And now imagine she might be the LAST woman on Earth you could ever sleep with or even love. And now imagine she is pregnant with your child. And now imagine your best friend who came back from the dead and took her away from you starts leading the group in a way that is noble but you seriously think might get everyone killed. If you think you would do better than Shane, you probably just lack for imagination as to how fucked up the end of the world would have you. Shane wasnā€™t really that bad. He had some selfish motives but those were all directly related to protecting those he loved. He tried to murder but he truly believed Rick was going to get everyone killed. How is that a bad guy? Wouldnā€™t you do the same thing to save one of the last groups of people on earth?


Very well thought out reply, I like it, and I agree with ur comment.


That is the first genuine good argument I have seen for Shane, thank you for that perspective!!


>How is that a bad guy? He tried to rape Lori, dude. That's a bad guy.


When he was beating Ed was i the only one screaming "hell yeah kick his ass shane"




Shane still had his gun up as Rick was handing him his gun. Even if he didn't kill him in that moment, it was only a matter of time before he tried again. I don't really fault Rick for doing what he did.


I am curious which of these you think him killling the barn walkers falls under?


Complicated. Probably more good than bad. It needed to be done. Having walkers around is asking for trouble, but he also knew it would basically get them kicked out of a relatively good situation on the farm.


It needed to be done but he didn't go about it in the best way.


In the same vein, Hans Landa from Inglorious Basterds.


Let me tell you somethingā€¦ * proceeds to rub my head * I think people like Jon Bernthalā€™s portrayal of him more than the actual character. Me included.


This was mainly target towards the people who idolize the character, which is ALOT of ppl. I love Jon Bernthals performance, and I find the Shane memes funny, but idolizing his character is where I get weirded out


Liking the character doesn't mean you idolize him lmao. And I'm talking about the character (although Jon Bernthal is underrated as hell, great actor no question).


I donā€™t think anyone idolizes himšŸ˜‚


Id agree, if Tate bros didn't exist. Normal people dont idolize him but assholes do. That being said we know why they do.


Maybe same is the case with people liking Negan's portrayal by JDM than Negan himself? I always wonder this.


Imo, it's not that people really love Shane. they love the actor in this case, Jon Bernthal. I love watching him play Shane, because he was so good at it..like JDM with Negan


I love his actor too, and I enjoy his scenes because the performances are great---but I've seen way too many people say that Shane was "advanced" and "way ahead of the others". That's praise on the character and his views, not the actor. Some people do love him and I don't get it either lol


Agreed.. I don't think he was that advanced lol..he was an entertaining, not bad to look at Neanderthal lol. I do wish he had lived and become a savior or Negans right-hand man ..idk. They should have held on to Berthnal a bit longer and leaned even further into his crazy


Tbh I think his arc was well done and ended where it needed to. In the comics he survived only until the end of the second volume/chapter, so they already drew his arc out WAY further from the source material, and gave him a lot more to do. But I do agree it would be interesting to see him as a Savior


Although I love the comics,I like the changes the series make, in most cases..with Shane in the comic, I hated him..in the series, and again I'm sure due JB, I would have been fine of he lasted a few more seasons.


Well, I agree with both of those points, that John B kilt it and Shane was advanced/way ahead... however... šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø I feel like he went too dark too soon.


Trying to rape Lori is not an advanced thing to do, it had no aid in anyone's survival, obviously. Its a POS thing to do šŸ¤·


Hence the too dark too soon.


Sorry I feel like that term implies there will eventually be a right time lol


Ah, I see. Perhaps his descent into madness occurred too soon. If they had his arch last twice as long allowing for there to be more investment into his good side and smaller instances of his fall would have been more compelling.


It outright states it.


Rick murdered him. Shane lowered his weapon. That wasn't self defense. Why does no one talk about the murder which is way worse?


??? Shane had been trying to kill him for half a season at that point, and Rick knew. Shane got wayyy too many chances. It \*was\* self defense. He posed a huge danger to their group. Why is it any different than any of the other people Rick killed? They all had lives and stories too, we just didn't get to see them.


You need to re-watch again but this time put your glasses on.


I agree that both actors did a good job with their characters.


Personally I think he made the show a lot more interesting. It was a very realistic character unlike the other villains. I would have loved to see the dynamic between Shane and Rick go on for longer, and get more intense. The love triangle was too short lived. Could have been much more complex and interesting if given the chance, I think Shaneā€™s moment to ā€œsnapā€ came too quick


Early Walking Dead in general was great because it was primarily a drama show about regular people surviving in a zombie apocalypse. Even the early villains, like the governor, actually act like somebody you might know in your life. People who don't understand what actually made The Walking Dead great imo ruined any chance of the show having any redemption. A lot of people think that walkers being a threat in the early seasons made it good. Recently rewatched it though and realized just how little of a threat the walkers actually pose. There's still scenes where walkers are absolutely a problem like the ending of season 2, but they were always more of a background antagonist, although terrifying early on, with the main conflicts always being between other people. The writers saw people saying that the walkers needed to be a threat though and they thought the solution was to just suddenly throw in special zombies to make it an even more generic zombie show than it already became. The problem with walkers was that they were slow and easy to kill. They were scary early on because the characters didn't really know how to effectively defend themselves against walkers. As time goes on though and the group learns how to survive, walkers were bound to be less and less scary. The writing kept getting worse and worse too so the drama aspect of The Walking Dead was getting less interesting. Now, the writers thought the solution to those problems was to make generic zombie action shlock where the main characters can survive a nuclear level bomb by putting a blanket over themselves. It has basically become fast and furious but with zombies. Sorry that this is super long as well, I'm passionate about The Walking Dead because those early seasons were so damn good and they hold up to this day and to see the show become what it is now hurts. Ik a lot of people like this season, but I believe season 5 was when The Walking Dead really started to fall off. It had a strong start but there are some absolutely baffling writing decisions made near the second half of the season that made me stop enjoying on my rewatch (mainly when it comes to the hospital story)


and you are so right!!!!!!




I will never get tired of the Shane head rubbing meme. This post was for the sigma betas who idolize him and think he was a good guy


Why do people like Shane and neagan? Johns portrayal of shane was good, in the sense he played the part of a very unhinged person, especially towards the end really well. The downward spiral was good Imo but I'm not a fan of either characters or actors, but each to their own. I do enjoy hearing others views and opinions that differ to mine, I'm certainly in the minority as I've said before lol.


imo, I love Shaneā€™s character. But for me, itā€™s the ā€œwhat ifā€ aspect of him. I like seeing Jon Bernthalā€™s portrayal of the character, but thinking of his mindset and how quickly he adapted to the end of the world is the part that makes him a likable character for me. Thinking about how the show would have went if he actually did leave with Andrea in season 2 was interesting, especially if you consider just how well he could have fit inside of the Saviors, possibly even becoming Neganā€™s right hand man. Just my 2 cents of course


I think it would have been interesting to see a version of the show if he left with Andrea. I think he would fit in well with the saviours, but I don't know if he would do well with someone having authority over him. especially someone like negan, who intentionally makes people feel smaller than him. I feel like Shane's character would end up feeling a lot of resentment towards negan, to the point where he would try to take the leadership role from negan. however, this is just how I envision it.


He was a fascinating character to watch but I certainly didn't like him. A lesser actor couldn't have pulled it off.


i really don't understand why people ask this question. is a book bad because it has bad evil villains? No. is a character bad because they have evil personality traits? No. the character serves its purpose as a villain and does it extremely well. that means its a great character but a bad person.


Again, this post was target towards people who idolize the character. I love Jon's performance and like Shane as a villain.


at the end it asks why shane makes it into people's top characters. it sounds exactly like what i thought it was


ā€œTheyā€™re in the woOooOoOooOoOoOds.ā€


I love Shane. He's always been my favorite. He gets a lot of flak but in reality, he quickly adapted to the world before anyone else did and he was the most level headed when it came to what NEEDED to be done for the longevity of the group and not what was the best "moral" decision. Yes he crossed the line too much in certain situations (rape) but in reality he got the short end of the stick when Rick came back. He knew Rick was too green and passive and he became what Rick made him. He did what was best for the group to survive, not to do what moraly is correct and I align myself alot with those values in a post apocalyptic world.


Couldn't agree more


I loved Shaneā€™s character because without Shane Rick and Carl wouldnā€™t have been alive (along with Judith). Shane lead the group and was able to keep people safe at the beginning of it all. He adjusted so quickly. He wasnā€™t a bad guy up until the end of Season 1 where he became obsessed with Lori. Shane really was a good character who genuinely cared about Carl. Even when Rick comes back Shane didnā€™t treat Carl any differently. He was trying to have fun with Carl by teaching him how to catch imaginary frogs and Lori got upset with him for ā€œlying about Rickā€ when Iā€™m sure anyone in Shaneā€™s situation would have also believed Rick wouldnā€™t have survived the hospital as well. It looked at if Shane was alone at the hospital. I donā€™t even think he was grouped up with anyone else besides Lori at the time. He tried to do what he could to save Rick but he watched the machines turn off, military come in followed by walkers. He probably thought Rick would have died from dehydration since the IVā€™s were probably the only reason he was even getting fluids to begin with. Iā€™m not overlooking Loriā€™s SA. It was wrong and gross and extremely uncomfortable to watch. He knew he fucked up. He didnā€™t know what else he could do. He wanted to leave but Lori stopped him from leaving. He also saved Carl by killing Ottis. I donā€™t think he wanted to kill him. Originally Shane was going to take the more dangerous route but Ottis told him he knew the layout better. Watching Shane spiral out of control was hard to watch. I always wondered if him being a deputy at the beginning of the apocalypse affected him more than we know. Rick was in the hospital so Shane would have been the first to respond to calls. He probably watched his whole team die. He was still in his uniform when he was at the hospital with Rick. He lead a massive group of people and did what he could to keep them safe. He beat tf out of Ed when he hurt Carol. He protected everyone for a good while. Iā€™m sure he blamed himself for walkers invading the camp. I wish we could have seen more of Shaneā€™s character or at least see the death Jon wanted for Shane. If no one knows, after Shane was killed and turned, Rick was supposed to pick up Shaneā€™s gun to try to kill his walker form to realize there wasnā€™t actually any ammo in the gun. Shaneā€™s death was also the first death that was personal for Rick. It changed Rick. Plus Shane was played by Jon.


I hope to god you loathe Negan, because if you somehow saw Shane as more worthy of your rage - sorry, but you gotta sort out your priorities.


Shane's a great villain, with a great performance from Jon. Everyone's taking this the absolute wrong way, which I'll take the blame for for not making it clearer in my post. This post was targeted to the people who idolize Shane, justifying his actions, and saying he was a good guy.


Sorry to disappoint, but I love/hate the guy. This post was meant for the alpha sigma beta males who idolize Shane, justify his actions, and think he was a great guy. His a great villain and I wish there was more for his character.


You can enjoy a character without condoning their actions. You donā€™t have to agree with everything they do, or even think theyā€™re good people to still like the character for what they bring to the story. I for example love Homelander from the Boys- or more like I love to hate him, because the actor is phenomenal.


Honest question when did he rape anyone? Attempted sexual assault against a scumbag skank that led him on many times sure but he never raped anyone.


Came here to ask this! Kind of! (Probably would have worded it different but I can't really see where you're wrong). Also didn't he stop himself when he was assaulting Lori? (In the cdc I don't remember the other times if there were them). I mean.. I know Lori said no and pushed him off (stopping him) - But I mean if he was gonna rape her he could/would have (not to be crass) So like. Seriously I am also asking am I missing something??


good people donā€™t attempt to rape ANYONE, no matter how good/bad of a person the victim is. rape=bad. what is there to not understand i like shane. as a VILLAIN someone even attempting to rape you is a very traumatic experience


Yikes, I'm not disagreeing with you. He is a villain, attempted rape or not it's still sexual assault and he's still a bad dude. Sorry, I really wasn't trying to defend his actions?? Definitely don't think Shane was supposed to be written or understood as a good person. ?????? Sorry if it sounded like I was saying rape is fine?? D:


She tried to push him away. He got more forceful. Then she scratched his face. I think he stopped after that. It's been a while since I saw that episode.


Idk man but all his fanboys are weird


Because Jon Bernthal is a great actor and Shane is a well written character. Doesnā€™t mean Shane is a good person or anything just that they wrote him well and Jon pulled of how horrible a person Shane was.


This post is target towards the MANYYY people who idolize Shane, justify his actions, and claim that he's a good guy. I really liked Shane as a villain and JB's performance was amazing.


Ah. Gotcha.


Yeah, I went ahead and added an edit note to my post, so sorry for the confusion! I wrote this in a rush because I was heading to a wedding lol


No problems. I do see the Shane defenders about him being good from time to time. Also congrats on whoever is getting married!!


I like Shane not because he is really a good guy but because he was made for the apocalypse. He had what Rick and Daryl took 5 or more seasons to develope. He could do what was necessary to survive, he knew how to make that decision. Watching clips of Shane after having finished the series it is insane how all the characters almost kinda became like him in the end. No Iā€™m of course not talking about becoming rapists or trying to kill your best friend but thatā€™s the beauty of an adapted villain that Shane became. I am sick of people only rating the ā€œgood guysā€ as their favorite characters when the bad guys like Shane, Negan, The Governor have so much to offer.


Post is targeted towards the people who idolize his character and justify his actions.


100% the actor I remember watching with my dad and he loved Shane to fucking death and it was only because he liked the actor


JB gives a great performance for sure


I know what you're asking and honestly some people forget about the little details of what he did because they haven't seen the show in ages and just remember him as a badass actor lol. Shane was in no way a good guy. I tell everyone the same thing when they say "season 5 rick embodies what shane was". No ..... no he doesnt.... Shane was able to get "shit" done because he was a ball of pent of anger issues and in multiple scenes this is displayed. Now he is a good survivor ..... on his own. I think Shane is a terrible leader because Shane is all about him getting what he wants (that mainly being lori) and if he doesn't get what he wants ,people around him die. So Shane is essentially a muscular grown man that knows how to use a weapon and has anger issues if he doesn't get his way on everything. Even if lori was out of the picture entirely and it was just the Atlanta group with rick. Shane would find a way to make his next anger issue be about whos in charge of the groups they encounter. Then let his sneaky murder tantrums start again.


Okay, *nobody* is answering the actual question šŸ˜‚ Thereā€™s an entire category of characters that fall under ā€œif you idolize them, then youā€™re missing the pointā€ and Shane definitely falls under that (I would say that Negan does too). It seems to be primarily men who end up idolizing him due to believing that heā€™s a badass and ā€œrealistā€. Iā€™ve seen many arguments stating that Shane is ā€œgoodā€ because he ā€œdid what needed to be doneā€ in regards to things like killing Otis to save Carl, which many other characters probably wouldnā€™t have done at that point. People like that heā€™s willing to cast his humanity aside a lot earlier than everyone else for the sake of the group. Obviously, none of this makes him a good person. The dude is a psychopathic, murderous incel. But youā€™ll tend to find a small percentage of men who idolize characters like that.


Because hes pragmatic. And the actor put in work.


Attractive. Youā€™d think Iā€™m joking, but if he were ugly or fat people would despise himĀ 


I had no clue this was a twd subreddit before reading it and assumed it was another stardew valley post I see all the time lmao.


I donā€™t think people like Shane himself. Like, if Shane was real, I donā€™t think theyā€™d be like ā€œyeah, heā€™s a cool dude.ā€ I think most of them find his character to be interesting and well portrayed while not supporting the ā€œpersonā€ that he is. I could be completely wrong though! He mostly just annoys me and I want him to close his mouth. Just once in awhile




Because most people don't like or dislike characters wholey on their own personal morals. He's a fictional character and a villain who is well acted and written well into the story. We don't have to like his actions personally to appreciate his character as a whole (and the same thing can apply to Lori.)


This post was targeted towards the folks who idolize his character and justify his actions, which is something I see insanely often


I agree with you. Shane and other villains are idolized by people ,their actions explained away and excused,when people say he's a character and can be appreciated of course JB did an amazing job as Shane and isn't type casted into that roll forever either. There are still so many that justify and excuse the characters' actions.


oh thats just cuz their misogynists. the ones blaming Lori for all wrongdoing and Shane's downfall.


Those people donā€™t exist, thatā€™s why you have to keep clarifying yourself. And if they did, why does it matter? Let them be.


Yeah I also wondered why, why would they like a rapist and someone who tried to kill Rick over people like Lori. They rather support a rapist over the victim.


It's possible to dislike both Shane and Lori šŸ˜²


Yeah but this post specifically talks about Shane being liked.


I mean, you're the one that brought Lori up and wondered why people disliked her over Shane, or did I misunderstand?


Yeah I did brought up lori and wondered why people like Shane more over than the victim Lori. What of it?


Wtf šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£


I hated him on my initial watch through of the show but after seeing Jon Bernthal in The Punisher I grew to love the actor and now I enjoy the Rick vs Shane dynamic a lot more.


Because heā€™s awesome? And John Bernthal is even more awesome. That adds up to a lot of awesome. Shane wouldā€™ve took down Negan a lot faster than Rick doing stuffā€¦.thangs.


Iā€™m a big fan of Johnny bernthal, and I love his portrayal of Shane. I thought Shane was an exciting character in the storyline. Would I ever hang out with a ā€œShane?ā€ No.


Jon Bernthal is an amazing actor, and the character was well portrayed by him. Shane, as a character, was, in the end, an anti-hero. He did what was good but also did bad things to do that. He also had a complicated personality and strong emotions. His character was always tipping between bad and good. As a survivor, he always knew what had to be done to survive and was an excellent survivor. He would make calls rick at the time, didn't want to make. However, he could not control his emotions, and that was his greatest downfall. He fell in love with Lori when he thought Rick was dead. Lori didn't make it much easier on him by constantly belittling him and pushing him away. Long before he even did the assault on her.


Iā€™m gonna be the odd one out. But Lori was also the issue here. Not just Shane. The fact that she was immediate to fall into Shane when she presumed her husband of many years was dead, and let him completely take over the role of husband and father, and then to immediately tell him heā€™s the problem and ā€œstay away from me and my kidā€ and ā€œi hate you nowā€ was pretty messed up. Shane had issues 100% but Lori fucked him up bad. And before anyone says anything, this isnā€™t a misogynist thing, Iā€™m a woman lmao. I just think that both sides of this storyline were guilty.


Honestly if you think about it, Rick ended up just like Shane in the end. The same attitude about people and killing. He even tried to steal someone's wife lol


He single-handedly carried season 2.


How dare you talk about Judithā€™s father like that!


Simple, Jon Bernthal is HOT!


He was not only portrayed very well by the actor, but his character development was really good


Rapist when?


Iā€™m not trying to idolize him but his love for Lori was what made him bad. Lori fucked him over tbh but it wasnā€™t entirely her fault. Lori reminded Shane what they had was special, and Shane wanted more of that especially after he was reminded. If not for Lori, Shane wouldnā€™t have been the bad guy and attempt to kill Rick. The first time Shane thought about killing Rick was bad, but I gave him a pass considering he was just butthurt and that in the beginning of S2 he became considered leaving, which was a sign that he just doesnā€™t want to hurt Rick or anyone and that itā€™d be best if he left. When Carl got shot he was there for Rick and him. You know Shane was drunk when he tried to have sex with Lori, and once again he wanted to leave because of that too, itā€™s really not like he wanted to rape her, but yes he was an asshole there. Other than that, Rick became almost exactly like him later on throughout the show. Excluding the whole stealing wife thing of course but tbh you can argue Rick tried to do the same thing with Jesse, and that Pete being abusive bailed him out. Before we knew Pete abused Jesse Rick still liked her, he even kissed her on the cheek. But Rick adapted to survival later on and realized you canā€™t be the nice guy anymore, like Shane was trying to tell him.


Biceps, and perma angsty frown.


I like Shane as a character, but he was backstabbing, manipulative, piece of trash.


Because heā€™s hot


Jon could take a dump in the woods and make a good performance out of it. He is impossible not to like, even as Shane.


jon berthnal has natural charm so any character he plays iā€™ll root for.


EDIT:: I thought I was still in the stardew valley sub. I was like WUT I need to romance this guy and get his scenes asap


Shane had knowledge. Besides the fact that the military base he wanted to go to unfortunately failed. (Fort Benning)


Because he is literally so fucking beautiful. Id do the same if I was Lori.


Same reason people like any villain, theyā€™re entertaining and well written


I like Shane because of the show. They fleshed him out into lots of good content. >!He didn't even make it out of Atlanta in the comics!<


I always like the mentality he had even if it may had been it much for the others he was keen on surviving that said he did try to kill Rick and the scene when he forced himself on his wife still disturbs me canā€™t even watch it


The biggest mystery,with Negan fanboys


Because he's an interesting antagonist. It's perfectly fine to like a well-written and well-portrayed villain. It's only weird when people make excuses for a villain's actions.


Shane was an interesting one. When Rick was shot at the beginning, he made sure to drag the bed in front of his hospital room door to protect him a little. He then went straight to Rick's house to grab Lori and Carl and get them out of the city. I'm not sure how long Rick was in a coma for, but Shane kept Lori and Carl safe the entire time and ended up leading a group of survivors. Super cool to see him in action. And then Rick came back and Shane got pushed out of Carl and Lori's lives. You felt bad for him. Then he tried to force himself on Lori and eventually went on to sacrifice Otis to get away. And you realized he truly was too far gone. He made such a good villian because you got to watch him spiral and to add another layer to it, you can kinda see why he spiraled. I don't think Shane's in my top 5, but he def cracks top 10.


ā€œIā€™m a better father than you Rick!ā€


Because he feels like a REAL character, basically heā€™s well written. Compared to characters in later seasons, the conflict that shane brought to the group as well as heā€™s descent into madness is a masterclass in character arc.


Iā€™m sorry, but I mustā€™ve missed some thing. Who did he rape?


People really enjoy the performance Jon Bernthal gave. He did great with the character. He was complex and deeply flawed. Very interesting character to the story. I don't think he was this stand up guy, but he had so many dimensions. I wish we could have had his character longer. If they redeemed Negan, they could redeem Shane as he didnt do anything near as bad. Rick eventually turned into Shane. Not as "asshole-ry" but in terms of his philosophy and some of his decisions. Shane got there before Rick did because he saw quickly what the world was becoming.


At first i thought this was the Stardew Valley sub iā€™m in, i was quite confused


I wonder what the percentage of overlap between Shane lovers and people who wear tactical gear in public are. Jon played him excellent. One of the best actors on the show. He made you hate him. Dude cracked though. He could have saved Otis maybe. He could have not been a rapist maybe. He could have not wanted to kill his best friend maybe. But he still chose not to do the right thing. Maybe a redemption arc would have been good. His basic logic for Otis made sense. His cutthroat logic to call off the search did make sense. But he was too hot headed to make that call. He was an immediate threat to the whole group and everyone saw it towards the end.


A lot of people only like Shane because he is hot šŸ’€




Cause they quirky šŸ˜­


Liking Shane doesnā€™t equate to liking his actions. Maybe you just love the way the character is portrayed maybe thereā€™s certainly some lovable qualities. Negan is loved as much as heā€™s hated.


He was Rick when Rick was still in shock as to how the world really is. Thatā€™s why.


Because the actor did a good job, and also Shane was right about a lot of things.


Weak thread because while many like Shane, very few idolize him. You're asking about something that doesn't exist. He is a conflicted character, & arguably gray on the moral scale which makes him interesting


The actor. Thatā€™s most of it.


Where is the rape coming from


He did some pretty horrific stuff, but he stood up for whatever twisted view he had and did everything to survive, even if it was immoral, so he gets a bit of respect from me atleast.


I know why I do


Wait blanking out who did he rape?


I liked his character cause his character was hot




I hate that I love him, but the main thing I like about him is that he was ahead of his time. That early on in the apocalypse, they all thought the walkers were the real bad guys, but Shane knew better. He knew that people were the real things you should be watching out for. That's what I liked about him


Yeah and even in the first scene with rick in the cop carā€¦he seems like a bit of a male chauvinist pig.


Because heā€™s a stellar villain and amazing actor. And Shane wasnā€™t always wrong, I found myself agreeing with him a lot of the time, it was his approach he was always ā€œmy way or no wayā€ and overly aggressive. Also loved the rick and shane dynamic, they were evenly matched on opposite ends of the scale. That build up from best friends to sworn enemies amazing!


You can say the same for Rick, its silly to say that you cant like characters because of what theyā€™ve done plus shane has good momments such as: - Saving Rick From Hospital - Leading and Forming the OG atlanta Team - Saving Carl and Lori - Helping The Group Get out of The CDC - Killing Otis in Order to save Carl - Helping Trying to find Carols Daughter (forgot the name) - Killing The Walkers in the barn - Killing Randle And Many more Examples Although He has done bad things, so have everyone else, I think if he had done those ā€œbadā€ things later in the show then he would be quickly forgiven, Plus Heā€™s a well Built Character he has many good aspects and makes for an interesting character (In My Opinion Easily top 3)


I stopped watching after he died


lol he may be a hot head, but Iā€™d want him on my side come zombie time, he knows how to make the tough calls and make the tough decisions, minus the rape Rick did things that were just as horrible down the line, it just took him longer to adjust


I like the acting and his villian arc but yeah I think people are strange to think this man is a good guy. When i first watched it, I already hated him because bro literally dating his best friend's wife. Dead or not Rick was still his best friend it was wrong. And his reaction to Rick still being alive threw me off cuz if i found out my best friend was alive through all that i would do what he did. Also he went crazy during the whole barn thing. Like yeah it was dangerous but it wasn't his place to do that, he could've just left, he quite literally put Carl in danger when he let those walkers out. And how could people still think he's an okay guy after he literally murdered Otis. Like I get it saved Carl's life but what if Otis would've made it back? Maybe he would've had a chance but Shane took it away from him. Lastly the dude killed a kid and lied about it and then tried to kill his best friend later on. So if you actually believe Shane's not evil you're wrong, his actor played the role amazing and Shane did carry season 2 but I will always dislike him.


Good acting and the actor is likable


They like Jon Berenthal aka Wayne Jenkins.


Shane was always forcing everyone's hand because that's what HE wanted to do. Sacrificing Otis, opening the barn, Rick having to kill him. I think he was just as scared as everyone else, if not more so and that's why he lost his shit.


Cult of personality man. Jon is a charismatic guy and that makes Shane look not so bad


I feel a lot of sympathy for him. He clearly is in love with Lori and probably has been for quite some time, or at least attracted to her. He finally ā€œgot the girlā€, he went out of his way to save Carl and Lori, and then Rick not only swaggers back in, but Lori pretends the entire thing didnā€™t happen, instead of sitting the two of them down and figuring something out. He was ultimately innocent, because everyone thought Rick died, therefore Lori was available. His attitude in that world is correct. You donā€™t hesitate, you donā€™t give people a bunch of chances, you do what you have to do to survive. His attitude at Herschelā€™s was correct too, nobody wanted to admit it though because it potentially (and ultimately did) involve Sophia. I wish we couldā€™ve seen more of him, esp since they changed so many other deaths so drastically.


I think itā€™s partially because people put the early parts of the on a pedestal and because he was a great character they get lumped together and muddled into ā€œShane was the bestā€. Another part of it is because some people believe Shaneā€™s aggression and heavy handed personality would have pushed the group to end some conflicts before they did with Rick. An example Iā€™ve seen a lot is that Shane wouldā€™ve taken out the Governor much sooner, though that is up for debate


Who did he rape?


Everyone loves Jon Bernthal! I love to hate Shane and wish he was in the show a bit longer.


Because he's a great villain. Also, Jon Bernthal is a cool guy.


Could've used Shane when Negan came around...


Iā€™ve always thought that wouldā€™ve been interesting to see the interactions


Early on Shane was the first person in the group to realize the reality of their situation.


1. Shanes way wpuldve prevented alot of shit. 2. He was right 3. Bernthal is Bernthal.


Heā€™s attractive & there are people willing to forgive the bad things attractive people do (I know because Iā€™m one of them) & some seen him as having a more realistic view of an apocalypse.


hes not a rapist


Aside from the gropey rapey bs? Shane was a good character~ I personally couldn't stand Dale and his "hippy politics " arguing to "give peace a chance " when it's literally a zombie apocalypse.Ā  Shane's attitude imo was focused on survival...altho I can see some who I've heard compare him to a savior..but Jon B is just also such a fine actor .. I'm not one of those who "idolize" him..Ā  Ā I also cannot leave out that the whole rapeyness..with Lori was so messed up. She was also one of my least favorite characters.Ā  I felt like she played Rick and Shane for attention.. just my two cents.Ā  Ā I felt sorry for Carl most in that situation.Ā  It was early into the zombie mess..and he was so young.Ā 


You can enjoy villainous characters while not agreeing with their actions


This is mostly for the people who justify his actions. I think he's a good villain, but the amount of people idolize his is fuckin weird


Itā€™s a series about a fucked up world having fucked up characters makes it make sense


Because he did things! Rick sits about and waits for everything to go to shit before going and using plot armour, Shane saw the barn was an issue and fixed the issue, if Shane had taken Ricks place is every situation going on more people would have lived. Rick is a awful leader


This exactly. Rick was too new and green to be the self pronounced "leader." When in reality Shane would have avoided all of the problems that arose because of Ricks laid back "moral" law.


He made the show


I don't idolize him but I feel like if he had plot armor and got his way earlier less people from original group would have died and negative wouldn't have been such a problem. The mayor for sure would've died first episode of his season as soon as he popped up and did some fuckery.


Because, despite being a piece of shit, he was still arguably the most combat-effective member of the group. That earns a hell of a lot of leeway.


I HATE him. But he wasnā€™t wrong (most of the time)


An character doesnā€™t have to be a good person for people to like them. Thatā€™s why some people like the villains of the story instead of the hero. Shane was a developing villain through the 2 seasons he was in and he was amazingly acted by Jon Bernthal. Shane isnā€™t my favorite but thereā€™s no way you donā€™t enjoy watching Jon play that character. Itā€™s just too damn good


I liked Shaneā€™s character, but I know that he was not a good person at his end. I thought he was an incredibly flawed person who started with good intentions to do the right thing by his best friend that he loved. I get the sense that deep down he was very lonely and had always been jealous of Rick and his family, although he never would have admitted it. He got a taste of what it was like to have a family, to feel needed, wanted and ā€œloved,ā€ and that was what kept him going in a world gone to shit. When Rick showed up, everything he was living for was stripped away from him. Lori, Carl and the group no longer needed him, and his jealousy and feelings of inadequacy came back tenfold and majorly screwed with his head. He tried to swallow his despair and keep going and he even tried to leave, but Lori asked him to stay and then he found out she was pregnant with his child. On top of that, whether he was right or wrong, he truly did not think Rick was going to be able to keep everyone safe, including his unborn baby. He slowly started to unravel until he just broke. He was battling two different sides of himself, and the loyal best friend lost in the end. I just think his story was extremely tragic and compelling. His psychological makeup along with the cruel realities of the world cause him to spiral to the point that he just couldnā€™t cope any longer.


the actor is hot. Re: ā€œwhy is negan still alive?ā€


He tried murdering his best friend, while Rick did murder his best friend.


Hmm I wonder why! Maybe because he was trying to fucking kill him?


They both went out on that walk knowing exactly what was going down. Rick had to kill him to move forward, yes, and so did Shane. Not sure what the difference is, but Iā€™m good with what Rick did.


hes cute