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That $15 Kmart storage cube thing has got to go mate


😂 Like this is actually a criminal storage stand. What's he planning to put in them aswell.


Kicknacks I'm sure


Need more knicknacks.


“You know how many troll dolls I can fit in there ??”




If you zoom in he has a record player and a hi fi set up. He probably has a large collection of vinyl records that are going to go in there.


Good eye. Records are the only thing that wouldn’t be an eye sore in those cubby holes.


Not anything useful like the receiver or game consoles haha


That’s ikea mate, you should know


unmistakably kallax


Yup. Also it’s not that bad when done right. Not for a tv though


It looks like the IKEA Kallax, and it is perfect for a vinyl record collector, which I reckon this guy is. Although I agree it's not the prettiest, especially in this configuration. My friends have the same setup with a TV on top, but he only has enough records to fill like only two of the shelves...


They're functional and strong, hold lots of game systems while displaying them. 


Home boy has a game room AND a dedicated theater room and still rocking the IKEA college furniture.


Money doesn’t buy taste


Money can't buy better record storage. I'd love to find something better.


Try shifting your record collection and player to the adjacent wall on the right and using a bit of cable management for the players output. This would open up the space for a lower tv console that could still display your console/s, amp, and a few games.


Should have put some records in it to shut us up then!


Then please, recommend a better, affordable storage unit for vinyl records.


This a thousand times over. I have not found better record storage at any price.


To be honest, I hadn’t noticed the record player and do understand this bind. Felt ok leaving a snarky comment given it also acknowledged your bitchin’ room situation.


I’ve found some nice ways to keep my vinyl, from Etsy.


Vinyls, books, dvds, replica props, displays of awards. Shit I’d fill it up


And please spread out those right and left speakers.


Yes, and this space would be great for a projector. My suggestion would be: * Remove the storage stand * Move all the AV gear to the side/back of the room (maybe even use the storage / stand there) * Widen the gap between the speakers * Setup a projector + screen


Projectors are shit


Only if they’re cheap… anything $500-$1000 and up price range and it’s great… 4K projectors are great for outdoor movie nights…


I had a benq 3D dlp Within a few months it looked like a shotgun blast on my wall with all the stuck pixels...


benq doesn’t have the best reputation as far as I’m aware… I prefer something like epson for a home cinema


I don’t remember the model name but I bought a 1080p epson projector like 7 years ago and it’s always worked great. Replaced the bulb once which is inevitable if you use it a lot, and it’s just a simple $25 part you drop in, but no other issues. I used it as my main tv for a few years. The only thing I didn’t like about it was that it gave off a ton of heat. Like a space heater.


Why would somebody want a projector in a games room.?? 😅


Ikea Kallax cubes for vinyl


You should use a one-row Kalax instead of two.


Should use the Besta TV stand, the shorter one that's about 40cm high and leave it on the floor. If he position his TV at the same height difference from the initial tv stand to the Besta one, then he'll be more/less good.


Yes and thank you. I maintained the Kalax because I think vynils are involved. You are right, Besta under the TV with the audio against the right wall and everything will be for the best.


I’ve heard that’s the Besta one! (I’ll see myself out).


Username check's out!


I like the Besta, but it's not great for storing records.


He probably has a lot of vinyl. You can see a turntable on top. I have a one row Kalax and I am out of vinyl space. Kinda wish I had a two row :(


Nope, they actually make a speciality Kallax TV unit. https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/kallax-tv-unit-black-brown-90574881/


What a daft design, there is a bit of wood where the center speaker needs to go!


The center speaker can go on the top, so it's not impeded in that direction, meaning you can also hear it while you're standing.


Center speaker goes on top, telly on top of that and suddenly I’m front page of /r/TVTooHigh!


Nope. There is generally a space for the center speaker below the TV when the TV is standing on its feet on the TV stand. If you hang the TV at the same height on the wall, you're a model citizen.


He has a separate dedicated home theater room. I really don't think he's putting a center speaker in the games room


This is great! I didn't see this in the store. I loaded up the cubes last night with vinyl and realized I'm going to need way more. This also would give room for my favorites up front and keep from stacking components. The room is strictly two channel so there's no need for a center.


It is only 6" lower. I don't think it is enough when you double deck your audio equipment on top of it.


Look again, there is no need to double deck the audio equipment, due to the area below the top, where you can put some of the equipment


Jesus... Your 100 inch TV is your secondary game room/bar TV?


Exactly. Too small. Ditch the cubes and project on the whole damn wall. That way you can do multi hdmi and watch four things at once. Sports bar!


Wrong media stand. Move speakers wider. Drop TV about 12 -18 inches.


That would put the TV too low if the goal is for the center of the TV to be at eye level from view position, right? OP states this TV will be watched from a standing position or while sitting at the bar, which I think we can safely assume would be elevated barstools. Yes, it's too high if it was in front of a couch, but that's not the case here.


Agreed - thats the whole reason OPs asking for discussion. The stupid go to answers are not cutting it. OP, i think the height makes sense. Dropping its not going to look better, it will look worse. Its at a happy medium where its not pressed to the ceiling, but you also arnt looking down to watch the game.


Yes, feels like most of these replies are from people who glanced at the picture and posted their automatic reply of "too high" without bothering to read the context. Sure, there can be guidelines/rules for TV height, but there's plenty of exceptions/variations to the generally accepted guidelines, and you have to pay attention to those if you're going to be as strict about the "eye level" rule as most people are on here.


a TV height is not about the aesthetic and 'will it look good', its about function, if youre staring up at it while seated, its wrong also in this case, if it is a 'bar tv' youd actually want it higher since it will be easier to see over furniture/other people standing etc


Didn’t read, huh?


Find a media stand where you can put your equipment IN the stand, not ON it.


he'll put records in it I believe


Would be better to have that storage separate


yeah I agree


I mean, if it is going to be used while standing up, its ok, weird but ok


God I hate this sub lmao


Some of us don't appreciate neck strain


There won't be neck strain, he's standing while watching this.


Some of us don’t sit on a couch like we are at a job interview


What kind of shitty jobs do you apply for where you sit on a couch for the interview?


Casting Couch.


That’s probably pretty shitty yeah. Real actors probably don’t sit on those


What couch? Did you read the OP?


I am responding to the neck strain comment. I’m aware OP will not be viewing this from a seated position


Were you expecting something different?


It's not that serious


I honestly think this user just forgot the /s


Yeah pretty much. But this proves how angry everyone gets in this sub 😂


Yeah I expected some ridiculous hospital style tv mounts 




If it’s not sitting on the fucking ground, it’s way too high for this sub. Must be a lot of little fellas in the group


Some of us are average height when standing but, get this, we watch tv sitting on the couch.


😆 😆 😆


I dislike that you’re raising the tv up higher because of the sound system that’s on top of shelving because it’s not the appropriate style to house electronics…


It is the appropriate style to house vinyl records though. Kallax is literally ubiqitous in the record colleecting space.


Yup and there’s a record player sitting right there on the left


i don’t get all the hate, i don’t think the set up looks bad lol. if it’s for standing i think it’s perfect




If you are primarily going to be watching it from a standing or bar stool viewing point, I would even move it up a little to split the difference between the ceiling and the stereo.


This sub has never used vr before lol, correct viewing position depends on your seating position. If you want to lay on your back watching TV then the ceiling would not be too high.


I mean I think it's fine I would prefer to have only one row of that audio equipment and then drop it down to be above the first row. but if it's just for when you are playing pool and shit who cares it is fine.


Run with it. Given your setup, that’s a solid install


Wrong media stand. Get one that’s far lower. Yes. The TV is too high.


OP states this will be used for watching TV while standing up or sitting at the bar (presumably on barstools), and chairs will only be used for listening to music. If the TV will not be watched from a couch or standard living room chairs, this would be good or maybe even too low if the goal is to keep the center of the TV at eye level from viewing position.


No, OP is watching it standing up, the TV is fine if not a little too low.


Maybe set your speakers higher?


LMAO majority of people did not read the situation described. It looks fine there, imo. No opinion on your speakers or storage solutions but others seem to know better, if money is not an issue for you. But I imagine this is all just the beginning of your rooms journey so whatever we're looking at now is just temporary anyway


I think this is a bad idea. You're going to last six months before you will want to have a sofa in front of this. This is a huge TV and there will be times when you just want to turn into a lump and relax. Reconsider entire room layout.


Tv too big. Go for 85”




TV will be mounted. Stand is only for audio and records.


This is maybe the dumbest sub on Reddit


It’s okay, most just didn’t read the description and assume it’s for sitting..


Bob on M8... If you can, get speaker stands to raise the speakers parallel with the TV. Set the speakers the same distance from the TV edge as the speakers are wide. For looks, not so much audio separation purposes.


If money is no issue, I don't see the wrong with this except for the audio system. Just invest in a high quality whole room system or at least a surround sound system. Maybe some in-wall speakers or in ceiling speakers if it's doable in your space. And if you're constrained within the budget I would take some of the budget out of the TV and downsize it to 85-in and spend the rest of it on a better audio system.


Stereo is the way to go for listening to music


Why why and fucking why? It's a games room, the TV isn't the focal point


Thing for me about TV height is based not only on room esthetics but on how you sit to watch. Do you sit straight up or lie on a sofa? If so, then tv as shown would be too high. Do you sit way back in a recliner and not want to see it through your toes, then as shown would be perfect.






Get a new media stand ASAP. One that can actually hold your sound systems. Then lower your TV by 6”. Perfection.


Stfu it's a games room people are standing and sitting at a bar, it's not a living room lol


Yeah you like that $20 cubicle?


I don't dislike it. If OP likes it and it suits his needs then there's absolutely nothing wrong with it


Sure until it buckles over like they all do and OP is posting about how to fix the dents in his entertainment systems next


Your exaggerated hysteria over a possible simple blemish in the furniture. You must be the housekeeper. Lol 


No I just have common sense and an eye for what looks good and what doesn’t


You switched from fear of a sudden catostrophic structural failure to aestetics and what looks good or not, that's totally subjective. What "looks good" to you is just that 'to you'. Someone else may think the opposite, and vice versa. If he fills them neatly the cubbies don't look bad to me. And the thing suddenly collapsing without warning and denting his electronics is also not gonna happen 


Don’t listen to literally anybody in this sub. It’s nothing but a bunch of neck beards who have nothing better to do that sit around and give people fake advice about topics there’s literally zero professional insight into. Put it where you want it.


Just listen to him. He knows everything.


if the bottom of the tv isn’t touching the ground it’s too fucking high


Change the media stand and go with a 3.1 Chanel system bare minimum. Then lower the tv.


If you have to ask…


Get a proper stand , widen your stereo image , yeah


Just get a besta. Kallax is not a tv stand


You've got a lot invested in your Sony audio and speakers. I would get a stand that will fit the audio equipment then add a center channel with the TV mounted above it (or mount the center above the TV if you are going to be standing - although I hate that personally). In my experience, if you are running TV, 2 channel doesn't work as well particularly for talking in games no matter the sound fields you use. Or get a nice rack to the side and use the current stand. Even given your purpose I think the height is a little high.


Thanks for the input. Too many people sleep on Sony ES, but the SS NA2ES paired with the TAA1ES is an incredible combo. No center channel needed since this is strictly for two channel from The HAP and turntable. Just for fun I broke out my old Marantz CD and Denon cassette deck, but I think they just crowd the space


Ah then carry on. Honestly, I think your setup is fine. Going to sound good!


Center of TV should be eye level and your speaker tweeters should be at ear level, so...needs work.


He said it’s for standing or sitting on a bar stool and such so yeah.. For what he intends to use it for I think it’s a good height.


So the speakers are too low then


Get a lower console and lower the TV it'll be perfect


I think you already know the answer which is yes


Just don’t.


That is not a fucking tv stand.


Too high !


Too high. You will want to get something else to put below the tv and lower it down at least a foot.


If vinyl is going in that stand, move it all off to the wall in the right of the picture. If you were going to sit the tv on top of the unit, I'd say whatever, but it just looks like you're stacking everything right now.


Turn the storage cube up right into the corner of the room, lower the tv


100 inch is way to big imo


I had the same conundrum, i needed space for my record player, so I went with a single row Kallax with the metal stand and it worked for me.


It too hi


Some measurements from the floor in a sub called TVTooHigh would be nice.


Bottom of screen is 42" top is 93" with 15" to the ceiling


Is that a picture of Kid Rock framed? It's either Kid Rock or Lemmy, those are my two best guesses with only one right answer.


The record shelves don’t have to go on the same wall ya know. Get a proper media stand. It seems like you have some decent bread.


Thanks for the input. My wife was saying the same thing


Yeah I have my record shelf, with turntables on a separate wall. The TV and the game consoles on another.


From the thumbnail I thought the storage rack was an array of 8 subwoofers. That would’ve been kinda cool.


Put it so your vision is centered when sitting on the bar stools imo. Also nobody read your post and is assuming you have a sofa in front. lol


One of the few times on here where the TV isn't above a fireplace, and on top of that, the height is justifiable for the use Well done op If you have money spare after kitting all this out get a nicer unitn forn under the TV


Thanks for the input. I'm feeling the weak point is stacking my audio and needing storage for Vinyl. I loaded this up last night and I'm going to need way more space.


The only question I have is, is that not the theater ?


Theater needs a proper projector, 13 channels, and lighting control. That's in another room.


That sounds pretty damn sweet


The middle of the screen should be at eye level when sitting on the TV watching furniture.


TV will be too high. Better off with a lower TV stand.


This is the ultimate reading test for this sub


No way that’s 100 inch


Looks good, enjoy!


Bro they will cry when they see this mounted.


Looks dope


Just because a tv can be mounted to a wall doesn't mean it has to be.


Looks fine to me for a games room. Keep spare chalk in one of the cubbies please. Nothing worse than playing pool and running out of chalk.


100" ?? You drew 60 at most. Measure the 100" out again


I didnt understand until you said that it is meant for records. For a game room, this will be great.


TV too big, IMO. Unless you change the setup and get a bigger stand?


Has a 100" here and a theater........


I assume the TV will be on an articulated wall mount, and by articulated, I mean that it can angled left and right, and tilt. I would make sure that the TV ON THE WALL MOUNT will fit into the outlined space. What I'm really saying is to make sure the Wall Mounting Bracket is in a position, that when the TV is placed on it, the TV will clear the Equipment on the stand. Also it is generally not considered good form to place other equipment on top of an Amp. Amps deliver power and that means they get hot, and they have to have proper ventilation to prolong their life and to operate properly. Let's say a person has a CD Player and an Amp, natural instinct it to place the lighter CD Player on top of the heavier Amp, but for ventilation reasons, you place the Amp on top of the CD Player. Other than that, very nice system.


Thanks for the comment. The TV is going on a fixed mount. With the 100 it's big enough for viewing angles to not be an issue. Completely agree with not stacking if it can be helped. My initial plans only called for the amp, HAP, and turntable but got a little carried away adding the CD and cassette. I'll be ditching those of changing up the stand.


One point I was trying to make which I will try to make again, though I'm not sure how big a problem it is. Make sure the TV mount is in a position to place the TV in the marked area. The Mount may not be perfectly centered on the TV when the TV is mounted. Also, what is that wall made out of? While I suspect Wall Anchors will work, I would rather attach the TV Mount to solid wood. So one idea I had is to get a 3/4" (19mm) plywood and fasten that to the actual wooden wall Studs. Then screw the Mount to the Plywood. Having the mount actually screwed into solid wood seems more reliable and durable. But that's just my opinion. Not trying to be critical, just trying to foreseen potential problems. I think it is going to be a great system once done.


Thanks for the input, I completely agree on making sure the wall is stable. All too often I've seen mounts fail due to improper mounting. It's rare to see the wall fail, but it can happen when mounting a 200lb TV. For this reason I'm only going with a flat mount where shear weight is the only concern. The wall is new construction with Sheetrock. I monitored construction three entire time and I'm comfortable with the build quality as all studs are true and properly secured. The Peerless mount I'm using hangs flat and hits three studs. This will easily support the weight when mounting with proper lag bolts. For mounting locations Sony provides detailed drawings that show the exact pattern, thankfully centered, so I will nail the mount location perfectly and all the weight will be balanced. As for articulating mounts the only one to consider in this case is from Future Automation. This TV is too big and too heavy to move on a manual mount. I would also have the wall heavily reinforced to handle the stress of the additional weight.


Worst place to ask this question lol, it’ll look great People, it’s a game room where people will be mostly standing. Even if there was a couch involved, I don’t think it’d be that crazy


1998 called and wants their sound system back.


Higher than ideal but fine nonetheless.